Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wrong Side

The double doors slid open with the hiss of hydraulic air.

They opened into an unbelievably massive chamber that stunned thought and trapped air in the lungs to lay eyes on. There were many throne rooms in the galaxy where sovereign rulers sat and held dominion. But this? This was no room fit for a mere mortal. It was fit for a god. It was a grand chamber adorned in great beauty carved into the very walls, all images from sith lore. The centerpiece of the entire chamber was an incredibly large, jagged throne of black stone levitating over a huge qabbrat, flanked by two Sith statues situated on an raised platform above a coreshaft so deep it was as if it was the chaos itself. A large ceraglass viewport sat directly behind the throne with a design akin to a great spider's web. The vast throne platform was connected to the main area by a T-shaped walkway and a steep flight of stairs rising high in the air.

The walkway continued around to three different blast doors. Despite its beauty, the magnificence of a true god's throne something felt very wrong in this room. The dark side was thick, overwhelming in its oppression. It raged like a storm against the walls, choking out the air and throttling everything within in corruption. The very air seemed to blur and warble in places with untapped power, while whispers of terror, distant screams, and agonizing cries would ring out low on the air. The very moment crossing the threshold a sickening feeling rose deep in the stomach and bones seemed to ache. It was as if something was tapping into the very strength, the vitality of those who entered and was slowly tearing it from them, killing them by being present.
All by his will.
In the throne sat none other than the Shadow Hand the Elysian Grandeval Mortarch, a true Dark Lord of the Kainate Darth Prazutis. A colossus of a man he appeared more like a battle-god forged in spilt blood and crushed bone, tempered in the fires of burned planets and extinguished stars. A living storm of death surrounded this titanic figure like the turbulent, wild nature of the chaos itself. The sheer weight of the reaped souls hung on him like a cloak, it shouldn't have been right for something so dark to exist, something so malevolent the lights struggled to illuminate the room. It was as if he was a living nexus in the dark side of the force, the event horizon of a black hole from which all life dies. Everything here eventually came back to him as if he was in control of every facet of this world, like the wheels of fate ceased to turn in his very presence alone.
This was a true master of the dark side, the epitome of the living tyrants of the Sith that brought the entire galaxy to heel many times over. A voluminous set of black robes covered his form but even then, his face was visible, his eyes burned with such fire they pierced through any shadow. They did nothing to hide the warlord beneath that was ready to slaughter and destroy at any moment. The Imperial Crownguard stood like wraiths in the perimeter of the room clasping weapons tight while a pair of them tossed a limp figure across the floor, into the very center of the room.
It happened without warning.
A freighter ripped out of hyperspace like a runner clotheslined mere feet before the finish line. Before precious time could be taken to register what was happening, they were caught by the awesome power of sith destroyers. When the ship was hauled in a horde of monsters stormed the bridge from the darkest pits of the abyss itself. They violently beat all they came across and dragged the raven-haired woman to the center of the ship, there she was forced to watch. These beasts forced her to watch as these monsters violently tore the pilot apart, eating him alive. The poor smuggler died screaming without any idea as to what was happening, or even why today was his time to die. Someone caught in the web of a world he scarcely understood, and he died violently for it. The last thing the woman saw would be a large fist before it struck, and darkness came. She would wake in pain as her body crashed across the hard floor, light blazing in her weary eyes as consciousness started to return.
"Your in my world now child. Welcome to the end."

Revna Revna

Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

Revna hated having to have someone else escort her places around the Outer Rim. She had her own ship - thanks to the sacrifice of her former slave master - but she still hadn’t learned how to pilot it herself yet. So many other duties and lessons and whatnot had come up, and there simply hadn’t been the time to learn or be taught how to pilot the starcraft.

So she sat in her typical seat in the now familiar ship that was piloted by one of her favorite smugglers who aided her Master in smuggling slaves to their newfound freedom on Formos. These days, she was busy in the Outer Rim, carrying out tasks for her Master and spreading his vision wherever she went…as was part of her purpose, her duty, as his Disciple.

Thus was the reason why she sat aboard the vessel now, along with four newly freed slaves that she had liberated from a planet not too far from Kainite space. It was risky, but her work was not without its dangers.

Revna made sure the freed slaves were safe and sound and had medical attention if they needed it, and she made sure to give them some emergency rations that were stored on the ship for moments such as this, before she finally allowed herself to sit and relax.

She had just dozed off when an alarm echoed through the ship, and she snapped awake, instantly alert. The ship jostled violently, and immediately her senses told her that danger was near. Ignoring the whimpering slaves who were suddenly terrified, Revna found her way into the cockpit to speak to the smuggler.

What the kark is going on?

I…we were pulled from hyperspace. Ripped, more like. Ship is damaged…” he replied with a tense voice as he scanned various flashing symbols and alerts. Revna’s golden eyes stared out of the glass to see destroyers, and she knew they were not friendly. They were caught in a tractor beam, being pulled in, and there wasn’t much that could be done about it. A probe through the Force confirmed her arising suspicions and fears.


Oh chit…” she breathed before her gaze snapped to the pilot. “Clear the travel logs now.

Should I send a distress signal back to base?

No. They cannot discover where we came from or where we are going!” she ordered sharply as she turned away from the pilot, knowing he would obey her without question. If they were going to be boarded or be captured then she was going to do her best to keep the location of Formos a secret. She’d take that information to her grave, if need be. She then moved the freed and frightened slaves to a hidden compartment in the ship itself, before preparing herself for whatever was going to come next.

There was going to be a fight, one she knew she was going to lose…but she had to fight back nonetheless.

The waiting for the inevitable was tense, and the little woman pulled her Force signature as close to herself as possible, almost disappearing. She waited…her heart pounding in her chest, in her head and in her ears…

What came aboard the ship in a hungry fury was the stuff of nightmares. Revna tried to surprise them with Force blasts…only to find that it had little to no effect against these beasts. The scene then descended into chaos as her position was instantly given away, and her Sith blade clashed against the blade of the closest beastial enemy. Her fury was focused, but she knew in her heart that there was no getting out of this. Her agility and flexibility saved her for the moment as she took on several attackers, but one miscalculation was all it took for her to lose the fight. The creatures were immensely powerful, and since they could not be fended off with the Force, she could do little to stop them from dragging her to the floor of the ship, disarming her of her weapon and forcing her into submission.

The frightened, then agonizing screams of the slaves made her heart freeze then sink, and she tried to renew her fight against her captors…but her efforts were in vain.

Revna was dragged to the center of the ship and forced on her knees to watch as the smuggler who had aided her in many secret missions, and even helped her sneak out of Formos from time to time, was torn asunder and eaten in front of her very eyes. His screams filled her soul with deep pain, and with it came a blackened hatred and rage that made her eyes glow a fierce shade of yellow-orange.

She knew this was bad, very bad. And she wasn’t sure if she was going to survive this.

Revna cast her mind, her thoughts, to Darth Strosius Darth Strosiushoping that he would hear her through the Force, through the bond she had gradually built with him in her time of service to him. She didn’t know if it would work, or if he would hear her at all…but she had to try.

-I’ve been compromised. I think Kainites…I’m sorry…-

A heavy fist crashed into her skull not a moment later, and everything snapped out of existence.

Her body impacting against a hard surface, and the pain that rippled through her body, was enough to pull the young Sith woman from the depths of the void she had been trapped in. Everything hurt; her limbs, her back, her head…

She groaned, feeling nausea roll through her as her ears rang fiercely and her skull pounded from within. She hadn’t felt this way in a long time, not since the days of her enslavement. Her most recent memories returned to her sharply, and genuine fear squeezed her heart as her eyes opened, squinting back against harsh light that felt like needles in her eyes. She rolled from her back to her front, grimacing in pain as she pushed herself up on her hands and knees, trying to pull herself together and figure out what the hell had happened. Something wasn’t…right. All around her she felt…something so familiar yet so…beyond her comprehension. The Dark side was here…wherever ‘here’ was...and in such an extreme potency that it made her feel almost crushed beneath it. She shook her head, trying to pull her senses together.

