Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Winter Hellscape

O B J E C T I V E: Find the Healing Springs
Location: Ilum​
It was a stupid reason to come here, but she felt she had no choice. Lilanna wasn't someone to put trust in mere rumor or myth, but she was desperate. She had read accounts of a healing pool that was rumored to dwell on this world, within the tunnels the jedi once used for their ancient rite of passage. Still, records indicated that there were several pools, and they could be found by those who sought to cleanse themselves of corruption. So, she had come here, taking a small cargo ship to Ilum, all in the hopes she might find the cure for her deformities; both physical and spiritual. She found a proper landing site however, an old temple that over looked a frost ridden pond, crystalline shards poked though, as did frost bitten grass. It indicated to the former apprentice that she was in the right spot.​
Stepping down the ramp of her ship, the warmth of her suit kept her protected against the cold, her holoshroud keeping up the appearance of her unmarred face; free of the cybernetics that she felt were a blight on her life. With saber attached to her belt, she secured the ship, and began her trek to the temple, pulling herself into concealment with the force, unsure as to what awaited her up ahead.​
She hoped for healing.​


In his years of service, to both the Sith and the NIO, Amadeus had found himself in many places across the galaxy. Through all of those years, he had never made his way to Ilum...

Until the Maw arrived.

He had been sent to Ilum, along with the rest of Eclipse Company, to eliminate any threats that the NIO may have overlooked. They had only recently finished cleaning out the last of the Maw in the region, allowing him a moment of quiet. Amadeus took the opportunity to investigate a nearby site that his unit had discovered earlier. The temple was ancient, perhaps even thousands of years old. It was a strange thing he felt here. Amadeus had spent so much time in Sith temples, he almost felt put off by the concentration of light here. The planet itself was so cold, and yet there was a sense of warmth. He had to be careful to not let the comfort dull his senses.

Amadeus ran his hand across the crystalline walls as he walked through the entrance. He couldn't help but to wonder... if he had lived back when this temple was active, would he have found himself here? Would he have walked a different path, or retread the same footsteps into the darkness? He believed his heart was in the right place, but on some days, Amadeus could only question himself. Years of abuse and training under the Sith left him often feeling like he was irredeemable, and yet... here he was, wandering these halls, asking to be proven wrong.

He could sense a faint ripple in the Force as he walked the halls. It was likely a ship, though he wasn't sure how close it landed. There wasn't any reason for the Maw to return here; the losses they suffered at the hands of Eclipse Company made sure of that. Not sensing any immediate threat, Amadeus took his hand away from the lightsaber that hung at his side. Though he would keep his guard up, Amadeus wanted to take in as much of this place as possible before the potential encounter.

Peace was a rarity in his life, and he wanted to savor every second of it.

It was peaceful, in a way she had almost forgotten. The world of Korriban didn't know the meaning of peace, which often was the silence that followed after one killed their attacker. Drommund Kaas was not much better, an ange storm of violence and rage that swirled about, the tension was so bottled up she was amazed it's inhabitants didn't devolve into savagery. But this place was tranquil, like laying in bed and watching the sun rise. It was nice, pleasant. Something that was greatly missing from Lilanna's life at the moment.​
Her feet brought her into a large auditorium, it's stones old, covered with frost that must had been clinging to the surface for years. She had to wonder the people that might have come here, what jedi were like. Oddly enough, she hadn't known any jedi. Only Sith and what they said of jedi, much of which she deduced was false. She continued on, her mind wondering where these healing springs might be, and where she could find the entrance for this tunnel. The Warden came to a stop at a large jedi statue at the center of the auditorium, feeling a draft of air at her feet from below it.​
She raised an eyebrow, kneeling down to inspect the statue, and confirmed there was a draft there. Seemed she had found the tunnel.​
Normally, Lilanna could have phased through the statue, but her training as of late made her ponder what she was capable of. She took several steps back, and raised her hands, trying to move the large statue that must have taken a jedi master to shift many years ago. Sadly, she was not making much headway.​
Whoever was nearby would feel the ripple in the force, a presence that was veiled in the dark, with a dying light flickering within. It would no doubt draw attention, and possibly even conflict. But Lilanna had no reason to fear attackers, after all, she had felt as of she was alone here.​


Amadeus continued walking down the halls of the temple, no longer paying full attention to his path. He took the time to properly ingest everything around him, more concerned with the experience than his destination. As he made his way, there was a slight movement through the Force. It was faint, but close. Someone else had made their way into the temple, likely the same that had landed the ship he sensed before. He was no longer alone.

