Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Your First Steps


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Letting out a brief chuckle, Ar'ekk placed his hand on Zavii's shoulder and nodded. She showed some good discipline and skills with the lightsaber and he appreciated that. However, there would be time to train just not now.

"We will be there in a couple of days. There's nothing I will teach you right now, so feel free to roam around the ship as you please. Pretend we're on a "free" weekend."

Lessons would come very soon but first they'd have to reach their destination for that to occur. Lothal was just a few days away, they'd just have to hang on a little tight. Some freedom didn't hurt anyone, right?

"Oh, okay," the Zabrak blinked and looked around. She wasn't sure that she had much interest in digging around inside of the ship. She'd seen freighters like it before and figured there wouldn't be much of interest, especially since she wasn't a mechanic or engineer and wouldn't know heads or tails of most of it.

"Well..." She looked back to her Master, "Where are we going anyway? And what for? I'd like to know what to expect and what I could get into. Remember, I don't have much experience with other worlds. I'll have to read up on the 'net."



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"Lothal. That planet is strong with the Force. It was the place where I was given the honor of becoming a Jedi Knight. There's something I want us to check out there."

Back then, he had a vision. A test to pass the trials. Everything occured in the blink of an eye, minutes turned into hours and he witnessed something that would be kept in secret for the sake of tradition. Lothal was a place of knowledge and he wanted to bring Zavii for the ride, teach her some things along the way about the Jedi's life and the Force.

"All you take with you. You'll see."

The journey was just beginning for the young Zabrak and Ar'ekk was in charge of showing her the way of the Jedi. She was the future of the order and he had to make sure she learned everything he was taught so in the future the girl would do the same with the next generation and so on.

"Lothal... I haven't heard of that one...." Zavii folded her left arm across her midriff and perched her right elbow in her hand, tapping her chin with her first finger. "Then again, I probably haven't heard of most planets." She thought it was probably fitting that her journey would begin on the same world that her Master had become a knight on.

"What exactly are we doing there? Oh, and do you think i'll be able to find an instrument? Is it very populated?" She asked in a voice that displayed just how much she hoped so. There were only two things she wanted most in life; to follow the path of a Jedi and the footsteps of her parents.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Tinkering with a panel on the wall while he gave Zavii the occasional side glance, Ar'ekk shared some of the secrecy he tried to keep from their visit to Lothal.

"I want you to be the witness to what we'll encounter there. Revealing the real meaning behind our visit would ruin it, right?"

Cheeky as ever, the half masked Jedi Knight knew exactly what they were going to do there. An apprentice would learn great things about the Force in such place, lessons to be taught and shared between the two. Strongest of minds would join in one to channel the Force and see beyond...

"And to be honest, I'm not sure about finding an instrument. Be patient."

She watched attentively as her Master adjusted something behind a wall panel, but the components may as well have been built by some dead race from another galaxy for all she knew about it. She was beginning to expect cryptic answers from [member="Arekk"], too. It seemed that he was a secretive person and she would just have to spend some more time to gain his trust more fully. That was fine with her, so long as he would train her in more advanced lessons than she'd be able to learn at the Rest. "I suppose you're right. I'm not used to surprises, though I guess I'll have to get used to them."

When he told her to be patient once again, she was a little taken aback. Was she really that bad? She had just wondered if it was likely, but maybe the Masters just didn't like questions about the future in general. "In that case," she stretched her neck until it popped and shook her head, "I think I'll try to get some rest, Master. Goodnight." The Zabraki girl bowed and headed for her room to get some sleep, since she hadn't done so the night before.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
His tone was calmed and collected, like he was teaching Zavii some of the intricates of a Jedi's life through understanding and patience.

Ar'ekk knew that the young Zabrak was energetic and wanted to ask many questions and he appreciated that, however some of the things he wanted to show her should be witnessed personally hence his "cryptic" answers.

From what they've learned from each other, if the relationship between the two wasn't of trust right away it would never be. The half masked Jedi Knight trusted her with his life now as they created this teacher-apprentice bond, the Force being a witness to this.

If she just reached out and felt the vibrant sensation it would become something she'd understand right away.

"I'm happy you're here, Zavii. Just want you to know that."

Waving the Padawan off as she went to sleep, Ar'ekk stayed up for the remainder of the "night" until they'd finally arrive to Lothal the next day.

The slight young woman stopped in the doorway when [member="Arekk"] spoke to her, she turned her head and said "So am I... Master," with a little smile playing at her lips before heading down the hall into her quarters. As soon as the door shut, she got into her bedclothes and sat on her bed just meditating silently for a while. Eventually she went to the small desk in the room and typed out a message to her parents, which she planned to record and send once they got to Lothal. About an hour and a half since closing her door, she saved the draft and went to lie in bed and hopefully get enough rest before her first mission as a real Padawan...