Then she heard a male voice echo out from somewhere before her, speaking to her.

…the end?

She froze in place for a moment, clarity coming back like the crashing of an icy wave, and she forced herself up on her feet to see just who had spoken to her. She cast her gaze around herself warily, taking in her surroundings, before her fiery gaze landed on the source of the palpable Darkness she felt all around her.

…had she seriously been captured…again? By who, this time? It certainly wasn’t Ordo sitting on that jagged throne…

Her pale face, bruised in places, hardened as her golden eyes turned more ember-like in hue. She reached deep and willed her own Darkness to wrap around her, almost as if to shield her from the oppressive weight that was bearing down around her; it didn’t do much good, but at least she felt like she could breathe a little better.

...the end? Yeah…the end of this lovely conversation. Kark you, whoever you are, and goodbye.” she growled with pained agitation in her voice as she turned her back on the near god-like figure seated on the throne in a blatant sign of disrespect, her eyes searching for a way out.

She had to get out of here. Nothing good was going to come from this, she knew it in her heart, in her soul.

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The air in the room seemed to shift as the petite apprentice turned her back and defiantly searched for an exit. One was right in front of her of course, the huge set of doors she was brought through. But as she went to make her way towards it something felt very, very wrong. Even as she set her mind on leaving it was like her legs were rooted to the floor, sealed in place. She could feel the muscles tense as she pushed to move them, but nothing seemed to happen. The hairs on the back of ones neck would stand on end as the oppression in the throne room grew to a breaking point then, right before...

It happened quickly.

The first thing the young apprentice would see was the darkness pierced by a deep crimson light that seemed to bathe the entire wall of the chamber. It followed with an explosive shift of dark side power, the ebullient currents surging like a tidal wave towards her. In the reflective glow of the metal, she could briefly see what was happening, just as it might've been too late to do anything about it. Out from the Dark Lord of the Kainate's fingertips sprang an arc of bright crimson lightning. While it was a powerful ability, iconic to the Sith Order. Only two individuals could manifest it at the absolute highest level of its power, akin to the Son of the fabled Mortis Gods, and such power manifested in bright crimson energy. It was agony incarnate that flooded the nerve endings and set them ablaze with pain, it struck in radiant waves that grew worse by every waking moment to levels of blinding.

"As foolishly naive as your master, to think you possess any power here child. You will learn. You live and die in accordance with my design." The Dark Lord raised his pointer finger off the arm rest and spun it in a circle, whipping Revna around to face him. He pulled her closer then and launched her across the floor, utilizing his grip on the woman to force her down into a kneeled position before him. "Your master thinks himself strong, we have extended invitations to him, and he has spat in our faces. So naive to think he can change the world on his own, for this is our world. Know that you will suffer today because of the choices he has made, you will suffer simply because of your allegiance to a fool who cannot protect you, and to an organization of failures. I will see if you yet prove to be anything of worth, or if you are the byproduct of a failure's lectures. Know that I will break you child, I will shatter who you are into a thousand pieces today and there is nothing you can do to stop this fate." The glare from those molten eyes seemed even more threatening now than they did before, as if they were burning a hole clear through her then.


Revna Revna

Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

Turning her back was unwise, and she knew it. She put an enemy to her back, and now she couldn’t see what he was doing. It was a foolish error on her part, one that she recognized too late. She had hoped to leave before anything else could transpire…but her hope was in vain.

She knew she was in mortal peril, the moment she felt her body seize. She processed this and before she could truly counter it, crimson light flooded the chamber, its bloody hue glinting off the metal. She felt the hairs rise over her body, and sensed the surge of the Dark side, and all she could do was brace herself as the familiar crackling of electricity reached her ears.

Then, the red hued dark energy wrapped itself around her and everything became near unbearable pain. She clenched her jaw as the agony swelled to a crescendo, searing her nerves, making her feel as if the very flesh on her body was being melted away. She endured, though barely, holding on to consciousness through strength of will alone.

In a way, this electric torment reminded her of the pain she had felt in reliving the all too vivid memories of the Mandalorian warrior, Ordo. The feeling of molten beskar being infused into her very bones, rebuilt piece by agonizing piece…her body had ached for days after she had been mercifully released. Strangely enough, Revna turned her mind back to that moment in time…and almost found refuge in those memories of pain. If she could endure that, she could endure this…as horrific her current experience was.

The red lightning that encased her ceased, but before she could even gather her wits about her, or even pull her consciousness back from the brink of darkness, she was being pulled by an invisible force towards the being on the jagged throne, her body flung closer to the very thing she wanted to get away from.

She heard his voice, grating against her ears, her skull. Despite the agony she was in, she heard him…every word. Indignation bubbled up through her, but she could not speak her mind, voice her thoughts, in the moment. But oh she would as soon as she was capable of doing so.

Revna found herself forced to her knees before the throne, before the giant figure seated there. Her fists were clenched and her body trembled as he spoke further words, and she learned of the very reason why she’d been captured in the first place.

…all of this, was to punish her Master? She was being targeted…as a means to get back at him?

For a moment…everything within the small young Sith went blank, went cold and empty. Everything was still, within her and outside of her. Then the rage began to build…a fury so deep, so pure…that it burned away the pain in her body, absorbing it as it fueled the rising Darkness within. Her mostly golden hued eyes flashed to a yellow-orange like hot coals.

She would be damned if she was going to tolerate her Master being disrespected in such a manner, especially through the filthy mouth of their hated enemy. Her anger only mounted further, and she felt power flow through her veins as she reached for the Dark, demanding it obey her and do what she wanted it to do.

No one was going to force her to kneel like this, like she was some weak slave.

Revna gathered her strength from her very core, the greatest she had ever called forth yet in her young life, and infused her own iron will with the power of the Dark that burned like black fire through her, willing a shielding aura to wrap around her like a shroud as she rose to her feet and forced off the tyrant’s hold over her with effort. She stood trembling there before him in her righteous, indignant fury.

Her eyes found his own molten orbs, and she stared back without fear, challenging and defiant.

Dangerous thoughts of recklessly attacking him flooded her mind, whispers of the Darkness urging her to make him pay, but she restrained her violently churning rage, forcing some clarity to come to her, as her Dark aura wrapped around her like roiling angry clouds that come before the storm.

An ‘organization of failures’?” she hissed, her voice icy cold and laced with venom. “At least my Master and I aren’t a part of a failed Empire in exile, led by failed tyrants. You are nothing but a coward, to strike at a mere apprentice in an attempt to strike at her Master. A low blow, even for a Kainite. What do you hope to accomplish here? Hurt me? Force me to betray him? You are a fool if you believe that. So go ahead, tyrant. Try and break me; your efforts will be in vain. If anything, you’ll only deepen my hatred for you and your filthy kind, and only hasten the slaughter of those who bear the mark of the Kainate. I do not need to prove anything to you - as you are not my Master, and I do not recognize your authority. You are nothing to me.

She spat on the floor at his feet, before returning her own burning eyes to his.

Revna knew she was going to suffer for her words. But she was not a coward, not even in the face of tyranny or the promise of pain, or even death. Even if these were her last moments alive, she would not go down without a fight. She would make her Master proud of her…even if it meant dying on his behalf, for following and believing in his visions. Things she found worth in…even if others did not. She was his Disciple of Faith, and she would remain that way, faithful and loyal to the end if that’s what it came to.



"So go ahead, tyrant. Try and break me; your efforts will be in vain. If anything, you'll only deepen my hatred for you and your filthy kind, and only hasten the slaughter of those who bear the mark of the Kainate. I do not need to prove anything to you - as you are not my Master, and I do not recognize your authority. You are nothing to me."

