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X Doesn't Mark The Spot (Maelion)

@[member="Maelion Liates"]

Ancient artefacts of untold power had fascinated generations over the millennia. Holovids dramatically depicted the power they had and the devastation they could cause if they fell into the wrong hands, showed dashing heroes armed with blasters and whips have riveting fights with villains on speeders, face off hordes of zombies and ancient guardians in ruins from a bygone age, which somehow always seemed to feature a lava pit, as if the ancient kings had somehow known in advance that one day their tombs would hit the movies.

Of course, reality was oftentimes more prosaic. The ruins of Sith Lords and Rakatan Kings had in most cases been raided several times over. In most cases the interested adventure tourist would be disappointed to find that there were not even traps left to convey him straight into the aforementioned lava pit. Just halls covered in dust, with cobwebs on the ceiling, ancient paintings and hieroglyphs on the walls, from which all colour had long faded, and a dusty, often already destroyed sarcophagus that did not even have house a Sith spirit just waiting for a new host. In other words, reality was terribly boring. However, ever so often it turned out that the legends in fact were true, that power did lie in ancient scrolls and artefacts. After all, the Dark Lord Velok had vaporised Osarian and Rhommamool by harnessing the power gained from raiding the Sith archives. Neither Moira nor Maelion were the excitable type. Indeed, they were quite incapable of being excited, for they did not feel or at least claimed not to at any rate. Nor were they inclined to believe in ancient legends and take holomovies literally. What animated them was relentless machine drive - to achieve power and profit as a means to bring about the Age of Steel.

Research had yielded the information that an 'anonymous buyer', one with whom they were well acquainted with, sought pieces of the Taurannik Codex. It was said to have been destroyed during the Muurshantre Exctinction more than one hundred thousand years ago. Cronal, a Sorcerer of Rhand, had reassembled the pieces of the Codex ages later, or so it was said, now they were lost once more. There were several leads to the Codex, some in the Gunningpa Gap, others in the Perann Nebula, the stronghold of the Sorcerers of Rhand, powerful darkside magi with a predeliction for chaos. Another had brought them to this delightful planet.

Space rippled as the cloaked Lightbringer, invisible to detection, a phantom, emerged from the depths of hyperspace, the Demon Moon of Dxun, a moon steeped in ancient and thus often bloody history, recognisable from the viewing port. Here almost five millennia ago the Mandalorian clans had come to conquer, the Republic had fought a great battle against them, the wreckage of which could still be seen. One might still find the burnt-out wreck of a basilisk war droid here, that of a Republic Gunship there, intermixed with the skeletal remains of soldiers from both sides, forgotten by all except dry historical tomes to be found in libraries, for organics were doomed to forget the mistakes of the past and repeat them time and again with some variation. Darth Bane had come many millennia later, ending up possessing a parasitical orbalisk armour. Coincidentally, by some twist of irony Maelion had fought on Onderon as a Republic agent, displaying the superiority of the machine by terminating darkside cultists and the duplicitous Queen so foolishly eager to reclaim ancient glory, saving the life of the Republic Supreme Commander, who sadly did not comprehend her greatness. The Republic had planted its standards upon the planet, but the cloaking device rendered the ship undetectable, enough for them to infiltrate the foreboding moon and vanish into the void before any red flags were raised. Moreover, officially it was peace time, the wars were over. So was what some called 'dominoing', the exact nature of which still remained elusive.

From space the moon looked like a green marble, for it was covered in lush forests, brilliant green and blue dominating as far as colours were concerned. The jungle covering the rough terrain might seem beautiful, but as with so many things this was deceiving, for some of the deadliest beasts and predators called this moon home, eager to tear anyone brave or foolish enough to tread upon its surface to shreds and fill their belly with the flesh. One could see flickers of what might be lightning and thunder, apparently a storm was raging, doubtless it would be raining in droves as well. To anyone connected to the mystical power of the Force the darkness radiating from the planet would have been palpable, they would have felt the pull of the enticing whispers of Sith spirits from ages past, promising greatness. The nexus of power was the monumental tomb of Freedon Nadd, final resting place for the remains of King Omnin and Queen Amanoa as well as their dark ancestor. Ages ago his spirit had been bound to this place, its corruption such that it could be felt.

