Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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You can check out anytime, but you can never leave (Republic Dominion of Zeltros)


Zeltros - The party planet. A world in which found itself in a state of never ending euphoria. Everything from the daily life of its' populace, to the architecture, design, layout, and vibe of this world made visitors crave more. In and of itself it felt like a drug to simply be there. Many travelers found it difficult, if not impossible to leave once arriving. A true testament to one's own power of will. Even the people of Zeltros gave off tantalizing pheromones that enticed travelers to stick around for the party.

Sera found herself nervously touching down on the planet, the glaring lights of the city life and the audible beats, music, and noises pouring into the atmosphere all around was enough to cause a momentary overload of her senses. As she stepped down the ramp, her lekku immediately coiled around her neck, putting her on alert to the wealth of movement about the streets, the lively nature of this place was unlike anything she had ever seen.

The Jedi was here for one reason, and that reason, unfortunately, was not to relax. She had received word that a slave trade guild had managed to get hold of a group of younglings that had been en route to Ossus when they were abducted, and intel that had been acquired indicated their travel path was straight through Zeltros, towards their final destination. Sera would need to locate this guild before the younglings were lost forever, and another blow to the Order delivered.

1. Create your own story with another writer
2. Locate the missing younglings and free them from slavers
3. Attempt to re-establish a stronger tie with the local government and elect a senator to represent the planet within the Republic
[Objective 1]

Mike swayed through the crowd, a smile plastered on his face and a drink with colors that seemed to defy logic and physics in his hand. He looked like any other Chiss on the planet here for recreation, though his mission here was a little more complicated. Bartenders the universe over had 'special' drinks that weren't on the menu and were nothing more than water. If you could ensure the bartender you knew what you were doing, and you ordered something like a 'Corellian Sunrise' then you'd get water, with some fairly interesting uses of food coloring t make it look exotic and alcoholic. This was Mike's fifth 'Corellian Sunrise' and with each one he let himself act more and more inebriated.

"I always thought pink and blue looked great on each other..." a sultry voice whispered in his ear as slender arms encircled his waist. Only through years of undercover training did he resist the still more years of combative training that said he should pivot on his right heel, bring his elbow up and around, following it up with a heel punch to the sternum. Instead, Mike took a sloppy drink of his 'Corellian Sunrise' and turned in the lovely lady's arms. He rested his arms on her shoulders lightly, the drink dangling precariously from his hands.

"Hmmm, that sounds like an interesting theory..." Mike slurred appropriately, leaning down a bit to rest his forehead on the woman's forehead. He then quickly whispered a message while they appeared to be making out. "Your cover is blown, meet me at the Helto Plaza Hotel in thirty minutes, room twelve thirty-eight." He then pulled her close and planted a truly believable kiss on her lips, letting it play out long. Sometimes he was reminded why he gave up the dirt and grime of Ranger life for the life of a spy, and this was one.

Smoothly, the two slipped apart, the space where they were at taken over by other partiers as they moved and grooved. Mike dropped his drink off at a bar, nodded to the bartender and made his way from the party. He did a few double backs before going to the service entrance of the hotel, using a maintenance code to access the door and made his way to the room. There he waited.

Location: Zeltros streets
Objection: Help free younglings
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]

Zeltros. Now this was a place Morgana had wanted to be for a long time. This was the planet to come to for real fun. Good. Bad. Didn't matter. It was fun. The moment she touched down with aster Sera and the others she could already feel the energy of the place. She needed a moment to soak it all in, taking a deep breath before sighing with such relief. She felt like it was a second home, and now that it was eventually going to become part of the Republic space hopefully it would be. It was a shame it had to be spoiled by the face she had to help save younglings who were about to be used for force only knew what by the guild.​
Following Sera she looked around, sighing a bit as she realized what fun she was missing, before asking "Any idea who or what we're supposed to be looking for? I mean the younglings could be hidden anywhere on this planet."
Location: Zeltros, Paradise
Objective: 3
Allies: Zeltrons, The REPUBLIC!, and Booze
Enemies: Sobriety

