Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Xenomir

(Image still processing)


NAME: Xenomir

FACTION: The Bryn'adul

RANK: Zealot Elite

SPECIES: Draelvasier, Natural-Born Aeravalin.

AGE: 19 (Standard Galactic Years)

SEX: Male

VOICE: Rough deep bass

MUSICAL THEME: Internal // Combative // Aeravalin War Chant

LANGUAGE(S): Draelvasier, Archaic Draelvasier, Draelvasier Cant, Galactic Basic & Sign Language

HEIGHT: 2.7 Meters

WEIGHT: 1.9 Meteric tons

EYES: Aureate, w/Azure veins


SKIN PIGMENTATION: Icey Azure (Cracks/streaks of white)

HANDEDNESS: Left handed


  • Draelvasier Muscle hypertrophy & hypermobility syndrome
  • Superior genetic oculus reformation (resulting in); Tetrachromacy, tapetum lucidum, infra-red vision, monocular and binocular vision
  • Superior Restoration Mutagen; Regeneration speed & cell coverage

  • Intelligence - He does not need to possess a large amount of information about any particular subject matter (academically), but just enough to create an executable plan. He is very sharp, and treats the world as his chess board. He does however, tend to miss details if it is not within his immediate focus. Has been noted to picking up techniques or patterns abnormally quickly even among those of his ilk.
  • Calm, Confident & Assertive - He is able to remain relatively calm in most situations and keep his emotions in tact, most people have a tendency to overreact and waste a sense of urgency on unimportant situations, he does not. This naturally gives him an air of confidence which is separate from that gained by his obvious strength.
  • Reserved - Whether this is a honed trait of a warrior, where divulging too much information could spell your undoing or not could be up for debate. Regardless Xenomir is an introvert, he makes all considerations internally before verbalizing his opinion, and when he does finally do this it is clear and concise. He is not one to readily share information that could be used against him or this objective and is distrustful of others unless proven otherwise. When sharing his opinion he omits details.
  • Ambitious - Xenomir, like most pure-blooded Draelvasier, love to fight and push himself in battle. This has also been shown to be evident by the fact that they do not intentionally start arguments but enjoys competition and debate. Playing off a personality that is just as strong in opinion as he is would probably be more of an enjoyment than anything else. Additionally, both subconsciously & consciously Xenomir wishes to push himself to a level beyond both himself and his station. This may or may not include inklings of chiefdom, time and development are required to further explore this notion.
  • Intimidating - His sheer confidence can also project an intimidating aura, before he even displays his strength or opens his mouth, his demeanor alone as unwavering and firm in his thought process, this can be very intimidating to less confident opponents or enemies.

  • Arrogance - Self-Confidence when paired with his strength can project arrogance. Smack talk is quite common among warriors and other competitive groups and he has no qualms with participating in it.
  • Pride - His pride is derived from his skills as a warrior, his need for battle, and his people he wants to protect. It can be noted that openly insulting his heritage or rank are both surefire ways to place yourself on the Aeravalins list. Xenomir only gives his word to those he holds dear to his heart, hence giving his word is the closest he will ever get to openly admitting love for another being, as his immeasurable pride makes his word his absolute bond.
  • Firm & Blunt - Due to Xenomir spends a lot of time in his head, when he has made a decision and has decided to finally voice it or take action he does so without much hesitation. To him, all use cases and probability has already been analyzed and he delivers a firm and thought out proposal. This of course can come off as quite blunt since there is no need for him to waver or second guess his decision at this point.
  • Judgmental - He has already made up his mind about you, and will be resistant to you changing it, but it's not impossible if given sufficient evidence to the contrary and time.
  • Aggressive - Due to his very nature of being a genetically mutated natural born Draelvasier, Xenomir has been blessed/cursed with multiple opportunities of Morad'kai although his youth and well into his adulthood. This has lead to Xenomir never backing down from a confrontation as long as his can foresee his victory. Thankfully this has been nutruited by not only the culture surrounding him but by his procived superiority.
  • Defiant - He will often do something regardless of his better judgement simply because the opposite is recommended, especially if that recommendation is coming from someone he does not respect. If something does not make sense to him he simply will not do it.