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Early in the morning, the Ebon Hawk had already reached Lothal by the time the two of them woke up. Each were sleeping on their quarters although Ar'ekk was the first one awake after the astromech droid came to alert him of the arrival. The view from the cockpit was breathtaking and he stayed there for a while, holding a steaming cup of what seemed like a type of space coffee.

Without wanting to give Zavii a rough wake up, he simply waited for her to get to the cockpit. Placing his bare feet on top of the controls as he always did and leaning back on his chair while on PJs although without a shirt as always, Ar'ekk enjoyed the view of Lothal from space. This was a place with meaning for him, the planet where he was given the title of Jedi Knight.

The Force was strong with this place.

And them.

Zavii hadn't slept a wink. She was far too excited for that, and had instead spent the whole night up, listening to music as she alternated between figuring out exactly how she wanted to appear for her first real excursion as a Jedi-in-training and watching holos on the 'net, trying to decide what kind of instrument would be most practical to carry with her though her travels while keeping her artistic interest. In her reading the teenager had discovered that Lothal was a relatively civilized world in the Outer Rim, with at least three major spaceport cities and a respectable degree of trade. Surely this would be an interesting place, not even accounting for whatever endeavors her master had in mind. Eventually, she heard an astromech's excited beeps and warbles, then sensed [member="Arekk"] moving from his quarters into the cockpit. At that point, she realized that she could no longer hear the thrumming whine of the hyperdrive and decided that it was time to record her message, but first, she had to look her best.

About twelve minutes after he arrived in the pilot's seat, the Human would hear and then see his apprentice padding gracefully to sit beside him. She had elected to wear her new evergreen tunic and pants with her regular brown belt, which was a couple of shades darker than her as-yet unadorned skin. Her brightly colored hair was tied down into a pair of thin braids running back on either side of her head that all fed into a simple ponytail that would keep well out of her face and wouldn't stick out too much if she had to wear a hooded robe. Her eyes were as bright and sharp as ever, if the lids were a little low.

The Padawan cleared her throat a little as she pulled her holoprojector out and spoke in her usual soft yet cheery tone, "Good morning, Master Ar'ekk! Do you mind if I send something from my comm over the 'net real quick? I've been doing some reading overnight, but I always ask before uploading anything, just in case. Oh, and is there more of that caff in the pot? I could definitely use a cup."


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
The effects of caffeine had already started working on Ar'ekk's organism, feeling much more alive that morning instead of the usual drooziness when you're waking up from a rough night's sleep. Holding the cup against his chest, the masked Jedi could sense Zavii's Force signature flow through the ship until she made her way to the cockpit, grabbing the co-pilot's seat.

"Good morning, Zavii. How did you sleep?"

Of course, he didn't sleep at all. Nightmares continued to haunt him when he tried to close his eyes, which made him end up wandering around the Ebon Hawk aimlessly. It sucked for him but he would get through those hardships because you just have to keep trying. Maybe it was worth the try, not giving up.

"Oh, please. Go ahead. There's more caff in pot so feel free to pour some. I don't want to touch down first."

Zavii's attire was exemplary of a Jedi and he appreciated it, giving her a nod and a thumbs up when commenting about her gearments. It was perfectly ironed and she excelled in her presentation, that's how a Jedi should really look.

You couldn't really say that about Ar'ekk yet, bags under his eyes and no shirt. Feet on top of the controls at the cockpit, no shower just yet.

But hey, could you really blame him?

"Keeping up with your family?"

The half masked Jedi missed his family, that was certain. He missed Jyn too, his soulmate. But...

A Jedi's life is all about sacrifice.

"I um... didn't, really," the Zabrak replied to her teacher's question of sleep. "It's fine, though. I spent a couple of hours meditating. I do it all the time. It's way more efficient than wasting all that time sleeping, you know?" She glanced at him and ran her fingers over her ear to settle her Padawan braid in it's proper spot, then docked her holocomm to the console and set it to send the message that she'd just recorded a couple of minutes ago.

As soon as it started the process, she stood to go get a mug of caff, but paused in the doorway and turned to look at [member="Arekk"], her body facing him only sidelong. Her eyes were a little wider since he asked about keeping up with her family and she hesitated for a moment, then asked "How'd you know? Did... did my name tip you off?" She wasn't nervous as she might be if anyone outside the Silver Jedi Order had asked about them, just surprised. "Do you listen to The Lovers Lightfoot?" She knew that her parents' band was relatively popular in the Rim Worlds, but hadn't really taken Ar'ekk for the kind of person to listen to folk-music. It didn't seem to fit with his Song, or the parts of it that he let her hear, anyway.


