Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Name: Wi'ru.

Faction: None, bounty hunter.

Rank: Walking Grinder/Hired muscle.

Species: Coruscanti Ogre.

Age: 51.

Sex: Male.

Height: 7'2.

Weight: 424 lbs.

Eyes: Brown.

Hair: None.

Skin: Grey.

Force sensitive: Negative.


+Physical strength. He possesses more physical strength, rather than mental. Plus, his steel hand adds to the pain.

+Aggressiveness. He holds nothing back during a brawl and plans to deal great damage to his opponent.

-Foolish. He can easily be outsmarted but it would require SOME thinking and planning(But not much)

-Stubborn. He refuses to accept help from anyone or anything.

-Determined. If someone gives him a task, he'll stop at nothing to complete it.

Appearance: A rather large Coruscani Ogre with grey skin. His left hand is replaced with a large steel hand. He skin is rather ragged and he is covered with many facial scars. He also possesses two tusks.

Biography: Wi'ru was born a Coruscanti and was raised by an extremely poor family. His parents had no credits and were quite sick. It did not improve the situation considering that his father developed a strong addiction to alcohol and smoking. Wi'ru's father drank himself to death and his mother died of illness. Left with no home, Wi'ru spent most of his life sleeping an a damp and filthy alleyway with the other children of his age. Eventually, Wi'ru was forced to retreat to the sewers, only causing more problems for him. By the time he reached adulthood, the sewage and other toxic material in the sewers transformed him considerably. He was left roaming the sewers as a Coruscani Ogre. One night, a Jedi had encountered Wi'ru and was attacked. In the brawl, Wi'ru's left hand was sliced off by a lightsaber. He was left defensless until he managed to reach the upper levels of Coruscant. There he encountered a well-known criminal. First attacking the criminal, Wi'ru was eventually defeated and spared by the criminal. The criminal, known as Lor revealed a small black-market in the sewers of Coruscant(Which I will indeed create in the location creation) There, Wi'ru was positioned as a security guard, ensuring that nothing was stolen and no fights took place. After many years of service, Lor passed away. Wi'ru however, kept his position, seeking to fulfill his debt of nine-hundred more years(Which is very, very, very unlikely he'll live long enough to do.

Ship: NOPE!

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