Moira and Maelion were neither receptive to the Force nor organic, but had died and been forged anew as sophisticated killing machines fashioned in the form of striking young women, like some new age Pygmalion had decided to make the legend a reality. Except neither Metal Princess was content with being a Galatea. Enigmas wrapped in a conundrum wrapped in a paradox, emotion had been burnt out of them in the metaphorical fires of the forge as the processing device brought order to the chaos of an organic mind, yet they pursued a crusade to eradicate all sentient life with the single-minded zealotry that could only be matched by the most fanatical of organics. In the case of Moira this was particularly ironic, given that she had hailed from a cultist world still in the grip of the Dark Ages, but then the Machine God's Champion on Gehenna had claimed she was a child of Mechanus, and he had been a god to whom the Bando Gora's Machine Cult bent to.

These musings aside, the vessel of destiny sped towards the planet as Moira stood on the bridge, back ramrod straight with immaculate precision, hands clasped behind her back as those piercing blue eyes scanned the scarce but useful information they had been provided with. The lead had come in form of an old professor called Dareius of the University of Alderaan, though born on Onderon. A renowned authority on darkside artefacts, archaeology and Sithian eschatology, doubtless due to the darkness of his own homeworld. He had appeared on a holonet talk show, warning of the dangers posed by the proliferation of such devices, mystical terrorism it was called, in the light of the cataclysm that had vaporised Rhommamool and Osarian.

For in the dark places of the Galaxy there were doors best left unopened, revelations that could drive a lesser mind insane and gives those with the will malevolent power. Few had been inclined to listen, for the Sith Empire had collapsed like a sand castle before the tidal wave, the Jedi were gallantly chasing down the insurrectionists who had dared attacked Coruscant, they were unleashing the holy fire of purification upon the heathen Kraug hordes. So relaxed was the situation that a Jedi who had turned Sith could return to Coruscant and try to sue the Jedi Order, though he still professed his beliefs in the dark creed. Unfortunately for the professor, Moira and Maelion had taken notice and listened. Listened so much that they had abducted him. Harvesting his mind had been useful. Now the knowledge had brought them here.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Dxun was a world of shattered and broken lives. For thousands of years it had been the grave of untold people. The blood mixing with the mud as the Dark Side made it one of its homes.
As they came in to land on Dxun one could still see the scars of ancient battles. A canyon here, a series of craters there, all the work of long since lost souls.
For Maelion and Moira the oppression and darkness of the planet had no effect, but they could plainly see the dangers.

"What information did we extract regarding the location of the Codex?" The old fool had been so easily lured and seized. A replacement was even now at work searching for other items of interest whilst they were here, looking for the lost relic.
@[member="Maelion Liates"]

In a way the Demon Moon was a reflection of the HRDs. Its viciousness was laid bare for all to see. Several millennia of tragedies, slaughter and broken souls piled up. Craters, the wreckage of ancient vehicles, here a skeleton, there what was left of a battle droid, barely recognisable now that the machinery had long degraded and been half-buried by layers of mud.

HRDs could not hear the whispers of the twisted souls that sought to drag any newcomer into the dark abyss they had fallen into, for if one stares long enough into the abyss, it stares back into you. But they were alert to the dangers. Contrary to how they might often act, even they were not invincible.

"Sector 1453. The tomb of Freedon Nadd complex," Moira responded emotionlessly, not making a meta reference at all as her eyes scanned their surroundings, MK1 bolter ready to be brought up should threats appear. It was that time of the day again on Dxun and so rain was pouring down in droves.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

The journey was not easy. HRDs gained their great toughness and strength primarily from their metal bodies, and that caused weight. Thus, on the unpaved tracks and wilderness of Dxun they frequently became bogged down and had to go around. By the end they were spattered in mud and drenched. However, they were in position, and the ancient tomb lay before them.
Various animals had waylaid them, but buckshot rounds had accounted for them with the occasional explosive round to spice things up.