The Dark Lord of the Kainate leaned forward then and glared down at the raven haired, defiant apprentice who bared teeth against the gods themselves. For the briefest of moments, a twisted grin formed in the fringes of his face then, before disappearing beneath the folds of the hood. Such rare, fresh defiance brought out the cruelty, the malice of the inner Maenan within him. The crazed, depraved culture of hyper, ultra violence for violence's sake, carnage for the utter madness of it. In these moments he saw her for all of her eastern weakness, everything that made her lower than the vermin of this world, it set his muscles alight with the prospect of conflict. "We shall see child. You have little understanding of the world, but I will teach you."

A cloud of swirling shadow descended upon the Mortarch then surrounding the reaper, as it began to clear he looked much different from before. Gone were the flowing, voluminous robes in favor of black trousers and dark boots. To all in the room he was bare chested showing his imposing, immense musculature, the very form of a towering battle god bred and forged for war. A titan covered in innumerable scars, with a tapestry of incredible tattoos covering his fleshy, conflict worn canvas. It was the form of a warlord that soaked the ground with the blood of trillions, who dealt death on a colossal scale and broke planets beneath him. The giant stood from the throne then to his full height, eclipsing eight feet tall and he descended the staircase towards her. This Dark Lord walked with all the inevitability of a tectonic plate, his footfalls echoing loudly within the chamber as he moved into somewhat of a slow, purposeful charge towards her. She would find that impossible force holding her in place then, keeping her from running while the giant approached.

When he finally reached her?


The first blow came from a vicious strike across the face with such force, it'd crack the skull and spin the petite woman like a top if it connected. As she spun, he'd snag an arm and forcibly slam her down on her face, bouncing her off the floor before he unleashed a flurry of strikes like falling rain over her back. Each fist came like hammer falls that made a Wookie feel weak, he battered her into bonelessness with crushing blows, each coming with the force of an artillery impact. If it wasn't for the giant holding her down, she might've launched across the room as if recoiling from a bomb blast. Beneath them bones snapped, then shattered and shattered again. The Dark Lord reached for her foot then and if finding purchase, he would spin it with a sickening crunch as he twisted it to face the opposite way. As it spun, he'd pick her up effortlessly as if the young apprentice weighed less than air itself and slam her back down on her back. The giant would stomp down on her remaining good knee and if it connected, it'd crack loudly, then break as he leaned his full bulk over it.

"I have seen even gods break before me child. You are nothing." The Dark Lord held an outstretched hand over her then and once more that dark power surged in a tidal wave. It began to glow a cerulean blue as the dark side was conjured into the physical world, manifesting as hungry, azure flame. "Less than nothing." He unleashed a large gout of fire then to burn Revna Sharr alive. Some dark power would keep her awake and conscious, unable to fade as his malice descended like a vice grip.


Revna Revna

Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

Anger-filled eyes watched the tyrant lean forward on his throne as a cruel smirk danced over his face ever so briefly, and the little woman felt a tingle of warning run down her spine. His words that she understood little of the world and that he would teach her echoed forth, a promise and a threat all rolled into one, and she knew with every fiber of her being that there was going to be hell to pay for her defiant, anger-driven words.

It was far too late to take back the words she had spoken, and she could almost feel her conscience sigh in disappointment of her choices, her words, her actions.

You will never amount to anything if you get yourself killed - came its whisper through her mind and through her spirit.

Revna watched the figure before her become wrapped in shadow, and she took a cautious step backwards, the warning sensation within her rising further. She struggled against her need to flee, to live…and to stand her ground and face whatever was going to come, out of need to prove that she wasn’t a coward in the face of certain death or suffering.

When the darkness disappeared, the little woman was greeted with a sight that made her question a lot of things. Somehow, this towering figure had morphed from one figure to another. He’d been robed before, but now he was bare chested and had the situation not been so dire or the tension so thick, she might have raised an eyebrow in appreciation. Instead, the sensation of warning and danger only grew more intense.

Revna knew the storm was coming for her when he rose to his feet and began a methodical and calculated march towards her. She silently cursed her foolishness; who was she to think that she could stand up against a damn behemoth like this? If he didn’t kill her within the next few moments, then she was certain she was going to wish she was dead.

She couldn’t fight him, she knew that to the deepest parts of her soul. The only thing she knew she could do was try and survive. But she had to prepare herself for whatever was to come; life and death often started in the mind. When the will to live was lost and the mind accepted the finality of death, then the body quickly followed. But if she steeled her mind and her resolve to live, then she just might make it out to see the other side of this.

The little Sith knew she needed to make a decision on what she was going to do, and fast. He wasn’t slowing his approach and the distance between was being cut rapidly. As much as she hated the thought of this, she knew her only chance of making it out of this alive was through evasion.

She tried to move to put distance between them, and found herself frozen in place again. You’ve got to be fething kidding me - she internally growled as a churning mix of emotions erupted through her: fear, anger, sorrow, regret…

Revna threw all of her will, her might, against the vice-like, invisible hold upon her - seeking to weaken it just enough to allow her to wriggle out of her dire situation. She knew that if he got his hands upon her, it would be all over for her. The window of delaying the inevitable was closing so rapidly, and as he moved to deliver a heavy blow, she felt the faintest slip in the hold on her, but it was too little too late.

The young Sith turned her body to allow her shoulder to take the devastating blow instead of her face, and she felt the white hot pain of bone shattering tear through her. The impact was violent enough to send her to the ground, her right arm rendered useless. She used the momentum of the blow to roll when she hit the ground, her teeth grinding against the agonizing sensation of bone on bone as more pain rippled through her, though she forced herself through it and used the momentum to further propel her to her feet and spin to narrowly avoid his grasp as he reached to grab a hold of her, using her agility and quick reaction time to her advantage.

It would be the only advantage she would have in this.

Revna whipped back around to keep the towering, muscle-bound and scarred titan within her line of sight, and realized that he was far too close for comfort. In perhaps a foolish move on her part, driven by a surge of spite instead of common sense, she jumped to deliver a Force imbued kick at his closest hand and arm as a snarl of pain fueled aggression and hate contorted her partially bruised yet still pale face.

It was a grave mistake on her part, for it gave him the perfect opportunity to snag a hold of her and slam her back to the ground with the sickening crack of bone. She was on her back now, the wind knocked from her diaphragm completely, and she knew multiple ribs were broken simply from the impact, and near paralyzing pain rippled up and down her spine, further stealing the breath from her lungs.

The tyrant was on her in a flash, using his might to pin her so she couldn’t slip from his grasp again. Further agony rolled over her as he cracked one of her knees, breaking the bone and the tendons completely as he pressed his weight over it.

Revna was in the most vulnerable position she could be in, on her back looking up at the giant whose very presence was an undeniable threat to her very existence. Her molten eyes filled with defiance and spite and hate and seething rage stared back at him as she felt the Dark surge through every fiber, every muscle, every vein and tendon…drawing upon the pain she was experiencing to further strengthen her and the grasp of the power she had at her disposal. There was immense power there brewing within her like a blackened storm…yet so much of it was untapped potential.

The titan who bore down upon her spoke once more, his words only fanning the flames of her fury and disgust of him.

Even the lesser of us still bite back!” she snarled viciously as she watched as he stretched out a hand toward her, and she felt the Dark side move like a tidal wave, swirling and rushing about him with undeniable power and strength, something she was envious of even while in the throes of her hatred. Flame of deep blue began to form in his hand, and she felt her own power surge through her limbs as her anger and hate gave way to sudden and near paralyzing fear as it clicked in her mind that he meant to burn her alive.

