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X-L1 Prototype Mass Accelerator Cannon

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Image Source: N/A
Intent: A Capital-ship main armament, to be sold.
Development Thread: If Approved
Manufacturer: Balmorran Arms
Model: X-L1 Prototype Mass Accelerator Cannon
Affiliation: Balmorran Arms (Sub)
Modularity: None
Production: Limited

Material: Quadranium Barrel
Classification: Mass Accelerator Cannon(Railgun Type)
Size: Capital-class mounted
Length: 100 meter barrel, 100x200 meter independent reactor and capacitor system
Weight: 25,000 Kg
Ammunition Type: Independent reactor and capacitor system
Ammunition Capacity: Single Load
Effective Range: 1000 kilometers

Rate of Fire: 15 rounds per hour, 4 minute reload; 2 minute safety cooldown, 2 minute capacitor charge time
Special Features: Fires a 4500kg slug of Quadranium at 1000km/s
Strengths: Near instantaneous travel-time; massive amounts of kinetic energy
Weaknesses: Very long reload time; energy inefficient; ineffective against shielded targets; fixed-mounting


Designed as a Flagship fleet weapon, the X-L1, colloquially known as "Girl's Best Friend," the X-L1 weapon system is an intra-system fleet gun. The X-L1 is a devastating weapon, and describing the damage as "massive" would be an understatement.

The weapon itself is a railgun, powered by a highly capacitated system and an independent reactor core. Because of the magnitude of power required to arm and fire the X-L1, ships with a length of at least 3,000 meters are required in order to fit the system without compromising the integrity of the hull during firing.

The weapon itself is enormous, with an overall length of 100 meters, with a 1 meter bore. Designed for long range, capital ship engagements, the gun fires at 1000KM/s. While the effective range of an object in space is effectively infinite, the nature of space-bourne battles limits the effectiveness of the gun to just under 1000KM, as the adjustments to the ship beyond this range are too minute for the massive engines to perform without the aid of a highly-sensitive 3-dimensional thrust system.

At the same time, the gun itself is on a fixed mounting, directly in front of the ship's center of inertia, to ensure firing the cannon cannot throw the ship off-course while firing. This limits the use of the weapon as the entire ship must be rotated to fire.

Because of the speed and shape of the slug(nearly cylindrical), the majority of the damage comes from the fragmentation after impact. The high velocity causes the slug to fragment, meaning that after a short amount of travel beyond penetration, the round will fragment in a cone pattern, approximately 30 degrees. This is dependent upon the angle, as a shallow angle may cause the shell to fragment just a few meters after impact, while a 90 degree angle could penetrate up to 20 meters before the material is sufficiently stressed to begin fragmenting.

Because of the speed the round is travelling, this fragmentation typically leaves such damage to incapacitate all but capital-class ships, though the damage is still capable of instilling fear. Something as large as an Executor-class hit directly in the bow may experience upwards of 15% of it's forward length damaged, knocking out much of the weaponry and systems in the way. Side shots during testing seemed to perform better, as there are typically more vital systems deeper within the bowels of most ships, or from the rear where the reactor is more vulnerable.

The total amount of impact energy is measured at roughly 2.25 petajoules(2.25*1015). Because of this, the weapon must charge for 2 minutes to ensure balance across the massive capacitors on the ship. Once fired, an automatic heat dissipation system activates for 2 more minutes before the capacitors can recharge, making the reload time effectively 4 minutes. This is acceptable, as the amount of time needed to load the next round for firing by manpower is just over 3 and a half minutes, due to the size and mass of it.

The reactor required will need to be able to produce approximately 3*10^14 W/hour, which is easily a feasible requirement, as an Imperial Star Destroyer, a little over half the required size, was able to produce more than 300 billion times this in its main reactor. Still, a specialized independent reactor to power the massive capacitors is a better option, as it allows the power output to be specially rated for use.

