Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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NAME : Zar'aruso'inrokini ( Core name : Raru )



AGE : 19

SEX : Male

HEIGHT : 2.08 meters

WEIGHT : 87 Kg

EYES : Red

HAIR: Dark Blue

SKIN : Cerulean Blue


Highly Intelligent : Raru, like all Chiss is very intelligent, calculating and methodical, but he stands out amongst his peers for using unorthodox methods, including some which his peole frown upon.

Technological Savant : Raru has great aptitude with technology and has used his extensive experience and knowledge in that field to come up with some unorthodox methods in the arts of combat and espionage.

Unarmed Comabt Specialist : While he is an expert in many fighting methods, the one that stands out with Raru is unarmed combat. He is a master of the Chiss Forbelean defense system and is highly experienced in Teras Kasi.

Chiss Physiology and Psychology : Chiss mature faster than humans and other near humanoids. Noted for their great intelligence, clam, calculated demeanor, coldness, and unparalleled aptitude for tactical thinking, Chiss are a mystery to the rest of the galaxy, as they are very rarely seen outside of the Ascendancy and Unknown Regions. Their physiology reflects not only their climate but their focus on discipline : Chiss have very high metabolic rates and are particularly resistant to cold weather. Their skin and eye color changes with the amount of oxygen in the air and over the eons Chiss have evolved to be able to survive on almost any world without the need for breath assistance or support.

Chiss Technology : Raru has at his disposal a variety of Chiss technology almost none of which anyone outside of the Ascendancy has seen.


Lost : While he is highly intelligent, Raru has no practical experience in the wider galaxy beyond the Unknown Regions, Wild Space and Far Outer Rim. All his knowledge comes from the Chiss archives, which, given the Chiss disdain for foreigners may not be entirely accurate.

Exile : Having been exiled from his people, Raru can never go back and as such has no allies to turn to and has become an example of the Chiss attitude, typically ignoring everyone, unless they have some very important information.
APPEARANCE : Zar'aruso'inrokini is an above average height Chiss male with slick and flowing dark blue hair and piercing red eyes. He has a large scar on the left side of his face, and often wears a mask in foreign territories so nobody can recognize him.

Biography: Born to a father in the Chiss Expansionary Defense Force and a mother who taught at the Sciences Department of the Chiss Academy, Zar'aruso'inrokini was educated by his parents from the earliest possible moment. At the age of 6 his parents enrolled him into the Chiss Academy, where he was a model student. At age 10 he surprised everyone, not only by graduating 1 year earlier than his peers, but, upon graduation, becoming a merit adoptive of the Chaf family. His parents were proud when their son was made a merit adpotive of the Chaf Family and had gained a position in Chiss Intelligence. Over the course of his 9 year career at Chiss Intelligence, Raru had completed many missions and for his successes and innovation, he was made a Junior Operations Commander, at the age of 17. Throughout this long career however, two missions always marked him : his greatest triumph and his last. His greatest moment came when he was sent, on a solo mission to the world of Dathomir. He completed his mission of information retrieval but as found by the Nightsisters's Guardian of Dark Magiks. That was his first fight against a force sensitive, and though he killed the Dathomiri witch, he did not go away unscathed. The witch had surprised him with her lightwhip and slashed him across the left side of his face, leaving a horrible scar. He returned to Csilla successful, but now looked upon at with some revulsion due to his scar. Then came the mission which changed everything. A mission into what was marked as the Gree Corridor, Zar'aruso'inrokini decided to lead this personally. It turned out to be a trap set by a large Vaggari pirate force. His ships clearly outmatched he had to make a choice : retreat or die fighting. Unable to accept both choices, made the decision to initiate one ships core to self destruct while it was heading towards the enemy center. His fleet surrounded the Vaggari fleet on the fringes until the sacrificial cruiser decimated their formation. The battle was won, but Zar'aruso'inrokini had made a mistake. According to Chiss policy, how he had just sacrificed a crew and ship were against the guidelines of the CEDF. He returned to Csilla, and after giving his report, was sentenced to exile. His parents,adoptive family, friends and comrades now looked upon him with disdain. He was stripped of his rank and exiled from Chiss space. Before leaving, his longest friend, as a fianl gesture of their bond gave him a ship to use. That was six months ago. Now, Zar'aruso'inrokini wanders the galaxy, looking for anyone who will accept his talents, and give him a place where he belongs.

SHIP : Chiss Carrier

Oh, ha. Lor was a street rat who got adopted, and this guy's a noble who got disowned. Fun.

[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]
Doctor Azure said:

Oh, ha. Lor was a street rat who got adopted, and this guy's a noble who got disowned. Fun.

[member="Rawnie Tal'verda"]
Not a noble, no. He was a merit adoptive, yes, but not a trial-born. If he was a trial-born then he would be a noble. A merit adoptive is basically a test to see if you are good enough for nobility

Ah, I didn't see the merit adoptive part, to be honest. Obviously, I love Chiss, though. Zahn did a great job of breaking down all that stuff in Outbound Flight.

Lor got adopted for stealing a small assault speeder from a cop... Sssh.
Doctor Azure said:

Ah, I didn't see the merit adoptive part, to be honest. Obviously, I love Chiss, though. Zahn did a great job of breaking down all that stuff in Outbound Flight.

Lor got adopted for stealing a small assault speeder from a cop... Sssh.
Agreed. Thrawn is my favorite character ever. He is the reason I love the Chiss

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