Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yvoth Zandikar

NAME: Yvoth Zandikar

FACTION: The One With

RANK: Acolyte/Apprentice


AGE: 32

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 6 feet.

WEIGHT: 75lbs

EYES: Sky-blue

HAIR: Blond

SKIN: Pale



STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
+ Can remain calm and collected during any situation.
+ Is very calculating and cunning.
- He lacks offensive power.
- Unlike other Sith, he lacks much rage or anger.

Yvoth was born on the dark world of Dromund Kaas, birthed by a family wealthy enough to have a roof over their heads to protect them from the constant storms of the imperial planet. His family soon noticed his cool-headedness, along with his keen intellect and tactical mind, so they just as soon had him enlisted in the imperial military, where they young man rose to prominence not only as a soldier, but also as a tactitian.

He served the military for several years, but his career would end abruptly during one specific mission. During a battle against separatist forces, a battle which seemed uphill, Yvoth stormed into a computer room and found, to his disbelief, his parents. In his moment of hesitation, his parents attempted to strike him down. Anger swelled inside him for the first time, and using the force, his parents were killed.

After the battle, he was found by the One Sith, and brought in to their order.





[member="Maka Sumoto"]

Is his pb an agent of the Souls Society? *has only watched the first season or so of Bleach on YouTube*

[member="Yvoth Zandikar"]

Are you an agent of the Soul Society? (Why yes, I DID ask twice.)
[member="Yvoth Zandikar"] [member="Maka Sumoto"]

Are you both the same people?! MAKA! I demand, as your Duchess, that you tell me so I don't have to hurt my pretty little head thinking :3


Shh, droid, shh, I will soon torture get the information out of Maka

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