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Approved Tech Z-Shielding Panel MK II

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  • [SIZE=9pt]Intent: To create a variant of a shield I made for future combat purposes[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Image Source: Screencapped by myself, [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Satelight[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] animation[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Canon Link: N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Primary Source: N/A[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Manufacturer: Azure Imperium[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Affiliation: Azure Imperium[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Model: [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Z-Shielding Panel[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Modularity: Yes[/SIZE]

    [SIZE=9pt]Larger projectors can be used in order to increase the overall power of the shield[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Production: Mass-Produced[/SIZE]

[SIZE=9pt]Material: ​[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Plasma components[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]De-ionizers[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Durasteel structure[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Power redirection system[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Cooling system[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Nuclear energy generator[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Standard deflector shielding[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Standard ray shielding (particle and energy shield)[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=9pt]Standard force field generator [/SIZE]


  • [SIZE=9pt]Projected barrier - Forms a roughly circular shield which blocks incoming particles[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Detector Communicator - Directly linked to the ship’s sensors in order to work effectively[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Fast deployment - [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]Unlike its predecessor, very little set-up time is required in order to utilize this piece of equipment[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Visual feedback -[/SIZE][SIZE=9pt] [/SIZE][SIZE=9pt]As the shield is beginning to lose power, it will go on a gradient from Green-Blue-Red, and then will begin to show cracks in its formation before breaking[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Overload - Massive amounts of power can be funneled into the projector, essentially forcefully EMPing the source ship in order to make the barrier almost impenetrable[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Energy efficient - Rather than produce a shield over the entire vessel, shields are only projected where particles are incoming and for a few seconds after they disappear, and thus they are less energy consuming.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Protector - Due to the nature of how the shields created manifest, it can be projected onto other structures, vessels and simply in mid air as opposed to being constricted to just where the projector is originating from. For example, a ship can protect another ship from incoming fire by projecting its own shield matrix onto them.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Line of sight dependent - If the source is unable to see the area that a shield needs to be created, then nothing will happen. This is especially detrimental when multiples projectors on a ship are destroyed, leaving entire sections open to firepower.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Short range - While projectors can project a shield anywhere where the source can see, ranges above 1000 meters will cause the shield to become weaker and weaker. At ranges above 5000 meters, simply tapping the shield will destroy the shield.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Delayed reaction time - As there is a delay between particles being detected and the shield beginning to form, some projectiles travelling at extreme velocities can bypass this defense system entirely, such as torpedoes and high velocity turbolaser shots.[/SIZE]

  • [SIZE=9pt]Projection - The shields formed are weaker than a fully powered one, and so there is always the chance of extremely powerful weaponry piercing them entirely.[/SIZE]

After securing a production license from the now in turmoil IMF, the Azure Imperium set to add to the product in a number of ways. Most notably, as opposed to forming a full shield over the vessel or structure, simply only materializing temporary barriers where necessary.

All in all the MK II could not really be considered an upgrade but rather an alternative. For ships that are very power hungry but can not completely forgo its only defensive systems, the MK II is a valuable tool in its arsenal in order to offer protection against some of the most deadliest of weapons. However, in saying that, due to the way in which the systems are designed, there are of course drawbacks. One of the few is that due to the delay between projectiles being tracked and the shield forming, there is of course a chance that high velocity projectiles could completely nullify the pre-emptive automated measures (an example might include an extremely fast torpedo or missile.)

The versatility of the MK II is what may give it an edge when constructing your own ship. While the MK I shielding panel is restricted to a particular surface area and requires a manual set up time, the MK II sacrifices the strength of a shield in order to create fast projections which serve the purpose in most combat situations. For example, it is much more useful against starfighters as shields can be preemptively create to stop key targets from being attacked, however these flimsy projections are simply not going to cut it against concentrated turbolaser bombardment.

One of the more innovative uses of the technology is to attach a shield projector to a small vessel, perhaps a frigate or corvette and specifically design larger vessels to carry much less power consuming shielding in exchange for heavy firepower or additional carrier capacity. Whatsmore, both the MK I and MK II can be used in conjunction with eachother, but the vessels they are attached to often sacrifice not only their own firepower, but their own defenses in order to ensure the protection of another ship.

It should be noted that while the shields can be created anywhere, without proper configuration projectors will register friendly fire as hostile and begin attempting to neutralize that along with enemy fire. This configuration comes mainly from assigning the projector both the original ship's sensors and other ship's sensors as required. The latter ship does not require a projector of its own in order to benefit from this, so long as it has functioning sensors the projector will work as long as all the other prerequisites (can determine the path of the incoming fire, is within range etc) are met.
Factory Judge

Hey there! Really neat alternative for the Shields and how they are used. The only question I have is this here.

Theodora said:
Protector - Due to the nature of how shields manifest, it can be projected onto other structures and vessels than the original target
What exactly is its purpose here? No where else do I see it mentioned in the submission other than the strength. As well, projection onto another structure than itself would likely have its own downsides.

So I would like to recommend fleshing this out in the submission(Including strengths and weakness of performing this action).
[member="Shaun Castanic"]

Hey so I believe I've explained them a bit better than I had originally.

Edited the strength to say the following:

Theodora said:
Protector - Due to the nature of how the shields created manifest, it can be projected onto other structures, vessels and simply in mid air as opposed to being constricted to just where the projector is originating from. For example, a ship can protect another ship from incoming fire by projecting its own shield matrix onto them.
And edited the following two paragraphs into the description

Theodora said:
The versatility of the MK II is what may give it an edge when constructing your own ship. While the MK I shielding panel is restricted to a particular surface area and requires a manual set up time, the MK II sacrifices the strength of a shield in order to create fast projections which serve the purpose in most combat situations. For example, it is much more useful against starfighters as shields can be preemptively create to stop key targets from being attacked, however these flimsy projections are simply not going to cut it against concentrated turbolaser bombardment.

One of the more innovative uses of the technology is to attach a shield projector to a small vessel, perhaps a frigate or corvette and specifically design larger vessels to carry much less power consuming shielding in exchange for heavy firepower or additional carrier capacity. Whatsmore, both the MK I and MK II can be used in conjunction with eachother, but the vessels they are attached to often sacrifice not only their own firepower, but their own defenses in order to ensure the protection of another ship.
Factory Judge

Thank you for adding it and quoting it for convenience.

I have two more questions for you. Since it projects to other ships, How close does the other ship have to be in order for it to be protected, and would it require both ships to have this shielding system in order to protect one another?
[member="Shaun Castanic"]

Theodora said:
Short range - While projectors can project a shield anywhere where the source can see, ranges above 1000 meters will cause the shield to become weaker and weaker. At ranges above 5000 meters, simply tapping the shield will destroy the shield.
In response to your first question I edited in the following under the weaknesses section

Theodora said:
It should be noted that while the shields can be created anywhere, without proper configuration projectors will register friendly fire as hostile and begin attempting to neutralize that along with enemy fire. This configuration comes mainly from assigning the projector both the original ship's sensors and other ship's sensors as required.The latter ship does not require a projector of its own in order to benefit from this, so long as it has functioning sensors the projector will work as long as all the other prerequisites (can determine the path of the incoming fire, is within range etc) are met.
And in response to your second question I edited in the following. If anything doesn't come across as clear or my language is confusing I do apologize. I know firmly what I want the shield to do, it's just explaining it is a bit difficult if you get me.
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