Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zero's Second skin

Factory Judge
GI-Joe-Retaliation_CS_SnakeEyes_05a.jpg <Image URL <site image was taken from
Intent: To create a resource of Zero's armor for others to see.
Development Thread: N/a
Manufacturer: Selfmade
Model: Zero's assassin skin.
Affiliation: Personal
Modularity: Highly
Production: Unique
Material: Armorweave, Weave armor, Glasteel, Duraplast
A suit that was made for the protection against most forms of attacks. It can block blaster fire, slugthrowers, protect from simple melee, and only glancing attacks from vibroweaponry and Lightsabers.

Duraplast bracers, and segmented plates in the shin high boots allow for protection against melee attacks or simple punches and prevent brusing. Plates of Duraplast are segmented along the chest and back to allow maximum movement while also providing protection. Glasteel is used as the visor, it is black and slightly reflective. The suit carries all of the standard weapons that Zero woulod normaly carry with him everywhere. It has a utility belt that can carry extra ammo, a very small health pack, and flash bang grenades.

On the back of the suit is a Magnetic signature that matches to his sword, allowing it to be attached to the magnet, but not adhering to other objects. This is so Zero can draw it without the restriction of a sheath.
Classification: Multipurpose.
Weight: 15 kgs.
Quality: 6
Other Feature(s): Air filtration system in helm, Comunications device (even though he doesnt use it), and Night vision.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
@[member="Zero"] - from our Factory rules:

Any submission made personally by the user or another PC must have a development thread.
Also, a magnet cannot attract only one thing, so please remove the word 'only' from there or explain something about how both the backplate and the sword have proximity sensors and electromagnets.
Factory Judge
@[member="Boolon Murr"]
First off thank you for judging my sub.
Second, could dev threads be threads in which I used the suit for a function? or mention using it?
And third I added a little blip about the magent with a special signature. I don't know if I need more information than that?

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
I'm sorry, but no, because you shouldn't have been using the suit without a submission. You'll have to work for it specifically in a dev thread.
A magnetic 'signature' won't quite fly, because magnets don't work that way. I've provided an example of one way it might work.

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