Pausing at the foot of the massive tomb she paused, tilted her head to the side.
Frowning, she looked to Moira. "I am detecting interference with my communications," she stated. If she had it, Moira likely did too.
@[member="Maelion Liates"]

Needless to say Moira was detecting the same thing, as shown when her first attempt to respond to Maelion electronically failed. "Yes. Sensors are likewise disrupted. Electrostatic interference is jamming them. Or an effect of this being...a Force nexus, an effect of the artefacts," she spoke impassively.

The former was the logical, rational answer that a machine grounded in the world of reason would automatically subscribe to as programming dictacted, the latter was an irrational one and yet annoyingly possible one since they existed in a world with powers that transcended logical analysis. After all, somehow certain forcers had powers that made them invisible even to machines, somehow force gods could rip an individual from their timeline - or even fool a sophisticated super computer into believing they had been time jumped when it was just an illusion.

'Human' Moira would have been slighty unnerved - as much as she did business with Velok and even liked his company, deep down forcers had made her somewhat uneasy though she was good at wearing a mask - the HRD version saw it as another obstacle to be overcome on the path towards the triumph of machine logic.

Walking across the ground that had turned muddy due to incessant rainfalls - even now it was pouring down in droves, in the distance the cackle of lightning striking could be heard, as if some force god was voicing his displeasure at the resting ground of ancient magi being disturbed - and passing the carcasses of a boma and some skeletons she approached the entrance. Leaning down she examined one of the carcasses, finding the injuries carved into it like those inflicted by a blade. They looked vicious and the flesh had taken on a rather sickly look, leading to the supposition that the weapon had been poisoned. Something that was common among alchemically created Sith blades. The vultures seemed to have stayed from the boma despite the bountiful flesh, perhaps because they sensed something amiss about it.

"This carcass is fresh, no more than two days old. We are not alone. Wounds similar to those inflicted by Sith alchemical blades." There had been rumours that the darkside cult Maelion had fought years ago might have arisen anew in new form. Of course, if all rumours were to be believed such cults were shooting out of the ground like mushrooms.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

A quick examination of the wounds confirmed Moira’s hypothesis.
“Agreed. Hostiles are in the area.”
To Maelion all organics on this mission were hostile. None could stop their goal, none could see their faces and live, none could try and prevent the Age of Steel.
Her bolter’s throaty click as the first shell loaded would spell the death-knell for any enemy.

The temple had crumbled much since the time of the Exile, and the overly impressive black fortress was an overgrown ruin. However, enough remained for them to cautiously approach up the great staircase. Taking cover behind a fallen pillar they saw a pair of guards, Sith by the look of them. They were alert and on guard, but they were expecting beasts, not armed opponents.

Maelion loaded a slug round and took careful aim. She and Moira would fire as one, hopefully taking both organics out before they could sound the alarm.
@[member="Maelion Liates"]

Here there was no reason to hide their true nature. They had been designed as assassins to kill because of the inherent murderousness, greed and lust for power of organics. None of the fake smiles and devious scheming that characterised their work as co-owners of Archangel; every single organic in the tomb was a target. None could be allowed to see their face and live to tell the tale. If afterwards anyone came to visit the tomb, they would be Long gone and there would be no answers to be found.

As she took cover behind the fallen pillar she took aim at the guards, enhanced mechanical eyesight homing in on them, scanning for the perfect angle, assuring herself that they were alone. The Sith guards were well armed, but expecting an attack from beasts, as testified by the dead carcasses of cannocks that littered the ground. She appreciated the fact that the organics were clearly doing their part to eradicate the beasts in the made their work easier. The once great tomb had decayed strongly over the millennia. The floors were covered in dust, cobwebs were on the ceiling, what images of glory had once been depicted on the walls were stained so thoroughly one could barely make anything out.