Zeltros, the pleasure jewel of the Inner Rim, a magnificent world of lush forests, oceans, and a cool temperate climate saturated in local pheremones known to cause the sourest mood to take a turn for the better. The Paradise Hotel, an ancient establishment, having hosted the rich and powerful for centuries was hosting an infamous Zeltron party, said to be able to last for days, in celebration of the announcement of a local politician claiming to be running for office within the Galactic Republic Senate. Long had Zeltros been known as a member of the Republic, only with the recent Netherworld clusterkark had it been separated, and its return was being met in typical Zeltron fashion. The host had pulled out all the stops, a fountain of fine wine, hor d'oevres from all over the galaxy, and women, Zeltros' beautiful women parading around handing out drinks and snacks to the rich and powerful in attendance.

I had been sent as a representative of the Galactic Republic Military, and I was also representing myself, in the guise of ArmaTech Combat Systems. The company could use and office on this wonderful planet, and all in all, I could use some R and R. Terrijo had been a rough assignment for myself, and Antar wouldn't be much better once I came off leave. I approached the bar of the massive ballroom "I'll have an ale, I need to pace myself in this place." I told the bar keep. By the time I had paid him several Zeltron women had swarmed me, offering food, drink, and other things. I would have, if I hadn't just arrived. I needed to meet this would be senator and speak with the current rulers some before I mingled with the local wildlife.
Location: Zeltros streets
Objection: Help free younglings
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Morgana Forceborn"]

Zeltros, a planet wide party on the scale of nothing Dair had ever seen. Truth be told, Dair was more than a little uncomfortable here. There was so much lust and avarice and other emotions along those lines coiling and roiling in the air that Dair's natural empathic sense would have been overwhelmed had he not been in a walking meditative state. He kept his eyes on both Seraphina and Morgana, he was here as their backup, should they need it. As part of his meditative state, Dair was focusing on shrinking his presence down to the smallest he could make it. He was dressed in lightly armored spacer garb, similar to what he wore to his meeting with Sayl's brother and other operations as a padawan Shadow. His lightsaber was tucked in his sleeve, ready to come out and ignite at a moments notice.

No, Dair was not comfortable here. Had Sayl been here and he not looking for enslaved younglings, he might have been able to unwind. But neither of those things were true, so Dair merely followed at a varying pace between five and ten meters behind the lady Jedi in front of him while he focused on keeping his presence undetected.
[member="Morgana Forceborn"] | [member="Dair Cotarin"]

Sera shrugged her shoulders lightly as Morgana followed in tow. "From what I've heard, they are a band of Trandoshans. Mean. Big. Ugly. They hop around from system to system, and somehow have a list of our younglings and where they are located. They've been taking a few here and there for months, and we've had little leads as to where they are, where they go, and how they are always two steps ahead of us. However it seems like this time we might have caught them slipping up. I got a tip from an old friend back on Nar Shaddaa who hears things. Things that relate to the Jedi he passes to me."

Pausing for a moment she glanced back through the wave of crowds, looking more like an ocean than that of living beings. There was a massive Ferris Wheel a bit off in the distance, and Sera wished she herself could pause for a few brief moments and enjoy everything the planet had to offer, however the Order was of utmost importance. They couldn't afford this scum to escape again. "The ones we're looking for will stand out. I suspect not many Trandoshans visit this planet, given their...nature." She rolled her eyes. She had little use for the species, they were constantly seen at the core of slave trade, illegal arms trade, smuggling, or worse, Jedi hunting. Be it bounty or sport. She had never met a Trandoshan she approved of, and likely wouldn't. It was just their nature. She couldn't exactly fault them for their worldly customs, but she certainly didn't condone it.
Location: Zeltron, Paradise
Objective: 1
Allies: The Zeltrons, The Republic (Which has stood for millennia) and Alcoholic Beverages
Enemies: Having to do work and not being able to play