This was it, she mused quietly to herself. She was going to die here. But if she was going to go out like this, then she was going to do so while feeling the Dark power surge through her body once more. Her undamaged arm and hand lifted and she channeled everything she had within her to that point, violet hued bluish electricity arcing from her hand in a powerful burst of Force lightning just as the azure flame descended upon her. She attempted to deflect as much of it as possible with the invisible shield made from her stubborn will, but the flames still reached through to sear and burn at her. It was a conflict of wills, both powerful in their own unique ways, yet the might of the tyrant eclipsed hers and she could do nothing except give way to his might.

The dark power of the titan prevented her from slipping into death, and Revna for her part refused to relinquish her life, holding onto it with a fierce tenacity that seemed to defy all odds stacked against her.



When the end came it appeared as if the young woman would burn with a snarl on her face, her entire body glowed with the cerulean light of fire. Until she showed him something he didn't expect out of her. Grit. In the face of annihilation true strength was unleashed when the raven-haired apprentice thrust a hand forward and unleashed a wave of power all her own. The shadows encroaching around them were thrown into disarray when the arcs of azure lightning exploded into realspace. They formed ghastly dancing shadows over the floors and up a way on the wall itself, while the air reeked of ozone. The force of the blast split the gout of flame in two, forcing it to pour down on the floors on either side of her. The sheer heat of the flame was enough to scald the flesh by mere proximity. It was truly a testament to the construction of this place that the floors didn't melt beneath its fury. They began to superheat, glowing a brightening orange as Revna furiously denied the fate before her.

In those moments she would regain sight of the Dark Lord of the Kainate, the Mortarch consigning her to pure agony. After the initial blast he'd vanished from view in the throes of power itself. But through sheer force of will and her own hidden power, it was as if Revna forced the giant to reappear and face her. She could see those eyes burning with molten fury, yet she watched the utter apathy on his face. It was as if the Dark Lord couldn't care less what was happening to her, if he'd killed her here would he even bat an eye? The true question would be if she died here - would he allow her to fall? It seemed for a few passing moments that Reyna would deny her fate as she was spared the fire. "How interesting. An impressive display child, but not enough." It spoke to her strength in the force that she was able to manifest such power at all here, without getting swallowed up by the dark. It took years to control one's power enough to harness the overwhelming darkness. Malsheem reverberated with dark side energy, and his throne room was a focal point for the gathering storm.

That was all she would get from him as his power surged and he disappeared in fire.

The malevolent, dancing flames exploded breaking through her defiance they devoured the lightning until the fire consumed her entire body then. The stench of burning flesh filled the air with new, agonized screams. It should've been by all accounts a horrible death, writhing in agony on the floor while the darkness consumed her, burning her fair skin black and scorching the hair off of her skull. Fire brought a cleansing fury that fused her clothes and skin together, melting them into one horrific mass of charred flesh. Despite the pain she felt it was as if she was forced to feel every bit of it, she was denied the peace of unconsciousness - and the tranquility of death. The Deathless Lord held the woman's fate in his iron fist, and he refused to let her slip to the realms beyond, he held her within her own body. In fact, the pain continued when she would feel herself being lifted into the air, as the Shadow Hand utilized the force to lift her high. A set of black chains wrapped themselves around each arm so tight they bit deep into the charred flesh. "Resistance is futile child. Your place in this world is on your knees before your betters." The Shadow Hand would attempt to use the force to snap every bone in her spinal cord then.

"You will tell me everything I need to know about Darth Strosius and his operations, where he feels safe or I will take it from you."


Revna Revna

Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

The Dark side was as beautiful as it was devastating.

It was more than devastating. There was no real comparison to it. What seemed like so long ago now, Revna had been new to the idea of the Force, the Dark side. Now she was conjuring Force lightning in a last, desperate attempt to fend off the thing that ignited not only her defiant rage but also her deepest fears.

Her ability to conjure the lightning seemed to have caught the tyrant’s notice…if only briefly. The fact that she was able to do it at all surprised even her…but it was a testament to the hard work and diligence and her insatiable hunger to learn more about the Force and rise in her strength in it. But even then, her strength did not compare to the raw power of the man before her.

Envy burned in her rage filled eyes as he disappeared behind his gout of flame and his strength overwhelmed her own. She braced herself as best she could against the hell that was about to wash over her, but one could never prepare themselves enough when faced with burning to death.

Her roar of rage turned to a scream of agony, until the heat that ravaged her burned the air from her lungs and seared her vocal cords beyond recognition. She expected her nerve endings to vaporize and for her to be released from the agony that consumed her…yet relief never came. It was just pain…pure and unadulterated pain…unending. Death should have come to her; no mere mortal could have survived such horror, such suffering.

But neither she nor the dark tyrant who was burning her alive were mere mortals. They were creatures born and bred for Darkness, molded and shaped by it. The Force elevated them to powers and abilities that others did not have.

Their blessings, as her Master called the Force, the Dark side.

Eventually…she registered herself being lifted into the air, and further pain rippled into the burned flesh of her arms as chains held her aloft. She didn’t need to see her appearance to know that she wouldn’t be recognizable to anyone she knew. What was once beautiful was now marred beyond recognition.

It was at this point in time that Revna pulled herself inward to reflect on everything that had transpired. Though her emotions flooded through her and ran rampant, the more logical part of her brain understood that all of this…could have been avoided.

Once again, her defiant nature had brought her to suffering. And it was far greater than anything she had ever experienced.

And she was only alive right now because the behemoth before her refused to let her die.

She was thankful for it, in a way. She didn’t desire death for herself, not even now when all she knew was pain. But she didn’t know how long she had left before he grew tired of her and cut her down. Clearly he had a purpose for her. And that purpose revealed itself when she heard his voice grate into her ears, or what was left of them.

The young Sith would have growled and spat at him again had she been able to. On her knees before her betters?!

The only “better” she had was the Dark side itself, and it was the only thing that deserved her worship, her devotion. Hatred burned within her, just like the fire that had burned and consumed her flesh. She now burned within and without. Was her existence meant to be nothing but fire?

She felt the Force grip her spine, starting low, and with a simple snap of bone, she lost feeling to her legs. That filled her with a different kind of fear and indignant anger, and at that point…she’d had enough. Time to play along and go with the demands; this was not a fight she was going to win. Not now, at least.

Her ability to speak aloud was gone from her…but she smiled internally. The Sith Empress, Srina Talon Srina Talon , had taught her the art of telepathy. And oh how thankful she was to that beautiful wintry woman for teaching her such a thing. Oh if she ever learned of what transpired to Revna here…

-ENOUGH!- she roared through her telepathy, directed at the tyrant, throwing all of her energy into it so he would hear her. She couldn’t speak aloud, so she prayed he would allow the communication. He would have no choice, if he wanted her to tell him things. -I yield-

His next words…a demand…made her sick. This was the crossroads she had been waiting for…the whole purpose behind why she had been taken in the first place. He wanted to know about her Master’s operations, his bases of operation. She was silent, heaving in agonized breaths, feeling as if the fires were still burning her lungs. Revna pondered what she was going to do next. If she answered him…she would be betraying the man who had brought her under his wing, who had given her everything.

Who had become her Father. She might have considered betraying a Master, had he been just any one of the many Sith Lords that populated the Sith Order, and the Empire. But those she called her family? She couldn't betray that...

A thought seeped into her mind: would she be betraying him…if she only told the tyrant before her what was public information? A gamble worth taking, she decided. There was silence for a few more heartbeats…pulses that should have been impossible.

She knew what she had to do, but she loathed every moment of it.

