Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Six years.

It had been six years since he'd felt either of their presences. He'd thought her lost, gone forever even. But even in the dark Jedi Master Marek S'hadar held onto his hope, hope that [member="Rasu Gan"] would one day return from her crusade in the unknown region, or that [member="Allana Gan"] would arrive home. Allana was gone so far, and he'd just returned from yet another fruitless search across the stars for his daughter, forever tormented with the idea that she might have remained in the Netherworld, trapped in the hellish dimension all alone.

But now Marek felt something familiar, someone he loved was close. Be it his daughter or his wife, he couldn't tell. His vision was clouded, his aura in the force corrupted, his eyes glowing a sickly yellow as rage and anger flowed through him. The Sith were out there, ravaging the galaxy and he was stuck here once again, while those that killed Sochi and so many others ran free.

As his eyes looked around the house, he rose from his meditative position, walking towards the presence, an ever so rare smile on the man's face as he passed by the Sith helmet which sat on the mantle of his home. He didn't care to tidy up, or to hide his turmoil, or even to try and cease the burning yellow of his eyes. Whoever stood outside loved him and he loved them, they'd understand his condition.

Striding to the door, the bedraggled Jedi Master flung open the door with half a smile on his face, ready to see whichever green-skinned girl awaited him outside.

(I was hoping for Rasu, but I know you're trying to do stuff with Allana, so whichever you prefer!)
Six years.

It had been six long years without the love of her life. It had taken six years to realise that Marek S'hadar was the one she wanted to love to end of time itself. Six years she had been plagued with heart break as she longed to return to the man who understood her the most, the man who had fathered her one child, the one man who she had seen at his weakest and at his strongest. Marek S'hadar, her husband.

The idea of her love settling down in a house amused Rasu slightly, having been with the man for most of her Jedi life, never had he ever mentioned anything like this. All other thought vanished from her mind as she sensed the presence of Marek, heart leaping as he too sensed her approaching his front door. As she raised her hand to knock, she jumped back slightly as the door was flung open, revealing Marek standing in the doorway. Without warning or any word shared between them, Rasu pulled the man into a kiss. Breathing in his scent, she held onto the kiss for a few seconds longer before pulling away. Taking a moment to analyse her husband. Her eyes came to rest on the man's yellow eyes.

"Is everything okay darling?" she said, bringing a hand up to caress his cheek.

[member="Marek S'hadar"]
"Just tired."

The eyes slowly faded, the piercing, predatory gaze melting into the brown she knew so well. He kissed her again, Marek couldn't think of what else to do, so he did, pulling her close and never wanting to let her go again. Marek had his questions, but he didn't ask, all he cared about was not letting go.

After a time, he broke the kiss, looking down on his wife with a smile, joy filling him up as he held her close to him. He was beyond happy, the man couldn't even process thought as he smiled brightly at the woman. The man's signature in the force fluctuated as he stared down at her, light flushing out the darkness in his soul as something to live for re-entered his life.

Things were looking up.

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Gratefully accepting the second kiss, Rasu allowed it to linger before placing a gentle hand on Marek's cheek. When she looked back into his eyes, the yellow glow had vanished, reverting back to the deep brown that she had grown to love. Taking a moment to just stare into the man's pupil's, she matched his smile with an equally bright one of her own. Oh how she had missed this man. Without saying another word, she pulled him into another tight hug, squeezing the Jedi so hard it appeared as if she was trying to consume him.

"Oh how I've missed you." she finally said, grabbing his hand as she linked it with her own. Feeling the rough, scarred skin tickle her own, Rasu squeezed it slightly, taking pleasure in the intimate contact between the two. Rasu had thought that perhaps their would have been a sense of awkwardness between them after their six year separation, however now as she held her husbands hand she questioned why such thoughts had ever entered her head. She loved this man and no matter how long their separation, all would be the same when they returned to each other's arms.