I tried my best to make my way over to the more pompous people, the ones who were obviously in charge of things. Try as I might, with every rejection the Zeltron women simply called in reinforcements and redoubled their efforts. All the more reason I should have worn my armor. If I was standing in hermetically sealed phrik plate it would be significantly easier to continuously reject the cooing zeltron females that seemed to have surrounded me. "Come on, big strong soldier like you could use a break. Then when we're done with you, then you can talk about boring business." They seemed to chant, granted only slight paraphrasing.

I stuttered, not noticing one of them slip something in my drink, "I, I, I- would but you know as they say, business first, play second, third and fourth," I barely got the sentence out, their hands fawning over me as I tried to retreat out of the circle they had formed around me. I downed what was left of my drink in one big gulp, "I will be taking you up on that generous offer, just as soon as I talk to the Senatorial Candidate. Five minutes tops." I turned, and suddenly I was dizzy, my vision blurring and tunneling around me. I could feel myself being pulled off away from the party.
Objective: Find Younglings
Location Zeltros Streets
Alliance: Republic
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Dair Cotarin"]

With master Sera's answer Morgana glanced back to Cotarin who, from what she could sense and see, wasn't as thrilled to be here as she was. It was more of Zeltros itself and not the sake of the mission. Oh how she wondered how he would feel if he was in her shoes; or visa-verca even. At least now it was more confirmed that they were looking for thrandoshans, lizards that stuck out from the pink skinned aliens of this planet. Wouldn't be too hard to spot but force only knew what they were in for once they found them. Like Master Sera she tried reaching out with the force while using her eyes, only that had a bit of a backfire Morgana didn't count on.​
She began to feel more of the other people's emotions. Many were more exhilarated by the parties they were engaged in. The beating music was getting to her, making her bounce in her step a little. She started to become a little more eager in her emotions, taking in too much of what was around her. The want to drink and dace and party and flirt with almost anyone she saw. She even looked back to Padawan Cotarin and winked, giggling like a schoolgirl at one point. A complete opposite of what she was in real life.​
Location: Zeltros streets
Objection: Help free younglings
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Morgana Forceborn"]

Through his connection with the force, and the fact that Seraphina and Morgana were both reaching out into it, Dair learned that they were looking for Trandoshans. That seemed like it would be an easy enough alien to find. They were not known for their gentle party life, or partying much at all. As such, they would simply have to go to the rougher portions of the city to find their slavers. A place where violence instead of libido ruled the pleasures of patrons.

Morgana Forceborn said:
She began to feel more of the other people's emotions. Many were more exhilarated by the parties they were engaged in. The beating music was getting to her, making her bounce in her step a little. She started to become a little more eager in her emotions, taking in too much of what was around her. The want to drink and dace and party and flirt with almost anyone she saw. She even looked back to Padawan Cotarin and winked, giggling like a schoolgirl at one point. A complete opposite of what she was in real life.

Morgana winked at him. Morgana, the young woman who was dedicated and stoic, winked at him. Then she giggled. Oh, this was not good. Dair stepped closer to his two companions forcing himself to look at ease and natural. He sidled up to Morgana and put an arm around her shoulder. Outwardly, this would look like it was a come on, but Dair would hold her close and not be trying anything as he looked down to her, trying to put a carefree smile on his face, but the worry was still in his eyes.

"Are you alright? You don't seem yourself..." He spoke into her ear, to be heard over the crowd.

Matron Malgus

Location Witch's Doom -- entering the atmosphere
Allies: None, approved by [member="Seraphina Shel'tah"]
Objective: Contact the Republic offering services.
Post Count: 1/20

It had been some time since she had taken the freighter from the planet of Terrijo during the Republic dominion. She had managed to make it off world before the Republic had finalized their power and got through the fleet of ships, wherein she entered hyperspace and went about in the galaxy. It wasn't long before she caught word of another dominion on Zeltros through the republic comm piece she had found on a dead soldier, so she made use for it and made her way towards Zeltros with the aid of her ship. As she came out of hyperspace she descended upon the planet and hovered just above atmosphere.

