Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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With the collapse of a Titan

The Sith Empire had fallen days ago. With Krag the Sith Emperor being struck down, his current Master, Arvis was forced to flee with the Sith Knight who called himself, Darth Avara. He was a powerful Sith Knight, as had been shown when they had fought together upon Korriban.

But that was in the past, and there was only the two of them now. They travelled together now, it seemed due to the situation that Arvis would be forced to be his apprentice. As far as they were both aware they were both the last two Sith that existed within the Galaxy. At least Sith who followed the Emperor before they were struck down by the Jedi.

Under Arvis's suggestion they had come to the planet of Avidon. It was the best option, it was within the Mid Rim. Close enough to the Republic to plan attacks and return some place safe enough to hideout. There were three asteroid fields surrounding the system, it was certainly a good place to hide out in.

But there was a Baroness that he had heard of on Avidon. He didn't know the name of her family, nation, or whatever they called it. All he knew was the name of the planet and that there was a so far independent government upon the planet. It would have to do for him and his new Master.

They landed on the planet of Avidon, and Arvis and Avara exited the shuttle with a few sith troopers who had survived the ordeal. He figured the police or whatever protection force they had on the planet would soon come by to their shuttle. When that came, Arvis expected that they would take the both of them to their leader.

@[member="Adamus Straife"]
@[member="Baroness Magrath"]
The Empire was gone, it seemed. The Sith scattered, and the dark side of the Force all but defeated. The Jedi had claimed victory, and their Mandalorian and Imperial allies along with them. The Force had betrayed the Sith Empire, and it had led Emperor Krag and his allies to their doom. Darth Avara was not one who would fall so easily. Relatively unknown, unnaturally strong and talented, and intelligent above all, Avara had everything he needed to simply... slip away into the shadows. He was not well known enough to be a significant enemy to the Jedi, yet. The Jedi Knights of the Republic had only caught a glimpse of the masked man that would soon rise to become the bane of their existence. Soon, he would have his revenge.

And it would be sweet.

Arvis and Avara's ship came to land upon the Mid Rim world of Avidon. They were here through Arvis' suggestion that a certain Baroness held a strong affinity for the Sith, and her resources and power would be valuable to them both in the coming months. He knew not her name, her identity, nor if she could be trusted; in Avara's experience, the only person worthy of trust was himself. Not even Arvis, this Sith Pureblood, could be truly trusted. When it came down to it, they were Sith, and Sith believed in self-preservation and survival of the fittest. Darth Avara would keep that ethic alive.
When they exited the ship and stepped upon the surface of Avidon for the first time, Avara expected there to be trouble, but he saw none yet. "I will do the talking," he said as he paced forth, his torn black cloak billlowing behind him. Ever present were the iron tones in his voice, altered by the muffling of the metal that hid his facial features. "And choose a new name. You are no longer Arvis Syphex. That man died with Adamus Straife on the sands of Korriban with his Emperor. Do you understand?"

@[member="Arvis Syphex"]
@[member="Baroness Magrath"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The shuttle at the very least was expected; even more so, most shuttles coming from the Sith Empire were expected. Talks and recent events brought the fall of the Empire even closer and it was clear that the three front war was not going to end well for the Sith. Pushes to their homeworld of Korriban and the sacking of the capital by the Mandalorians made it clear that the death knell was on the horizon for the once powerful empire. Internal strife and the rapid succession of Emperors; each lacking a powerful fist to unite the Empire in a single force seemed to further aid in the rapid downfall. It seemed that times were changing and with it the Galaxy. Once more it would appear that the Jedi would run among the Galaxy without anyone equal to keep them in line, a view of the Sith which some would call a maddening thought. The Baroness on the other hand viewed the Republic and their Jedi hound dogs as nothing less than intrusive. At least the Mandalorians had a sense of honor to call their own. The Fel Imperium on the other hand seemed nothing more than opportunist whom happened to pop up.

