Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You like ships. You don't seem to be lookin' at the destinations.


Somewhere in the Colonies...

"Catalyzer on the port compression coil blew. It's where the trouble started." yup. The ship was as good as done. Twin heads would poke alongside Kaileann Vera, watching the strawberry blonde woman poke through the engine of the old freighter.

With a grunt and a push, the former Yum Bunny waitress slid herself up to her feet. Dusting off her hands, she gave a sniff, only to rub her nose with the back of her hand. That resulted in a black smear under the tip, along with a smudge along her right cheek.

"Ya'll gonna need to get yourself a new one. Ain't no making that one last." she said with lamentation, giving an apologetic look at the old spacer and his kin. It was only supposed to be a pitstop, but it turned into more than that. First she met Jeb, who was this really nice little fella about eight years old. Well Jeb had a rather hunky looking older brother named Ned.

Ned had the story of how they were stuck cause they had no clue why the engine failed and that their poor grandpa was at their wits. A good piece of eyecandy along with her bleeding heart was enough to warrant the Lorrdian to come on over and lend a helping hand.

"Maybe..." she considered, "Maybe if you can get a new power coil to jiry rig it..." oh but that would still take some doing.

"But can it be done!" Gramps asked with that expression of desperation one just couldn't say no to..

"Ahh... well... don't harm none to try right?"


Which is why now Kaileann found herself in the middle of the starpart trying to find a powercoil.

[member="Samael Rekali"]
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
Somewhere in the Colonies...

"Hey, Fen!" Sam shouted as he stepped off the loading ramp. "I am gonna go get us that food. Check up on the transistors, see if they are salvageable, otherwise I will have to rewire new ones again." a little face popped up from behind one of the cargo boxes, she made a weird face that designated annoyance and maybe a shred of indignity. It was clear as a sunny day what [member="Fennec"] was trying to convey this time around.

"Ye, yeah. I will get ya those veggie wraps you love so much. Don't worry."

There was a reason Sam was doing the shopping this time around. Last time Sam sent her off to do some morning shopping she came back with some... green... stuff, he didn't even have any words for it. Other than the fact that there had been no meat at all in the groceries that day.

And what kind of self-respecting, gruff spacer doesn't eat some meat every once in a while? Right?! Turning his head back towards where he was walking, he had just enough time to see a flash of strawberry blonde, smell the lilac fragrance, right before stumbling into [member="Kaileann Vera"] and sending both her and himself to crashing to the ground.

A yelp -- origin could have been from either of 'em -- was overheard. Together with a few curses here and there.
[member="Samael Rekali"]


WHAM! The 'verse spun, and then all of a sudden a stab of pain went up her tailbone as everything scattered. Down went her satchel. Down went her sunglasses. And her lollipop was a total loss.

"A-cheee cheee," it was a mix of a painful cry and clucking of her tongue. Oh man, yup. That hurt some. It was as if her bottom got a pounding and not of the good sort. "Owww...." Enter a small lean to rub her tailbone, and the squinting of brown eyes towards the person in question responsible for such a stumble.

Granted, he wasn't the first thing that came to mind. No instead it was Bobo. "OH!" scrambling, she moved towards the satchel. Thankfully it only fell about a foot from her, which wasn't so bad. "Bobo!" enter the fretting, the panic coming out of her in palatable waves.

A tug of the strings and the pull of leather from her fingers, and she went diving in to check on the miniature nutrient tube used to house her beloved best friend.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"Feth!" the words escaped him as he walked into the petite girl and fell to the ground. It was more out of surprise than anything else, as a practitioner of Instinctive Astrogation the old Rekali had a pretty good beat on the street. His rhythm was flawless usually, allowing him to traverse the streets without much hassle -- or freaking running into someone and landing face first into the floor. Sam rubbed his face gently, while looking up to see what was happening. Around them the people kept on doing what they were doing. They didn't care about a miniscule accident happening in front of them, the crowds naturally just parted right before them, people brushing past them and moving along to their destinations.

It was pretty clear the little woman was concerned about something. Contents of her back pack? Something about a 'Bobo', whatever that meant. With some effort he managed to climb back to his feet, an icy twitch running through his spine at the same time. Ow, feth, he wasn't getting any younger.

"Miss, ya a'right there?" Sam would ask, before trying to stretch his back without tearing any muscles. Ow. "Really sorry about that, shoulda looked where I am going."

She didn't seem to be paying much attention. Still mumbling about a Bobo.

"Uh... can I help somehow?"
[member="Samael Rekali"]

"J-just gotta make sure," came Kaileann's fretful voice, a tremble to it as she managed to pull off the rest of the ties. In went her hands, diving into the depths of her satchel. Her entire focus was on the minature durasteel nutrient tube she flushed out with a small omph.

"Bobo, you okay darlin?" she practically mewled out, worried something fierce. There it was, a rather odd contraption, but for any Mandalorian well familiar with the larger version of the lizard, could strike one rather dumb at the smothering sensation of a Ysalamiri. It was a smaller bubble, barely enough round the female, but the same intensity none the less.

There, between her hands behind the glassteel protection, was a rather tiny thing one would figure to be a young baby ysalamiri. Black beady eyes would stare wide, and Bobo's claws were holding for dear life. Kaile brought that tube right up to her face, and like a momma hen looking over their chick, she proceeded to critically inspect the tube.

"Oh thank goodness!" she wailed a second later, satisfied for the moment that her bestest friend was alright. "He's alright!" relief washed across her expression, past the slight freckles of her face and shone in her brown eyes. Up that sunny smile went, latching onto Samael Rekali with growing joy.

