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Approved NPC Yalaran Police Force and Planetary Garrison

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Maurice Dalton



Name: Yalara Police Force.
Intent: Create a Police Force for the planet of Yalara.
Affiliation: The First Order, People of Yalara.

Availability: Common.

Quality: C.

Type: Police, Military.

Strength: In the entirety of the Yalaran Planetary Garrison which doubles as the Police Force, it numbers up to fifty-five thousand sentient beings. Deployed units tend to be four, with two former stormtroopers, one noghri warrior, and a prospect for the police force or the First Order's Stormtrooper Corps.

Description: The Yalaran Police Force came into existence after the establishment of Maurice Dalton as a member of the First Order's Government in the form of Commissioner. Although it was not a high ranking position, it was one that was severely lacking for the planet, and a proposal that he had brought straight to the Governor of Yalara as soon as humanly possible. Although there wasn't an overt amount of crime on the planet, Maurice suspected that not every last Noghri native, and whatever else immigrated species to the planet would be happy with the Imperial occupation of the planet. Not only did the Police Force recruit noghri natives to its ranks, specifically warriors, it allowed retired stormtroopers, who sustained not-so significant injuries into their ranks. Coupled with that, its doors were opened to those over the age of twenty-one to become full fledged officers of the law, but allowed training and hopefuls to sign up starting at the age of fourteen.

With First Order Overseers imported straight from the First Order's Navy and Army, they put the newly created Garrison through much of the same tests as standard stormtroopers did. Although, failures weren't kicked out, but rather worked with to continue enhancing their abilities with the Force. Despite not every person being capable of the intensive police work, there were still positions for desk work, forensic analysis, interrogations, and much more. There was also a science division attached to the Police Force for the development of new technologies and equipment for the Police Force to both use for the First Order's Military, and the Police Force.

Despite the Police Force already going through extensive watered down stormtrooper training, it was most definitely considered brutal with the addition of the Noghri training regimen in place. Training regimens included treks through the Red Desert, named for its intense heat with nothing more than a water bottle and the clothes on their back. Prospects were also expected to fight hand to hand with Noghri warriors, and be adept with short blade type weapons in place of expected batons. Pressure points, and positions on the body that could render an assailant immobile were taught. Essentially, points of penetration without being lethal.

Despite its uniformity, there was a large amount of freedom for the choice of dress of the officers and detectives in the Police Force, though the option always remained for wearing the armoured uniform.

The Yalaran Police Force soon became known for its efficiency at locating and putting down resenting movements in regards to the First Order's occupation of the planet.

P-23 Pistol
F-11D Blaster Rifle

Good day, Let’s see what hotness you got for us .

Star Wars Canon:
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Starwars Chaos:
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Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Initial review
[member="Maurice Dalton"] - Nice work here, solid standard C level NPC force. Just a quick question, do they wear any armor? Pic shows an armored office but no link. Not a deal breaker just curious.

Maurice Dalton

[member="Bryce Bantam"]

Sure, but nothing special beyond fluff for description.
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