Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Meet the Merc Droid
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Final Product Name: Mind Keeper Android
Designation: MKA-0
Product Fabrication Codename: Blizzard
Present Identity: Zara
Previous Identity: Raena Khajak
Droid Class: Class Four
Present Owner: “REDACTED”
Age: In service since “CLASSIFIED”.
Programmed Sex Identity: Female
Height: 6’6
Weight: 222 lb
Ocular Lights General Color: White
Paint Job: Pale Grey
Force Sensitive? : Positive

Appearance: Though, at first glance, Zara would be considered as a normal organic individual thanks to the black coat she is now used to wear over herself, it is only when people are able to perceive her face that they would consider her frighteningly anormal. Robotic-looking, but still humanoid just like many other droid models, Zara is an Android that was constructed by the Sith in order to appear as intimidating as possible, her body favoring the shades of white and black, just like a Stormtrooper. Her eyes, bright as snow, will sometimes be bright and sometimes dark, their lighting chosen by the Android herself. Although it wasn't a personal choice, she was always fond of these colors, not for their history, but for their beauty, and refuses to take another paint job just to satisfy the demands of the society.

In order to hide her robotic nature and to keep a small sense of organic life within herself, she is usually seen wearing her previously-said black coat, white gloves, black pants and dark grey combat boots.


Before her whole escapade and arrangements that made her lose her previous body and end up being stuck in a body of steel, Zara, also commonly known within the Sith as Model Blizzard of the now-defunct Ulis Project, was known as Raena Khajak, born Togruta within the slums of the massive ecumenopolis of Devon in a relatively closed community of one of the poorest districts of the planet. Having for organic parents a male Twi'Lek and a female Togruta, the primer, former member of one of the many swoop gangs of Nar Shaddaa, was caught organizing, alongside another fellow of his species, a fusion of all the illegal gangs of Devon by a Jedi and his apprentice and was arrested by the Republic soon after the birth of his child, sentenced to life in prison. The latter, her, lacking any sufficient credits to raise her daughter well enough thanks to the arrest of her love, was forced to give the baby to the orphanage that was closest to her home about a month after Raena's birth. The orphanage, depending on the funds of the Republic itself and public charities, accepted the child wholeheartedly despite the arrest of her father, but, despite multiple tries to contact the mother, they have never been able to ever get any news from her since then.

Because of this, Raena never really knew her parents very well, been much too young to remember even their faces correctly. Having no choice but to live within the community of the orphanage, however, the first events of her childhood were quite peaceful and not much happened during these times. Although she sometimes became jealous of the other orphans at the age of seven once she would see them hanging around with new parents that they have been given to, Raena was mostly liked by the orphanage's children and its personnel. She had many friends over there, and she, most often than not, thought of them as brothers and sisters.

The child that she was the closest with was another girl named Fay, who was a Human that was born on Tatooine, but had moved to Devon to live a more confortable life. How she lost her parents in the process, strangely, was completely unknown to her, and, despite the many times she has tried to get any results from the orphanage's records, her searches seemed to be always bond to fail.

The two "officially" became best friends around the age of eight, and it was around that time of their lives that the Force would start to appear within themselves. Minimal at first, but growing greater by the second, the orphanage, surprised by their sudden prowess of such mystical powers, would contact the Jedi Order to allow them to be taught by a Master and not risk the lives of other children by accident. Soon enough, a Master would reach them and bring the two girls away from the orphanage, and Devon, in the process.

It was then that both Raena and Fay would become the respective Padawans of Master Kaila Saratzi, and would begin their training on the planet of Yavin 4, home to the Jedi Temple and main headquarters of the Jedi Academy Network.

The training the two girls were expected to pass through was definitely harsher than they had expected themselves, even for most Padawans of the Jedi Academy. Brought deep into the lush forests of the planet by their Master, they would spend days under the cover of the trees and would sleep outside during the night, even on the cold ground. The harsh behavior of their Master was also definitely impacting the two girls within their practices, and would often shock them as the primer would start to use violence against them during their melee combat practice. They were also both forced to undertake heavy training within the Force, and were tasked to construct their lightsabers extremely soon and hide it from the view of the people at the Temple as, the next day, they would practice against each other with their very own weapons, their use for inoffensive weapons prohibited by their very own Master.

It was as if Master Saratzi wanted them to kill each other with such harsh training, as if she, herself, wanted to push them closer to the Dark Side, and very much away from the Light.

This would go on eventually for a good amount of years and, once they would both reach their twenty years of age, the Jedi Order would both promote them to the proud rank of Jedi Knights. Yet, despite this, their Master kept them under their heavy training, and it would only grow harsher, and harsher..... and harsher.