-Darth Strosius is the Lord Inquisitor of the Sith Order. He has his base of operation on Faldos. He works to bring those who are disloyal to the Sith to their knees, execute them if necessary. He is allowed to operate in, through, and by the Sith Order. The Sith Emperor has…allowed him to continue his operations without disruption. Just like the Emperor allows you Kainites to exist in the same galaxy as him without total annihilation-

A few heartbeats later, she continued, her mental voice toneless as she carefully kept all hints of anger, hate, and defiance out of it: -It is no secret that he hates criminals and scum and slavers. He destroys any and all he comes across. And he has taught me to do the same. That is all I know, Dark One. Take it or leave it-




After unimaginable pain the raven-haired apprentice finally reached her breaking point, reaching out through telepathy to make the pain stop. Even now the Dark Lord of the Kainate could feel the hatred swell in her. It was a delectable feeling that raged deep inside her, bubbling up through the cracks in the surface to flood her broken, burned form - it blinded her. Good. It spoke of her strength at such a young age, such potential she had if molded by the right hand. If controlled, shaped, channeled she had the potential to become something truly great in the Sith. "I can feel your hatred child, so pure it is. Excellent. Hatred, Agony. These are the paths of the dark side. The path of darkness is paved with sacrifice, what you are willing to sacrifice will determine how far you rise. Only by giving up everything will you ever become something of true worth. You will learn." The Dark Lord said, dropping a kernel of knowledge.
Then the information flowed. It poured in a wave crashing through the open air with the divulged portions of Darth Strosius's operations. The giant listened intently to the words being spoken but he was wholly uninterested in their contents. The information would be stored for later consumption certainly, but that wasn't the sort of information he wanted. The vital, sensitive information wasn't easily divulged by the loyal few given such knowledge. It was something he knew all too well, and a careful vulnerability he excised from the ranks of the Kainate. He would see the entirety of what she knew but it would come by drawing on the power of the great beyond, through his connection with the Great Terror once unleashed on Asation all those years ago, that other side of him. Revna would be lowered to eye level with the giant then, suspended above the ground still. "Interesting. But a lie. That is all you think you know or are willing to speak. I seek what remains child."
Quite suddenly then the Lord of Lies eyes changed to a deep, boundless crimson red. The pupils were foreign, alien as was the sheen of his eyes far beyond what was typical for the deep corruption of the Sith, this was something more. The temperature in the room dropped as the air began to warble and blur. A visible darkness bubbled over the surface of his arms then, obscuring flesh behind this darkness as if it was pulled from between the lines of reality itself. The giant slammed a palm to her forehead then and as it connected? The psychic pain would surge like a flood that would make her skull feel like it was being shattered into pieces. It was impossible to comprehend how much time had passed since the process began. Revna would know of the moment of its conclusion when her body dropped hard onto the cold steel of the floor. A pair of figures grabbed her arms then. "Process her, then place her in the black cells."

Days, weeks, years passed. It felt like eons had flowed since she'd been interred within her eternal nightmare. Deep within the all-consuming, living shadow of the black cells there was no way to comprehend the passage of time. The endless, draining hell was the total sum of her reamining existene day by day. After the harrowing experience with the Dark Lord she was mended to some degree. An apparatus of dark steel was embedded into the center of her back, a long black metallic spinal cord with metal legs like that of a spider, they were driven into her back, spines burrowed through the broken bone of her spinal cord, while injector needles buried into her flesh. The apparatus of dark magic gave her the ability to walk again of her own power. It had a sophisticated system behind it connected to whatever sorcery the giant had woven in its creation. She would feel the pain at every given moment. It was a deep, grinding, constant pain that seemed to take on a life of its own. It ebbed and flowed almost as if the apparatus had a malicious mind of its own, knowing when she desired peace to grind deeper into her flesh. It was the only company she would have in the darkness, she never encountered other beings.

Until the day the darkness began to grow. It contracted and expanded like a living organism, before it overtook every ounce of her body at the blink of an eye. As her eyes began to adjust to the new light, she would find herself in a rectangular room so large it might as well be an assembly hall. It was rectangular in shape with doors lining the walls. Great tapestries in Ur-Kittat covered the walls and at the center of the back wall a banner dedicated to House Zambrano fell, proudly displaying the Eye of Solomon. The room was undoubtedly a training dojo, perhaps among the greatest dojos ever seen. Every weapon designed for warfare lined the walls here, and there were multiple sparring circles, and the promise of so much more hidden behind the walls. She would see in front of her the Shadow Hand himself, this dark figure of myth and legend within the Sith. He wore a robe of black zeyd-cloth and was on both kness. In front of him was a woman with pale, ashen skin, pitch black hair, and tattoos that were unmistakably nightsister in origin. The familiar hum of lightsabers rang through the air. She focused intently on him while four lightsabers floated around her, they swung through the air, whipping and dashing in a blurring crimson display. "Each are extensions of your will. Feel them move through the air." The Shadow Hand finished, seemingly part of a lecture he was giving the woman in black.

The giant directed his gaze towards her then. Even now the threat of utter annihilation would crawl across her flesh simply by being in his presence. Death clung to him tighter than anyone she would ever meet before, even the foulest, strongest among the order wouldn't have a relationship with the Sith quite like he did. "That will be all. Heed my words and hone your craft." The Dark Lord said before returning his gaze back to the new arrival. "Revna Sharr. Welcome. How does my creation feel, now that you've spent quality time with it?" The Shadow Hand stood then.


Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

Even through the haze of undiluted torment she existed through, she could hear the voice of the giant before her; he was speaking on the intense, burning hatred that flooded every part of her being…its presence almost more acute than the agony from the immolation she’d been forced to suffer through. He spoke further, and though every part of her yearned to repay him for his cruelty, she listened…recognizing that he was bestowing upon her a seed of knowledge, something she could use to further herself, if she lived long enough to do so. His words were foreboding; she knew the Dark side required sacrifice from those who tapped into its power, but to hear that she would need to give up everything if she wanted to become greater than she was now, was painful.

Revna gave him information, but she knew internally he wouldn’t be satisfied with it. He wasn’t a Dark Lord by mere chance; he was smart enough to know that she would be hiding the information he was truly after. But the little woman was aware that he would probably try to forcibly take that information from her, and so she prepared her mental defenses. Her body may have been broken and burned and weakened, but her mind was strong…as was her spirit, her determination, and her will. And due to the heightened emotions of fury and hate, she could feel the Dark side even stronger now as it pulsed through her, like the beating of a black heart.

As she figured he would, the Dark One saw through her deception; he sought what else she knew, the hidden parts. She was unable to do anything as she saw his form shift and the ambient temperature around them plummeted sharply. The sudden chill against her burned flesh brought a new wave of agony as the space around them shifted and warbled. Revna grimly threw up her mental walls and shields, bolstered by her intense emotions, as his palm roughly connected with her forehead.

Both their mental wills collided with extreme violence; the Dark One was trying to force his way through into her mind to rip and tear as he pleased, and Revna was trying to force him back out - a brawl occurring in the battlefield of the mind. The psychic agony brought on by his assault sent ripples through her mental defenses, and some of them collapsed. But she expected this to happen, and knew that eventually all her defenses and mental walls would crumble. But Revna fortified herself, drawing on the strength lent to her from the pain she was feeling, from the anger and disgust she felt for this man before her. She took all of this and leveled it back at him, hurling them against his mind like spears. She hoped to cause him some pain too, make it a challenge for him to get at what he wanted.

However…whatever the Dark Lord had connected with or tapped into in order to tear the information he wanted from her mind, was far too powerful for her to hold off for long. As her mental defenses crumbled around her, she changed tactics, and let him see memories - albeit very begrudgingly. Visions of her past began to spill forth: her first time ever using the Force; the warnings her mother gave her not to use it; her first killing of a fellow slave while being influenced by the Dark side at the tender age of 10, the execution of her mother because of the killing, slave auctions, beatings and savagings and worse…it all flashed from one memory into the next, the Dark Lord getting a front row view of the contents in her mind.