As the guards marched down the corridor, blasters at the ready though not aimed in their direction, as through a crack in the ceiling rain dropped down onto the dust covered floor, she sent an inaudible ping to Maelion, then quickly squeezed the trigger of her Verpine Shatter Gun, rounds popping out at great velocity. It was silenced, the scope made it ideal for sniping and the powerful rounds would punch right through the Sith's helmets. They were targets and would be eradicated as such, pitilessly and without mercy.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

The bolter’s flat crack echoed dully in the humid air, overcoming the quiet noise of Moira’s shattergun.
The two Sith fell to the ground without a sound, their heads penetrated lethally.

Cautiously the two headed inside the tomb, watching for traps or extra guards. Maelion changed to explosive bolts and carefully made her way down the long sloping surface of the inner ramp.

Something odd was happening because the interference was no longer limited to communication. No, odd static was showing up on her visual sensors and there was the feel of an ion field in the air.
“Registering unknown power source. Considerable in strength,” she said.
It was like the Stygium crystals on Maramere…but different.
@[member="Maelion Liates"]

An organic would probably have been disconcerted, Moira was annoyed. Admittedly she found the fact that she experienced the sensation of being annoyed quite, well, annoying!

As they warily made their way down the ramp, taking turns to advance, covering each other with their bolters as they were on their guard when it came to more Sith minions and beasts, the interference became stronger, hence the annoyance. Electronic communications had already gone offline, now visual sensors were down.

In other words they had to simply use their eyes like humans would. Very reminiscent of Maramere with the Stygium Crystals...but not the same. The effect of the crystals had been something based on rational principles, this seemed like something that was the result of that 'Force' organics referred to. As Moira made her way down the ramp for a moment she stopped dead in her tracks as her entire vision went haywire. Not just her visual sensors, but it seemed like an eletrical blast had erupted right before her eyes and when she sought to regain her vision she only got static.

"Nontraceable electrical discharge. No visual..." Loud pounding on the ground was heard as she tried to manually reactivate her systems. From up, probably having arrived through some corridor they had not swept, beasts came charging, a boma pouncing at her, just when she was regaining her bearings. The beast crashed into her with force and she was knocked back down the ramp but using its momentum managed to grab it and fling it down with her as she regained her footing, bringing up her boltgun to blast it with buckshot to end its existence, the flat crack of the boltgun echoing.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Maelion was having similar trouble. The interference was most troublesome, and seemed to be interfering with her motor functions as well. It was like...radiation. Permeating in and interfering invisibly. It was so annoying...and even Maelion could feel irritation. A human emotion, but one which she did not consider a great weakness.
In her case though she stepped forward heavily onto a section of floor which then gave way before her, forcing her to grab the edge of the hole and pull herself up as more blocks parted company. Clearly this tomb was not in the best repair.

Suddenly, another Boma was there, charging at her as she got up, and barrelled into her. Whilst Moira dealt with her pest, Maelion struggled to keep the creature from biting her. Finally, she managed to toss it over the edge to its distant and bloody end.

"We should continue and prevent this harmful interference," she stated.
@[member="Maelion Liates"]

"Agreed. The interference appears to be coming from the lower levels," Moira stated. Annoyance and irritation were organic traits, but among the more tolerable ones, for there was much to be annoyed about, such as the utter lack of logic one often found oneself in.

Could this be explained by the theorem that the universe was just the playground of bored cosmic forces who watched events from a multiversal cinema in the depths of the void, meddling any time it suited them with the 'plot', throwing obstacles in the way of people and toying with them because it was a good show? Was that the truth behind what the misguided called the 'will of the Force'?

