Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Xosha Meela

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.


Name: Xosha Meela
Species: Falleen
Age: 54
Height: 1.6 meters
Weight: 65 kgs
Hair: Black
Eyes: Grey-Pale Lavender
Skin: Green
Build: Slender
Force Sensitive: Yes


Faction: Falleen Royal Family, Arsov Mining INC, others unknown

Rank: Princess (4th in line for the throne), Board of directors, others unknown.

Known Associates:

Known Rivalries: Zoran Meela (Brother, 3rd in line for the throne)

Social Data:

Marital status: Single
Sexual orientation: Bisexual
Father: King Zish of Falleen
Mother: Myall Meela
Siblings: Zoran(Brother), Drothica(Sister), Xizo (Brother)
Likes: Music, Fine Wine, Starships, exercise
Dislikes: Sand, dry food, too much jewelry, salads


Standing at 1.6 meters tall and a mere 65 kgs Xosha is a slender figure. Her dorsal and cranial ridges are not as pronounced as some but she still has an exotic air common to her species. Her long black hair is often braided or in a high pony tail showing her slender neck. She wears finer cloths in typical Falleen styles most of the time, but can be seen in fitted jumpsuits for flying and various exercise gear when enjoying her daily workout. Her favorite down time clothing is a plain white wide sleeved wrap in the atrisian style or a bathrobe. She seldom wears cosmetics or perfumes. Her skin pigmentation changes based on her mood but can alter at will with proper focus.


The daughter of the newly appointed king of Falleen, Xosha has grown used to being obeyed. Her only superiors being her immediate family she does not hesitate to delegate duties to her servants and younger brother.

As a young child she began learning skills she would need to be a good leader and potential queen. She started an education in business, politics, history, sciences, mathematics and linguistics from the age of 5 years. Her father, a believer in strength of body equaling strength of mind also encouraged athletics and martial training to keep her fit. Her mother, a more elegant creature, taught her subtly, deception and manipulation. She was however not the family favorite and rarely received private lessons from either parent. Her eldest brother Zoran was the prime heir and received the most direct attention. Did this make Xosha bitter? No, but it did make it easier for her to sneak away and follow other pursuits, such as starship racing and wine.

Despite her wild streak she was a quick learner and soon exceeded her siblings at many of the skills their parents prized. By the time she was thirty she had invested heavily in the galactic stock exchange and made a small fortune for herself on top of her share of the family fortune. Having invested in various companies and governments she is worth 100 million credits across various accounts and sits on the board of directors of a new mining company.

This however rarely shows in her appearance as she views simplicity as the ultimate form of sophistication. She has recently decided to end her isolation on falleen and explore the rest of the galaxy while preparing for future obligations to her people.

Martial arts: She is quite good at them.
Quick Learner: It takes less time to pick up a new skill.

Falleen racial traits: Pheromones, long lifespan, clawed fingers and toes, strong minded, Good breath control.

Starship pilot: Fighters and freighters are like putty in her hands.

Strong Force Connection: She has one.


Slender: Due to her size she is not as physically imposing as a larger being may be.

Cold blooded: She tends to not care about others.

Noble Birth: She is nobility and has no issues letting others know where she is in her mental pecking order.

Terrible with a Blaster: She could hit the broad side of a star destroyer, just not with a blaster.

Oversensitive: She internalizes many things to maintain appearances but quickly becomes depressed and bitter over her issues until they are resolved.

Luxury yacht and fighter

Roleplays: 0 started/ 0 Completed

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