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Character Zierrar Lefal

The Prodigal Son of Mikkia


NAME: Zierrar Lefal

FACTION: Brotherhood of the Maw (New Sith Order)

RANK: Prince of Mikkia, Sith Lord (secret)

SPECIES: Mikkian

AGE: Late 20s

SEX: Male (cisgendered)

HEIGHT: 6'0"

WEIGHT: Average

EYES: Olive

HAIR: Pink "hair"

SKIN: Pink


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+Pious: To Zierrar, piety to the Force-- specifically the Ashla or Bogan-- is incredibly important. Most Jedi or Sith understand it as a philosophy, but his devotion to his chosen side takes him a step further in his zealotry.
+Knowledgeable: Having studied as a Jedi and a prospective heir of a Mikkian noble house, Zierrar is incredibly learned and able to be helpful in many situations. Additionally, his head tendrils are able to pick up information that others might not be capable of sensing at all.
+Skilled Fighter: Trained in honorable warfare and combat equally, Zierrar is deadly with his lightsaber. That said, he can also use various models of blasters and melee weaponry and understands them well enough to counter them.

-Arrogant: Zierrar believes that he is normally the most qualified person in the room for a range of tasks. He knows he possesses great skill and connectivity to the Force, which leads him to act as if he owns any given place.
-Former Jedi: Despite being devoted to the Bogan these days, Zierrar was once firmly a Jedi who was taught their creed. This inherently makes him somewhat weaker in the Dark Side, as his early introduction to the Force was through the Light Side.
-Double Life: No one on Mikkia, apart from a trusted few, know Zierrar is a self-styled Sith Lord. To most of Mikkia, he is simply a prince filled with wanderlust who goes on frequent sabbaticals. His name is shrouded in mystery, though, which often leads to suspicion.

Zierrar is a handsome young Mikkian of a pale, almost powdered pink. He's rather tall, standing in at six feet, although he is hardly heavy or broad-shouldered beyond the average for his species. On his head are many wispy, seaweed-like tendrils that mimic mammalian hair. His eyes are an olive color, not quite green and not quite yellow. From years spent as a Jedi, he is rather muscular and toned as well.

Zierrar Lefal was born to House Lefal on Mikkia nearly three decades ago. With the senses of the Mikkians, it was understood that Zierrar was special. Their various faiths, although fractured and prone to conflict, were all centered around the Force as a concept, which meant that one born sensitive to it was seen as a boon. Still, the Jedi were not able to come for Zierrar as early as they'd hoped, as he was the first born son to his house. It wasn't until a younger son came around after two sisters that his parents agreed to allow his training.

By the time Zierrar arrived at the Jedi Temple, he was older than most of the other Younglings. Nonetheless, there was faith that he would adhere to the Light Side due to the teachings of the Lefal's preferred sect. For years, he trained from Youngling to Padawan to Knight, seemingly a prodigy as far as his education went. Yet Zierrar was not content with just surpassing expectations. The young man had ambitions to be the greatest. As he studied and trained even more fervently, he began to notice the disorder of the Galaxy and the disparity between Force-sensitives and those who were 'normal.' He wondered why Jedi were the way they tended to be, so distant and above. These questions went unanswered by the time his younger brother was assassinated, forcing a tough decision that, oddly, proved to be simple.

The young Jedi decided to abdicate his position within the Jedi Order to return home to Mikkia. Now free of the Jedi and their expectations, Zierrar became reacquainted with 'normal' life. It took time and adjustment, but he combined the teachings of the Lefals' faith with his own Jedi schooling, eventually arriving at a daunting conclusion. They were flawed. So, Zierrar did something inherently taboo: he sought out the Dark Side cults of Mikkia in secret, yearning for a perspective he was never given. Here, he learned of the Bogan not as a villainous entity, but as a liberator of shackles. Zierrar put himself in regular contact with these sects, using their obscure knowledge and his own research to dive deeper and deeper into the dark side. And as time marches forward, he has begun to think of himself not as a Jedi... but a Sith.




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