Needless to say Moira would not be wasting time and processing power making silly speculations like that, for that was an organic thing to do. Motor functions were being interfered with by the disturbance, their movements appearing less precise and in control than they should be. More and more of the ramp gave way as they proceeded so Moira quickly picked up the pace, leaping as another section right under her gave way, managing to catch the edge and push herself upward. From further down, though their enhanced mechanical hearing was less potent than it should be, they could hear chanting...
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Maelion too almost had some issues with shoddy masonry, but managed to avoid a plunging fall by a quick jump and pulling herself up. Further down the chanting became even louder, the interference almost paralysing.
"," Maelion managed to get out. Glacially slow her bolter came up...fired.
Hope was an organic emotion, but at that moment Maelion fervently hoped that stopping the cultists would stop the interference!
@[member="Maelion Liates"]

The interference was getting was getting worse by the moment. Black and red robed cultists were chanting madly in some alien tongue Moira could not identify, so ancient was it. It seemed they were not standing but gliding above ground, looking almost ethereal in appearance. There was a cackle of lightning as their chanting grew to a feverish pitch.

Moira's level of annoyance was just as fervent. With glacial, frustrating slowness she plucked a thermal detonator free and hurled it into the fray, then managed to bring up her boltgun and squeeze the trigger, explosive bolts shooting out. Was it just here or did it seem like time was slowing down, as if the the interference was not only causing the motor functions of her and Maelion to become sluggish and almost paralysed, but slowing the rounds they were shooting down as well?

The cultists, however, seemed unaffected by this. As rounds came flying towards them a shimmering barrier was conjured up to surround them, something the HRDs would recognise as a defensive technqieu used by forcers. Of course, contrary to popular belief, bolter rounds exploding on impact meant that, well, impacting on force shields would still make them detonate! Powerful explosions echoed across the corridor, with part of the old, dilapidated ceiling caving in above the cultists when the thermal exploded, cultists sent flying.

As the rounds flew and the grenade exploded, the force barrier being shaken by the blast and a shower of shrapnel descending, suddenly parts of the wall were ripped out and hurled towards the HRDs. Moira managed to blast one section to shreds with her bolter, but then suddenly she was gripped by an invisible hand and pulled through the air towards the wall. As she was roughly pulled forward she fired, her arm moving sluggishly, shots poorly targeted but managing to blast a cultist's legs off before she hit the wall, then quickly rolled to fire once more before a force push could be unleashed.

For now at least it felt like her systems were working close to normal and she advanced. One of the red-robed cultists, face hidden by a skull mask, raised his hand so that a stream of orange energy leapt from his hands to engulf a cultist who had been deprived of his legs by the blast. Energy filled the cultist as he drained him of the Force, then bolts of lightning shrieked from his hands towards the HRDs, coming at them like claws. The other cultist joined in the blast.

Moira took a full hit in the chest as the lightning struck her and for several moments was shaken strongly, the electrical attack surging through her, smoke coiling off her armour, skin being burnt so that it smelt like a burger that had been in the oven for too long. Then she advanced. Slowly, shaking along the way as the interference played up again, but inexorably. The cultist from earlier, one of the leaders, raised his lightsabres, coloured red and humming, then brought it down upon her in strike that would have severely damaged her arm were it not for the ultrachrome armour that took the edge of the blow. Lightning cackled across across the palm of his hand as he prepared another blast.

The strike of the blade came crashing down upon her arm, but she managed to bring up her partially burnt, smoking fist. To ram it right into his face, knocking off his in her eyes ridiculous mask and breaking his jaw, sending him sprawling across the dust covered ground. Then as he lay there, she stomped on his throat. Now she felt a lot better. Another lightsabre wielder charged her and she brought up her boltgun to fire, the cultist foolishly trying to deflect the rounds with a telekinetic push and getting his face blown off for his troubles.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]
Maelion’s very own process of elimination continued as well. Cultists came at her, and one also blasted Maelion with lightning, whilst another tried to choke her with the Force. The latter discovered this was an ineffective strategy on an HRD and was blasted apart by a boltgun round.
The lightning though, that was more damaging. Hit full on, Maelion fell to her knees as the power flared through her, overloading systems and threatening to deactivate her. With a final shot of the bolter she literally blew the man’s head off.