Quietly though she rose from her seat, having finished preparing herself for the arrivals of those from the Empire. The landing pad to say the least was sparse at the moment. Most traffic was shut down or being redirected towards the other worlds with Sith Empire shuttles being given a priority landing. On the pad itself was a small skeleton crew whom quickly saw to the shuttle, while only a couple of guards arrived. They weren't there to cause trouble with the Sith, nor detain them. The corporal; or at the very least what the rank insignia on his uniform showed, bowed before the two whom disembarked from the shuttle alone with the Sith Troopers.

"This way."

A quick and simple response as he motioned towards a set of waiting speeders. Each with more than enough room to carry the two gentlemen and their troopers. The speeders were set, the drivers with orders to take them to the Baroness immediately. The three that had arrived to welcome them, pulled open the doors before stepping back. Their duty being at the space port to welcome any more whom arrived and show them to their destination.

@[member="Adamus Straife"]
@[member="Arvis Syphex"]
His Master was silent as per usual. He may have said let him do the talking, but that didn't mean Arvis couldn't walk ahead of him. And walk ahead of him he did, he stepped into the speeder with Darth Avara and with two other of their troopers. They had almost twenty sith troopers and a few weak apprentices.

They only brought eight of the troopers with them when they gathered into the speeders. They were all armed of course, they didn't know if they could trust the Baroness yet. But it seemed she had been expecting them. Was she a force sensitive? Arvis could only wonder when the speeders picked up and they started to flew to their destination.

Of course Arvis would let his Master do the talking, unless he was spoken to directly. Then, he would be forced to speak, unless Avara absolutely wanted him to keep his mouth shut.

@[member="Baroness Magrath"]
@[member="Adamus Straife"]
"This way," the corporal had said to Darth Avara. He gave a single, short and silent nod. The corporal turned after a pause and led the two surviving Sith to their speeders. Arvis walked ahead and boarded his first, while Avara watched his surroundings carefully. His senses were sharp, expanded and alert; if this Baroness could not be trusted, he would sense her deception almost immediately, for he was well acquainted with such things. It was his nature. Avara finally boarded the speeder, initiating the engine which thundered to life. The troopers, apprentices and Arvis himself followed suit and soon the corporal blasted off across the plains of Avidon toward the Baroness' residence. On the journey, Avara had pondered on the fate of the Empire. Had all the Sith been extinguished? Were there survivors were salvaging from the ruins? Remnants, perhaps? He could not say, truly, for even he was blind to the absolute truth of it. He knew certainly that the throne was now empty, and there was no one to unite the Sith under one banner. As far as he was concerned, he and Arvis were the only survivors, and he prayed it would stay that way.

The speeders thundered toward the Baroness' palace, and eventually it came into view. It was quite an extravagant and costly structure, built for nobility. Nowhere near as magnificent as the constructs of the Sith Empire in their prime, but a testament to the Magrath Barony's accumulated power. Good, Avara thought. This Baroness might be more gracious than I anticipated. He relished in such an opportunity. Here in the Mid Rim, while the Jedi and their allies scoured the Outer Rim for Sith survivors, Avara and his followers would flourish under the obscurity of the Magrath Barony, reclaiming the power the Empire once held over the galaxy. The Force was still with him, and soon the entire galaxy would be in the palm of his hand.

@[member="Baroness Magrath"]
@[member="Arvis Syphex"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member

As the palace came into sight, the speeders fell in line; one behind the other as they pulled through a pair of wrought-iron gates that pulled open upon their approach. The gates were mounted on thick walls that ran around the compound, with the entrance flanked by trees on each side. The appearance of the grounds were costly; and as most would notice, they were indeed a testament to the collective wealth that the Magrath family controlled for nearly thousands of years. Most of that wealth coming from the vast production made possible by the thousands of slaves that they oversaw. In someways the Magrath family was relatively close to the acts and operations of the Sith Empire; even if they were situated quietly near the border of Republic space.

