Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your saber miss...

The ossus academy training facilities


It was time...

The stilness of the air as the saber moved forth and back in various speed and direction was still fascinating to Mantic. The lightsaber was his most precious belonging and he had spent much time on attuning himself with its green crystal.

One step back, the blade moved over his head, one side step, the blade came down in front of him, one step back, the blade trusted forward...

It was perfection he sought, and not only to be able to defeat an enemy, but to become one with the saber. He was sensing it and could at times swear it was projecting itself into his mind. Fencing is one thing, but to be the blade another.

One step back, blade moves over his head...

Then he sensed her. Punctual as usual he mused. Mantic unlit his saber and turned to greet his padawan for their new training session.

[member="Illyana Nightshade"]
"Hello master" Illyana said as she approached him. She had come into the the Ossus training facility only a few moments before. She smiled at Mantic "So what are we doing today master?" she glanced around noticing Mantic's saber. She hoped they were doing some sort of saber training today. She looked back to him waiting for his reply.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic smiled. He knew what she was expecting. The saber was after all the very symbol for jedi across the galaxy. He was no different himself, although his view on fighting had changed since he had been in her age.

"Good morning padawan." he began and nodded. "I trust that you are eager to continue your studies." he asked rethorcally and never waited for an answer.

"First I want you to sit down, utilize the breathing we have discussed and once your mind is at peace recite the jedi code. Secondly, Focus on what the code tell us about violence. Then finally, speak your thoughts on the topic." Mantic placed his hands on his back and waited for her to follow his instructions.

[member="Illyana Nightshade"]
Illyana wasn't suprised when her master told her what to do. She still hoped to be doing some sort of saber training with her master, but honestly didn't think she would be doing it without some sort of life lesson so to speak. She sat closed her eyes, and Illyana began to slow her breathing taking steady breathes as she relaxed. She began to recite the code the shorter version although she figured mantic might like the more refined code better the girl was just to excited to say the much longer version. "Emotion, yet peace. Ignorance, yet knowledge. Passion, yet serenity. Chaos, yet harmony. Death, yet the force." she cracked an eye open to look at her master trying to gauge his reaction as she thought what the code said about violence. The code tells us to only use violence as a last resort . . . yeah I think. "The code tells us to only use violence if there is no other solution"

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic listened and as she chose to recite the old version of the code he gave an amused heightened eyebrow of approval. As for her answer he left no reaction for either positive or negative.

"How you percieve the code, how it will guide you is a personal matter in the field of operations. Sometimes the code will tell you different things, you must trust in your gut." he unclicked two traning saber hilts from his belt and wheighed them in his hand.

"Be careful about what version of the code you choose to follow though padawan. The order is open for reformation at times but we move slowly to avoid mistakes. The version you use also reflects upon your action and thus you must know it to be the truest one to your heart."

He checked both sabers making sure their power was set to minimum. Then he reached out one of them toward her, offering it in an open palm.

"A jedi must know the path of a warrior, yet we are peace keepers. This in itself often feels like a contradiction to many jedi and non-jedi alike. The code will help you understand how this works in unity."

He placed his other hand with the saber meant for himself on his back, a posture to show that he was harmless. Not that he thought [member="Illyana Nightshade"] was concerned, but more out of old habit.

"Your saber miss."
As she stood Illyana looked a bit frustrated "So what your saying is there is no single way to perceive the code?" she took her the saber with a nod of thanks. "How do I know if what I believe is right or not?" She looked up to Mantic wondering what his answer would be it was troubling to think she might see the code wrong.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic stopped her hand from withdrawing and for a moment they held her training saber together.
He locked eyes with her to ensure she was listening to what he was about to say.

"The code holds rules for how you lead your life as a jedi. They are imperative to always keep in mind to guard yourself against the dark side padawan. Do not underestimate this fact." he explained with a serious low voice.

"But, in different situations you will find that you will need different perspectives to utilize it properly. For now, there is no emotion, there is peace... should mean that you always should strive for a peace of mind. Always be calm and calculate your options without letting your personal need or desires govern your choices."

He let go of her hand and took a step back. He smiled trying to ease her mind in that direction.

"Now, focus on the metal tube in your hand. Let tranquility flow through your body, meditate if need be. Feel tbe crystal. Embrace it as part of your fingers, your hand, your arm..." Mantic himself closed his eyes and held his own saber loosely in his half open palm.

"... yes, feel it travel into your mind. You and the weapon are one... just make yourself aware of it. Then ignite it."

[member="Illyana Nightshade"]
The young padawan nodded looking to her master as he spoke. When he took a step back her eyes didn't leave him as he continued to instruct her. She did as he instructed. Finally she ignited her lightsaber her eyes open she smiled at him. The young girl enjoyed listening and learning from Mantic she waited for further instructions as she inspected the blue colored training blade.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Eyes closed he heard the familiar sound as she lit her weapon. She had connected with the crystal.

