Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Yet another ruined temple

South Pole
Ruins of Hâsk
Jack piloted the old Nu-class Attack Shuttle to the surface of Zoist, the last time he took a drop pod to a temple he rode it through the roof and through about four floors of valuable books and artifacts, this time he didn't want that to happen so he bought an old shuttle, currently the only one carried aboard the D.D.C. Hot Drop there wasn't the room for many with the hanger bay being crammed to the brim with drop pods. Jack checked the readouts on the sensors it was fridged outside but he was in the right spot, the ship veered violently as Jack stopped paying attention for a few moments, Jack put both hands back on the controls and correcting the path as several alarms blared and warring lights blinked in the cockpit and Jack wished that he had an extra pilot on the pay roll, or at least spent a bit time frakking around with the couple of mothballed simulators in the back of the ship.

Jack put the shuttle down just a little too hard causing the entire thing to shake violently and casing him to bump his head on seat's head rest. "Karking hell!"

Jack collected his belongings and exited the shuttle, stopping only to send a quick message to the ship that he had landed safely, he wanted to keep his sith shavit, so he never told them why he was really here, just that it was a job, a job that was for him alone.

[member="Darth Vyrassu"] [member="Darth Elra"] [member="Kyrinov"] [member="Dianah Vi'Dreya"]

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