Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wrong Shade


She.. Was alive? Iris's eyes were squeezed shut at the sound of the blaster. It wasn't until she heard Valery Noble Valery Noble 's voice that she realized she wasn't dead. Not dead. She took a breath, practically gasping for air once she realized she'd been holding it. Her cheek still hurt. Her head pounded. But there was no time to think. Valery told her to go get the kids, and she certainly would.

The younger Keshian practically crawled the first couple of steps before she got on her feet to run back towards where she left the kids. They must of been so frightened after the gunfire. That was the only thing she focused on. They needed her. Iris rounded the corner to the box. Sure enough, they were there. Huddled together. A soft, almost broken kind of smile formed as she crouched down to hug them close. They were safe. All of them were.

"Yeah." She called out to the Jedi at the question, guiding the children out. "Lets get out of here."

Location: Sump
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsaber: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
When Iris made her way back to Valery with the kids, the Jedi Master stepped towards her and made sure to obscure the body of the killed slaver by standing between it and the three she was trying to protect. They had seen more than enough death, so she wanted to spare them another nightmare-inducing scene.
"Good, you're all safe," Valery said with a tone that showed relief.
But as she got closer and her body lowered to take a better look at them, she did notice the mark left behind by the rifle stock that had struck Iris' cheek. Valery tilted her head and patted the young Padawan on the shoulder.
"You've done great, Iris. Let's get them out of here." she got up and began to escort the three out of the encampment. At this point, she had already taken care of most slavers, and the remaining ones decided that picking a fight was like suicide, so they refrained from doing so.
This meant the three finally moved to safety, but that also meant the adrenaline would slowly be fading. They also had to still get off the planet.
"I'm going to take you three back with me. The kids, I'll bring somewhere safe on Coruscant but Iris..." she looked at the young Padawan. "Do you have a Master I can take you to? Or anybody else?"


Iris was of the same mind as Valery Noble Valery Noble . Shielding the children's views she followed after the Jedi master, doing her best not to look at the dead. Dead. Her lips thinned. She could of been dead t- No. A calming breath was taken as she briefly tightened her grip on the children's shoulders. Helping to keep them moving until they made it outside. Outside in the sunlight. The warmth on her face had Iris closing her eyes again.


Then the master's voice. She blinked slowly, the faintest of tears in her eyes as she looked towards Valery.

"Oh. Um. The group I was with should still be here."

Location: Sump
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsaber: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery noticed the tear in the girl's eye and moved a bit closer. She lowered herself so the two were on eye level, and offered her a warm and comforting smile. "I can take you back to them if you'd like. But, if you want, you can also come along with me," she said as she made it clear that she was looking at Iris' check, again making sure it wasn't swelling up.
"I will be heading back to the Praxeum on Ossus soon. I wouldn't mind some company."
She then looked at the two kids and nodded at them, "I will also promise that you two are going to be safe. I know a place I can take you both - you'll be treated well."


"I.." Don't want to be a burden. For most of Iris's life that's what she'd been. She knew it. All the time she spent off in her own world, painting and adrift in the colors, it'd been other people who'd taken care of her. From the impromptu family that was her apartment building to the Jedi on Kashyyyk. Now to Valery Noble Valery Noble . Her gaze lowered as she stared at her feet. Was it really okay to burden the Jedi master more?

Yet, she wanted to get away from here. No longer in danger all the fear, panic, and pain rushed to the forefront of her mind. She held the growing bruise on her cheek as tears far more freely fell. "I want to stay with you."

Location: Sump
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsaber: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Valery gently tilted her head as she felt the emotions within the girl. She then stood up as Iris' gaze lowered and placed a hand on the girl's shoulder, hoping to provide her some comfort, "Then you'll stay with me." Valery stepped closer and placed one hand softly against the back of the girl's head, the other over her back to hold her close for a moment.
A warm, comforting embrace.
"We'll get you something for the bruise and you can stay with me on Ossus. Rest, recover and maybe do some training? How does that sound?" she pulled back from the hug so she could look at Iris.


Iris blinked slowly as Valery Noble Valery Noble pulled her into a hug. When.. No. She'd never had a hug before. Never wanted one at that, but.. Why didn't she? Tears streamed down her cheeks as she leaned fully against Valery, throwing her arms around the Jedi's waist. Fully crying in her embrace. As much as she kept herself calm, she couldn't any more. It was a surprise to the young woman, but she couldn't stop herself even if she wanted to.

And right now? She wanted to feel safe and hold none of this back.

Location: Sump
Valery: Appearance
Outfit: Factory Link
Lightsaber: Link!
Ship: Factory link
Tag: Iris Arani Iris Arani
Even if Valery planned to step back, she couldn't with the girl's arms wrapped around her. But seeing how much the young Padawan needed this, there was no way she was going to break the hug. She instead kept Iris there for as long as she wanted, and smiled while she returned the hug.
"It's alright, dear," she said with a soft tone.
When Iris eventually had let it all out and seemed ready to move forward, Valery would look her in the eyes and smile. "Come on, I'll take you back to Ossus and cook us a nice meal."
"Then perhaps after that... you can show me some of your painting skills? I may know a wall or two that look a bit boring." she winked.


Iris nodded slowly when she did finally pull back from Valery Noble Valery Noble . She was tired. Bruised. The dull ache in her jaw was starting to pull her attention again, and all she wanted to do at this point was just sleep. A meal though? That sounded nice too. She gave a very sleepy smile as she nodded. "That all sounds really nice.. .. Can I sleep first, though? I just.. Wanna collapse n' sleep.."

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