The Baroness though had her own goals and plans to prevent her world and family from being swallowed by the Republic war machine that was ravaging through space; with the fanatical Jedi at the helm. None the less, she remained prim and proper as she brushed out the wrinkles of her gown. Quietly standing at the top of the large stair case inside of the grand entrance; where the two Sith would be lead by the corporal. The request to leave the Sith Troopers outside was one that any being would understand. As they approached the doors, they would be pulled open, two butlers holding them on each side. A third turned and called out as he looked up.

"Your Guests have arrived Baroness."

With a quiet nod she sent the man on his way before she stepped forward. Her hands running along the railing before her while she looked down towards the two. Her looking and the height that she stood at was merely for that reason alone. To look upon them; not look down at them. After all, these were potential allies that could bring power to her Barony. Quietly with an almost approving nod she spoke.

"You are welcome in my Barony. As are all Sith whom may follow."

@[member="Adamus Straife"]
@[member="Arvis Syphex"]
"Expecting others, Baroness Magrath?" Avara sized the woman up. She was remarkably beautiful, and her most stunning feature lay deep within her yellow eyes. Hypnotic, almost, but Darth Avara was no stranger to the alluring temptations of a woman, especially one such as this. "I assure you, we are the only Sith you need. They call me Darth Avara, and this is my apprentice, Darth Naefas." His mask never moved an inch from her gaze; he looked, as if staring into her soul, but she could see that there were no eyes looking back - only darkness. He stepped forth, and gave the Baroness a courteous bow; he was a Sith, but he was not without manners. He would treat his allies justly if they served similar goals as he did. Becoming acquainted with this Baroness was the first step, and that is what he intended to do. He lifted his cloaked upper body toward the lady, and placed his arms behind his back. The dark side was ever present with him, as if it were following him like a shadow; he embraced it gladly, coveted it, and craved it constantly.

@[member="Baroness Magrath"]
@[member="Arvis Syphex"]
He walked in with his hands clasped behind his back. It was quite the place, this humble abode no doubt. When his Master bowed, he did so along with him. He rose at the same time as him as well.

His Master bid him not to speak, and so he wouldn't. His species would have to remain silent however. Were they capable of trusting this woman? Maybe. But she seemed to be expecting other Sith. They were the last of the Sith as far as she must concern herself with. "We are the last of the Sith. Only two. Any others who come here claiming they are Sith, are frauds and must be struck down." He said, his voice lower than it actually, should have been, due to the mask. He spoke anyway, I am Sith. He thought to himself.

@[member="Adamus Straife"] @[member="Baroness Magrath"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Quietly she listened, which was in many times the greatest of skills. Her fingers lightly tapping out a small rhythm on the railing as her eyes remained on the two guest whom had arrived. Each claim that they were the last, or others that arrived needing to be struck down was a problem in itself. For a moment she remained quiet and composed as she always appeared to be. Those yellow eyes of hers looking over the two before her before she looked over her shoulder. An aide of some sort stepping out from the shadows and for a moment holding her ear. Though in all that time her attention remained focused on the two before her as she subtly nodded her understanding.

"That is quite the boast to make. That you two are the last. However this system is a sanctuary to all whom arrive from the Sith Empire."

A slight turn brought her coming towards the steps, her hand running along the railing still as she stepped down it. Quietly she remained in thought until the final step as she came forward. The gown she was wearing seemed to trail behind her as she brushed out a slight wrinkle. A habit of hers whenever they seemed to come to the surface. Taking a quiet stroll across the large foyer before she ran her hand over a rather ornate statue of a Nexu that flanked the entrance towards the hall. Her fingers seeming to scratch upon its head as if it were alive and wanting to be petted.

"For now I welcome you into my home. However I believe you two may need new names. Those of course will be of your choosing. Settle in. Rest from your travel. I will see that your troops are offered the proper quarters."

After she spoke a servant stepped from the hall, passing the Baroness with a quick bow before bowing before the two Sith. Standing once more and raising her hand to show them the way towards the guest suite. A section of the palace built specifically for guest whom were expected to arrive.