"Remember to remain calm my padawan." He whispered, barely audible over the sabers humming song.

"The saber and you are one, let it guide your hand, not the other way around."

"Place one foot behind the other and raise your saber above your head. Your free hand should point an open palm in my direction." after a short pause he stroked his beard.

"You should find yourself in a good position to initiate combat from the chi sho form, but also equally easy to turn into a more defensive form or the more quicker Ataru form."

"Once you are ready, choose a form and execute at least five attacks, blocks or movement within the forms. Then track them backwards so that you will finish in the same position that you are in now."

[member="Illyana Nightshade"]
Illyana listened to her master quietly watching him. She got into the stance he instructed. She placed her left foot forward and her right foot back pushing her left hand forward. She moved her saber above her head pointing forward as well. She then began to do moves from the form she had wanted to learn for a long time Makashi or Form II if you prefer. She started by changing her stance. She moved her feet shoulder width apart her blade was then pointed at the ground. She then mock blocked two attacks moving back as she did before moving around the left of her imagery opponent and making three light cuts on their imaginary body. She then moved back through the movements backwards so she was standing in the opening of Makashi again.

[member="Mantic Dorn"]
Mantic nodded. He recognized her stance at once and lit his own saber, lifting it in front of his face only to lower it to his side taking the same stance as she had.

"The Makashi is the also know asd the contention form. This is a good form to preserve your energy and when facing an opponent with a lightsaber it is a good choice. However, be weary against enemies who draw on brutal strength. the Makashi tends to make its wielders somewhat immobile and hard strikes can penetrate its defense."

Mantic turned his saber around in his hand once to show its agility.

"You will however find that when in this form deflecting blasters will be harder. But, let us focus on what we got here for now."

"While utilizing your techniques you should focus on speed and agility to land fast multiple hits on your opponent. A flourish is well executed aimed at the head and chest of your oponent since the blur of lights can act as a confusing bonus on untrained opposition."

"Lets start wit this stance padawan. Do not move away from your position, the form is meant to preserve energy for a prolonged combat."

"Now, if you would be so kind to hit me."

[member="Illyana Nightshade"]
Illyana made sure she was in the stance he was. She smiled in a real battle that would matter so much, but she knew that she should practice keeping her eyes on her opponent. As Mantic continued to instruct her she smiled. The young Padawan trusted her master completely despite the small amount of time she had know him. So she did exactly as he said. She swung the blade aiming for her masters leg if it landed it would cut his leg only slightly . . . well if it were a real saber.

[member=Mantic Dorn]
Sorry for the late response. Seems I missed the tag.

As [member="Illyana Nightshade"] brought down her saber Mantic lowered his own deflecting the hit. the electrical sound of the weapons overshadowing all other noise.

Mantic pulled back. Reassuming the starting position.

"Good. Now do that strike again, but follow it through by shifting your weight once I parry to hit my upper body with a second attack. Then repeat the process until you can speed it up. Remember, I know where the strikes are coming, there is no need for you to hold back."

Mantic nodded reassuringly toward his padawan. She was quick and agile, this technique would fit her very well.
Illyana smiled she was enjoying training so far today. The young girl knew that everything Mantic taught here was important, but she had been eager to really learn how to do something not just lessons. She swung her saber at her master three times mostly toward his torso. She swung moving from one strike to the next. She did it exactly like in the holopads she would study for endless hours in her room. She took a step quick step to the right attempting to move around him. Illyana began again attacking at her master once again trying to show that she was ready for more.

[member=Mantic Dorn]
Mantic took a step back giving [member="Illyana Nightshade"] the space needed to perform her three strikes. They were fast and precise. As the first one landed he placed his left hand on his back giving his free right arm full responsibility to block the attacks.

"Good padawan. Now, do not over think this situation. To do combat with a lightsaber is not like fighting in any ordinary way. While many believes jedi to constantly retreat to ponder on tactics it is in fact more common for younger jedi to be forced to take a pause in order to re-attune themselves with the flow of the force. It is what will guide your hand fore most, your mind comes in second in that aspect."

"Now, keep the three attacks coming but place the first toward my head, the second toward my knee and the final blow toward my torso. do not think ion it. See it happen and let your body engage combat when it is ready."

This was going to be a lesson where [member="Illyana Nightshade"] would feel the weight on continued sparring. Never the less she would come out of it with the means to keep practicing herself.
The Padawan nodded as she got back in her opening stance she moved placing the first attack toward his head though the swing was a little wide. She followed though moving and attacking toward his knee before quickly swinging the last strike at his torso. She moved back to where she had started waiting for his instruction.

[member=Mantic Dorn]

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