Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zephyrr


NAME: Zephyrr

FACTION: Darkwire

RANK: Courier

SPECIES: Firrerreo/Human

AGE: 18

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'11

WEIGHT: 180 lbs

EYES: Blue

HAIR: Black with silver highlights.

SKIN: Bronze



Racial Features: Enhanced strength and healing factor. Possesses the ability to see in the UV Spectrum. Resistant to blindness.

Free-runner: Zephyrr is highly acrobatic and agile. He keeps himself in peak physical form.

Urban Explorer: Denon's back alleys, abandoned buildings, cloud cutters, and hidden places are a second home. He never takes the same route twice.

Ethical Rebel: Despises bullies and will protect others, especially young children.

Secrets: His real name, and the identity of his family, are closely guarded secrets.

Cozmic Addiction: Zeph consumes energy drinks like they were water.

No Guns: Zephyrr doesn't like the idea of killing, and has never learned to shoot. His hand-eye coordination is excellent, but he avoids lethal force as a force of habit.



SHIP: "Who's got the creds for a ship? I'll tell you who. People that ain't me."

KILLS: None. Ever.
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