One day, about two years after their promotion and still stuck on Yavin IV, Master Saratzi would both leave them on their own within the forest, very far away from the Jedi Temple. During their excursion, Raena, who was now, after all these years, growing extremely impatient of getting off this damn planet, was bubbling with anger, exclaiming loud and clear to her friend Fay that she now wanted to find and kill Kaila, for she had enough of this training. Fay, worried for her friend, tried to calm her down as she usually does, accustomed of her friend's hot-tempered behavior, but, alas, nothing could be done to dampen the rage of the Togruta.

Losing control of her emotions, of all this anger that she had contained within her heart for so long, she would take her lightsaber and start slashing against the trees that was surrounding the area. Fay, horrified, would stand back in shock, having never seen her friend like this before.

"P-Please, Raena..... Master Saratzi..... She's not that bad...... I mean...... All she wants for us is the best, nothing else!"

Those words, coming from Fay's mouth, would seal her fate. Turning her head towards the Human, the Togruta would violently approach her, then scream at the top of her lungs, her eyes wide with anger and colored in the deep yellow, symbolizing the Dark Side.


She punched the Human with her free hand straight against her right jaw, then grabbed her by the hair, putting her lightsaber up.


And so, in pure panic, Fay would push away the Togruta with the Force and quickly take her lightsaber in hand, completely taken aback by how easily the Dark Side had corrupted her friend and how it was diverted her emotions towards violence, deep anger and pure rage. And now... she had no other choices but to fight her, or else she would die a horrible death.

The two girls would both clash in battle a moment later, fighting almost all day long and both using the Force and their lightsaber to hurt each other, one to defend herself and the other to harm her opponent within the wake of her rage. Seeing as they were so equal in skill, they would both last for a great, long time, but, in the end, the Togruta would gain the advantage as the Human was caught after she left herself open, having missed a previous attack. Force choking her, she would slowly lift her in the air, then, despite the protests her friend was desperately trying to tell her, she would snap her neck, then push her body away into a near source of water. Raena, panting, would stand there, clenching her teeth, then slowly deactivate her lightsaber as her eyes turned back to normal.

It was then that she realized what she had done, and her scream, now void of rage and filled with sadness and grieve, would resonate thorough the entire forest. In her rage, she had killed the best friend she had ever known without any mercy, and now, she was all alone in a world that she was too familiar with. No matter how hard she wanted to think of it in another way, she had let the Dark Side control her emotions and take advantage of her... and, in the same process, she has also failed to respect the Jedi Order's own rules about the Force and how to use it.

If she would ever return to the Temple, they would soon find out that she has killed Fay and, therefore, they will probably ban her from the Academy.

Aware of such a possible result, the Jedi Knight would retreat herself to the forest, deciding that it would simply be best to die here in the woods than to admit her horrible crimes to the Temple. Saddened, it was this way that Raena would live on for an entire month within the woods away from the Academy and all external contacts, surviving and living by herself. Although it has only been a month, it definitely felt like much more, maybe a year or two. How she has survived for so long so easily still confuses the Togruta's mind, but the satisfaction of doing so would be nowhere to be found, and it would had been short-lived at best.

It was only after she tried to sleep one night that she dreamed of a purple lightsaber piercing through her chest that she would find herself out of the forest that haunted her for so long, and instead meet the judgement that she deserved.

[SIZE=10.5pt]Pain. She couldn't truly say for how long she felt such a horrible feeling, but she could definitely remember its nature. For a reason that she was completely unaware of, she was submitted to heavy amounts of pain in a place that she was [/SIZE]unfamiliar[SIZE=10.5pt] with. The only things she could remember from it was the presence of surgical devices, droids, conducting electricity and the heavy combined stenches of blood and steel. Passing from consciousness to unconsciousness was now something that she was accustomed to, and, as the days passed, followed by years, her body would become heavy, unnatural, and, soon, she would feel as if she has never once been a true organic being.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]And then, the pain stopped, and she would finally wake up from her slumber.[/SIZE]


Needless to say, she much preferred the lush green forests of Yavin IV compared to this computer-filled, steel-made area. She had no idea where she was at, and, for some reason, she couldn't even see well thanks to a bunch of codes scrambling around in front of her eyes, written in a bright, but still readable white color. At first, she thought of the words as simple hallucinations. After all, the pain that she has experienced for so long must be the reasoning behind such strange things happening to her.

Ignoring them, she would finally decide to stand up, and would then notice something far stranger, but most of all, much more disturbing than the floating lines of codes: she was unable to feel anything. Her body, the temperature surrounding her, the Force...... She was not feeling them anymore, and her body felt so.... different, strange, not right. A look towards her right hand would had made her eyes go round with panic if she ever had organic ones in the first place, as she realized that, along with this whole place... her whole body was also made of steel.