With a few presses of buttons and a simple word command she had established a connection with Republic ground forces, "For any republic forces listening on this channel, this is Minerva Do'ral - Captain of the Witch's Doom offering my services.", her soft sly voice flowed across the comm to any listening on the specific channel. She didn't know why she was offering her services, but hey, having a Major Faction on friendly terms really couldn't hurt in ones time of need.

As she awaited a response, she stepped away from the helm and strode down the central corridor to the loading bay where it was nearly barren of any items of value. She hadn't gotten much from the last dominion, so she was hoping to find something on this planet of worth. She had heard tell of a slave market on this planet through republic channels, so maybe that would be her best bet.
Location: Zeltros, Basement of Paradise
Objective: 1
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: Zeltrons

I awoke groggy and tired, my body aching from sleeping awkwardly on the cold hard permacrete floor of what appeared to be a dungeon. My head was still swimming from whatever drug the zeltron girls had given me. That thought struck me hard and swift, like a kick to the head. Those blasted girls had drugged me and made me disappear, with the Republic not expecting to hear back from me for days. No one was going to notice I was gone, not for almost a week, and that was thinking optimistically. At best I had to survive whatever was in store for me on my own, and escape my imprisonment as best as I could. I rose, rocking on my heels and barely keeping upright from the prolonged effects the drugs were having on me.

Whoa there buddy, you haven’t sobered up yet. Sit down and drink some water.” A gruff voice told me, helping me down into a seated position. He handed me a bowl of water and I drank it, realizing I was suffering from pretty severe cotton mouth. “What the heck is going on?” I asked to no one in particular, and not sure if it was rhetorical or not myself. “Well, this is where the owner of Paradise keeps his gladiators. By the time you’ve sobered up they will want to see whether or not you can handle yourself in the sand. There is an arena down that corridor they let some VIP’s attend. You’ll probably be tonight’s opening event.” Well that meant at least one day had passed otherwise they would be talking about the same night I had been kidnapped.
As the pair continued wading through the sea of bodies, Sera noticed that Morgana had been preoccupied on the other Padawan trotting along a few meters behind them. He was an adept at hiding his Force signature, but not quite a master yet. She didn't want to discourage him though, so she paid him no mind. If nothing else he was a third body to join in once things got serious. The constant battering of pheromones and music against her inner core was more than enough to contend with at any given moment.

The Padawan that was accompanying her on the journey began making the telltale signs of an entranced Zeltron. Her pace quickened, she giggled, she even made a few facial gestures at her fellow Padawan in tow. It was a difficult task to resist the temptations of the planet, as that was exactly what drew in so many travelers, however the Jedi master had well guarded herself prior, and even she was having a bit of trouble with her focus here. She understood the draw on Morgana, but snapped her fingers and spoke into the girl's mind as they walked. "Do not get caught up in the trance of this world. Focus your mind. Clear your head. Do not let your temptations best you, young one."

A moment later Dair made his way aside the two and spoke to Morgana. His voice was somewhat muffled by the sound of a blaring bass note. The Twi'lek let them speak to one another as she scanned the crowds, looking for any sign or lead of the slavers they were hunting.

[member="Dair Cotarin"] | [member="Morgana Forceborn"]
[Objective 1]

Mikaal paced the room. It had been nearly an hour since his contact with Marshia and she still hadn't shown. He knew things had gone wrong somewhere, she had been infiltrating a Zaltran syndicate that operated a prostitution ring throughout the Republic. As Zetros would be a Republic planet soon, clearing it up would be a little less questionable than most of his past operations, particularly if it went smoothly. It almost never went smoothly.

