Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Zarro Verres


CEO of Verres Trading

Species: Amaran
Homeworld: Amar
Faction: None
Rank: CEO of Verres Trading
Gender: Male
Height: 4' 5"
Weight: 85 lbs
Age: 60
Eyes: Golden brown
Fur: Black with white peppering
Skin: Hidden by fur.
Force sensitive: Yes

+/- Sees the world in trading terms
+ Intelligent (History, trading(on a political level), and different species in the galaxy)
+ Connections gained through trading life
+ Comfortable with people
+ Adapts to his situation
+Small size with much training makes him incredibly agile
- Short and lightweight
- Very little patience with Idiots.
- Not at all strong

Force abilities
Beast charm
Basic telekinesis
Basic mind trick
Voice Amplification (Not quite painful like a force scream... unless he's right next to your ear.)

Zarro was born to a prominent family on the planet Amar. As he grew up, he fell in love with the stars through the Amaran creation myths, and when he was discovered to be a force sensitive, he was kept on world to become a beast charmer. As his life moved on, Zarro grew in his force abilities, learning what he would find helpful in his trading businessmen, however he failed to gain any real power due to his lack of official training from someone such as the jedi. Upon coming home from a particularly exhausting day of beast trading, he came upon a child (@[member="Vulpesen"] Torrevaso) on his doorstep, with only a note with his name and instructions to raise him. Being a generally good person, Zarro raised the boy to become a jedi, albeit more in touch with his emotions as most.
The arrival of the child, brought some attention to the Verres estate, which allowed Zarro to increase his profits with a few simple but high rewarding trades. Now a prominent member of Amaran society, Zarro has settled to a life of rehabilitating animals, waiting for his boy to visit, and trading for a higher profit. For most this would have been perfect, however being true to his species' tenancies, Zarro found himself itchy and wishing for more. So, using his heightened status, trading contacts, and a wonderful speech to his predecessor(who apparently already had plans to retire), Zarro made a bid to become the new senator of Amar, hoping to make their voice louder within the Republic.
Now with a new title, a prospering business, and a plan for the future, Zarro adds another currency type to his list. The kind of favor, truth, and everything that goes into being a politician.

Equipment: Zarro tends to wear fancy clothes from the finest merchants on Amar. Other than that, he prefers to carry only his cane, something that can be used to beat away any unwanted company (not to mention the green bladed lightsaber he keeps in hilt).

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