Panicked, she would start looking around, frantically trying to take a hold of the lightsaber she has lost many years ago. In her panic, she would bump into things, fall on the ground many times and cry for help, unable to accustom herself so quickly to a body that was so different compared to her previous organic one. What happened to her?! Why was she made of steel?!

Unable to calm herself, she would then quickly run all around the facility, sometimes falling onto the floor in a miserable fashion and sliding all across the hallways, somehow unable to feel pain as well as the codes in her eyes would alert of scratches on her body's paint job. However, she did not cared. All she wanted, right now, was to leave this place at all cost and as fast as possible.

Eventually, she would reach a large, locked door that was made of the same material as the entire facility and herself, and the Android would simply stare at it with despair before she would notice a terminal right beside it, stuck against the wall. Interacting with it, she would realize that it was still functional, and would then try to open the door by herself. The terminal, however, wouldn't register her demands, always telling her that only the "Administrator" had the right to leave the facility. Frustrated, Raena slammed her hand against the terminal screen, and would suddenly freeze as, instantly, she would feel as if a hundred lines of codes entered her mind and would organize themselves in multiple paths to her, allowing her to fully control the terminal. Confused, but somehow understanding all of this, she would force the terminal to open the door by faking the Administrator's identity, then leave her trance, dizzied by this whole event. Staring at her hand, she would blunder here for at least a good minute as the door opened itself on a dark hallway leading towards a light in the distance, then quickly shook her head, deciding that she has been here long enough.

The dark hallway would lead her towards a place that she had hoped to possibly not find herself on.



Of all the possible planets that she could possibly end up with, she had to be stuck on Hoth, an extremely cold planet almost void of any sentient life. Thankfully, she was unable to feel the ambiant cold for some reason and would follow the road that was paved in front of her as heavy amounts of snowflakes would fall on top of her head like heavy rain. Looking around, she would notice the mountains around her and abandoned speeder bikes, white in color and seeming to have been abandoned since many years ago. Unable to do anything otherwise other than walk, Raena decided that it was best to take one of the bikes so she could get towards a ship as fast as possible. She had to get away from this planet before she would get caught by whoever the owner of this place was.

One of the speeder bikes was fortunately still functional and it had enough power to lead her towards a near port where a single ship was stationed: a B-7 Light Freighter. Not hesitating one bit, the Android would take the Freighter, then fly away as much as she possibly could away from the abandoned location, reaching the orbit of the winter planet, then using the still-functioning Hyperspace engine to fly away to a location that she didn't even really cared. Now that she was in such a peculiar situation, she just wanted to see people, meet somebody that could potentially give her the answers she was looking for.

All in all, she ended up on Nar Shaddaa, the home planet of her father.... and was immediately kicked from almost every single public space of the planet just because of her freaky appearance. She then tried Coruscant, in vain, then Denon, her home planet. Needless to say, it seemed as if the whole Galaxy was now thinking of her as an anormal monster, something that wasn't meant to be born.

This only fueled her anger, and, as time went on and she started to learn more about her body and her ship, she would become unsocial and start living in space as a hermit, now thinking that landing on planets was not needed, because that was the only thing that she would ever be able to do now...

It was then that she suddenly decided to change her identity and start a career in mercenary work, knowing that Raena, the person she was beforehand, has truly died. Now, she would be known as Zara the Android, a being that hated itself more than anything else.