Mike was reintroduced to the law of gritty operations when a pair of Trandoshians slammed through the door. As with many times, reflexes saved his life. As the sound of the foot hitting the door reached his ears, Mike spun and dove over the couch, rolling past it and into the suites dining area. He had his twin pistols on the table there, his sniper rifle was less than useful for the type of close work that tended to happen on this type of op. As always, his safeties were off. Why keep them on when you were only going to pick them up to use them. This fact saved him a crucial fraction of a second. The first trandoshan stepped around the corner from the hallway to the door and Mike stood, arms stretched before him, and caressed both triggers in sequence. He used the kickback from one to help steady the other in a slight swaying dance of death.

The first trandoshan went down with slug holes in his exposed throat and face. The second one was more cautious. He kneeled and tried to come around the corner behind his own pistol. Mike had stopped shooting when the first one went down and he had sidled aside and sighted down his right pistol. The trandoshan followed his pistol around, a single shot rang out, the trandoshan fell on top of his comrade.

Mike didn't have much time, those shots would be heard and there would be more brutes coming. Somehow someone had gotten Marshia and had gotten her to talk. Mike packed up his small amount of stuff he still had on the table and left. He made his way down a few floors to a room rented under a completely different name. In there he switched out ammo on his pistols and added a pair of fighting knives to his arsenal. He pulled on a shoulder holster, holstered his pistols and sheathed the blades in the custom sheathes in the back of the set up. Over it he pulled a specially tailored jacket, no bulges of weapons showed. Silently, he made his way out of the hotel. He had an asset to find, and he had his own special way of retrieving lost people and objects.

Location: Zeltros, Basement of Paradise
Objective: 1
Allies: Unknown
Enemies: Zeltrons, Other Gladiators

It took me about an hour to come to my senses, but once I did, I was angry. I had let my guard down and gotten kidnapped by a bunch of women, I didn’t have my armor, and I didn’t have any back up, at least as far as I was aware of, and worst of all I was expected to compete in a blood sport. I wasn’t bad at fighting, but I wasn’t the best at it, and without my tech to back me up and to assist me, I might die out here in the first fight. I shoved those thoughts from my head, I was a dang good fighter, and I was going to make it through this. No problems. I was a well oiled, combat tested, mean lean fighting machine with years of experience and dozens of full scale engagements. A single enemy was chump change, assuming he wasn't some sith lord, and that was unlikely give the circumstances of my capture.

A Pair of droids approached the cell I was contained in, “You, human. Come to the arming station.” They ordered in monotone voices. I nodded to my cellmate, a grizzled Kiffar who had helped nurse me back to fighting shape in the little time we had had. I was still achy, and I could use a good nights’ sleep to fully recover from the drugging, but my time had come. “I’m coming you buckets of bolts,” I told the droids as they opened the cell door. The corridor was damp and cold, my feet were bare, and I wore only a tunic and rope for a belt.

Matron Malgus

Location: Zeltros, Basement of Paradise
Allies: None
Objective: Investigating rumors of a Slave Market.
Post Count: 2/20

Taking the radio silence as an invitation, she manned the helm again and descended to the planet surface with a somewhat smooth descent. She deployed the landing gear and barefoot met solid earth as she made her way off her ship and onto the surface. The atmosphere immediately thickened with a heavy feeling of euphoria and frank party attitude, but due to her training on Dathomir, she had a slight tolerance to it. As such, she was able to distinguish a group of trandoshan guards off to the far side of the area, speaking in their native language.

But, she made no effort to approach them, instead focusing on the group of Jedi walking ahead of her. It was evident that they hadn't noticed the trandoshans yet, but they would no doubt see them soon. So, she would watch and wait - and then she would follow. That was her way to do things, and it satisfied her goals, so it was the way that she would continue to go about it. She would no doubt find things of value on this planet, as she looked around her eyes found many sources of credits; ranging from unconscious natives to broken trinkets. It wasn't the ideal scavenging target, but it was a start.