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"No, I don't. It's because I wanted to do the same thing when I was a Padawan after I left."

Emphasis in wanted. He never had the chance to communicate with them after leaving Coruscant and they perished a shy month after his training had already started, unbeknownst to him. It hurted back then and continued to ache now although slightly, you learn to cope with pain and not let it consume you. That's how Ar'ekk made it so far.

Letting out a small chuckle after she mentioned meditating, he took a good luck at her braid. The young Jedi still felt like a Padawan and hearing her call him a master wasn't good enough to put him into the present. Anyways, she was a bright one and was respectful which is another thing to appreciate what she really is.

"We can touch down on Lothal after a few hours. Really need a shower."

Adjusting in his seat and placing his bare feet in a much more comfortable position, Ar'ekk sipped from his cup of caff.

"Oh, of course," the young woman sighed and relaxed, visibly releasing tension from her back with a gentle sigh of relief. She of course missed the nuance in Ar'ekk's speech, being so preoccupied with the thought of her parents' security, and turned to go into the galley. Once she'd gotten a large mug of caff mixed just how she liked it, she returned to the copilot's chair to watch Lothal spin in the viewport and make sure that her message had been properly sent with the right proxies and encryption to the right drop-box. She had devised this method of keeping in touch with them discreetly a couple of years ago, since she realized that a simple nickname would never suffice in keeping them safe from anyone who might want to hurt her in the future. But now the future had come, and although she hadn't yet collected any personal enemies that she knew of, she wanted to ensure their anonymity as much as she could. It had been years since she'd had a live connection with them, but sacrifice was the life of a Jedi.

Once the message and it's path were clear of the ship's memory, Zavii put on some light music and leaned back in the chair to wait for her master or perhaps anything unusual.



The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
"I will give you some lonely time to send that message."

And just like that, Ar'ekk left his empty mug near the caff machine and grabbed one of the towels at one's reach. Heading towards the shower, the man would prepare to touch down on Lothal with his Padawan. She could use this lonely moment to speak with her family or deliver that much needed message, staying in touch with them was key.

After fifteen minutes, the young Knight came out of the shower and made his way to his quarters to dress up. He came out wearing an all-white robe (Not in the Jedi traditional way, though) with golden linings. Ar'ekk wasn't one to wear fancy clothes or armor, just a simple outfit that resembled a warrior's outfit yet comfortable.

Reaching the cockpit again and leaving the wet towel near a container for dirty clothes, he met eyes with Zavii again.

"You're ready?"

When he returned to the bridge, [member="Arekk"] would find his Padawan lounging cross-legged in her chair with the half-drained mug held in front of her chin. Her eyes were trained on the world ahead, her head bobbing subtly along with the drum-and-bass instrumental music playing from the ship's console. She took a sip as the Human sat in his chair, "Mm-hm," she hummed before swallowing and without taking her eyes off the spinning globe.

When he started to steer them closer, Zavii finally glanced over at her Master and double-taked at his outfit. "Hmm, those're some shiny robes you've got on. Are we trying to impress somebody today?"


The Flesh Of Fallen Angels
Nodding back to his apprentice and broadening the most sly smirk you could ever see, even though the mask on the way. His robes were nothing out of the galaxy or used them for a reason in particular, however they served as a way of showcasing the half masked man's status as a much more mature Jedi than before.

Others could see him as leaving the "learner's" phase behind to allow the new and more masterful part of his life.

"No need to impress anyone. Just teach."

The Ebon Hawk was authorized to land on one of the nearby docking bays on Lothal, their destination not too far away on foot. If Zavii hated walks in general, this could be a chore. But the markets and stalls just outside the docking bay were big enough to catch their attention should they need anything for the road.

"Come on, grab your gear. I'll wait for you outside."

Zavii nodded at her Master's response with a smile to match his. "Well I am ready to learn and at your disposal, my Master."

She watched the planet grow larger through the viewport until they were inside it's atmosphere and eventually closed in on a spaceport, bubbling and fidgeting with her braid out of excitement and humming a slow tune the whole way down. When they finally landed, she tapped a couple of buttons on her commlink to stop the music she'd been playing and stood up with Ar'ekk. "I'm all set," she said with a peppy grin and a pat on her utility belt as she followed him off of the Hawk, "Where to?"

At that moment, she remembered that her lightsaber was still on it's "safe" setting and, not wanting to be caught unawares or look like a fool in case of an emergency, she took it off her belt and twisted the control knob to the right. When next she would need her blade, it would be hot and fat, perfect for slicing through barriers or deflecting blaster bolts.

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