Maccus Thorne
"You know...your one dumb son of a queen...bringin' a knife to a gunfight." He slowly raised his lever action GalacticBANG shotgun, a cruel smirk on his face as he watched the expression on his knife wielding target's face. He slowly placed his finger on the trigger. Firing the firearm, the shotgun slug struck the man in the chest, sending him sprawling on the filthy and damp ground of the dark alleyway. He slowly spun around, walking out of the alleyway, while singing...
"A young cowboy, named Billy Joe grew restless on the farm. He was full of wonderlust, and really, meant no harm. He changed his clothes and shined his boots and combed his dark hair down as his mother cried as he walked out. Don't bring your guns to town, son. Leave your guns at home, Bill."
[member="Seth Huze"]
"A young cowboy, named Billy Joe grew restless on the farm. He was full of wonderlust, and really, meant no harm. He changed his clothes and shined his boots and combed his dark hair down as his mother cried as he walked out. Don't bring your guns to town, son. Leave your guns at home, Bill."
[member="Seth Huze"]