"He's okay!"
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[SIZE=10.6667px]Sam [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]wondered[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]. It was clear what he saw in front of him - a miniature nutrient tube, modeled after the ones the Mandalorians had been using for a very long time now. Ever since they managed to conquer Myrkr and gain access to the vast horde of Ysalamiri slumbering there. But he had never seen such a small, little Ysalamiri before; even the little newborns weren’t as small as that and still produced a larger field. So there were really two questions that came to mind: [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]what was this little ysalamiri offshoot and how did this pretty woman get ahold of it?[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]At least. That’s what the younger Sam would have been interested in. The Blackthorn, concerned about the heritage of the Mandalorians and all they laid claim on. But it were long days from his warring ways - war hadn’t crossed his path in many years. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Let another man worry about the ysalamiri and his hen mother. This wasn’t something that Samael should be concerned about.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“Glad to see your little ysalamiri is alright, ma’am.” he offered gently. It was clear that the young girl cared a lot about the lizard.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“Again my apologies. Wasn’t paying attention, head full with the purchase list, ya know how it is.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px][member="Kaileann Vera"][/SIZE]
[member="Samael Rekali"]

“He’s right as rain,” Kalie would repeat again, her entire body radiating in a visible sigh of relief. With that in mind, she turned up towards the one she’d stumbled upon.

“Good golly, I’m sorry. Didn’t see yous there t’all.” she’ apologized, flushing in her embarrassment. “Been gettin’ all kinds of klutzy and absentminded lately.” she’d lament,, mainly at herself in chiding than true complaint at the stranger’s ear.

An offered hand would pluck her right up, “ Thank you kindly.” she’d say, taking the offer. Least the man was rather gentleman-like and all.

“Nah, that faults with me.” with Bobo’s wellbeing in place, her attention drew towards the old timer himself.

“Hope I didn’t break anythin’” she’d say, looking him over for any tell tale sign of distress.
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[SIZE=10.6667px]“Hope I didn’t break anythin’”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]Now [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]that[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] got a good, hearty chuckle out of him. It was a heavy rumbling coming from the deepest of his body, radiating up from his stomach, passing the lungs and escaping from his mouth - didn’t drive him to tears or anything, but it was [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]damn[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] funny anyway. Sam pulled her up, dusting her off with a few swipes before taking a step back and taking a look if [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]she[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] was alright.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“Ma’am. I fought on Junction during Moridin’s War as a young lad. ‘Sgotta be more than a pretty young lass running into me, to break anything.”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]He scratched his chin, suddenly a bit worried he had hurt her feelings.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“No offense! I am sure you pack quite a punch!” [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]His hand left the chin and resettled his hat, pushing it up a bit to get a good look on the girl. She did seem quite solid of frame, perhaps she [/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px]wasn’t[/SIZE][SIZE=10.6667px] a total push-over. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px]“So, where ya be running with such haste?”[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.6667px][member="Kaileann Vera"][/SIZE]
[member="Samael Rekali"]

“Well that’s good to know,” Kaile would express herself with a cheerful smile.

“Oh!” it was as if her absentmindedness just struck her in realization! “Power coils!” she said abruptly, using her pointer finger in emphasis. And was that a slight flounce?

Yeah. Yeah it was.

“I need to go get some,” she told him, hooking her thumbs along the straps of her backpack after tying Bobo’s nutrient tube back into place. She settled it nicely on her back, a bit more relieved that her bestest friend was safe and sound.

“Helpin’ an Old spacer with his engine, just needs some elbow grease and maybe a few prayers…” she’d add, once again mulling on how she was gonna jiry rig it. It was a short fix, but a fix. Anything more would require ‘em to go off to a real repair station or else they’d be drifting.

She scrunched up her nose and gave a glance around.
“Thought I saw a place nearby to haggle for one.”
The Admiralty
Codex Judge
[member="Kaileann Vera"]

"No idea, haven't been around this place since... feth's been two decades now." right around the time that he had left Mandalorian Space behind him and set course towards the Outer Rim. Leaving everything he knew behind. To find something new in life outside of the constant battle, wars and bloodshed. It had been a good life too, a lot of experiences, friends made, loves cherished and discoveries discovered.

Sam pondered a bit, before shrugging. He wasn't the best engineer out there, but he could carry his weight - and it was about dang time he got his hands dirty again. Ever since [member="Fennec"] got on his ship... everything started to magically work again. Which he was pretty grateful about no doubt.

But he did miss fething around with the nitty grit of it all sometimes.

"I got a good hand with basic engineering and all that. Gotta head down to buy a few transistors too anyway - alongside with a few meals for the road. You want, we can tag together, and at the end I could take a look at the ol' spacer's ship?"
[member="Samael Rekali"]

“Well that be swell!”

If anything Kalieann was all up for socializing. More so when there was shoppin involved. A crooked, friendly grin would relay her easygoing nature and acceptance of the offer.

“Took a look at it meself,” she began walking then, the old timer following suit as the former Yum Bunny waitress carried on with her tale. “Catalyzer on the port compression coil blew. Might be able to get a new powercoil. At best a new catalyzer. But that there model ain’t seen no wares manifest in a long while, “ she would lament sadly.

“Theys discontinued that a while back. Granted, theys tried to sell it as the One-Eighty-Two Alpha… but honestly, alls theys did was just stick a new plate on it and try to sells it as a new one.”

“Whatcha traveling out here for?” she asked him, curious.


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