Revna made an effort to try and push him out again, to keep up the appearance that she was still fighting him. Yet more information and memories slipped past…but though she gave the idea that she was fighting against his efforts, Revna was willingly sacrificing her memories to the Sith as he ripped into her mind. All a part of her carefully crafted defense, her last ditch effort to keep her master’s secret place hidden from the eyes of his enemy.

She didn’t do it so much for Darth Strosius; no, she did it for those that called his hidden base home, those she’d come to care about and see almost as family to her. The home of the Order of Wonosa. She had to buy them time, as that was all she could truly do in this situation. She only hoped that her master was smart and quick enough to understand that when she said she’d been compromised through their mental connection, that he would work at getting them - their people - out of danger.

She hoped. She prayed. And she fed the Dark One more diversions in the shape of her most personal and private memories. It was far more than she ever wanted her hated enemies to know about her, but in the moment it was a sacrifice she was willing to make.

Eventually, however, came the most crucial moment: memories of when she first met Darth Strosius; the vision of the starport, the small building she had met him in. And then the young Sith slipped a name through and let it pass onto the Dark Lord before her: Daiyu. The home of the Order of Wonosa, a settlement of freed slaves and other Sith who were loyal to him and him alone. Revna fought savagely, purposefully, to hold onto that information - but eventually she let it slip. All she could repeat in her head was No, almost as if begging the Dark Lord to leave them alone…before memories shifted to Jutrand, to Faldos, to Alvaria…even other planets she had been to on campaigns with her master: Tund, Formos, Ryloth, and Ruusan. Everything she fed him was extracted with painful certainty, then…it ended.

Revna, exhausted, willingly embraced the darkness as she was released from the chains, her body colliding jarringly and agonizingly into the ground. Every part of her was numb by that point: mind, body and spirit…seemingly broken. She hardly registered the Dark One’s commands to those who came to collect her as her entire existence went dark.

Skillful hands and minds kept Revna alive…even when her body tried to drag her into the sweet release of oblivion. The damage done to her was more than what the average human body could withstand - but the Kainites employed those who were extremely skilled at preserving life, if it was deemed necessary. And so, the young Sith woman was stabilized and brought back from the very precipice of death itself, though she was unconscious for the majority of the processing she went through. The majority of her burns were healed, her pale skin returned to how it had been before…except for the more deeply affected areas. There, rippled and angry scars were left behind as a reminder of the raw power and cruel violence of the Dark side that had been wrought against her. She was thoroughly examined for anything that might be considered a security threat, though no such devices would be found - except a medical implant that seemed to prevent pregnancy; this was left where it was, as it was for biological functions and nothing more.

Her more minor bone breaks, muscle and tendon tears were mended as well…but her broken back received a far more special item: a device crafted by the Dark Lord himself. A spinal cage, small enough to not be noticed when wearing clothing, was embedded into the flesh of her back, intertwined into the bones themselves, a synthetic spinal cord carefully emplaced to take over where hers had been damaged. The entire device was carefully crafted, a masterpiece infused with dark magick and alchemized for its sinister purposes. When the surgery was completed, the young woman would have her legs back, but at a terrible cost; but Revna wouldn’t know the full depth of that cost until she experienced it first hand for herself. She was given clothing to wear, to keep her modest, before she was interred and shackled into one of the Black Cells.

Her first few hours of being awake within the Black Cell would be the greatest challenge of her young life; it was during this time period that she met with the more familiar face of the Kainate: Darth Carnifex. When his business had concluded with her, she was returned to her cell and left there. The main damaging effect of the Black Cells was mitigated somewhat, once the clever young Sith figured out a way around the time issue. But preserving her sanity was only a small issue for her to deal with.

The biggest hurdle came not from the total blackness that blinded her, but the newfound hell she was forced to endure, thanks to the device embedded into her back. Darkness and agony, anger and hatred and despair…these became her constant companions as she waited for an end to the seemingly endless nightmare. And these further fractured her mind and her spirit.

It was during this period of time that Revna became acquainted with the device fused into her flesh. Carnifex’s healing had repaired the rest of her spine, making the contraption seemingly useless as she assumed its primary function was to allow her to walk again, but she quickly discovered that it still carried on with its almost intelligent, cruel purpose: to drive her mad with pain.

Any time she desired peace, it would send ripples of pain through her system, bringing her to the edge of fury and even beyond. She tried to physically tear the object from her flesh by hand, but her efforts were only rewarded with blinding white-hot, nauseating pain that would drive her to her knees as she screamed through her newly healed vocal cords into her balled fist, drawing blood as she would bite into her own skin. During this time she also discovered that she had no access to the Force…though she could acutely feel the presence of the Dark side, closer than she’d ever felt it before. Almost as if the pain she was forced to endure, to suffer though, drew her into the Dark’s embrace even further. The truth came to her with clarity then, more so than it ever had before: Peace was a lie - there was only Passion. And through that Passion, she gained her Strength.

There, in the shadowy prison she called home for the time being, the young Sith woman began to think upon the knowledge her tormentor had passed to her: that the path of the Dark side was a road paved with sacrifice, and hatred and agony were pathways into the Dark. Her own master had cautioned her against allowing her hatred to consume her, knowing it would corrupt her further and eventually destroy her. But to survive…she had to allow it to wrap its insidious tendrils around her. She would have to adapt to survive; learn a new way forward. Her master had not come for her…not yet, and she had to entertain the idea that it would be a long while before he ever could…if he did. She had to face and accept the possibility too that she was in this for the long haul, and would need to break herself free in the end, somehow. For now, her fate was in her own hands.

Even if that meant accepting the ways of her enemies as her own.

Revna was kneeling in the darkness of her cell when she noticed that the shadows seemed to grow even deeper and darker. Awareness prickled over her senses, and she rose to her feet as the surroundings around her began to shift and take shape before enveloping her in its depths. A moment later, she found herself surrounded by light, and she squeezed her eyes shut against its glaring pain as it needled its way into her eyes. Slowly, she opened her eyes and blinked back the tears that had built up, raising her pale hands to wipe them away as she adjusted to the shift in environments.

Many things collided with all her senses at the same time: sight, sound, touch, and - much to her relief - her Force sense. She’d been disconnected from the Force for some time…but now it came rushing back to her, and she basked in it for a brief moment before letting her gaze shift around, the only part of her that moved as she took in her surroundings in a more slow, methodical fashion.

The rectangular chamber she had been brought into was massive; lining the walls were various doors and stunningly beautiful tapestries displaying the familiar glyphs in ur-Kittât decorated the walls on either side of the chamber. Racks filled with every type of weapon imaginable lined the walls as well, and she noticed the various circles spread throughout the room - no doubt meant for sparring. The small Sith woman’s eyes were drawn to a large banner against the opposite wall to her, detailing a symbol she wasn’t familiar with, though she was smart enough to put together that it must have been the symbol of the Kainites.

Eventually her gaze fell upon the only other two individuals in the room with her: one of whom she recognized instantly, and she didn’t even attempt to fight back the surge of near volcanic hatred that surged through her upon seeing the giant Dark Lord again.

Revna clenched her fists and brought herself under control through sheer strength of will alone, and carefully built a mask of wary alertness and let it settle over her features as her eyes shifted to the woman who was before him, and then to the crimson lightsabers that artfully and carefully danced around her. The small Sith woman listened as her nemesis seemed to be in the middle of instructing the woman before him, and she tilted her head to the left slightly, her hatred being replaced by curiosity, as she watched the sabers move through the air, suspended via the Force she assumed. She then felt eyes on her, and her gaze snapped to that of the Dark One’s as he seemed to take notice of her presence. The little apprentice could feel the prickles of doom dance over her skin as he stared at her, but she hardened herself to their sensation.