This weapon is comparable to a Heavy Railgun Armament

Base mass of shell: 4500kg

Wolfram Alpha used to calculate Kinetic Energy Value:
Total impact force: 2.25*1013

Primary Source: N/A
Karai said:
Designed as a Flagship fleet weapon, the X-L1, colloquially known as "Girl's Best Friend," the X-L1 weapon system is an intra-system superweapon. The X-L1 is a devastating weapon, and describing the damage as "massive" would be an understatement.
7. Superweapons are restricted to Staff-Approved Events and must be destroyed prior to the end of the event.
As this is a superweapon, this is being denied on concept unless changes are made so it is not a superweapon. Superweapons are not permitted for board use without being approved by Staff for events, as per our Roleplaying Rules.
Please reword the statement. Its current usage of the word superweapon, intra aside (intra-system superweapon still means a superweapon, it just means it is being used within a system), is misleading.
Karai said:
Fires a 5400kg slug of Quadranium at 10% the speed of light.
That is 29,979,245.8 m / s or 29,979.246 km/s. The average velocity of a railgun in Star Wars Canon is 6 km/s, or 1/4996 the speed of your weapon you have submitted here. A 5,400 KG slug traveling at 29,979.246 KM/S is more than enough to cut through a shielded ship like butter, and poses incredible potential damage to a planet's surface, were this to be turned on a planet as a method of BDZ (Base Delta Zero) or orbital bombardment.

The muzzle velocity needs to be drastically altered for this to be approved, and I would suggest altering the mass of the projectile as well - a 5400 KG slug is insanely large.

Karai said:
Material used for calculating Base Mass: Aluminum(assuming Aluminum is a similar atomic mass to quadranium.)
Quadranium is considered an incredibly strong a durable metal, which contrasts from the canon description of Aluminium (Canon analogue of aluminium) as a malleable and ductile metal. Out of the two, Aluminium is more closely similar in terms of durability (as real world aluminium is a soft ductile metal) to real world Aluminium than Quadranium.

Based on the difference in suggested durability/strength, I'm not going to assume the two are similar in atomic mass or density.
I could always change the material to something closer to an alloy, or simply use a quadranium jacketed slug that weighs roughly similar. I would be willing to drop the mass of the slug to 4500kg, which would reduce the overall energy of the slug, but also the energy required to fire.

Also, railguns are limited by 2 main factors, resistance and energy. Because resistance is a non-factor, the only remaining limit is energy, which is really only limited by needing to draw power from the main reactor. By reducing the main armament and installing a second independent reactor, this frees up the ability to release far more energy to the gun.

The other thing to remember is that this is not designed for attacking against shields. A shield hit would cause the shell to fragment early, causing minimal damage as the fragments will have slowed down significantly. The power of some ship shields may deflect the slug entirely. Again, to reiterate, the weapon is not able to fire through nearly all capital class shields.

This is partly because they are designed to withstand impacts in hyperspace, where meteor impacts will hit with far more force than I could.

In the same vein, there are canon weapons that can literally fire at or above lightspeed. The Galaxy Gun for example could have easily been programmed to simply hit the planet at its hyperspace speed, but the disintegrator core was simply a more effective option. It would be just as easy to design a far more feasible weapon powered by a hyperdrive instead, which would fire at lightspeed instead.

So, summarizing, the weapon does fire a large shell at very high velocity. But it is not without weaknesses and a reduction in other armament as well an increase in vulnerability due to another reactor being a target. I would be willing to lower the mass of the slug, but I believe the velocity is easily doable within the universe.
Karai said:
but I believe the velocity is easily doable within the universe.
While that is your opinion, canon clearly states otherwise, and 10% the speed of light is an incredibly game-breaking velocity. Even if your shell were to impact the shield of a destroyer and fragment, thus slowing by even 50%, that's still 5% the speed of light - more than enough to rip through the hull of a ship. That's just looking at this from a fleeting perspective without addressing the concerns of planetary bombardment - an object moving at 10% the speed of light, especially at anywhere near this mass, is going to cause incredible damage on a planetary scale if it doesn't outright destroy the planet, something which is against our role-playing rules without permission from staff.

You can either make the requested edits, or the submission will be denied.
[member=Braith Achlys]

I have made the appropriate changes. However, upon further investigation, it would seem the weapon is now highly inefficient. The total energy of 50MT of TNT, aka the Tsar Bomba, is 5*1017 joules, more than 2000 times more energy, along with the added effect of a wide area EMP that would fry many systems on a non-hardened enemy. Not to mention, this is current, modern-human technology.

Because of this, I would request the ability to bump the numbers further than what I have edited, as the original design was roughly only 5 times stronger than the strongest weapon that is currently capable of use by IRL humans.
Karai said:
[member=Braith Achlys]

I have made the appropriate changes. However, upon further investigation, it would seem the weapon is now highly inefficient. The total energy of 50MT of TNT, aka the Tsar Bomba, is 5*1017 joules, more than 2000 times more energy, along with the added effect of a wide area EMP that would fry many systems on a non-hardened enemy. Not to mention, this is current, modern-human technology.

