Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Flying low into the tundra of Arkania the small black tie syndicate drop ship pushed its way through the snow and fierce blizzard winds. What were criminals doing on a frigid world such as this? Well [member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"] had been a rather good asset to have and Miss Blonde always rewarded excellence within her organization and she would reward the man with his own set of custom phrik armor. She just had to get the phrik first, and maybe set up a new mine in the process by potentially buying out or hostilely taking over one, you know, either or.

With her gas mask strapped to her face and a thick Arctic coat around her body the woman inside the ship looked over to Nate and and would ask him a question or two as they flew towards their destination.

"Phantom. Tell me about what you want from this armor. Anything you want I got it." the woman said as she sat up in her seat.

With the transport still going through the storm they had a few minutes to kill and Miss Blonde was always productive with her time. Always making sure that when they were on a job every angle was covered now and in the future for the next steps of the operation.
The wind howled outside the window he was staring out of, the outlines of the snow banks making the landscape a curvaceous, freezing wasteland. He had a nagging sensation in the back of his head, and he realized that he was being talked to, by none other than [member="Miss Blonde"] herself. She was terrifying at times, even to him, and that was impressive, but he wouldn't dare tell the boss she scared him.

"Nothing too fancy, just the usual void suit capabilities and mag boots. I can add anything else that is needed at a later time." Turning on his heel, he would stand a few feet behind her, eyes scanning their surroundings. "Oh yes, it has to match my rifle, I have the blueprints for when I was going to make" After reaching into his pocket, he pulled out a small data pad, the armor appearing in a hologram.

Living on Hoth for a few years, the cold didn't really bother him, but he hadn't been anywhere this cold for a very long time, so precautions were necessary. Can't get his armor if he had frostbite.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Miss Blonde raised her eyebrow beneath her mask when the man uttered that he wanted a void suit. She'd recently heard that someone had recovered more void stone lately but what this guy was asking for was just about impossible to obtain. It was a material that wasn't from this galaxy, hell it might not of even been from this dimension. It wasn't like she could make a quick trip to the grocery store to go grab some.

"When you say void suit, you mean void stone? Because that's a very very very tall order buddy. I don't even know where to begin to find void stone and even then how to make it keep its properties through armoring it." Blonde said as she looked to the man the LED lenses of her visor shifting slightly to help convey emotion.

"If you're asking for a phrik void stone hybrid armor I can't even begin to tell you how expensive that is. But I'll tell you what, you get your hands on some void stone and I'll make it." Blonde looked over to the cockpit to see how far out they were.

The woman quickly got her answer as the ship stopped and parked itself. The woman stood up and looked over to her employee and nodded her head back for him to follow and continue speaking of what exactly he wanted in a set of armor.

The ramp dropped down and in front of them the blizzard covered mining facility of Arkania was in sight and only a few steps away. To which the woman stepped down from the ship to proceed onward to deal with business.
The corner of his lip pulled up in a small smile, he really needed to lay off on the sarcasm. She'd nearly had a heart attack, which wasn't the best thing for business. As she continued to speak, he nodded, showing his understanding.

"Hm,but I am a very tall man, yes? If I had four more years, I'd get you that stone, but I probably don't so I'll just stick with the mag boots." Stepping aside as she walked out, he followed behind, the only thing he could see on her was the lenses on her mask. That made him wonder, were his eyes the only visible part of his body in this crazy weather? Pushing thought aside, he looked up at the mining facility before them, the upper level mostly covered in snow, which occasionally came crashing down as the wind picked up. "Heads up," As he spoke, some snow unattached it's self from the pile and tumbled over the side, a miniature avalanche about to flatten the both of them. With a bored swipe of his hand, he sent the snow crashing down a few feet to their right, more snow billowing around them.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Without so much as a word Miss Blonde kept walking forward not bothering to care about the snow that was falling down, she was quite aware of what she was doing and that Nate wasn't going to let any harm come to her. So when the snow plopped down the woman flicked her index and middle finger to the side in a mock salute to convey her thanks to the man. But to stop and freak out over some ice was only going to waste more time.

