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Faction Wise Cracks (NJO)


TAGS: open

(If you wanna learn about using Whip weapons feel free to join. Open to NJO / friends)

Braze's adept skill of fine telekinesis significantly facilitated his whip plaiting endeavors. He efficiently crafted several whips from paracord, fashioned a pair from leather, and even assembled several others from chains of varying sizes with weighted ends. By the time he completed his experiments, he had produced an impressive array of nine different practice whips.

His collection included three chain whips of different sizes, two leather whips, three paracord whips, and one uniquely made from woven song steel. This last whip served as a preliminary step towards what he planned to practice with before advancing to a lightsaber whip, which would closely resemble his ultimate vision.

Unsurprisingly, whips were among the more challenging weapons to master. This difficulty, coupled with their inherent danger, likely explains why they are rarely seen and seldom mastered. Their complex and demanding nature requires a high degree of skill and control, attributes that Braze was keen to develop in his pursuit of mastering most, if not all forms of weapons combat.

There was a lot to learn and keep in mind when using and handling a whip as a weapon. A fundamental understanding of the mechanics, techniques, and safety measures are essential for anyone looking to master this versatile and challenging tool.

To master the whip, Braze would first need to prioritize safety and control, while also learning cracking techniques, grip and stance, multiple cracks, targeting, figure-eights and crossovers, deflections and blocks, entanglements and disarms, and the physics of whip dynamics. All this had to be combined, and fine tuned.

To begin, Braze set up several sections of targets, primarily fruits, arranged on small wooden stools and tables across the open-air makeshift outdoor arena in the courtyard of the Ashlanti Elysium.

Braze intended to begin his whip training by focusing first on safety and control, recognizing the potential for self-injury with such a challenging weapon. His initial practice should involve mastering techniques that prevent accidental strikes and enhance his overall handling proficiency.

Braze selected one of the shorter paracord whips and uncoiled it, stretching it out to its full length to examine it. He moved it slowly, trying to get a good feel for its balance.
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Dressed in his usual attire, with a gambeson and hanfu-style top paired with protective hakamas, Braze surveyed the setup before him. He decided that adding a helmet for extra protection was a wise choice, and with a swift motion, he pulled a sleek black helmet over his head, securing it in place.

With a table lined with apples set before him, Braze began his testing. He slowly tested the length of the whip, sweeping it over the table with precision. But as he reared back for a strike, there was silence. No satisfying crack echoed through the air.

Frowning slightly, Braze pondered what he had learned from his previous attempts. Adjusting his grip and stance, he focused on getting the whip to form a tight loop, a crucial technique for achieving that distinctive crack. With renewed vigor, he attempted to crack the whip several more times, each time refining his technique.

Finally, on the seventh try, success! A resounding crack filled the air, startling nearby birds into flight. The next few sweeps came with resounding cracks as he got the tip to hit and surpass the sound barrier.


TAGS: open


Day by day, Braze methodically worked his way through the assortment of whips, each presenting its own challenges and requiring distinct handling techniques. As the days blurred into one another, his obsession never wavered. He found the heavier whips, particularly those with long, weighty chains, to be exceptionally challenging. Maneuvering their cumbersome weight demanded physical strength, and a high degree of precision.

Eventually, Braze moved on to his ultimate challenge: the corded metal lightsaber whip. For safety and to better understand its mechanics, he initially practiced without activating its power source. The thick, heavy padding he wore at first proved too cumbersome, hindering his ability to maneuver the weighty whip effectively. Opting for agility over protection, he shed his helmet and gambeson, leaving himself more exposed but better able to manage the whip's demands.

Gradually, Braze began to master the whip's complex dynamics. He was adamant about learning to wield the whip without relying on the Force. Aware of the potential risks in Force-null environments, he wanted to ensure he was prepared for any situation. His training was not without mishaps; he occasionally caught himself with the whip, each painful lesson leading to immediate adjustments in his technique. These incidents taught him valuable lessons in maintaining form and control, helping him to quickly refine his movements and avoid repeating the same mistakes.

Finally he feels he cam ove on to the real thing.

Braze takes a deep breath, the weight of the corded metal lightsaber whip in his hands feeling both foreign and exhilarating. With a flick of his wrist, he activates the power source. The whip comes to life, its length crackling with energy, casting eerie shadows in the dim light of the training arena. As the whip illuminates, the humming energy seems to vibrate through his very bones.

As he begins a simple crack, the lightwhip reacts unpredictably. The energy-infused blade moves with a mind of its own, swaying and whipping back towards him more swiftly than he anticipates. Unexpectedly, a bright, blinding spark erupts from where the whip cracks against the ground. The intense flash temporarily blinds Braze, leaving spots in his vision. Relying purely on his Force sensitivity, he instinctively dodges the errant lash that whips toward him, guided by a subtle premonition provided by the Force. His heart pounds as he realizes how close he came to a dangerous strike, all without his sight.

Regaining some of his vision, Braze attempts to regain control, but his movements are still shaky from the shock. In his disoriented state, he swings the whip in a wide arc, which slips from his grip. It crashes to the ground, its energized blade slicing through dry foliage. Instantly, a small fire ignites, fueled by the dry leaves and the whip's searing heat.

Panicking at the sight of the spreading flames, Braze sprung into action. His training with pyrokinesis comes to the forefront as he extends his hands, drawing the fire into himself, absorbing its energy and extinguishing the flames from the ground up. With the fire under control, he uses his fine telekinetic abilities to manipulate the whip's power switch from a distance, deactivating it.

The area falls silent, punctuated only by Braze's heavy breathing...



TAGS: Open


Taking a slow, measured breath, he exhaled, blinking away the afterimages dancing before his eyes from the bright flash. Perhaps, he conceded, he would need to tap into the Force to master the ignited whip.

Within the Order, he knew of no lightwhip practitioners. If they existed, their identities eluded him. He had no idea whom to approach for guidance in this perilous discipline. Yet, despite the danger, his resolve did not waver. He pondered this for several long moments, extending his hand to draw in any remaining heat and embers from the fire. With a graceful twist of his wrist, he coalesced moisture from the air and the verdant surroundings, causing a gentle rain to extinguish the area.

Realizing the risks involved, he acknowledged the necessity of having someone present during his training—someone who could offer immediate medical assistance should an accident occur...

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