Standing unsteadily she faced a lightsabre wielding cultist, one of the leaders. His slash almost cut her down, but she was able to bring up her bolter and blast him with buckshot. The man died bloodily.
Like that it was over. Both HRDs were damaged, their human skins revealing the metal beneath, but they were victorious.
@[member="Maelion Liates"]

So it was over for now. Relentless machine drive had triumphed over 'force magic'. The dust covered and blood splattered floor was littered with mangled corpses, part of the ceiling had been torn down from the explosions, making this section of the tomb look even more wrecked than it had already been. Moira stood unsteadily, smoke coiling off her damaged armour and the metal beneath her partially cooked human skin. The blast of lightning had overloaded some of her systems and fried important circuits, though she had managed to avoid deactivation.

"Targets terminated. Interference has...ceased." As she walked forward she twitched and shook slightly, repairs would be required. Cold and visibly electronic eyes scanned Maelion, assessing the damage she had taken. It was significant, but her scan revealed that she was still combat capable, which was what mattered. There was no concern in her eyes because, well, HRDs were incapable of sappy stuff and feelings like that. She bent down to retrieve the lightsabres from the dead cultists - they would be useful after all!

The chanting had died down for now, likewise the electronic interference had died down for now, though they could not know for how long, since apparently it involved using this 'Force', which was tremendously annoying. Retrieving her Sith chainsword Moira advanced further down as she scanned the corridor ahead of them. Doubtless there were more targets out there, more organic vermin seeking riches, or perhaps to raise some ancient spirit. It mattered not, for they would all be wiped out and their 'Force' would not avail them.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Maelion picked up and put one of the lightsabres at her belt. Though of uncertain continuity with the Kara thread, this one can be assumed to have happened afterwards. Lightsabres were still useful commodities regardless though, and since they didn’t have their own ones at hand, they could use them.

Further down into the depths of the ancient tomb they came to the heart of the matter, as it were. Directly below the now massacred cultists, a single figure was standing at the altar looking at a glowing object sitting there. An open sarcophagus sat nearby containing a mummified body.

“I assume you are the ones to blame for the loss of power?” the figure asked in a soft, feminine tone. “Pity…it was difficult to assemble such a collection of Force sensitive pawns without being noticed. Judging by your appearance and your aura in the Force, you are not merely cyborgs, but droids. Interesting. Why are you here? You cannot use this item, unless you are fetching it for another.”

She turned, crimson hood and cloak concealing her face. “I offer you a trade. You may have this fragment of the codex after I have completed my…use of it.” A languid hand gestured to the mummified remains.
“This one has knowledge I need, and the codex gives me the power to extract the knowledge from his spirit. A process now slowed by the loss of my cultists upstairs. But if you let me complete this questioning, you may have the codex. Or we can battle, which logically would result in damage or destruction of some or all of us. Weigh up the variables carefully, but do not underestimate my power and think I am merely like those weaklings above….”
@[member="Maelion Liates"]

Moira tilted her head slighlty to the side in assessment of the situation. Both she and Maelion had sustained significant damage in their fight with the cultists above, as indicated by how badly burnt their human skin was, revealing the metal beneath it. There was no telling how powerful the sorceress before them was, for they lacked the ability to properly assess the strength of a forceful being.

Inherently suspicious and cynical to the point of nihilism by nature HRDs would not trust the magi. After all, if the 'draining' the knowledge from the corpse empowered her so, it would be quite logical for her to betray them. Why would Moira think like this? Because undoubtedly it was what she would do. A wireless transmission - purely electronic and thus incapable of being overheard by the darkside magi - was sent to Maelion. "Be ready in case of betrayal. If she stirs I shall toss a forcebreaker and riddle her with buckshot, then engage with the blade. We shall fire simultaneously, you shall move while I have her attention." The gas released by the grenade would if inhaled cut the connection to the Force. Of course, that could be avoided by simply holding your breath, but even that would distract at least, and she had a number of anti-forcer grenades.

