Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You didn't know the king buys the drinks? (Rikki and King Romy)

I was thoroughly happy with myself tonight. Not only had I managed to sneak into the deepest parts of the Shadow Palace, but I had an actual plan of what to do today. I grinned at Rikki as I spun the bright, neon-blue wig around on my finger. It wasn't happy hour, yet, and I was determined to treat, and possibly manhandle, Romeo into having copious amounts of alcohol. He deserved it, and I was simply the instrument by which fate inflicted booze on him.

"D'you suppose he'll be mad if we don't wake him up, first?"

[member='Rik'Tani'] [member='Romeo Sin']


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
As usual, Rikki was with Cross wherever he was making mischief. She took the wig from his finger and placed it on her head. "Knowing him, maybe a little bit. He doesn't take filling his stomach to busting with liquor as seriously as we do," She replied with a silly grin.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]
I grinned back at Rikki, with a glint in my eye, and snaked an arm around her waist in my usual manner and pulling her close.

"You look a bit better with your black and red, darlin'. Plus, gotta save that for Romeo. I've got something else for you, anyway."

I leaned down a little to kiss my gold-skinned pirate lady, and took the wig off her head.

[member="Rik'Tani"] [member="Romeo Sin"]


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
"Awwww, but I wanted the tacky blue hair!" Rikki said with a mock pouty face. Nevertheless, she let him take it. They walked down the corridors, growing closer to Romeo's room with each step. With Rikki's Force Sensitivity, She could feel Romeo in his room. "Well, how do we want to do this? If we wake him up too roughly, he might dice us with that lightsaber of his," She joked to Cross.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="Romeo Sin"]
I shook my head, grinning even wider at the fact that I was doing something that worried Rikki, even jokingly. She was usually so relaxed about danger, and the two of us getting into trouble, that I had to smile.

"Well, I honestly doubt it. He's had people try to steal his saber and kill him, so I doubt he keeps it that close when he sleeps. Besides, there's not that many people who look like we do, even to somebody getting pulled out of his bed in the middle of the night."

Winking again, I opened the door to my royal friend's chamber, and closed it quietly after my gold-skinned lover. With a deft hand, I slipped a bit of the gel netting of the wig over the back of Romeo's head. The waist-length ponytail I'd pulled the whole thing into shook slightly to brush the Shadow King's hand, and he grabbed it, muttering something about sexy-looking cats riding magic ponies. Weird dream, that one. The rest of the false hair molded over his, I let go with a satisfied laugh.

[member="Romeo Sin"] [member="Rik'Tani"]
[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Rik'Tani"]

Romeo's eyes opened after the wig was put on him, and looked around. What he saw didnt alert him too much, other than that something mischievous was happening here. Lifting himself up, he was shirtless, and his body's muscles rippled cross with the movement. "What...what the hell are you doing Cross in my room?" He rubbed his eyes, and flicked on his lamp next to his bed. When the light illuminated his room he saw the woman now. "Who is this?" He brushed his hand through his new hair and stopped. "WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!? WHAT DID YOU DO!?" He pulled as his hair, and blue strands fell in his face. "ITS BLUE!"


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki couldn't contain herself. She began laughing ridiculously, having to hold on to Cross's shoulder to keep her balance. "IT-IT SUITS YOU!!!" She said in between breaths.
[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
I grinned at my royal friend, and pulled the blanket off him to make him get up.

"Hell yeah, it's blue, Romy-boy. And guess what else?"

I grinned like a wolf standing on its prey, and waited for either my girlfriend or my next-best friend to figure out something important came today. Of course, it then occurred to me that neither of them knew that it was a special occasion. Being nine hundred years old pretty much meant that nobody knew the exact date I'd gotten broken out of the Hapan Navy for the first time.

[member="Rik'Tani"] [member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Rik'Tani"]

Romeo jumped out of bed, and looked in a mirror. "H..wha..WHY!?" He tugged at it in despair. "It..comes off right?" He had a small tear in his eye. "My hair..wait..mmmm yessssss....." He gave the red head a nasty smirk. "I do like this..thank you..." He started laughing in the most evil tone he had ever done before. "Now..what's so special about today? Do I get to kick you butt for this?" he gestured to his head.


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki propped her elbow on Cross's shoulder, placing her other hand on her hip and looking over at Cross. "Oh, that's right! Today's the day you went rogue, right?" The only reason she knew this was because she'd binge-read all of the records aboard the Hazard Beauty. Though the majority of it had sent her to sleep, she'd managed to get some good info out of it.
[member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Cross Ikon"]
I looked at Rikki with mild surprise... She'd managed to dig up my old military records, then? Odd... I'd assumed that they'd been erased from public knowledge. Apparently not. My hand reached up to run itself down the braid of the gold-skinned Zabrak's hair.

"Yeah. For the first time, anyway... The little foray I had on Zeltros before I got serious about all those secret projects I used to do. And then got married."

I shuddered... My marriage hadn't been the most pleasant of experiences, and was possibly the single reason I wasn't too hot on the idea of asking Rikki to marry me yet. Not her fault, obviously. I looked at Romeo, grinning.

"Well, you and your ravishing new hair are gonna come to a bar with us. Don't really care how you dress up, long as you come."

[member="Rik'Tani"] [member="The Shadow King"]
[member="Cross Ikon"] [member="Rik'Tani"]

Romeo looked at his hair, some of it in dismay, some in glee. "Why blue though?" He looked back at Cross. He shuddered with Cross. "Marriage..its for those who are ready..he wasnt ready!" He said in a playful high pitched voice. He shrugged, and walked over to the closet, as he began to remove his pants he stopped. "You gonna watch me get naked? Or,,,"


Cross's Gold-skinned Princess
Rikki thought about that for a moment. She gave Romeo a one-over, arching a brow and smirking a little. He wasn't that bad to look at. Besides, he wouldn't be the first naked man she'd ever seen. But Cross was standing right next to her. She didn't think it would be very appropriate for her to oggle at another man in front of him. She sighed. "Fine then. When you're finished beautifying, we'll be waiting outside." Before turning to leave, Rikki looked Romeo over one more time. Mm. Katar was a very lucky girl. Then she walked out of the room.
[member="Cross Ikon"]
[member="The Shadow King"]
I grinned at Rikki once we were outside the door, raising an eyebrow at her. I'd seen that look before. It was sorta like a kid who didn't get to watch the holo they wanted. The grin widened as I reached down to squeeze her hand.

"You could've watched if you really wanted to. Might've made him self-conscious enough to go a bit faster. Probably wouldn't have gotten a very good view if he felt like that, though."

[member="Rik'Tani"] [member="The Shadow King"]

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