Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Zengel Felgreen

Zengel Felgreen

NAME: Zengel Felgreen

FACTION: Felgreen works for an unknown “benefactor”.

RANK: Assassin

SPECIES: Neimoidian

AGE: 35

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 1.9 meters

WEIGHT: 83 kilograms

EYES: Orange


SKIN: Grey



  • Expert At Killing
  • Stealthy
  • Agile
  • Methodical
  • Logical
  • Has Access To Unusual Tech.
  • Ruthless
  • Strong Sense Of Retribution
  • Irritable
  • Overconfident
  • Overly Loyal To His Benefactor

Zengel Felgreen is a Neimoidian in his mid 30s. He often hides his face from view, to add to his air of anonymity. His usual attire consists of mostly grey clothing, most notably, a grey suit and eyewear. When he feels the need to hide his identity further, he will also wear a trencoat and fedora. He speaks with a noticeable Ord Mantell accent.

Zengel Felgreen hatched in a small town on the planet Ord Mantell. His mother was a politician exiled from Koru Neimoidia, and his father was a Captain in the local police department. Growing up, Felgreen’s life was fairly uneventful. His parents both had strong senses of justice, which they imprinted on him.

At the age of 19, Zengel decided that he wanted to follow in his father’s footsteps. He joined the local police department, with full approval from both of his parents. After graduating from the local police academy, he officially became a member of his town’s police department.

Unfortunately, his timing was rather bad. A pirate gang known as the Skull Faces had been slowly taking the town over, and often got into violent confrontations with the police. Eventually, the Police and the Skull Faces fought each other in a violent shootout in the middle of the town square. During the shootout, Zengel’s father was killed, and Zengel went missing in action.

Nothing is conclusively known about Zengel’s life between this time, and when reappeared 6 years later. This is when he is thought to have met his mysterious benefactor, and when he was trained in his assassination skills. While less clear, it is also thought that this is when his sense of justice was warped into a sense of retribution.

When he returned to his hometown 6 years after being presumed dead, Zengel was practically a different person altogether. Gone was the eager new police recruit. In his place was a stone cold assassin. Needless to say, the Skull Faces didn’t stand a chance. By the next morning, Zengel had killed every last one of them.

Now, Zengel wanders the Galaxy, hunting for more criminals to exact his deadly brand of retribution on in the name of his mysterious benefactor.

Piloted Tri-Fighter

None yet.


The Old Man (Finished)
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