"So are you going to invite me inside or are you just going to leave me standing in the doorway?" she said, smiling up at Marek, eager to see where her husband spent his time when away from the Jedi.

[member="Marek S'hadar"]
Marek could only chuckle as he took his wife's hand and lead her into the house. It was a simple home with basic needs filled and all the decoration a man on his own could think of. Essentially there was the basics and little else. The only distinct thing was the one piece of Marek Rasu hadn't seen outside of Akala's hellish future.

The mask.

(Super busy but I owe ya!)

[member="Rasu Gan"]
It was a simple dwelling, although she was hardly surprised, after all she knew her husband well. It had been years, yet it felt like a lifetime. It was funny how love affected beings, and this was how it had affected the Jedi Master. Guilt entered the woman's mind as she scanned the belongings of her partner. She had left him, without warning. She had been looking after herself and had no thought for the others that had cared for her. She fought back the tears but she knew that they were on the brink of seeping down her cheeks. Turning to Marek, she buried her face in his chest, wrapping her arms around him like she had done before her departure, before things had changed.

"I'm sorry Marek. I abandoned you and I've mistreated you. We're married for star's sake and this is how I've been caring for the most important person in my life. Can you forgive me?" she muttered through chokes tears. She continued to bury her face in his shirt, feeling her tears soak the material as a fit of sobs overwhelmed her.

[member="Marek S'hadar"]
OOC: This is the past so I suppose Sochi's death is still recent and her revival isn't known right?

"You did what you had to do, did what you thought was necessary. I forgive you." The man replied softly embracing the woman he'd married tightly. His emotions seemed calm for once, his aura in the force showed no spikes of anger or rage, no darkness seemed to taint his light. For once Marek S'hadar seemed fully light. His wife had gone out into the stars to do what was right, and when she returned, they both had lost a dear friend. The galaxy had not been kind to them, it gave them their daughter, that was its saving grace. But what besides Alana and each other? The One Sith ravaged the galaxy ever expanding their control as the Republic crumbled, Marek pondered often how to stop the menace but never found any answer. But recently he may have found one.

Pulling away he looked down into [member="Rasu Gan"]'s eyes and forced a smile as guilt built inside him. "I've found something Rasu. Something that will require my attention." He stated, his mind trailing to thoughts of the hand of the Dark Lord he'd tracked down, [member="Darth Vindica"]. What business did such a high ranking Sith have wandering off all alone to a desolate corner of the galaxy? And why had he called on Marek alone? These questions he asked himself constantly, but now he would have to try and answer them to Rasu.

Then he would have to explain why he needed to go alone.
Her husbands words put her kind at ease. Rasu found that her tears had dried on her cheek, with the remainder having left Marek's shirt damp. Wrapping herself tighter around the man's chest, she welcomed the sense of safety that her husband provided. It had been a tough fee years and her world had been ripped apart. Many friends had drifted off into the veil of the Force but none had dealt such a decisive blow to her spirit as had the death of Sochi. Both Marek and herself had been close to the Togruta and as a result her death had left a deep scar on the Shi'ido's spirit. Rasu had been absent during her friends final moments and she would be lying if she had not thought on many occasions whether her presence may have aided or averted the Jedi's fate. These were the thoughts that had troubled her during her pilgrimage, and these were the reasons for her return.

As she delved into her own thoughts, she felt her partner do the same. Pulling her face away, she looked up into his eyes, radiating the light side she looked further, studying his features while his mind appeared elsewhere.

"What is it?" She replied after his sudden remark. "You're not leaving? After I've just returned!" rasu could sense that there was more that he had to share whether he would part with this willingly or she would have to coax it out him. Either way she would extract the information.