Unsure whether or not to expect a fight, Amadeus unclipped the lightsaber from his belt. He didn't bother igniting the blade; he didn't want to accidentally escalate a situation when not necessary. Yet, it was wise to err on the side of caution. He began moving through the temple with a renewed sense of focus. He aimed to find the one that walked these halls, and determine their intentions.

He continued through the temple, until he had reach the auditorium. His gaze first went to the large Jedi statue in the center of the room. The Sith always talked about Jedi as if they could never measure up to Sith splendor, and yet, this statue... no, this entire place... it all served as another example of the lies of the Sith. The shroud was peeling back layer by layer, ceaselessly showing the delusions of Amadeus' former masters.

His gaze moved down the statue, until he saw Bright7 Bright7 attempting to move the statue. Unsure of her intentions, he approached with caution.

"If you are looking to deface the temple, I'm afraid you'll need to do more than that. If not, then I wish to know your intentions."

Amadeus spoke with a calm, yet assertive voice. He wasn't ready to let his guard down, at least until the situation presented him with greater clarity. It was strange... there was a time when he would have torn the entire temple down in the name of the Sith. He would have ripped each piece apart until there was naught but rubble. Now... in the wake of everything that had happened... he wanted to see it preserved. He had no love for the Jedi, but he had enough of the wanton destruction. It was time for a new path, and perhaps it would begin here.

She had thought this task might have proved difficult, but the strain that struck her now was beyond what she had expected. The statue refused to budge, and her strength lessened with every effort. In time, she was forced to concede. The weight was too much for her, she'd have to return to intended method of bypassing this obstacle; going underneath. However, something caught her attention before that could be done, a form that she hadn't detected before; a man clad in dark armor. A Sith perhaps?​
Her head snapped to face him, the Warden stepping away from the statue as she drew her saber, the yellow blade hissing as it made contact with the frigid air. She couldn't get a read on what he was, though he appeared to be non-hostile initially. She held the weapon tightly, expecting combat to begin at any moment; her training as a Sith expected as much from her after all. She retorted back to the stranger, eyes fixated on him in case he attempted something devious. "My intentions are my own, though destroying this place would bring me no pleasure." She explained, and if things remained calm, she would eventually deactivate her weapon. "I come here with my own intentions, though what your reason for being here I can not fathom." She pondered if he was one of Darth Levo's men; but he wasn't half mad with agony to be such. Regardless, he was an enigma, and she would unravel it before the day was done; or not.​


The stranger seemed to be incredibly strained by her attempts to move the statue. At least he knew she couldn't be a Sith lord, given how much power many of them had. Once she noticed his presence, she was quick to snap into action, though she did not attack. Her claims to not want to destroy the temple seemed genuine. After years of being an assassin for the Sith, Amadeus had become quite good at divining whether or not someone was lying to him.

"Well if destruction is not on your mind, then we have no quarrel."

He placed the lightsaber back at his side, assuming a more relaxed demeanor.

"Name's Amadeus. Amadeus Blackwood. My unit and I were sent here to clear out some Maw patrols."

He took a moment to look around the large auditorium, taking in the grandeur and scale of the room.

"I've never spent time in a Jedi temple. The Sith used to tell me that Jedi architecture couldn't compare to their own. It seems that, like with many other things, the Sith lied."

It was a genuine statement, but with purpose. He wanted to make it clear that he was no longer Sith, but also needed to be sure that she wasn't Sith either. Destruction might not have been her agenda, but Amadeus knew all too well that the Sith were clever. He took some steps closer to the statue, picking up the subtle draft beneath.

"Hmm... a passage. So that's why you were trying to move it."

Amadeus turned back to Bright7 Bright7 , offering a slight smile.

"Perhaps together we can move it."

There was a certain pull he felt. He couldn't really explain it, especially considering the dark nature of his past. The Force itself seemed to be pushing him somewhere, though the destination was unclear. In the end, he felt the need to help this stranger, and Amadeus was not one to go against his instincts.