He directed his attention back to the woman before him for a moment, ending the lesson he’d been teaching her before returning his gaze back to Revna. He spoke her name, and welcomed her. She scoffed ever so lightly, her gaze narrowing as she heard his next words, his inquiry of her: how did his creation feel, now that she’d spent time with it?

On the outside, her features remained the same: alert, her attention seemingly focused on him and nothing else. But underneath simmered a barely contained violence that threatened to erupt at the slightest provocation. A result from the near unending torture she’d been suffering, thanks to the device he had created. She remained silent, her eyes staring back into his with a glimmer of her wrathful hate that she kept under tight control for the moment. Then, she smiled.

Words cannot begin to adequately describe it.” Revna finally replied, though her voice sounded foreign in her own ears; soft but venomous. “One could almost say it is…an enlightening experience.

For a moment, time seemed to stand still as the young woman stared him down. Then…she moved, calling upon the Force as she felt it flow through her, lending her its speed and strength as she launched herself at the Dark Lord with the swiftness of a striking viper, summoning one of the other woman’s sabers to her hand as she made to attack him directly, pure hate and murderous intent dancing over her pale, beautiful face…

…only to have her efforts cut short sharply and most painfully, as the device in her spine sent a shock through her system, locking her muscles in place as she crashed into the floor and rolled before skidding to a stop at his feet, paralyzed for her rebellious efforts.

If only it had been that easy - Revna growled bitterly to herself as she stared up at the Dark Lord from the floor, not an ounce of regret on her face, the agony that ripped through her only stoking the fire that burned so hot within. Her smile returned then, a grim and dark smirk that lacked all humor.

“Seems your little creation doesn’t like it when I try to kill you. Imagine that.” she spat hotly as she waited for the pain and the paralysis to disperse. But despite her seeming failure, she learned a very important and valuable lesson in that moment: until the device was removed, she would be unable to exact her vengeance upon her tormentor. But she couldn’t be blamed for at least trying, could she?

Well, now that I got that out of the way…for what purpose have you brought me here, Kainite?




The device buried into her back worked its terrible magic quickly and efficiently. It was rooted in the deep past of the ancient Sith, buried in his gathered understanding of the darkest sorceries. It possessed an intricate design that interconnected it deeply within its host, ensuring anything but a complex removal process to be incredibly perilous. Even as she appeared he could feel its work burning through the delicate psyche of the Sith Apprentice. The moment she locked eyes with him the rage burst through a fragile wall of restraint. She charged like a mad dog, a raving barbarian fueled by the dark side. But just as she took her first few steps?
It was all put to a swift end.
Just as it was designed the device revealed another hidden effect as it ground her with enough pain to drop her helplessly to the floor. The Dark Lord didn't even move when she slid across the dojo's floor, stopping mere feet away from him. Just as it was created by his hand, it was bonded to him in ways that couldn't be explained. It all but ensured she could do little else but listen to his words, heed his commands. If not? The device would grind deep into her spine and make her scream. "You will learn and adapt to it, as it will adapt to you. Consider it a gift. In time you will grow to see it as a blessing." The Shadow Hand responded to her first words, gesturing in front of him where the previous individual had been.
"Your life has changed Revna Sharr, and you will need to learn to live in this new reality. Sit." The giant clasped his hands together then, allowing them to disappear within the folds of his robes. "Understand that you were a mere piece in a grander game Revna Sharr. A game your master began the day he and his cohort killed the Queen of Shadows, one he escalated with his repeated, futile attempts on the life of my nephew. You were merely a reminder to your master that we can strike those closest to him, anytime, anywhere. There is a cost to such actions that he has taken, and if he continues to refuse to adapt, he must be prepared to pay it." The Shadow Hand shook his head then as he looked Revna up and down, those molten eyes seemed to analyze her carefully.
"You strike recklessly without purpose. You move with reckless abandon and that will all but ensure your demise. Even before my device graced your flesh, I could see this in you. Your master has clearly chosen not to teach you one of the greatest lessons a Sith can learn."

Revna Revna Sharr


Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

Pain and fury and hatred easily clouded one’s mind, forced one’s actions without thought - and young Revna was not immune to such things. Especially with everything that she had been made to endure, to suffer through, thus far while under Kainate custody.

She lay on the cold, hard floor of the dojo for a few moments, breathing her way through the pain that caused her muscles to seize and spasm, and white hot pain to lance itself deep into her nerves. Only when she ceased her hostile intentions and actions, did the device buried in her flesh start to relax its hold on her. Her mind, her thoughts, were a whirl as she processed what had just happened.

Especially when the giant man who loomed above her told her that she would have to learn and adapt to his little creation, and that it in turn would adapt to her. She glared viciously at him when he told her to consider it a “gift”, and that in time she would come to see it as a blessing. How could anything like this be a gift or a blessing?!

Her burning eyes flickered to his hands as he gestured in front of him, and frowned as he stated that her life had changed. He voiced the very thoughts that had echoed in her head while she had waited in eternal darkness: she was going to have to adapt and learn to live in her new situation. But that in and of itself was a compounded issue. There were so many unknown variables happening and shifting around, and yet she would have to make a decision regardless.

She heard his command for her to sit, like he was some damn hound, and angry defiance flared again in her eyes and on her face. She remained where she was, refusing to do as he told her to do, until she felt the growing pain from the device in her back, grinding into her flesh, ripping into her sensitive nerves. Revna gritted her teeth and fought back against it, but it only grew more intense as the seconds passed by, until -

-with an angry snarl, she pushed herself up from her prone position and sat down, facing the Dark Lord. And only when she did so…did the pain start to release its grip on her...for moment, anyway. She knew it would return.

It clicked into place in her mind, her understanding, then. That recognition would be evident on her face as she put the pieces together. The device was somehow bound to him, to her tormentor…and it was very much similar to an electric shock collar that often found itself around the throats of defiant slaves. Disobedience and resistance would be punished, and in this case the realization of this very nearly broke the young Sith woman as a darkness crossed over her face, her eyes, and her whole posture dropped slightly.

She’d escaped her enslavement…only to seemingly end up back in chains again. This time bound to a being who was not her master, but who could control her as if he was. Maybe…he was just that to her now, and she was just refusing to believe or accept the reality of her situation. Her face set into a grim expression: she was a Sith, not a slave. She had fought and proved her worth to call herself a Sith then…but how could she do so now? She would find a way, she told herself grimly as she stared away from the Dark Lord, refusing to even look at him for the moment. She would resist his influence and control on her. But she knew, in the end, she would have to do as she was directed.

That thought alone sent chills over her skin. It opened up her thoughts to the endless manipulations that she could be forced through. It was not a pleasant thought. As it was right now…with the realization of how serious this was…he could command her to attack her own allies, and she would be forced to obey, or suffer immense consequences. She could willingly face such torment…except she had a sinking feeling in her heart that obedience would always be the outcome, despite her efforts to resist. She hoped and prayed it would never come to that. She would rather drive her own sword through her chest, than strike against those she fought and bled for and gave her loyalty to. But she already knew that any action taken against herself, or against the device in her spine, would bring her to a point of paralysis. She would be unable to truly free herself.

Revna breathed in and out for a few heartbeats as the dark understanding crashed over her: someone else would have to break her free from this, as she would be unable to do so on her own power.

And that realization changed everything for her as she sat there on the floor.

Forgive me - was all she could murmur in her mind as her thoughts shifted to her allies, her master, her friends, her loved ones. She could fight back, resist the will of those who now held power over her...but it would only delay the inevitable. Revna sighed heavily, and dragged her gaze to the giant that was there before her as she listened in silence to his words. Surprise flickered over her face briefly when she heard that Carnifex was the nephew of this man, but that surprise shifted to anger once more that smoldered within.