"No, you are not like those insignificant weaklings we wiped out, but neither are we and we are well equipped to fight force-users," she said calmly, emotionlessly. The bolters they carried were well in view - by now their impressive forcer-killing credentials were quite well-known. Likewise the sorceress would also see the Scylla chainsword Moira carried. A very rare, very powerful Sith blade that incidentally could absorb lightning and resist lightsabres. She was also wearing ultrachrome, though it was battered from the fight above, but it still offered protection. "However, we are willing to negotiate, for good terms. We require this fragment of the codex for our own purposes."
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

The unseen woman appraised them coolly for a moment, calculating. Both sides no doubt believed they could prevail, but would they like to risk the consequences.
Finally she nodded. “Negotiation is so much more rational than mere destruction. This will take some time now you have killed my batteries, but then you may have the Codex fragment…for whatever purpose you think you can use it for.”

Taking position over the corpse the Sith started to chant. The interference began again, stronger than ever before as she conjured red symbols from the air. The Codex glowed, and the fact that both of the HRDs could see this meant there was serious power involved.

“By the sevenfold seal I demand your presence, Lord Rythe!” she called. The codex glowed with a burning intensity, and then faded.
A shimmering form appeared before them, visible to the droids as well. “Who dares summon me from the netherworld?”
“I do, and you will obey me.”
“I will do no such thing, girl.”
The Sith Lady extended her hand, the delicate glove covering it suddenly spitting dark energy at the spirit. “You will obey me,” she repeated.
The spirit trembled as if pained, and at length gave up the struggle. “What is it you wish?”
The hood turned towards the droids. “I desire knowledge as to the location of the Lazika Holocron. Where is it?”
The spirit turned to the droids too, a small smirk crossed his spectral face. It clearly was relishing the fact that both of them would pursue it.
“On the world of Dromund Kaas there is a Temple built long ago by the Emperor. He placed it there when it was taken from me and I was banished from the Empire. Seek the lowest vaults and look for the seventh vault.”
He faded.

The Sith turned to the droids. “A shame Dromund Kaas was laid waste by Mandalorians, yes? No matter, you will doubtless pursue it yourselves once you know what it does. Feel free, you cannot find it without the Force’s aid. Now, as interesting as this has been, I must go. The Codex is yours.”
She turned to leave through a secondary exit.
@[member="Maelion Liates"]

Dromund Kaas had been turned into a radioactively contaminated, burnt-out husk of a planet. So no matter how powerful Sith Lady - who once she became a PC would ironically be a lot less powerful and thus not be able to make ancient spirits bend to her will - was in the Force, it was very unlikely that the Sith Lady would be able to get the holocron. Contrary to popular belief, force shield did not hold out indefinitely. Of course, it would similarly hinder the machines. While they were more resistant than an organic high degrees of radiation could damage them as well.

So unfortunately the mysteries of the Lazika Holocron would remain inaccessible for probably a very long time. Our intrepid adventurers and the rather cool Sith Lady with the spirit binding powers had the Mandalorians and their newly rediscovered penchant for planet-destroying to thank for that. Regardless the fragment of the Codex was now theirs.

The interference ceased as the ritual came to an end. It had been stronger than the one Moira had felt before, virtually paralysing, making even the most simplest movements a chore. So now Moira quickly retrieved the fragment of the Codex, putting it in her bag for safekeeping. "We have the fragment. We shall return to our vessel and contact our client." Before any more beasts and treasure hunters could appear or perhaps a Republic patrol.
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]
@[member="Moira Skaldi"]

Equally likely, the Sith Lady merely wanted to ensure the holocron was out of reach, or would deal with the disappointment.
As said Sith exited she turned a gaze back. “Well at least I know no one will get to it now. Good day.”

And then she was gone, slipping out of the doorway.

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