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Approved Location Yornekk (Paradise)

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  • Intent: To make a company location for RMIA so they can expand their operations legitimately.
  • ​Image Credit: here
  • Canon: No
  • Links: RMIA
  • City Name: Yornekk (Paradise)
  • Classification: Underground isolationist Yuuzhan Vong colony.
  • Location: Felucia, underground pretty deep.
  • Affiliation: An NPC Vong Overlord is the "face that runs the place," However he has brokered a secret deal with Ardgal Raxis in exchange for Ardgal's silence on the colony's location, he would provide Vong tech.
  • Demographics: 55% Vong/Vong descent; 45% Biot
  • Wealth: Medium. These isolationists have nothing of worth when it comes to Galactic standard tech, there isn't a single tin credit here either. Everything is very Yuuzang Vong as these isolationists just try to get back to their roots, as the saying goes. The Economy functions on something akin to socialism and communism mixed into one.
  • Stability: High for Vong. This place is something of a secret save-haven colony for isolationist Yuuzhan Vong. They have worked really hard at staying under the radar. No one really knows they are here. Low for Non-vong. They are not welcome here. They will kill or detain those who come around without welcome, or just generally be unkind.
  • Description: For starters, its underground, deep, deep underground. There are really two entrances and since the Yuuzhan Vong are literally the definition of naturalistic, these entrances are almost impossible to find. One is a small cave entrance that goes on for two miles to the mountain they are burried under. The other is a massive Yorik coral wall/door that looks like a sheer-faced cliff of the mountain. The first is barely able to be squeezed into by a regular sized human, the other is intended for ship entrance and exit. Next the colony is all underground, suspended over a massive underground lake. These huge stallacites have Yuuhzan Vong homes grown on them. They are all connected by a grown web of Yorik Coral bridges. These would be the "suburbs" of the colony. Underwater the growth has been expanded with some of the Vong living in underwater homes and some of their aquatic biots and food dwelling within. Its so dark here zero sunlight comes in. What light is there comes from glowing crystals or biots with light producing capacity. As a result, for beings who aren't ready for that, it can be a real hazard--a hazard that puts someone one wrong step from falling into a lake of death.
    Above is the "down town" and "commercial district" where things are grown, distributed, and sold. Here business is conducted and work occurs. This is all a massive web of Yorik coral, natural caves, and grown houses. Everything is very Yuuzhan Vong, there is no Galactic Standard technology anywhere to be had. In the center of it all is the "heartbeat" of this place, the Overlord's home. Its citadel like structure doubles as the bureaucratic hub and leadership center of Yornekk.
Numerous Yuuzhan Vong growing vats for biots
Massive lake
"Spires" built on the massive stalactites of the cave
Yorik coral walkways

Yornekk, founded on hope, founded on ideals that were literally from a galaxy by far different from this one. The Paradise was created for Yuuzhan Vong by Yuuzhan Vong during the Gulag plague. They wanted to escape, not the death of the plague, but the racism against their kind. The hope was to find what it truly meant to be Vong, to rediscover their culture before the great exodus that had brought them here.

For many decades, Yornekk was isolated, far from anyone or anything that could ever change them. The colony grew, both by accepting immigrants and natural birth rates. An Overlord emerged as the leader of this colony, although the castes remained in place, they became less rigid as the beings within sought to delve philosophically and biologically into their own existence. The rumors of Yornekk began to slowly circulate among the Yhuuzhan Vong, as stories began to be told about a supposed have of Paradise--not unlike the anti-slavery colonies of American history para belum. To the few who were both interested and believed such a place could exist, few searched, and even fewer found. For those who arrive, most never leave either by permission or because they are too content to desire to do so.
[member="Ardgal Raxis"]

Ardgal Raxis said:
Pretty much everyone here is vong, either 75% or higher in their lineage as Vong--or is a biot.
You will need to break this down into more concrete demographics. 90% Yuuzhan-Vong, 10% Biot for example. "Pretty much" is not exactly strong enough wording for a highly xenophobic, secretive city.
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