Interesting. Finally, someone who wasn't looking for a fight. Her pose was more relaxed now, her saber slowly clipping to her belt as she felt no hostility from this one. "I suppose not, no." She answered, remaining still, unsure if he would come to her, or if needed to go towards him. It was perplexing for sure.​
Him giving a name however, that cleared things up. "I am Lilanna Kelamvor. I serve the Eternal Empress. We have no quarrel then." She reasoned, seeing as how they were both sight seeing, would be a shame to damage such lovely architecture. Besides, as a Warden, she wasn't allowed to reveal much more about herself other than that. "The Sith lie all the time, their order is built on it. So I've read at least." She paused, looking down to the floor for a moment, hoping that didn't sound too suspicious. "But yes, I could use your help in moving this statue, hiding something I need to acquire. Something, personal. Healing if you must know. I'd rather not say more" She paused for a moment, glancing back at the man. "And perhaps it can do good for you as well."
She didn't want to tell him too much, but she doubted that he would aid her if this was all she was sharing with him.​


Amadeus had known of the Eternal Empress, though he had never met her himself. You didn't get as far as he had in either the Sith Empire or the NIO without knowing about her. What he did not know, was what this woman's connection to her could be. It mattered not, he wasn't going to pry too far, as they had just met. Perhaps he would be able to find out more in time.

Bright7 Bright7 placed her own lightsaber at her side, making Amadeus feel more at ease. Her demeanor when mentioning the Sith did catch his eye, however, though he didn't make it obvious. A curious mystery, this one was. A mystery he was interested in unraveling. Instead, he offered a reassuring smile.

"Healing, you say? Well then... we don't have time to lose."

What sort of healing could this place offer him? Could she see the emotional scars left behind from the abuse of his Sith masters? It was something he wished to forget, and yet, fate had not been so kind. Yet, here he was, in a Jedi temple, talking to someone who spoke of healing...

Perhaps fate wasn't as cruel as he thought.

"Alright then... lets do this."

Regardless, Amadeus found himself wanting answers. Perhaps even needing them. He stood next to her, facing the large statue. Calling out to the Force, he held his hands in the air, preparing to move the statue.

"When you're ready, push, and I shall do the same."

He made sure to firmly plant his feet on the ground. Even with two of them, it wouldn't be easy. But then again, when was life ever easy?

There was something to him, something she couldn't put her finger on. What was it? There was something familiar, a thread that merely needed to be tugged, and all the pieces would fall neatly at her feet. At least he wasn't attacking her, though that was no doubt given her 'true face' was hidden. They had a shared interest in healing to say the least, which meant they had a good reason to not suddenly start killing one another until the discover was made. Least there was that degree of comfort.

He moved to her side, though the warden was still weary of him. Her training had shown her the problem with letting people draw to close. "Focus your stength with my own, this statue is far heavier than it appears." She remarked, her hands outstretched, as she took hold of the statue, commanding it to move. At first, it was just as heavy as before, the construct not moving in the slightest, but with her new ally assisting, it began to move, at first slowly, then quite speedily.​
A low rumble sounded, as the statue was slid aside, revealing the unsealed passage blow, from which a frigid air blew up from below.​
The force pulsed from this tunnel now, almost like a sirens call, almost begging the pair to come after it. Little did they know, that it was merely the call of the kyber within the world, left waiting for worthy candidates for so long, they called out once more to the first force users who had stumbled upon the cache in decades. Regardless, it seemed a promising start, as Lilanna would offer to go first.​
The tunnel would lead down, past shimmering walls of green and blue crystal pillars, the pair were left in a strange world of glowing crystals and darkness. No healing seemed to be found here, which made Lilanna none too happy. "I was told that the path would be lite by the crystals, yet there is nothing special here. Everything is glowing, but there is no path." She muttered, arms crossed in annoyance, as she used her helmets sight adjustments to try and find something she might have been missing.​
There was a path forward of course, if they knew how to look. Jedi were always cryptic in their trials after all.​


Amadeus reached out, drawing energy from the Force as he readied to push the statue. He sought the energy signature of Bright7 Bright7 , aiming to sync his up with her own. Once he found it, they began the push. The statue was indeed incredibly heavy, requiring a vast amount of effort to move, even with the two of them. Once the path was revealed, they began their descent.

He allowed her to lead the way. It was only fitting, as this was her journey. Fate had merely made him a passenger. They made there way down the tunnel, which almost seemed to tug at his very being, beckoning him. They continued down into the dark, crystalline tunnel, Amadeus pondered what could have brought her here. What sort of healing would one need to visit such a place for?

Lilanna had expressed her frustration at the unexpected lack of sign from the cavern. Amadeus looked around, searching for anything that might indicate a way forward.

"The Jedi are clever, especially when it comes to protecting their crystals. This cavern may be testing us."

He continued to run his hand along the wall as he spoke.

"I am not an expert, I'm afraid. Most of my youth was spent learning to kill Jedi, not how to infiltrate their temples."

Amadeus stopped suddenly. Remembering an old tome that had been pilfered by a small enclave of Jedi by his master, he strove to remember the words therein.

"I once looked at one of their old books. My master... well, when he caught me, he was far from pleased. I took quite the beating for that one..."