@[member="Arvis Syphex"]
@[member="Adamus Straife"]
He simply let her speak. She might as well, it was her home, and they were guests. Until they decided to leave, they couldn't stay in one place forever. They would let her know about their dark acolytes when the time came, for now, it was unimportant. "There is no reason to change our names, unless you plan on having the Republic visiting?" That would have been a large mistake. Unless she was force sensitive and actually a master within the Force who was concealing her presence.

But he doubted that. She was as force sensitive as the pillars that held up her home. "Are you not going to show us to our accomadations yourself Baroness? Or will you be seeing us later?" He said as the servant that had passed her started to lead the two darkly clad Sith Lords out of the foyer.

@[member="Baroness Magrath"] @[member="Adamus Straife"]
He smiled at his apprentice. Perhaps Arvis' idea of "seeing us later" was different to Avara's, nevertheless, the Sith Knight had his moments of dark humour, and he enjoyed them. "A private audience with you would suit us well, Baroness, traveling from Korriban has left a sour taste in my mouth. Have you ever seen such a vast empire fall right before your eyes?" He doubted she had, but this woman radiated mystery, and even he with all of his wit and genius could not tell what lay behind those haunting yellow eyes of hers. As they walked toward the guest rooms, through extravagant archways and corridors, Avara took in the atmosphere, breathing in the scent of this woman's home, and remaining alert for any potential threats. Betrayal was the way of the Sith, and so he should expect betrayal at any moment. Such thoughts often drove Avara to the point of madness, and turned his stomach sour. He often pondered over which Sith would drive the knife into his back first. All this mistrust kept him awake at night, it was true, but better that than the long sleep that does not end.

@[member="Baroness Magrath"] @[member="Arvis Syphex"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
As the two Sith were lead towards their rooms, a quiet and simple no passed the lips of the Baroness. Her right hand reaching down, those manicured finger nails coming to scratch the soft fur of a Nexu's head. The beast standing at her side as it slunk out of the shadows before she turned towards it and looked down. A small shake of her head, with her words coming only once those that had arrived were out of ear shot.

"They are not your play things or chew toys."

Her fingers scratched lightly beneath the chin of the Nexu before she motioned towards the corridor that it had silently slid up from. Quietly looking down the other path as she allowed a sigh to cross her lips. The Sith Empire was falling rapidly; and it was an event that was leaving its own brand of horrid taste in her mouth. Quietly she turned and stepped into the corridor, the nexu following at her heels.

The young servant stepped towards a set of double doors. Pushing them open and stepping inside. Bowing silently before standing once more as she looked towards the one of the two men whom seemed to be the higher. Quietly speaking in a nearly hushed tone with her eyes gazed upon the floor.

"This is your room Darth Avara. Your apprentice's room is a door away."

@[member="Adamus Straife"]
@[member="Arvis Syphex"]
"Much thanks, Baroness," Avara said, his words dripping with courtesy. Truly, he should thank her for being so bounteous and grateful to offer him a home when his enemies would see him dead or behind bars for the rest of his life. Avara, however, was not one for gratefulness. He took what he needed and went, and those who gave him support were merely assets to be used in the future. Of course, he couldn't make this public knowledge to every single being he had come across with. Lies, deceit and a grand facade was part of his lifestyle. He was never truly the person someone thought, and within the blink of an eye he could change - from a dream into a nightmare.

He entered the chamber himself, and there he finally found the privacy he desired since he left Korriban. He removed his mask when he was sure there was no one watching, and his outer robes were soon discarded and tossed over the back of an extravagant sitting chair. He removed the strap that kept his Sith sword held firmly pressed against his back, and placed the sheathed and powerful product of alchemy beside the chair, leaning downwards. His hood still remained over his face, darkening and obscuring his features; he didn't want anyone to see his face so suddenly if they walked in. He sat in the center of the room, legs crossed, and his eyes closed. Deeply, he fell into meditation, one akin to the Jedi but darker and more brooding. He felt the dark side all about him, clinging to his robes, to his sword, and to his mask. He drew upon it all, and used the clarity that it gave him to broaden his senses. There he sat, until it was finally time to speak to the Baroness properly.

