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Approved Tech Y5 Lanebrain

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  • Intent: To commit Didact further into its expansion to space.
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  • Blaze. The Y5's primary focus is creating and sustaining a fixed hyperlane through dangerous, difficult to traverse or expensive areas. It excels in burning lanes through exotic astronomical phenomena like nebulae, thick ionization clouds and similar pursuits.
  • Ion. Heavy resistant against ion, EMPs, static bursts and the sort through the relatively thick agrinium casing.
  • Y4. Every Y5 unit comes with an Y4 miniature droid brain integrated that cooperates with the Y2 crystalline lattice. This enables it to have a limited amount of anatomy once deployed from calculating and adjusting itself to changing astronomical phenomena to assess risks to itself.
  • Cheap. Relatively speaking the Y5 is much cheaper to produce than their ancient S-thread boosters of the past. The usage of the Y2 crystalline lattice enhances the Y5's ability to calculate, formulate and adjust itself to rapidly changing environments. This ensures that high-level maintenance is kept to a minimum and makes it easier for the Y5 to maintain the necessary tunnels for the hyperlane it creates. Furthermore the Y2 enables a boost in its own communication abilities, allowing Didact to remove the standard communication boosting micro-parts that increased the price of the ancient S-boosters.
  • Ion: Very resistant against ion damage, EMPs, static outbursts in space because of its relatively thick agrinium plating.
  • Cheap: Compared to the ancient S-thread boosters the Y5 is far cheaper to produce and maintain.
  • EWAR: It is difficult to slice, hack or otherwise interfere with the Y5 because of its reliance on the Y2 crystalline lattice and Y4 droid brain.
  • Fragile: They have basic deflector shields and agrinium plating. Any serious attempts to damage or destroy it will succeed more often than not.
  • No countermeasures: It doesn't have anything in the way of a defense, besides a self-destructive sequence that is only powerful enough to destroy itself.
  • Interdiction: If someone somehow figures out its fixed position within hyperspace they can yank it out of there without much trouble as its has no defenses against interdiction whatsoever.
The Y5 Lanebrain was made to solve a particular problem for a particular region.

There was a need for the creation of a new, competitive and fast hyperlane, but there were no means to achieve that because of the extreme environment right in the middle of the ideal hyperlane. Antigone L.L.C. was one of the main backers of this hyperlane and Didact, as one of its key signatories, began with the formulation of solutions to this problem. The ancient S-thread boosters were cripplingly expensive and not a realistic solution, but the concept itself had merit.

Luckily Didact had already been handling experiments with hyperspace, S-threads and the production of communication boosters. From its secretive relay stations to the crystalline lattice Didact had far more experience with this area of science than most these days. Trials, experiments, heavy funding all eventually resulted in the Y5 Lanebrain.

The Y5 excels in blazing new hyperlanes through extreme areas, while also significantly lowering the maintenance costs due to its relative anatomy.

It was just the thing Antigone L.L.C. needed to make their proposed hyperlane effective.
Itash Mecetti said:
Production: Mass-Produced.

Itash Mecetti said:
Cheap. Relatively speaking the Y5 is much cheaper to produce than their ancient S-thread boosters of the past. The usage of the Y2 crystalline lattice enhances the Y5's ability to calculate, formulate and adjust itself to rapidly changing environments. This ensures that high-level maintenance is kept to a minimum and makes it easier for the Y5 to maintain the necessary tunnels for the hyperlane it creates. Furthermore the Y2 enables a boost in its own communication abilities, allowing Didact to remove the standard communication boosting micro-parts that increased the price of the ancient S-boosters.
I have some mixed feelings about this.

On one hand, I don't see this as something that's going to be abused competitively (at least according to my current understanding of it).

On the other hand, S-thread boosters are canonically extremely expensive and notably inefficient. The exacting wording in Star Wars Gamer 9 page 27 (describing the short Sanctuary Run) is ''This fragile tunnel, known as the Sanctuary Pipeline, was built by planting non-mass S-thread boosters in hyperspace and moving realspace detritus from a thousand locations to avoid catastropic mass shadows. It required round-the-clock upkeep and cost billions of credits".

We don't know really know how S-thread boosters really work either, which I think makes it hard to justify for them to be super common, mass-produced items.

Because of that, if you'll change the production to "limited" please.

Itash Mecetti said:
Interdiction: If someone somehow figures out its fixed position within hyperspace they can yank it out of there without much trouble as its has no defenses against interdiction whatsoever.
To clarify, does this provide any ability for starships travelling through these boosted lanes to bypass interdiction?
Gir Quee said:
Because of that, if you'll change the production to "limited" please.
My rationale for this was that the Factory has already approved S-thread boosters at mass production, but I am aware that the Factory does not operate under precedence anymore, so I bumped the production value down to limited.

Gir Quee said:
To clarify, does this provide any ability for starships travelling through these boosted lanes to bypass interdiction?
Not at all.

I was merely stating that these S-thread boosters are not immune to interdiction. That if someone figures out their specific fixed points, that they can be yanked out of hyperspace through interdiction. Similarly ships using lanes made by this would simply be yanked out as well.
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