He looked her over, assessing and judging, and she resisted the urge to shift uncomfortably under those burning ember eyes of his. He accused her of striking recklessly, without thought - something that would be her eventual demise, and she continued to hold her silence - but when he accused her master of not teaching her certain lessons, she couldn't restrain herself any further.

You speak as if you were there in my lessons with my Master. Which you weren’t, so I’ll enlighten you. Of course my master taught me observation! What Sith master wouldn’t? It is how I learn best, afterall. He figured that out on my first day as his acolyte. Everything I’ve done up until this moment, has had thought and consideration and purpose. I acted out against you with purpose and intention, despite knowing that your strength and power far eclipses my own. I committed to my course - for better or worse, and have paid the consequences. My actions are my own, and I act against my master’s teachings at times. Clearly. Otherwise I wouldn’t be here.” Revna growled as she stared back at him. “And if you think for a moment that Darth Strosius won’t react harshly to you taking what belongs to him, you are sorely mistaken.

Knowing her Master, he was probably already devising a way of striking back against the Kainites, and probably with extreme violence - though for his sake and the sake of all those that were under his command, she hoped he would choose another path, another way. For all she knew, she could be bait to lure him into a trap. Revna didn’t know if she could live with herself knowing that she would be the reason he and others were led to their doom. But there was very little she could do about it now. His actions and choices would be his own in how he chose to confront this issue.

Revna knew that, for now, her priorities would need to shift. She didn't know what the future held for her - but she wasn't going to let herself waste away wondering. She would adapt, as she always did, and make use of her current situation. There was much she could learn from this new reality, but she had to play along.

Though the defiance was still evident on her face and in her still smoldering eyes, the young woman adopted a more…observant position, her legs crossed underneath her and her hands folded in her lap, as she gave the Dark Lord her full focus, craning her neck to look up at him.

Alright, Dark One…you have my attention. Clearly you have a purpose in mind for me, otherwise you wouldn’t have gone through the effort of creating this thing and placing it on my back, nor would you have allowed me to live after my rather blatant show of disrespect. So…why am I here? Where am I, even? And just who are you exactly?

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"You think what you do is observation? You are still blind child. You see with your eyes, but you don't truly see the full picture. You act rashly and foolishly much like your master would. This isn't a sign of bravery, a signature strength wielded by one Sith to be passed on. This is carelessness, foolishness that should be purged. Yet Darth Strosius stokes the fires within you and sets you loose like a mad dog to the slaughter. What you have done is not observation in its totality, you have merely touched a fraction of the definition. But that is common of most of your kind, it is a skill lost to so many." The Dark Lord said crossing his hands in front of him, allowing his burning gaze to fall heavy on Revna. Even in ths setting on the floor of the training room, there was something about this giant that kept hairs standing on end, the tinge of alarm never ceasing at the back of the mind for what this apex killer represents. "Oh, I know so much more than you think, or you would like me to know young Revna Sharr. I see all. I am quite unconcerned with your masters' thoughts of reprisal, he strikes recklessly, and it will be his undoing. Yet I will watch him closely." The words alluded to far more than what was readily apparent, as cryptic as they are.

"I have plans for you Revna Sharr. I have judged your life and determined you would serve my understanding, serve my needs. You have done nothing I have not expected. I gave the order to have you brought here, I knew your reaction before you were even brought before me. You play to the grand design I have laid out, and your part will end when I deem it so. Not before, not after." There was a degree of absolute certainty in the words being spoken. It didn't seem like extreme confidence but more so like the surety of outcome, as if there was no other option beyond what he laid out.

"As for who I am? I am the Final Moment. But first, I would impart a lesson. A Sith should learn to see without eyes and I would have the measure of you." The Dark Lord pulled out a smooth, blind fold from within his robes and held it out to her. "Put it on."


Revna Revna
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Darth Prazutis Darth Prazutis

The temptation to roll her eyes was powerful, but Revna resisted the urge as she heard the words spoken to her by the man who towered over her, this Lord of the Kainate. His words and even how he spoke to her was in contrast to how Darth Carnifex had interacted with her, and she noted this.

Internally, she found herself musing that she would rather be sitting and speaking with Carnifex, than this beast of a man. Something she never would have imagined herself thinking before such recent events. Instead, she kept her eyes on the Sith before her, her bold gaze never leaving his - even as it burned through her and into her very soul, or so it felt like. Some of what this Sith Lord spoke about was not entirely true, or so she felt, anyway. Her master didn't stoke the fires within her - on the contrary he tried to temper those flames so she didn't destroy herself. But she couldn't deny that he was perhaps right about the fact that her observations were...lacking. The logical part of her brain reminded her that this man was a Dark Lord. He had far more experience and knowledge than she did at that time. So she pushed past her stung pride to accept, begrudgingly, what he said.

However...the Dark One's next statements about him seeing and knowing more than she believed him to made her pause; the hairs on the back of her neck stood on end as she digested his words more slowly in her mind, and the realization of just what he was telling her crashed over her like a wave. He'd been in her mind, had tried to tear and rip the knowledge the sought from her. She had attempted to hide the truth, deceive him.

That was when she knew a cold, harsh fact: she had failed. As much as she wanted to believe she had succeeded in keeping the whereabouts of Strosius's hidden base a secret, that information was now known to their enemies. Now, she could only hope that her stalling this Kainite would have bought the cult and Strosius some time to relocate. Otherwise...she didn't want to think about that. There was nothing more she could do for Formos, or the Order of Wonosa. Their safety now rested in the hands of their High Priest.

Revna regarded the Dark Lord with a bit more…caution…when she heard him declare that he had plans for her. That she would serve his needs, whatever those might be or look like. A bubble of hatred welled up within her chest, but she choked it back, barely. She was not in a place to argue or fight back, especially with this infernal device on her spine. But she was curious about this ‘grand design’ he alluded to. She could only imagine the horrors he had in store for her, and her mind wandered into dangerous territory once more.

Unless her Master arrived to secure her freedom from this nightmare, then she knew…in the depths of her soul, her heart…that she would remain here. She would remain bound to this dark figure before her, to his will…his whim… his everything, if he deemed it so. There would be no escape. She wouldn’t even be allowed to die without this Dark Lord’s express permission. He’d probably be the one to deliver it to her, whenever he no longer had use or need for her.

A sudden fear crept over her, and she felt a chill drape over her like an icy shroud.

Revna desired the thing that nearly all Sith wanted - to live.

The idea that she could be put down because her use had run its course frightened her. Everything she was, all she strived to be…would be for nothing. What was she to do about that?

Truly, she already knew the answer - as much as she despised it. Do your best, give your best. Make yourself valuable to them, whispered her consciousness within. But that would require…compliance. Obedience. Dutifulness that she swore to give only to her own master, and his designs. The idea of having to give that to her enemies sickened her.

But what other option did she have, if she wanted to live?

Revna arched an eyebrow slightly when he announced who he was, in a cryptic sort of way, and that he would impart a lesson to her. And thus it begins, she mused darkly to herself as her amber gaze beheld a blindfold appear into his massive hands, taken from the depths of his robes. He extended it out to her, and told her to take it. It wasn’t a request, and the little Sith woman hesitated for only a moment, before she reached up and almost kindly pulled the cloth from his grasp. “As you wish, Kainite. And all of us Sith are the 'final moment' to someone, at some point. That hardly tells me anything about just who you are. But I know your name now, thanks to Carnifex - you are Prazutis. I just wanted to hear it from your lips directly. And I do agree with you - Sith should learn to see without using their eyes. There is wisdom in this...I'll give you that much." she replied before wrapping the dark cloth around her head, and securing it in place.

Almost instantly, all her other senses came to life: hearing, touch, smell...even taste - and as if on instinct her Force sense spread out so she could see without her physical eyes. Tension coiled within her form, making her tight as a serpent who was prepared to strike, as she waited for whatever lesson he had for her to begin.

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