@[member="Arvis Syphex"] @[member="Baroness Magrath"]
He walked to the door that showed that the room was his. He nodded to the servant and closed the door behind him after he had entered. His hand found the blaster pistol that was on a holster that was wrapped around his chest, hidden by his robes and he laid it down on the closest dresser to him.

Walking past the blaster pistol as if he had forgotten about it, he took off his mask and shrugged off the black robes that were concealing the majority of his body. With a wave of his hand within the Force, he guided the amphistaff on the bed, and it went from being taut, to becoming lax on the bed.

He kept his lightsaber on his belt and removed his armour from his body. He kept the lower pieces on however, but the upper pieces were removed and he sat down, cross-legged. He began to meditate on the power of the dark side, just as his Master was. He needed to focus on the power that he had, and make it grow. To hone it, through a dark sided meditation.

The presence of the dark side waved off of him as if he were a pie that had just been removed from the oven and smoke was rising up from it. It brought a sense of dread to those who were unaccustomed to the power of the dark side, which was no doubt the majority, if not all of the members of the household.

@[member="Adamus Straife"] @[member="Baroness Magrath"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
Having the two nearly proclaiming their location by being so mired in the Dark Side during their meditation could become problematic very quickly. Though she had enough sense to know that they were more than in control; hopefully not turning their sessions into a massive neon lit sign broadcasting where they were. Quietly she withdrew to her own chambers for a moment, stepping into them as she shut the door slowly behind her. The nexu still at her side as it moved towards the bed and took its place resting upon the covers. Quietly she took a seat near the vanity, her fingers tapping against the desk as she looked at her appearance. Those yellow eyes piercing into the reflection of the mirror.

After a moment or so of quiet contemplation, she rose from her seat. Passing the sleeping nexu as she stepped out onto the balcony. Looking down towards the long drive that lead up to the palace. Her fingers running along the railing as she watched the shuttles in the distance landing. Smirking at the thought of there only being two Sith left; she knew better than to just dismiss the possibility of there being other survivors. Allowing her fingers to tap once more against the railing she turned from her position.

"Prepare the meeting room."

A servant quickly nodded before they hurried from the room. Many of them were kept from the guest quarters to keep them from becoming blabbering fools. Quietly the Baroness pushed open her doors and stepped from her chambers. Approaching the corridor that lead towards the guest rooms before leading a servant with her. Taking a moment to compose herself before each door was knocked upon, a simple voice of the servant speaking up.

"She will see you now."

The voice seemed broken as the Baroness lightly patted the young woman's head before leaving her side. The rather large meeting room was adorned with various little trinkets and trophies; mainly shows of power of the family that had been collected over the years. It was always enjoyable for the Baroness to spend time in the room, even when she was not expecting any form of company nor meeting in itself.

@[member="Darth Naefas"] @[member="Darth Avara"]
Darth Naefas stood when he heard the voice. The power of the dark side was still with him however. He was still concentrating on it to a degree. But then he simply threw on his armour and pulled his black robings up over it. It concealed the armour quite well, letting only his arms from the elbow down show and his knees from the knees down be revealed. Everything else was consumed by darkness.

He summoned the Force to him and grabbed the blaster pistol in his hand before placing it into the holster in his robes. He walked out of the room and once he was in the hallway, he gave the door a side-glance and it closed by the means of an unseen Force. He let the servant lead him down the hallway to where the meeting room was. He knew his Master was close behind and would arrive only moments later.

He walked in with his hands in front of him, the sleeves of the dark robes sunk below his hands for what seemed to be the first time. And his hands were clasped together, his sleeves hiding his gauntleted hands and he bowed to the Baroness. "Baroness. I thank you again for letting us stay within your residence." He said waiting for her to let them sit.