Her eyes shifted as the Trandoshan's had noticed her watching them, and had began to make their way to her. She remained come as though she hadn't seen them, until they were close enough to her - she could snap her left foot up and crush her heel into the left trandoshan's snout. Blood began to pour and before the other could get a shot off, she had knocked his weapon from his hands and swept his legs out from under him with a sweep of her right leg. Obviously her training had been somewhat effective, but not nearly effective as blaster fire rang out across the area just narrowly avoiding her shoulder, but it was far too close for comfort as she picked up a trandoshan battle staff from the ground and prepared for combat.
Objective: Find Younglings
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Dair Cotarin"]

Padawan Dair's words only bounced off Morgana as she continued to become enthralled by the acts and sensations of the world. Feeling his arm around her she gave a more eager coo before looking up ti him, half expecting a kiss from the look of her face. It was only thanks to Master Sera snapping her fingers that Morgana began to come out of her state. Either because it had helped released her mind's focus or because there was some bit of Master used Force behind the snap was unclear. Either way Morgana blinked and shook her head, rubbing her eyes and temple before looking around again. She realized what had happened and felt embarrassed for it.​
She lowered her head and said "I'm sorry." to both of them. As she looked up, however, she pointed out "Hey, look!"
Sure enough she could see them. Two trandoshans exiting a cantina by the looks of it. Both were big and green and tough and ugly all at the same time. Morgana was glad her one foolish act would hopefully be redeemed for this new one. Hopefully these were the right trandosans they needed to find in order to solve the mystery of where the younglings were being kept.​
Location: Zeltros, Basement of Paradise
Objective: 1
Allies: Looks like [member="Minerva Do'ral"] is coming to the rescue
Enemies: Zeltrons, Other Gladiators

The corridor wasn’t very long, simply a slanted hallway descending towards the arena. The arming station was separated from the corridor by a pair of large durasteel blast doors. One opened allowing me into the purgatory like area between the corridor and the arming station. When it hissed closed, sealing and locking behind me the other unlocked and hissed out, letting me know the room between was air tight, nothing got in from the outside without passing through this door. I don’t know how useful that information would be, but knowing might come in handy.

I pushed all thoughts of escape from my mind. I needed to focus on the task at hand. Surviving this first fight. I entered into the arming station, which was little more than a small armory. I selected a small set of anquianted plate mail, cesti, and a spear. We will see how this works out I thought to myself. I noticed sandals and strapped them on, hoping there wasn’t rough terrain in there, but at least I would have something between my feet and the floor. I jumped up and down several times, getting my blood flowing, and getting centering my mind.

Alright, I am ready. Two men enter, one man leaves. The exterior doors separated, appearing to be ancient double doors, crafted to appear like forged and hammered steel rather than pressed and plated metal. The arena was brightly lit and vast, over one hundred meters in diameter, in a circular shape. I could see boxes for viewing situated about fifteen meters up from the ground, and it could obviously be altered to feature different terrain easily. How long had this thing been going on, and how many people had died here. Opposite of me another man entered, and I could see from even this distance he was another soldier, but from what government I could not tell.
Location: Zeltros streets
Objection: Help free younglings
[member="Seraphina Shel'tah"] [member="Morgana Forceborn"]

Morgana Forceborn said:
Padawan Dair's words only bounced off Morgana as she continued to become enthralled by the acts and sensations of the world. Feeling his arm around her she gave a more eager coo before looking up ti him, half expecting a kiss from the look of her face. It was only thanks to Master Sera snapping her fingers that Morgana began to come out of her state. Either because it had helped released her mind's focus or because there was some bit of Master used Force behind the snap was unclear. Either way Morgana blinked and shook her head, rubbing her eyes and temple before looking around again. She realized what had happened and felt embarrassed for it.