Unique in stature, Xenomir towers over most humans, as well as, his fellow Aeravalins. Coupling this with his genetic anomaly of developing similar muscular traits of the Baedurin and he stands out just a bit. Skin akin to that of lapis lazuli, the slick thick bits of carapace that cover vital organs and limbs that narrows at joints is a ivory color not dissimilar to freshly broken human bone. More often than not one would expect to see him crossed armed adorned by his armor, stance seemingly both welcoming and waiting for danger. Beneath the heavily sat pieces of protection rest thin, tightly wrapped clothe that is rather pitch black to the naked eye and offers him slight comfort from heat. A similar material is hung from his shoulders in a cloak-like style, though it is to be noted this is tactical in nature. Upon the crown of his head there are two distinct carapace growths that flow out back behind his head and resemble horns. Lastly his eyes always seem to be glowing a dim Aureate that intensives when in combat or emotionally distressed, if one were to closely examine his irises that would find small cracks or veins of azure along the out ring up towards his pupil.

First born Hatchling between a renown Shamanic beastmaster and a ever potent Zealot Officer, Xenomir came into existence as a proud Aeravalin. The growth displayed the maturing phase seems abnormal as the Hatchling displayed an abundant growth of muscle and strength almost equivalent to an Baedurin. The boy through parental guidance or instinctively not only formed a connection within the force and using it whenever it could further hone him.

Among those that entered at the Bryn'adul Education system, the Kad'Maera, at the same time Xenomir distinguished himself as particularity devoid of attachment, brutal and merciless. During this time numerous challenges from those that he considered to be inferior or sub-optimal were issued, other would noted that it was almost serene how malicious both physically and verbally Xenomirs mockery was at their defeat. This earned him a title among his peers as The Cold One.

Further solidifying himself time and time again during the two hundred and sixty days of fundamental warrior training, Xenomir pushed himself even harder. This served to catalyze his behavior and tendencies by leaps and bounds. Whilst training, Xenomir continued to show methodical and ruthless savagery. It was noted that while force capable Xenomir appeared to excel perpetually with aspect that affected his own body.

Upon emerging from this crucible the Seers sought him out for further training. From there it was decided that due to his lack of affinity with beasts he would be better suited for the role of Zealot and not shaman. Though this did not forbade him from seeking further training in the force from the Seers, his place was better served there.

It was during this time that Xenomir began to truly learn more of the mental taxation placed upon those that remain clever enough to be Zealot. Through ritualistic chants he learned to hone his mind, blocking out distractions and mental intruders. From pain and torture came tolerance and discipline both from within and from the force. The force was a powerful ally and tool for this Draelvasier and it would be sharpen him like nothing before. Though at times of desperation Xenomir would tap into a part of himself that pushed him further and harder than he had even done so before, though a key ability one that ultimately burned him from within too much.

Next was the time to show his progress, the beating war sung the death of his target and the raising Zealot would perform his task without fail. Refusing the way of shadow as it was the way of the weaker to contest the strong, he had no need for such cowardice. Leaving behind a slew of death in his wake the Aeravalin made his way into the heavily fortified base. A combination of this heightened senses and his won insight awarded him all the way up to meeting his intended target, a minor warlord.

Through his own arrogance did the alone and mildly exhausted warrior charge forth towards the warlord, of whom, kindly rewarded this with a heavy blow against Xenomir's right arm. The strength and gravity of this situation not yet donning on Xenomir yet as his arm fall limp at the side. Eventually through use of Force Rage did the young warrior come out on top, just barely. Upon his eventual discovery and retrieval, Xenomir was promoted to Elite for this and other performances given within the drums of battle.

Still this warrior wishes to grown in strength and power but how this proceeds only time will tell...


Barad Special Operations Armor (Retro-fitted)

Barad Glaive
Barad Kukri
Barad Spike Rifle
Radesh Shredder
Draelvasier Malabast Sword


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