"Just be cool and let me do my thing." Blonde said as she entered the building.

Walking forward into the reception area the woman smiled and approached the counter where a steel grate separated the her from the receptionist, whom was a larger more portly older gentleman.

"Excuse me, I was interested in buying some Phrik and possibly getting the mine owner's business card." Blonde said in a very polite and professional voice.

The older man looked up from the magazine he was reading and scoffed rudely.

"We don't sell no phrik here." he said in broken basic.

"This is a phrik mine correct? You mine phrik here?" She asked politely.

"Da, we sell phrik, just you not get the phrik." He said in response to Blonde.

"And why is that?" The woman again asked, but this time she had a bit of annoyance in her voice.

"You not part of company, company own phrik. Go way now." He said as his eyes returned to his magazine.

Blonde sighed and reached into her coat for a moment. After rooting around the woman pulled her universal translator and pointed it at the man's face, a fully loaded slug thrower that didn't look like it was playing around.

The man's eyes went wide and his hand started to move to the silent alarm.

With blonde catching the movement in almost a flash she pulled a combat knife that sunk into the man's hand pinning him there as he let out a loud scream.

Lets see here, your name is..." she paused reading his name tag.

"Ivan! Now Ivan why did you make me do that? I just wanted to buy some phrik! So now I'm gonna take it! Where do you keep it!?" the woman yelled with her pistol pointed at the man doubled over in pain.

"In the back of facility! In docking bay! To be taken! Please! Just plea-" the man's screams interrupted himself as Blonde pulled the knife from his hand by having it cut through upward and out between his middle finger and index.

"Thank you Ivan, good boy." She said as she walked around through a door and into the mining facility that they would probably have to fight their way through now.

Ooc: Please be sure to tag me in your posts lol

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]
Standing quietly behind his boss, he rocked back and forth on the balls of his feet, as if a man getting stabbed in the hand was an every day thing. It was, but they wouldn't know that, they probably did now as he didn't even react to the man's screams. The miss sure had a way of getting her point across, and it was intimidating to say the least. Having some short, slightly crazy woman point a huge ass gun in your face wasn't his idea of a good day on the job, but as long as he stayed loyal, he should be fine.

Not even giving the bleeding man a second glance, he pulled free his pistols, walking behind his boos as they stormed into the back, all coming to a screeching halt as the two newcomers burst through the door. "Peeka boo, bitches" as the workers scrambled to grab their weapons, nate started putting them down, one quick easy blaster bolt through the brain and onto the next.

[member="Miss Blonde"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

With Nate taking point and dropping a few mine workers the woman didn't want wholesale destruction, this was a perfectly good mine and with her other phrik mine possibly being watch it was safe to say she needed a new one. Something that could pump out enough phrik to continue making more lines of weapons and gear without having to go off and raid mines and kill cat girls on Sekulas.

"Phantom please try not to kill the workers, put fear into them instead. I want to assume direct control of the facility." Blonde said as she strolled past the two dead bodies of mine workers.

Going deeper into the halls the woman raised her pistol and shot a man turning the corner in his leg. Screaming in pain he dropped down and clutched his wound.

"Example." Blonde said as she stood over the man.

In a mode of panic the man attempted to reach for his holdout blaster that he dropped. But before he reached for the woman slammed her boot down on the man's hand watching him wrench and scream in pain. Afterwards she started to kick the man ferociously in the gut.

"WHERE IS THE PHRIK!?" she yelled at the man kicking him one last time.

"Down the hall- to the left- storage room." He said as he promptly passed out afterwards.

Blonde took a deep breath and looked down to see blood on her boots.

