Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Deep thought. Deep emotion. Pom saw herself in her dream. She saw herself as if through Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren 's eyes. She slowly stirred to consciousness and when she opened her eyes, it suddenly became clear, a most unanticipated and unprecedented connection had generated between them.

Pom roused and found herself staring into Kyrel's eyes. Awestruck, she gently raised her hand to caress his cheek. Her mind flooded with images, memories, emotions, wishes, all his, and she could feel her own mind sifting through her past, truths she held secret that never were spoken aloud. So far, only her Demons knew such things. She suddenly became overcome with emotion.

In it all, through her gaze into him, there exists a strange sensation of gathering knowledge in the Force. Her own abilities surrounding her most mysterious craft of magick, motion for motion uncovered in the back of her mind. Her lifetime of knowledge shared with him. Sure she had studied, years, endlessly, but there was only knowledge of the Force from books. Magick she once believed to be very different, only to recently discover all power springs from the same fountain. Some things she felt coming to the forefront of her mind were ever shadowed in much mystery which no book could unravel into understanding. A dyad in the Force was somehow revealed. A free exchange of true self. She had only read about such a connection, and never imagined such a gift could form into reality, especially not her reality. She could not break her gaze away from his. She didn't even wish to fight him. Is that careless?

The entire development was sobering. How often two live enduring one another's embrace, but the sensation of a connection longed for is left void. Here it all was, stirred and explored. She had not planned on it. She never could have planned on this. It went beyond her preference for sharing. It went beyond what she considered intimate. She suddenly found herself feeling tied to him. It was not in any way that stirred fear of the unknown. She felt connected, a connection she did not realize she could appreciate. She found it remarkable, humbling and divine. On top of all the overwhelming discovery, her demons whispered into her ear that she would bear him a son, and their child would aspire to greatness.

Pom drew to him and she slowly closed her eyes as she kissed him deeply, this time her most sincerest of passions stirred.
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It had not been a day and he already felt deeply connected to the Nightsister. The Force swirled and yet felt odd. As if something he had never felt before. He had long heard stories. Something that was called a Dyad in the Force. Ultimately meaning that there was a potential for two beings. Two beings that share similar qualities and strength in the Force, that they had formed two sides of the same coin so to speak. Such bonds were often uncommon, and when they did happen. It created the deepest and intimate bonds there was. Something that transcended as such between normal beings. He felt her, he knew her and she knew him. Although it wasn't entirely clear. As if it was all hazy in a sense. Yet he felt in the most profound ways as if mere words couldn't even describe it.

He closed his eyes at the touch of her hand, and returned her kiss. For once he no longer felt a burning rage that consumed him. He was passionately in the same bed as the Nightsister, and he didn't have the desire to murder her, if anything he wished to know more of her. To always keep her close to him. Pulling away from the kiss, there was a silence in the air. It was quiet, a gentle quiet to say the least. The sounds of the wildlife from the outside filled that silence. And he found himself lost in his thoughts. He was a Master of Ren, and while yes this quiet was pleasant. This peace would not last. He would leave soon, whether or not she would come along with him. Take part in a wider galaxy beyond this world.

Looking at her, staring at her eyes. He finally spoke to her. In a calm warm tone to his new companion. "You realize I will not stay in this place. That I will seek to accomplish my aspirations that reach the very stars. I desire to take what I desire and to kill who I desire. I wonder and I give you this offer now. Will you join me?" He said curiously, wondering what her answer would be. Either way he would leave. But he was so curious since this new connection. He desired to explore it further. To see what the possibilities would hold. What the future had in store. Perhaps it all hindered on what she would say. If she would be willing to journey from this place and explore other paths.

Pom Stych Tivé Pom Stych Tivé
A moment ago she felt his genuine concern for her future well-being. She hadn't expected he would express any genuine feelings so soon, yet he had and her mind latched onto that sheer genuine thought. She deemed it quite endearing. In truth Pom's loyalties lay wherever her Nightmother casts them. She gives ultimate trust to the Nightmother's word. Who would she be to reject the decision of her Nightmother? To this date, she only ever met a few who had been raised among Sith and who expanded their horizons to bring order to additional factions across the galaxy. She saw nothing wrong with how they did it. How else would the rest of the galaxy learn to respect the darkness she has come to honor? Faction control can only reach so far under a single banner, but it is the individual people who bring the common ideals unto others who would otherwise never have heard them!

Pom knew very well what had happened last night. It was no dream. She knew the Nightmother and the Fanged God both gave their blessing of her union with Kyrel. Yet she has no idea why, or even how she and Kyrel Ren Kyrel Ren resulted with this tight mental connection. She found him totally fascinating but likely not only because of this! "You did this; didn't you?" Surely it had been his doing! It is not something that could just happen! But she knew it to be true that it is likely he had not, at least not on his own accord? "I've only read about it. I never thought I would come to experience this." 'Whatever purpose it is meant to serve, I don't care!' She smiled at their newly discovered reality. She considers this connection a cosmic gift, and hopes it is never stricken away! Kyrel is a man of such caliper! He holds so much knowledge of the Force which she longs to comprehend!

Her expression molded to one of sheer wonder, as he spoke his intentions and his offer. Pom is a woman of pride in her heritage, and there shall be sacred times depicted in the stars, determining when she should institute her craft for Potions brewing, time when it shall be expected that she should return home to be among her people. There is always a lengthily foreshadowing of these dates, and she felt a common respect that he might honor her for her customs. Would he simply say that he wants her, he did not have to be specific for her sake this time. She has no more tests for his meritability. "Please," she implored as he asked if she would not merely follow him, but join him. It just feels right to agree.

So many eccentricities has life incorporated. From day to day the dusk has managed to bring about changes which could not have been perceived upon its sunrise. The Mistress long known for her malcontent, now experienced satisfaction.

"A compromise?" she whispered playfully, hoping. "We stay right here a little while longer?" she crooned.

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