[member="Marek S'hadar"]
"It is a man, a Sith Lord, who reached out to me. He is defecting from the Sith, to us if I can convince him. But he has fled to Mytus VII and has requested me alone." He sighed, coming right out with the truth rather than go through the process of having his wife persuade him to tell her anyway. There was however, nothing would persuade the Jedi Master out of his mission, the information he could gain from this offered an inside look into the One Sith which had to hold a plethora of weaknesses and flaws to exploit, it was possible it was a trap of course, but he sensed it was not, and even if the force was somehow wrong, he could take one Sith Lord one on one. Especially Vindica, all intelligence gathered on him recently suggested the man had begun to fall apart at the seams thanks to his constant use of the dark side.

He placed a hand reassuringly on her shoulder as he always had and smiled. "With what he has, we could beat them Rasu, the One Sith would fall, I..." He trailed off, his mind wandering again to why he was so hellbent on defeating the Sith. Yes they'd killed Sochi, they'd killed hundreds and hundreds of good and honorable people, put thousands to the sword, but they had taken one thing in particular form Marek S'hadar. They'd taken it at birth, molded it into something, then let it become its own person only to take control of it with a few simple words and make it their attack dog. "I could get Cale back."

[member="Rasu Gan"]
Cautious as ever, Rasu seeped concern as Marek explained the situation. It seemed simple enough; meet with this Darth and finish the defection process. However when dealing with a Sith it could never be that easy. The Jedi master knew that her partner could deal with whatever challenge awaited him, however it was the lure of the dark side that concerned her. Her husband had always been in the middle of an internal conflict between his ties to the light and memories of his dark past. Rasu was worried that Marek might venture out towards this defection and with a few manipulative words, he would be the one defecting. The Shi'ido was confident in her husbands alignment but with a history like Marek's one could never be sure.

However there would be no convincing him. With those final words spoken, Rasu understood the determination that resided over her husband. Marek would venture in the pits of hell if there was any chance of redeeming his brother; a sentiment shared by both husband and wife. Thinking of herself in a similar situation involving Sochi or even Allana, Rasu looked down at the floor.

"I know there won't be any chance of convincing you to stay." She began, moving her sight to lock with the man's eyes. " you just make sure you return as the same man I married." As she spoke, she moved an emerald hand to rest on his cheek. Holding it there for as long as possible, relishing the intimacy between husband and wife.

[member="Marek S'hadar"]
Marek smiled and kissed his wife once more and looked into her eyes lovingly. "I will, don't you worry." He assured her, his mind now set on finding this Darth Vindica man. He would bring him into the light that now had become a part of Marek and finally drove out the darkness within him. Even with the bits of machine whirring beneath the synthetic skin every bit of the cyborg Jedi was ready to go out and secure the fate of his brother and bring down the greatest bastion of darkness in the galaxy. With him he had his lightsaber and his armor in a backpack that he quickly slung over his shoulder and looked to his wife, light shining in his eyes. "Be ready Rasu, when I return, we'll have a war to win."

Kissing her softly one final time he moved to the door and before exiting, he looked back at Rasu, and smiled confidently, nodding to her one final time before exiting his home, leaving his wife for what he perceived to be just a few days, he knew in his heart he'd return. But somewhere, in the force a voice whispered to him, one he did not know nor did he say anything about. You will let her down.

Marek would venture to Mytus VII as he said he would, and he would find [member="Darth Vindica"], but months passed and Marek never returned, a voyage to Mytus would discover both his and Vindica's ships and one skeleton, bashed and broken, cybernetics still built into it. It was unidentifiable, whether it was Marek's or Vindica's was unknown. What is known however (should Rasu choose to pursue at some point) is that a masked man, strong in the force rose on Mytus VII, and over time reports of the dark robed figure, known as [member="Craxus"] would begin to appear across the holonet, after he ravaged One Sith facilities and cities. Stories of villages being razed and of others being saved, stories of unspeakable barbarism, and selfless heroism. Whatever emerged from Mytus that roamed the galaxy had been created thanks to whatever happened to the two masters, perhaps time would reveal the answer to Rasu. Perhaps.

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