"And I got blood on my karking shoes!" the woman sighed and nudged her hand forward for Nate to proceed with putting the fear of God into these folks.
[member="Miss Blonde"]

Stepping over the bodies, he shrugged, wanting another bolt into a workers chest. "They were drawing on me." Moving forth like a flash flood, he began hindering the worker's with shots to the legs, arms, that type of deal. Listening to the screaming man, he looked over in the direction he spoke of, seeing a dozen workers barricade themselves in the room they needed, the one with all of the phrik.

Hearing the boss complain about blood on her boots, he would summon a few drops of water, splashing her foot and promptly rinsing the blood off. Better to have her not completely upset, then have her going ballistic and tearing off people's heads. The other worker's would have to wait, as the room he needed was currently being held by a dozen gun wielding, terrified civilians, that had to change.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
"A gentleman after my own heart." Blonde said as Nathan helped clean up her shoes.

She then rubbed her boots on the man beneath her to dry them off. After all dry feet was better than bloody shoes. So with one last sigh the woman landed a heavy kick to the man's gut and watched him cough blood onto the ground. With her gun in hand now she walked past the screaming miners that Nate had cleanly immobilized and towards the locked and barricaded room.

"I would recommend you all stand back. Unless you're into being crushed." She said with a smile under her mask.

Reaching into her bag she produced a Nova Corporation door breaching charge. Planting it against the door and primed it to detonate in a few moments as she dragged the wounded men away from the blast zone. Once everyone was clear she stood next to Nate and watched as the door exploded backwards to reveal the way.

[member="Nate the Bounty Hunter"]

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
The explosion went off and Miss Blonde walked into the room of scared miners who had blasters drawn on her and were huddled against boxes of phrik and shelves of various equipment. There was plenty of items for the taking and she was more invested in the workers than anything. So with her pistol tapping against her leg she smiled under her mask and put it in its holster.

"Silver or lead, gentleman." Blonde said as she took a step forward.

"I'm sure most of you have families, families who need money, stuff, everyone loves stuff. So let's get a few things out there in the melting pot. I could gun you all down in here, find out where your families live, kill them as well. But I'd rather buy each of you a new speeder, pay off debts, make you all very happy men." Blonde then put her hand on the pistol letting it rest there for a moment.

"So you need to ask yourself. Silver or Lead?" Blonde waited for a moment and thankfully it didn't take long.

The men slowly dropped their weapons and kicked them away. It was nice to see there was some common sense left in the galaxy. She'd have them load up the phrik into her ship after she gave them the status update on how this was all going to work from now on.

Miss Blonde

Trying to be straight in a crooked Galaxy
Once the woman had convinced the miners what to do she watched them scurry about in various directions to grab the phrik crates and load them onto her ship, they had no intention of defying her and putting their collective families at risk. So with all that information in mind she sighed contently as she watched the worker bees do what they did best.

"Quickly gentlemen quickly. Let's be off now." She said with a little smile under her mask.

Now with the phrik loaded it was time to be off. Taking Nate with her the two of them loaded themselves onto the ship and awaited the last of the phrik. With this she could do a fair amount of things, the door was open and she had recently come into some fun little materials she could blend with the phrik. All and all as Ice Cube would say, today was a good day.

With her ship now loaded with phrik the shuttle dusted off and proceeded onwards back to Relovian where she would get her phrik processed and moving in a timely manner.
[member="Miss Blonde"]

After she thanked him for cleaning her shoes, and then blew a hole in the wall, everything was a blur. From standing behind the boos and ushering the miners in the right direction, to being practically dragged back onto the ship, which of course was no bother to him.
But, all-in-all they had got what they needed, if not more.
Today was definitely a good day.

After arriving on Relovian, he would hesitate, as he didn't know whether or not to salute to her, shake her hand, or just go with his chivalry side and kiss her hand. So instead, he just stood there, his flaming gaze meeting hers. "I really do appreciate all this, and intend to keep things like they are. Thank you, Ma'am; for this wonderful little outing." Smiling, he would incline his head, making the shadows from his hood dance across his face. "Is there anything else you may require?"

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