[SIZE=10.5pt]Strengths and Weaknesses[/SIZE]​
+ Extremely Modified Combat Programming: The Mind Keeper Android series being a technological experimentation of the Sith, the responsible engineers of the project were tasked to provide every unit with the best combat programming available on the market. However, Zara was given a specific, heavily modified programming that makes her both an outstanding and downright prodigious shooter, whether it comes to aiming and precision, heightened reflexes and firing speed, and a melee combat genius. Strong, fast and precise, the Android is surely a remarkable piece of military hardware.
+ Military-Grade Assassination Programming: Along with her combat programming, Zara was also given assassination skills that enhances her acrobatic skills and allows her to be as silent as possible when she wants to thanks to specific leg modifications. This also gives her the ability to kill her opponents swiftly from hidden areas in melee combat without alerting the entire area of her presence.
+ Slicer Programming: Although this program has been produced independently by Zara herself, it is still remarkable nonetheless and allows the Android to hack through most security systems with ease.
+ Instant Translation Programming: Being a droid, Zara has access to basic translation programs that allows her to fully understand most languages without any interrogations between both parts.
+ Modified Anti-Hacking System: Of course, as most other military robots of such potential, Zara was equipped with an unique system that is so intricate that most hackers cannot easily hack through her security protocols. Even if they are able to pass through, the Android herself has total control over her own internal systems and, therefore, will personally resist against any hacking measures.
+ Great Pilot: Having lived in space over the last few years, Zara has learned, over time, knowledge on ships and how to pilot them with quite great skill.
+ Self-Repair Knowledge: Ever since Zara has been in contact with her new robotic body, she had no choice but to adapt to it and, thus, start learning a bit more on technology and what actually was used during the experimentation she was put through. Of course, after a while of studying engineering books on droid material and her body itself, she now fully understands it, and is able to perform self-repairs when the time allows her to do so.
+ Very High Quality Production Material: Constructed with a very blaster-resistant material, Zara's body is incredibly durable and allows her to survive through fights in a longer period of time than a simple normal organic being.
+ Knowledgeable In Technology: Having studied many engineering books during her free time and, eventually, gaining an interest in technology as a whole, Zara now knows a very wide array of things concerning computers, ships and droids.
+ Technological Builder: Zara's vast knowledge on technology combined with past experiences allows her to build her own devices when she is not working in missions and military operations. Though she has no real specialties in her crafting, she prefers to craft weapons and combat-based devices to give her an advantage during fights.
- Heavy: Though it isn't noticeable from a first glance thanks to her very acrobatic skills, Zara is actually pretty heavy, her body weighing more than 200 pounds. Thanks to this fact, she cannot stand on relatively soft surfaces for very long and can cause very loud noises while she is not using her assassination programming.
- Unique Android System: If an engineer ever meets Zara and is tasked to repair any parts of her body, he or she will be completely lost and might give up on a single glance just because of how unique some of the conceptions of her body are. Therefore, the Android, if she ever is hit in an area that she cannot personally repair herself, must explain to her what the engineer must do in order to repair her body, which can take a longer time span than usual.
-Weak to EMP Offensive Devices: Although being a robot has some great benefits, it also delivers a massive disadvantage. If Zara is ever hit by any EMP devices, her body will instantly be brought down for a good amount of four seconds in total, which is enough for the enemy to quickly cause massive damage to her body or to capture her. If the device is strong enough, it might even shut down her systems and force her body to reboot, which can take more than ten minutes.
- Cannot Feel Pain: Being an android, Zara is unfortunately completely unable to feel any sort of pain and, therefore, she is forced to rely herself on the alerts of her heads-up-display when one of her body parts is damaged during combat.
- Aware of Previous Organic Life: Seeing as she was part of an entechment Sith experimentation and was reanimated in a laboratory in a new body, Zara still possesses some of her memories of her past life and can sometimes grow saddened and nostalgic when reminiscing it in her thoughts.
- Shunned by Society: Because of the Android's rather menacing appearance even with her hood on, Zara is usually disliked by the majority of the common people living in cities and villages across the Galaxy, and is also feared in other instances, such as children. Regretful of this usual behavior towards her person, she mostly lives alone in her ship in space because of this and almost always refuses any deals that can give her access to homes on remote planets from the Core Worlds or even from the Outer Rim, which contributes to her unsocial behavior.
- Power Hungry: Considering she is able to upgrade her own body and produce her own weapons, this made Zara quite wishful to gain even more power at whatever cost, even if it asks for her to lose more and more of her true organic self as a result.
- Hot-Tempered: Even within her past organic life, Zara has always been a hot-tempered woman and easily angered by failures and things that she personally dislikes such as her now-present inability to eat and drink, or the incompetence of subordinates that she dares team with.
- Lone Wolf: Although she can sometime reconsider this during important operations, Zara is usually somebody that much prefers to work on her own than with other people, mostly because she judges her teammates as liabilities that, in some situations, can only cause the operation to completely fail. Because of this, she is also mistrustful towards her allies' personal skills in any criteria, which can sprout an unlikable behavior between her allies and herself.
- Lost Past Force Powers: Seeing as she is now an android, Zara's connection to the Force has been severed, and, therefore, she cannot interact with it or use any of her past powers any longer.... for now, at the least. This can make her quite angry considering she still sometimes react like she is still proficient with the Force against hostiles.


Equipment and Personal Inventory:

  • A pair of DL-7H Heavy Blaster Pistols with added modifications, such as laser sights to insure maximum precision and the removal of the already-installed scopes for faster reaction time.
  • A DLT-19 Heavy Blaster Rifle only used in long-range situations.
  • Her old purple-colored Lightsaber, which she has just recently found.
Ship: B-7 Light Freighter (nicknamed "Dust").

Kills: None for the moment.

Bounties Collected: None for the moment.


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"[That's impossible! No Droid can- ARGH!]"

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