Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Xenidrol Agent

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum

Image Source:
Intent: To create a chemical weapon for the Imperial Navy
Development Thread: If needed
Manufacturer: Imperial Remnant, Imperial Navy Corps of Engineers
Model: N/A
Affiliation: Imperial Remnant
Modularity: No
Production: Mass-Produced

Material: Phosovane Salt, Xenoboric Acid, Magma

+ Very Effective on Biological Material
+ Effective on Non-Biological Material
+ Cheap to Produce

- Long Production Time
- Hard to Maintain
- Borderline War Crime

Description: Xenidrol is a super heated gel agent used by the Imperial Remnant in explosive shells and hoses. It has multiple uses, including but not limited to, ship to ship barrage, in-atmospheric bombardment, space station destruction, and surface/biological cleansing. Its existence came into being after months of arduous work by the Imperial Navy Research Division and the Naval Corps of Engineers after it was demanded by Grand Admiral Butch Mahan. The need for the weapon is debatable but its actuality will bring forth a whole new line of weapons equipped with Xenidrol Agent.

Xenidrol is a mixture of Xenoboric Acid, Magma, and Phosovane salt, it must be kept at a temperature of 1,200º Celsius or be disintegrated. Each material in the gel has a special purpose. The Phosovane salt is to ensure stability between the other two elements, the Xenoboric acid disintegrates the magma before it cools down and to ignite a gelled fire-magma mix across biological beings, and the magma is used to destroy inanimate and animate materials alike. When used against metal or rock the agent can incinerate multiple square centimeters worth of mass before self-disintegrating to ensure a shell isn't created out of the material. When used against biological material it can destroy a larger amount of mass, set ablaze the living object, and will self disintegrate.
Primary Source: N/A

NOTE: Please excuse the lack of scientific/logical 'sense' of my submission (Unless it infringes on not being accepted of course) I am not very good with chemistry and this was the best I could really do. Thanks.
[member="Butch Mahan"]
Alright, so, here's the deal:

Butch Mahan said:
The Phosovane salt is to ensure stability between the other two elements,
Phosovane salt is a painkiller, it is not a binding agent nor is it something that would withstand temperatures anywhere near 1,200 degrees celsius.

Butch Mahan said:
the Xenoboric acid disintegrates the magma before it cools down
Magma is generally between 700 degrees celsius and 1,300 degrees celsius, and even at 700 degrees celsius this would be too hot to contain an acid in (it would boil and turn into a gas). You already state this is kept at 1,200 degrees celsius, which is pretty par for magma.

Butch Mahan said:
ignite a gelled fire-magma mix across biological beings, and the magma is used to destroy inanimate and animate materials alike. When used against metal or rock the agent can incinerate multiple square centimeters worth of mass before self-disintegrating to ensure a shell isn't created out of the material. When used against biological material it can destroy a larger amount of mass, set ablaze the living object, and will self disintegrate.
This is where we run into this:

Butch Mahan said:
(Unless it infringes on not being accepted of course)
This is too overpowered (even if it were to be possible to mix the three of these ingredients, for reasons it is not as I have explained above) for me to approve. As-is, this borders a superweapon in terms of potential destructive capability, especially if this were to be used in a large scale method.

You can:
  • Try to rework this submission so it is balanced for roleplay,
  • Remove the magma and phosovane salt and replace them with something else (or with nothing at all).
  • Request archival.
Making no changes will result in a denial.

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Yep that is what I thought. I am really not good at this sort of thing and I am not going to waste your's or my time on something that to actually be able to be accepted would take a long time, especially for something I really do not have to much riding on and can just go a different route with what I was doing. Just archive it.


[member="Braith Achlys"]

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