Dair saw Morgana's lips turn up with her face and slightly part, as if expecting him to kiss her. The one and only thought that flew through his mind was of Sayl. His discipline was to strong to allow an easy slip up like that, but the aura of this place still made it difficult. Thankfully, she snapped out of it.

Morgana Forceborn said:
"I'm sorry."

"We watch out for each other. It's what we do." He replied to her. To give one last comfort, he squeezed her shoulders lightly before letting go and falling back a little bit. Trying to act like he'd been rebuffed or something similar.

Morgana Forceborn said:
"Hey, look!"

Dair's head snapped to the direction Morgana pointed, he saw them and let himself slip further back. He let go of his concentration on shrinking his presence, it was excellent practice in an environment like this, but he felt he might soon need that concentration for something else. He moved laterally thrugh the crowd, stupid "frat boy" smile still plastered on his lips. He made it to a bar and sat watching the crowd, though really focused on his companions. The barkeep came up to him and asked him for a drink order.

"Uh..." He looked around quickly and pointed at a soft blue drink a few patrons down. "I'll have one of those." Then he turned his attention back to his companions and the trandoshans.

Matron Malgus

Location: Zeltros, Basement of Paradise
Allies: [member="Draco Vereen"]
Objective: Inadvertently coming to the Rescue
Post Count: 3/20

As she avoided the continued blaster fire, she swept the final trandoshan off his feet, before running into a rather suspicious looking door, which turned out to lead down a dark corridor. She had to feel her way down the corridor, but as she did so she stumbled upon a lever that opened a door that opened into another area - an arena by the looks of it. And, it appeared as though she had just walked into the middle of it. And, judging by the sounds of roars and outrage coming from the stands, she had ruined someones fun; a lot of someones.

She gripped the trandoshan battle staff in her hands and beasts leaped from the stands and gripped their own weapons in preparation for the battle. She hadn't even noticed the other man standing opposite of her, but she didn't really have time to look either. She sidestepped as another blaster rang out and another near miss. She leaped into battle, swinging the staff down hard on the trandoshan that had fired his weapon at her, knocking him to the ground and rolled into a sweeping kick, intending to knock another trandoshan from his feet.
Location: Zeltros, Basement of Paradise
Objective: 1
Allies: [member="Minerva Do'ral"]
Enemies: Zeltrons, other Gladiators

An announcer came over an intercom, relatively quiet and without the roaring applause or disdain that coliseums were known for, simple claps from the few spectators. “Here stands the Collossus of Dredd, the Immortan, ready to add another trophy to his hundreds.” Dredd, the planet covered in bandits, cannibals, and gangsters. It made since that he had been an easy mark for them whenever it was he had arrived. “And his opponent the Phelar Powerhouse, a new addition to the tournament.” Wow, they had done their homework, they even knew my home city. Not half bad for a simple criminal organization. I had to wonder how well dug in they were to the local government given their incredible information gathering skills.

The so called Immortan roared and began sprinting towards me. He was a big man, almost thirty kilograms heavier than me and a head taller. That meant I needed to make the most of my cesti when he got in close. He wasn’t wearing armor and only had a pair of swords, which would make him very dangerous at arm’s length. Either I had to keep him away from me, or get right up on him and make him fight me with his hands. I started forward, at a slow jog, keeping the rest of my energy for the fight itself. No reason to tire myself out quickly.

As he came within distance for me to throw my spear at him, I stopped, planting my feet and taking a wide stance, to stab and jab with the spear I had in my hands. He ploughed forward as fast as he could, roaring and ready to slash at me as best as he could when he closed the distance. I shifted my weight, ready to roll out of his path, as he was going far too fast to correct himself, and I might be able to trip him with the spear as I did so. Just as he came within reach of the blade, I rolled to his left, sticking my spear into his left leg, finding purchase in his flesh. He howled as he drove past me, and I came up on my feet, the spear leaving a jagged wound across the outside of his thigh.

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