Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Working In The Market (Open To All)

Jake Sorin

Location: A Abregado-rae Marketplace
Reason: Working At Moms Fruit Stand

What a wonderful day, nothing to do but sell fruit to boring old people.

Jake listened as Miss Keller talked to him like she did everyday he was working.

"Ooh dearie, have you heard about poor Wally? He fell into the canal." Miss Keller said.

"Yes Miss Keller, I have heard." He said with a tone that said hey im board please shut up.

Miss Keller didn't seem to care she kept talking anyway.

"Yeah that kid needs to be more like you Jake." Miss Keller said.

He looked at her and smiled.

"Miss Keller, I'm not that good." He said with a laugh "well you don't want to be late for cooking your supper tonight, you'd better get going." Jake said.

"Ok Jake, tell your mother I said hello." She said.

"Will do Miss Keller." He said before turning his attention to nobody in particular. His shift was over soon, maybe a few more customers would appear before he closed up the shop.


The Sith Apprentice walked through the marketplace with a neutral look upon his face. There was a hood that concealed his face, and as he passed by the marketplace, the Eldorai Sith turned his head to look upon the boy that was being spoken to by another woman. He didn't look too interested and he raised a single eyebrow in question, but the upper area of his facial features were concealed. Only the tip of his nose and underneath there were actually visible.

Then he walked forwards and started to look at the fruit that was in front of him. He picked up some of the fruit as if to analyze it and then put it down before picking up a completely different type of fruit and doing the same thing. It was a repetitive process, and he never got tired of it.

[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

The cloaked man walked up without any words said.

Jake sat and watched as he picked up different types of fruit then put it back down. For some reason it was annoying Jake.

"Sir, may I help you?" He said as nicley as he could, his mother would beat him senseless if she found out he was not being polite.

"You seem like your looking for somthing in particular, need help?" He asked while glaring at him, he was not able to see his face due to his cloak but, it was fine.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


The Eldorai Sith smiled to himself a little bit, and the only thing that showed from his face was the corner of his mouth as it turned into a smirk. "You're a miserable child, aren't you?" He asked without replying to his previous questions. As if he'd want to buy fruit from a human. He was only there to be... A nuisance if truth be told, he needed something to satisfy his needs, and taking the piss out of humans was a way to enjoy himself.

For a moment, he lifted up his head so just a little bit more of his face was shown, and he raised a hand to his face as he stroked his jawline as if in thought. "Tell me, why do you remain here?"

[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

"Your a miserable child aren't you?" The man said to Jake.

"W-what, how im not." He said a bit frightened.

He looked at the man and chills went down his spine.

"Why do you remain here?" He said again to Jake.

"I-I help support my mother, w-why do you care?" He said with a bit of fear in his voice.

The man scared him but, it didn't matter, as long as he didn't steal he is fine.

He looked at the man, he seemed scary, what the hell was he doing here? The sixteen year old kid thought.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


"Stuttering doesn't help you." The Eldorai said softly and chuckled at the human. It sounded soft, as if it could never be coming from a man who looked as imposing as he presumably did. It was funny to Astraios anyway.

Then the teenager offered him a question and in turn he shrugged his shoulders. Why do I care? Why do I care... He rolled the thoughts around his head for a few moments. He truly didnt' care about the boy in front of him, he had simply sensed the insolence that had practically rolled off of him while he had been conversing with the woman from earlier. People like that, especially humans, vexed him when they thought themselves better than someone who offered information.

"To teach you that knowledge is the most important thing you'll ever have in your life."

[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Knowledge, was this man serious?

"Knowledge, I'd expect you to be to ignorant to know anything of knowledge." He said staring the man straight in the eye.

"Your just another deadbeat costumer." He said with a bit of anger in his voice.

He was pissed at the man, but he was pretty smart for some random man who had just showed up. Why did he even ask in the first place, he didn't seem to be wanting to buy fruit.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


The insult had been expected, he never expected much from humans. This one's pale complexion and miserable attitude made him feel even more disgusted with them as a whole. It wasn't a hate for a single member of the species, but rather for the whole of it. Simply being in the presence of [member="Jake Sorin"] was sickening.

"I'm certain you're used to your expectations being incorrect in that case." He said with a chuckle. There was only cold courtesy there, if you could called it that. "Being a 'deadbeat customer' doesn't mean I have a lack of knowledge, boy." This time he didn't laugh. "You are a halfwit, and you are lucky to be alive. Are your parents here to see the disgrace that you've become?" He asked while picking up a fruit and tossing it to each hand a few times. He didn't even bother to look at him anymore.

Jake Sorin

"You are a halfwit, and you are lucky to be alive. Are your parents here to see the disgrace that you've become?" The man asked, this hit Jake the hardest, a few tears went down his face, he remembered his fatuers death and his mother's sorrows from it.

"I am not a disgrace, my mother is alive! Your the disgrace." He said while stepping from around the counter and right in front of the man.

