Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Character Woollic Gryddemne

They're not just a source of kebab meat, you know!


NAME: Woollic Gryddemne

FACTION: Order of The Silver Jedi

RANK: Padawan


AGE: 19

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 102 cm

WEIGHT: 46 kg

EYES: Brown

HAIR: Sand White

SKIN: Almond

FORCE SENSITIVE: Force Sensitive. In the training

Ewok Cloak, Darker Almond color, in pretty good conditions
• A small sack filled with Mattberries
A trusty knife. You never know when you'll need one!
A Lightsaber, gifted to him by Liara. Although his skills on it are questionable at best, he still carries it around with him at all times.
Utility Belt
• Food Rations
• Water Flask
• Comlink
• Medpac
• Grappling Hook
• Miniature Tool Kit
• Cloak or Poncho
• Data Pad
• Holomap
• Training Holocrons
• Snares and Traps

STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
  • Strong affinity with the Force: Woollic has a natural and powerful connection to the Force, allowing him to sense the emotions of others, manipulate the Force, and perform Jedi abilities with remarkable skill.
  • Heightened instincts: His instincts are sharper than most, granting him exceptional situational awareness and quick reflexes, making him a formidable opponent in combat.
  • Resourceful and adaptable: Growing up in the Ewok tribe has taught Woollic to be resourceful and adapt to different environments, making him versatile in various situations.
  • Compassionate and empathetic: Woollic's kind and empathetic nature enables him to connect with others on a deep level, making him an excellent mediator and friend.

  • Inexperience: As a young Jedi Padawan, Woollic lacks the experience and wisdom of a seasoned Jedi Knight, which can sometimes lead to impulsive decisions.
  • Overly trusting: His trusting nature can make him vulnerable to deception and manipulation by others with ill intentions.
  • Short-tempered: Despite his compassionate nature, Woollic can be quick to anger when witnessing injustice or harm to others, and controlling his emotions in intense situations is an ongoing challenge.
  • Struggle with lightsaber combat: Although he has great potential, Woollic is still learning lightsaber combat techniques and may find it challenging to hold his ground against more experienced adversaries.

The white-furred Ewok is a rare and captivating sight, distinguished by its striking and unique appearance. Covered from head to toe in a pristine white coat of fur, this Ewok stands out prominently among its more commonly colored kin.
Its fur is soft and fluffy, reminiscent of freshly fallen snow, and it glistens in the light, giving the Ewok an almost ethereal aura. The white fur extends across its entire body, including its face, ears, and the palms of its hands, making it a truly enchanting sight to behold.
The Ewok's eyes are large and expressive, framed by a contrasting dark ring of fur around them. These eyes possess a sparkle of curiosity and intelligence, showcasing the keen and observant nature of this special creature.
Its ears are adorned with tufts of white fur, adding to the overall charm of its appearance. The tips of its ears might feature a subtle hint of pink or light gray, providing a delicate touch of color that complements its snowy coat.

In the enchanted forests of Endor, nestled among the Ewok tribe, lived a young and curious white-furred Ewok named Woollic. From an early age, Woollic displayed an uncommon affinity with the Force, although he didn't fully understand the significance of his unique abilities. His instincts were sharper than most, and he possessed an innate talent for sensing the emotions of those around him.

One fateful day, a Jedi named Master Liara found herself stranded on Endor after her starship encountered mechanical difficulties. As she explored the lush surroundings, she couldn't help but sense an unusually strong presence in the Force emanating from within the Ewok village. Intrigued, Master Liara followed the Force's guidance and soon discovered young Woollic, who was playing with other Ewok children.

Liara observed Woollic's interactions and noticed the way he effortlessly connected with the living world around him. After spending some time watching the young Ewok, Liara became convinced of Woollic's Force sensitivity. Recognizing the potential in the young creature, Liara decided to remain on Endor for a while and observe Woollic more closely.

As days turned into weeks, Liara forged a special bond with Woollic, sharing stories of the Jedi Order and their quest to maintain peace in the galaxy. Fascinated by the tales of the Force and the Jedi's noble cause, Woollic was eager to learn more. He felt a deep yearning to harness his latent abilities and contribute to the greater good.

Guided by his newfound mentor, Woollic began his training as a Jedi Padawan. Initially, it was a challenging transition, as the Ewok way of life and the Jedi teachings were vastly different. However, Woollic's determination and eagerness to learn prevailed. He embraced the principles of the Jedi Code with an open heart, embodying the values of compassion, self-discipline, and service to others.

Under Master Liara's patient guidance, Woollic's connection to the Force flourished. He learned to manipulate the Force in subtle and astonishing ways, and his instincts became even more acute. His white fur seemed to shimmer with a radiant glow whenever he accessed the Force, marking him as truly unique among the Jedi.

As Woollic's training progressed, he faced trials and tribulations that tested his resolve. Through each challenge, he grew stronger and wiser, emerging as a true Jedi in both heart and spirit. The Ewok tribe, who had initially been hesitant about his departure, came to admire his dedication and bravery.

Woollic's journey from a young, Force-sensitive Ewok to a Jedi Padawan served as a testament to the idea that the Force works in mysterious ways, choosing individuals from unexpected corners of the galaxy to become its champions. With Master Liara as his guiding light, Woollic's destiny was now interwoven with the grand tapestry of the Jedi Order, ready to face the trials and adventures that awaited him on the path to becoming a Jedi Knight.

( Phew, that took a long time to write :L )
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