Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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World's Ending? Pub. (NOW WITH 100% MORE OPEN)

Nik Woverius Rillians

Moron by Day, Idiot by Night.
Things happen. Sometimes in life, the unexpected comes right up and kicks you square in the balls.

Take today for instance. He was on Coruscant, had been for about two months, nothing illicit or untoward. He'd just found a pub he liked, met a few females and decided it was time for a break. There was really only so much of being shot at you could take before running out of clean knickers, after all. Where better than Coruscant, heart of the Republic. The mighty, galaxy spanning juggernaut. Where could BE more safe?

Of course, assumptions like these were usually followed by the aforementioned volley to the hyper velocity gun. He caught, perhaps, four seconds? Of the news broadcast before he reached for his com and dialed up a frequency for someone he'd grown to know on his travels, [member="Johnny Diamonds"].

"Pub?" There was kark all left to do at this point and if the One Sith were about to bomb his magnificent arse to hell then he was damn sure going pished.
"Oh, delightful." Leon thought to himself, looking up from his propped-up datapad with attached keyboard to a news-holo broadcast that simply stated "ONE SITH INVASION". He shook his head, saved the paper he'd been working on, and folded the whole thing up and tucked it into a bag he carried with him. People stopped mocking him for his blue messenger bag when they realised he didn't actually care if they thought it was basically a man-purse. It fulfilled a role, and looked nice in the process. That was that.

"Well, I guess I'd better see what the guys are up to, then," he said to himself amongst the ruckus that seized the cafe. People were all running, screaming, one tried to snatch his bag to which he slapped their hand and said "Oi, hands off", and they flicked him off and kept running. Really, the nerve of people taking advantage of a crisis. He plucked out a comm from his pocket and tapped whichever of the two buttons that were speed-dial for the friends he'd made just recently on this world. They were honestly quite his opposite in terms of loudness, shenanigans, and really everything... but they were fun company, and they enjoyed similar activities. And so, to either [member="Nik Woverius Rillians"] or [member="Johnny Diamonds"], he said above the first startling explosion of the orbital bombardment,

"So a-AH, oh, er, how about that pub Nik was talking about?"

Nik Woverius Rillians

Moron by Day, Idiot by Night.
It wasn't anything worth writing about. It was a pub, or bar, or cantina. It was whatever you wanted to call it. It had the usual fragrance of piss, vomit and cigarra smoke. There were old men, staring into the bottom of their glasses like somehow the answer to why their life had turned to crap would be at the bottom.

It was a slow day, barely gone noon, and either there had been a rash of deaths due to liver cirrhosis the previous night or people were taking the much needed time to shit their pants at home while the Sith fleet parked its arse in orbit. The ground gave a tremor as he entered, the tinkling of empty alcoholic receptacles like music to his ears. He didn't want to imagine what had caused it, his mind was readily capable of producing any number of literal underwear discolouring scenarios but for now he focused on earth quake, a small barely offensive earthquake.

"Pint," He said to the bedraggled old barkeep who kept looking around at the muted holoscreen that showed the dark shapes above the world. It was at this point his com-buzzed. "Are you high again [member="Leon Heath"]? This IS Nik and hurry up before the pub explodes or something..." He clicked off the line and then turned to the barman. "Make that two."
"You know as well as I do tha-" the channel closed.

Leon clicked his comm shut and jammed it into his pocket. [member="Nik Woverius Rillians"] hadn't been helpful in the slightest, but... going against the tide of people and following signs, he finally made his way to the building. He ducked in before a new wave of sentients found their way to any spaceport they could use to get off-world. He took a breath of... fresh? Ehh... non-hurried air now to release the tension of the mob beyond the door. He quickly spotted Nik amongst the empty pub, and slid into the bar stool to the other man's left.

"Crazy day, eh?" he commented, the barkeep quickly bustling by and serving the pints of... something. In glasses of questionable cleanliness.

Leon paused, looked at the glass and its contents, looked back outside, and shrugged in a 'feth it' manner and took a gulp of the fluid. He normally avoided alcohol, but now? He'd rather explode happy if he was going to explode at all.
Sighing, Luminara lazily stared at the drink before her. She never did understand the appeal of such a vulgar liquid. How could it be enjoyable? Being filled with narcotics to the point of blacking out was no way to indulge oneself in her opinion. It would be much more fun to find a fight, or torture the life from someone, or even drive someone insane. At least those produced some credible results. She lightly swirled the ale with the Force, her finger moving in a circular motion just above the rim. This "pub", as it was so fondly referred to, had little business. It was surprising really. At this hour, most bars and cantinas would hold plenty of customers coming in to drown their various sorrows and problems. Ridiculous as it was. She played with the end of one of her lekku. So bored....
[member="Leon Heath"]
[member="Nik Woverius Rillians"]
[member="Johnny Diamonds"]
"You know, Nik. Sometimes I wonder what in the kark we're doing. Then, well, this kind of smeg happens."

Johnny laughed his ass off, grinning all the while as he made his way from the bathroom back to the bar. Had to be the galaxy's longest piss, that's for damn sure. Either way, He took a seat right next to Nik, and clapped him on the back.

"You should have known i'd be here already, me ol' son. Now give us a kiss, eh?"

With that, Johnny butted his head against Nik's, laughing all the while. He was well pissed already, and the night hadn't even begun.

[member="Nik Woverius Rillians"] [member="Luminara Rikanati"] [member="Leon Heath"]

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