"Y-you do have a lack of knowledge." Jake felt hurt, more hurt then he felt in his life.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


When he saw the tears begin to descend from the eyes of the pale boy there was something in him that triggered. Something deep inside of him that he had never thought would come to him. What if Kaeshana's Military didn't realize that he had the Force? What if he lived a regular life upon Kaeshana with his family? He wouldn't know, he had been a soldier for as long as he could remember, but thanks to an old friend he had been smuggled from that planet and was left on Tatooine, a planet in the Outer Rim.

What he felt... Was power over somebody. Of course he had felt it before like when he had fought a Sith Pureblood, Toxarien after the Invasion of Empress Teta and he had won, but he hadn't been scared of the Eldorai, instead he had vowed that he would beat Astraios, but he had yet to do so. When the boy said he was a disgrace, he supposed he was since he had fled from the military when he felt that it was doing nothing for him. And for reasons that he couldn't explain.

"Do I have a lack of knowledge? I had enough knowledge to trigger your tears, child." He replaced the fruit with a slow hand in the wrong section purposely, and there was still the sign of a smirk in the corner of his mouth. "Does crying make you feel better weakling?"

[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

"Do I have a lack of knowledge? I had enough knowledge to trigger your tears, child." The man said.

The man placed the fruit he had been tossing from hand to hand in a different section, which made Jake kind of mad.

He looked the man straight in the eyes, then punched him in the face.

"Your lucky my father is not here!" Then sixteen year old said and took one step back and bumped into the counter, he was afraid of what would happen next.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


When the boy's fist swung, there was a moment where Astraios's eyes narrowed and the smirk widened. It amused him greatly, but with speed that was enhanced through training as Kaeshanan Military, an Assassin for the Black Sun Syndicate, and for having been a Sith for quite some time, he caught the fist before it could even come close to hitting him in the face.

In that moment, Astraios's hood nearly fell off his head, but it righted itself when he had stopped moving. When the child had moved away, both of his hands went outwards and he sent the force push at the counter and to the boy, intending to push it into him. With their close proximity, how could he avoid it?

We'll have to see.

[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake who was up against the counter got force pushed over it.

The cart flipped and Jake was on the other side.

He looked up at the man.

"Your A Force User." He said with a quiver, and Jake could tell he wasnt a Jedi.

"D-dont kill me...please." he said softly.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


When the counter was thrown away the Eldorai Sith Apprentice strode over to where it had once stood and he looked down upon the pale complexion of the boy. "Remember the words I said. Understand what you never understood before, that you are a fool and you must change your ways if you wish to succeed." There had been absolutely no purpose to what he had done in those previous minutes, but he had done it anyway.

"Get up." He said to the boy, and then he began to walk away from the fruit stand. "If you wish to learn important things, you'll follow." He didn't mean to leave the marketplace at all. In fact, he simply meant to show him a higher vantage point. SSimple tricks that he had learned when he had been an Assassin. Pickpocketing, how to read a person, the basics. He didn't sense the Force from this being, but they had potential to be broken down and built up again.

[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

"Remember the words I said. Understand what you never understood before, that you are a fool and you must change your ways if you wish to succeed." The man said.

He took in his words.

"Get up." The man said

"Yes s-sir" Jake said before quickly getting up.

He started to follow the man to wherever it was he was taking him.

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


The boy listened as Astraios had expected, and soon they were leaving his mother's fruit stand and were heading towards the side of the marketplace that was more akin to technology. That was perfectly fine, this was where there was most likely going to be thieves trying to steal things.

Soon, he had lead the boy up and onto a short building that was overlooking the marketplace. There was certainly plenty of people in the Marketplace, but he didn't even bother in saying anything.

"What do you see? What jumps out to you?"

[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake followed him up a small build that was facing the marketplace.

He watched the people who were going about their business.

"What do you see? What jumps out from you?" The man said.

"I see all the people in this market going about their everyday business why did you bring me up here?" He asked in a angry tone.

What was so special about normal people?

"What do you see?" The depressed boy asked

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


When the boy gave him that same angry tone as earlier, Astraios's eye twitched and he rounded about on the boy. As he moved his robe came open and his hand found the hilt of his durasteel blade. With a small flourish he brought it out and pointed it to the boy.

"Think, and look. Begging for help as natural as it is for a mongrel like you isn't going to help you in the future."

[member="Jake Sorin"]

Jake Sorin

Jake jumped back with his hands up.

"I-i'm sorry" he said to the man.

He looked at the saber, he was a Sith, that his threats to him.

He stepped back.

"I didn't mean to be rude sir." He said with a scared tone

[member="Astraios Blackhand"]


"You can call me 'my lord,' actually." He corrected with the cheekiest of smiles that he could ever muster. The boy in front of him continually moved backwards towards the edge of the building and he beckoned him closer as he sheathed the durasteel blade that had been upon his waste. "You don't want to fall off the building now, do you? You may break something... Important."

The way he said it, it was clear that either Astraios didn't care if the boy hurt himself, or that he meant to hurt him in turn.

"Now look at the people down there and look for someone suspicious. A group if need be." He said, his right hand pointing down into the cluster of people down below.

[member="Jake Sorin"]

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