Because of this, I would request the ability to bump the numbers further than what I have edited, as the original design was roughly only 5 times stronger than the strongest weapon that is currently capable of use by IRL humans.
This is a roleplaying site, we don't require everyone to adhere to the harshest of physics. Correlate this to a canon weapon, not a real-life bomb, and we can continue. But the current submission is a superweapon in every shape and form.
The blast radius of the Tsar Bomba was roughly 35Km, had a yield of 50MT of TNT, and was the prototype for a design twice as powerful. I'm just using this as perspective, as the wookiepedia article (located here: lists a standard blast radius of roughly 30Km, which would even out to around 50MT blast yield. I'm only asking to even out the numbers a little bit.

And, to compare this to a standard weapon, the turbolaser armament of a Munificent-class( is capable of literally piercing through heavy shields. I have already stated several times that my design will not pierce through shields, and will gladly, specifically and blatantly, add that any amount of shields on a ship 1000m or larger will COMPLETELY negate the shot's physical damage, only affecting the shield, should the original design specifications be reinstated. Again, this would mean the weapon is only 5 times stronger than standard sized fission weapons, already present in the Starwars universe, which have been considered obsolete since 0 BBY, and would be ineffective against ships that have shielding.

This is a huge nerf, and a lot of words, so I'm gonna tl;dr my proposal:
  • Original speed/mass/energy requirements
  • Will damage shields, but not pierce them
    Reason: Inefficient design outdone by obsolete weapons.
Karai said:
Special Features: Fires a 5400kg slug of Quadranium at 10% the speed of light.
This still states the original information.

Karai said:
ships with a length of at least 3,0000 meters are required in order to fit the system without compromising the integrity of the hull during firing.
I assume you mean 3,000 meters and not 30,000 meters.

Karai said:
The blast radius of the Tsar Bomba was roughly 35Km, had a yield of 50MT of TNT, and was the prototype for a design twice as powerful. I'm just using this as perspective, as the wookiepedia article (located here: lists a standard blast radius of roughly 30Km, which would even out to around 50MT blast yield. I'm only asking to even out the numbers a little bit.

And, to compare this to a standard weapon, the turbolaser armament of a Munificent-class( is capable of literally piercing through heavy shields. I have already stated several times that my design will not pierce through shields, and will gladly, specifically and blatantly, add that any amount of shields on a ship 1000m or larger will COMPLETELY negate the shot's physical damage, only affecting the shield, should the original design specifications be reinstated. Again, this would mean the weapon is only 5 times stronger than standard sized fission weapons, already present in the Starwars universe, which have been considered obsolete since 0 BBY, and would be ineffective against ships that have shielding.

This is a huge nerf, and a lot of words, so I'm gonna tl;dr my proposal:
  • Original speed/mass/energy requirements
  • Will damage shields, but not pierce them
    Reason: Inefficient design outdone by obsolete weapons.
At the bottom of your submission state what kind of a canonical weapon this is comparable to. A mass driver/Railgun and Turbolaser are both considered on par with the other. As I doubt you're making a run-of-the-mill railgun (which, canonically, fires at 6 Km/S) I would suggest something along the lines of "Heavy Railgun Equivalent".
I have made the adjustments to the data currently in the submission, but I'd still like to increase the specifications to or nearly to the original design with the applicable limitations to ability stated in my previous post.
Karai said:
Manufacturer: Balmorran Arms
Hyperlink this to the company submission or wookieepedia article, please.

Karai said:
but I'd still like to increase the specifications to or nearly to the original design with the applicable limitations to ability stated in my previous post.
Your request is denied. Once you've hyperlinked the manufacturer this will be bumped to secondary approval.
Karai said:
I have made the adjustments to the data currently in the submission, but I'd still like to increase the specifications to or nearly to the original design with the applicable limitations to ability stated in my previous post.
Braith Achlys said:
Hyperlink this to the company submission or wookieepedia article, please.

Your request is denied. Once you've hyperlinked the manufacturer this will be bumped to secondary approval.
Done. I'd like to make the adjustments to bring the design closer to the original specifications moving forward.
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