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Character Zhani Amadine

Zhani Amadine

NAME: Zhani Amadine
FACTION: The Sith Empire, formerly Order of the Silver Jedi
RANK: Sith Apprentice
SPECIES: Zeltron
AGE: 21
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 5'7"
WEIGHT: 155lbs
HAIR: Purple/Magenta

[+] Empath- Zhani is, as most of her species, a highly sensitive empath. Combined with and amplified by the power of the Force, it is a rare individual who can hide their emotions from her completely. Things just tend to bleed through, and she can grasp on to even a whisper of leaked emotion.
[+] Surprisingly Durable- Zhani keeps going where most fall short. She seems to shrug off injuries that would incapacitate others, and push through extremes of heat and cold. Possibly some sort of Force power, but she's also just really... stubborn.

[-] Fight for Your Right to Paaaarty- She's got a serious weakness for a good time. Not really that uncommon among her people, but obviously not doing her any favors. Gourmet food, loud music, and drugs are her preferred vices. Fortunately she's got two livers and a high metabolism and can sleep it off like a champ, but when she's in the thick of it she can get a little... rowdy. Not much can pull her away. Don't tell me what to do, you're not my real dad!
[-] Made You Look- Although she puts up a good tough front, she really is a bit gullible. I'm not saying the whole "what's that behind you?!" thing would work on her, but... if done with enough finesse (and you get past her ability to gauge emotions and intent), she's susceptible to manipulation.

Zhani is about average in both build and height, perhaps a bit tall. Her high metabolism keeps her fit, even through her excesses. Her taste in clothes isn't really too bad, mostly black with some sort of bright contrasting color, and only maybe a bit more revealing than average.

Raised on Zeltros to two mainly absent parents, Zhani's childhood was fairly unremarkable, though a bit lonely. Her parents were both merchants dealing in high-quality holocameras and holoprojectors, and spent a good deal of time away, leaving her in the care of tutors. In adolescence it became obvious she was Force sensitive, and so she was turned over to the care of a Jedi Master from the Order of the Silver Jedi, who she studied under as a padawan for several years. She struggled to achieve the inner peace and distance from emotion that the Jedi demand, often getting caught up in outside emotions, or failing to contain her own. Her training seemed to stagnate and she grew frustrated, but dutifully she pressed on.
A brief but violent confrontation with a Sith Lord while on a training exercise with her master brought everything she was struggling to attain crashing down around her. Witnessing her master slain, herself wounded and barely escaping... something inside her twisted. Perhaps she began to believe the ways she was taught were a lie. Perhaps she wanted the power she saw displayed there. Perhaps it was inevitable that she would fall to the dark side eventually, and this was just the first catalyst she had encountered. Whatever the reason, she left almost immediately for Sith Empire space, leaving the order behind.

None, she's not that fancy.



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