@[member="Baroness Magrath"] @[member="Darth Avara"]
True enough, Avara was right behind. He dressed himself back in his Sith attire, a dark red tunic cloaked with black robes and adorned with darkened gold battle armour fastened together by ringlets. His hood was draped over his head, and his face was masked as always. His short meditation session in his chambers was enough to help him regain the lost energy he had expended on Korriban, and the escape from the now forsaken planet. The Republic's invasion was a close call, by his standards, but Darth Avara was merely glad he was alive. That is all that mattered in the end to a Sith - survival.

He entered the chamber where the Baroness was waiting. There was a long, extravagant stone table in the center, draped with rich cloth that bore finery reminiscent of the Baroness' eyes. He admired her taste, and took into account her elegance and luxury. Perhaps, when Avara sat on his own throne, he would invite the Baroness to him. It was good to return favours. Avara clasped his gloved hands on the top of the seat, feeling the stonework under his gloves. His masked face met with the Baroness' eyes and he regarded her with a small nod. "You have an extravagant home. You certainly live like a queen, Baroness Magrath. I admire your style." There was charm in his rather metallic voice, as if underneath the mask there were actual feelings. He looked at his apprentice, the hot-headed one of the duo, and then back to the Baroness, awaiting her voice to fill the room.

@[member="Baroness Magrath"] @[member="Darth Naefas"]

Yoru Shakou

Well-Known Member
The room was ornate in its design, crafted with trophies of all kinds. Resting above the mantle of a rather decorative fire place was the stuffed and preserved head of a Rancor. It's fangs still sharp as the day it had been brought down. Quietly she turned towards the two Sith whom entered the room. Motioning with her hand to the chairs before a large table as she turned back towards the window. Looking out it towards a large tree that marked the burial site of a long since dead relative before she smirked at the thought of whom put that relative there.

"It is a family home. Crafted and expanded with each passing moment of wealth brought upon the Magraths."

Quietly she turned towards the large table, approaching it; a servant pulling her chair out for her as she took her seat. Her slender fingers pressing against a small button on the side which turned the table top over. A small holographic projector appearing as she ran a code through it. The image of Danalia, a world in the system flicked to life as a small red dot blinked on the surface. Its location in a rather remote area of mountains with barely any activity to disturb.

"This is where it lies."

She spoke before bringing her hand up, lightly touching another button on the base of the projector. The red dot pulling up in full to reveal the entrance of a temple that looked closely to that of the one on Korriban that had once trained the Sith. The layout of what was behind the entrance slowly pulled up to reveal an almost identical layout.

"These plans were brought to me before the fall of the Empire. We have been working day and night to craft a temple that matched the one on Korriban. Any whom have worked on it were used to christen it. Their souls harnessed within the obsidian statues; their sorrow giving it a touch of the Dark Side."

@[member="Darth Avara"]
@[member="Darth Naefas"]
He looked at the supposed temple that had been constructed before he glanced to his Master and then the Baroness before looking back to the designs of it's hallways. "Sorrow? Sorrow in a place of power? It looks adequate, but I doubt that it is truly, with all due respect Baroness. The Sith Academy on Korriban was a place that drowned in Bogan powers. This temple...It's not even on the edge of entering the pool...How would you say it...It hasn't even arrived at the pool so to speak." He didn't care if he was rude or not. He doubted she had the manpower or an abundance of anything to strike him down. Besides, he would need to feel the presence of the Order before he could truly judge it. But he wouldn't let either of them know how he truly felt about it.

@[member="Baroness Magrath"] @[member="Darth Avara"]
"This will suit us just fine," he interjected his apprentice, fixing his masked features upon the Baroness. Truly, his apprentice was right, Korriban was a beacon of the dark side of the Force, and this temple was hardly powerful in comparison. But that is the illusion that Darth Avara wanted. He could not be too obvious, to do so would be to risk capture by the Republic; he didn't intend to be the first Straife to die by execution at the Republic's hands. He traced his hands over the schematics and building plans of the temple, checking if it had everything he needed to supplement his survival and training. "You have outdone yourself, Baroness." He smiled beneath his mask in her favour.

@[member="Baroness Magrath"] @[member="Darth Naefas"]

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