He turned back to her.

"But I remember pieces... just fragments, really. These places are meant to help you see things, about yourself, about the Force..."

He took a step forward.

"Perhaps, if we knew more about each other, the path will reveal itself. If it makes you more comfortable, I can go first."

Amadeus wasn't sure what her response would be. She had been relatively guarded up to this point, and he didn't want to push any unnecessary buttons. He knew that there was something holding them back from their goal, however. Some piece to the greater puzzle had yet to reveal itself. Perhaps, this would provide a solution.

Amadeus began to offer explanations that Lilanna hadn't initially thought of. She looked back to him, her expression one of frustration, though she took a long breath to steady herself. She needed to keep her anger in check. Be mad at the situation, not the person. "How unfortunate I didn't study." She said without a touch of humor in her voice, though it was very clearly a jest. She watched him touch the cavern, and tensed, hand gripping her saber. She had fully expected him to activate some sort of trap, that the ceiling might collapse on top of her, or some unseen weapon would discharge. Yet nothing of the sort happened. Her expression dissolved into one of confusion, as she turned away, taking several steps away as she relinquished her hold on the weapon. "I never knew a jedi, only that we needed to kill them. I hear they are pleasant enough though." She commented, offering insight of her own, though it was worth little.​
She smiled slightly as he remarked being beaten by his master. It was a common occurrence in the Sith to have it occur, though it made her wonder just how brutal his master was compared to hers. It struck her as a bit disturbing in that line of thinking, comparing the abuses they suffered and trying to find common ground. What the hell was wrong with the Sith education system?

She felt a shift flow from him, and turned back to face him, finding he was gazing at her now. He spoke of viewing the force through fragments, and her mind went to that of a mirror. They needed to align the crystals to light the way. "I see. How irritating."
Her eyes dropped to the ground, initially planning on reaching out with the force and trying to throw her power at the crystals, only to be stopped as Amadeus gave his suggestion. Her eyes, or rather eye and lenses, met his, and she was very much glad her holoshroud held. "I was a slave, I was part of the Empire, then I escaped. Now I serve the Empire." She made a sweeping motion with her hands, as if asking the cave if it was enough.​
It clearly wasn't.​
Her arms slowly dropped, her eyes looking for a hint that she might have done something. Only to find that there had been no change. She sighed, looking to Amadeus. "Perhaps that would be best."
Sharing facts about herself was among her least favorite things.​


Amadeus let out a chuckle at her comment. Not just because he picked up on the joke, but because the idea of studying Jedi under Sith rule was quite the funny thought in itself.

"The Jedi are... also largely misguided, unfortunately. Less than the Sith, perhaps, but they are still hung up on their age old vendetta against the darkness."

Sith... Jedi... light... dark... these concepts barely meant anything to Amadeus anymore. His time serving the Empire had soured the taste of duality. Ever since he had joined the NIO, the only thing that mattered to him was the freedom of his people... his home. He put it far from his thoughts, at least for the moment. There would be time enough to see his home free of Sith tyranny. For now, in this strange, mystical cave, he had a door to find.

Her comment was, once again, rather vague, but this time felt more familiar. Starting a slave, leaving, joining another empire by one's own choosing... all of it was entirely too familiar to him...

He had to take a deep breath before offering a reply. In the years since he had left home, even after leaving the Empire, Amadeus had never really spoken about it, outside of what was necessary. The lash and fist of Sith servitude was something he wished to be forgotten, and yet, it seemed that it would not be so.

"Well... I was an assassin for the Empire. Myself, along with others, were trained to kill insurgents. I was good at it... great even, if one can call such a skill great."

He looked away for a moment. The regret that seemed to linger in his mind was now at the forefront of his thoughts, recalling emotions he had long attempted to keep at bay.

"I have done... terrible things in the name of the Sith. Unforgivable things. The amount of innocent people I have killed... I..."

A short pause.

"I have been trying to make amends ever since. Joining the NIO was my way of trying to apologize."

Another chuckle left him as he spoke.

"It's funny, really, my people... the Galidraani... they have such hatred for those who walk the dark path. Even if we were to free our home, I doubt that I would ever be accepted there."

The irony of the situation almost felt poetic. He wasn't even sure that he deserved such acceptance among his people. His people, who he had slaughtered in the name of the emperor. If that day were to ever come, it would be a long, difficult path...

Perhaps he was better off finding a new one.


His description of the jedi fit how she had viewed them from readings. They were foolish, just as the sith. Two groups in a death struggle to kill the other, but losing sight of themselves should victory be achieved. She had fallen out of favor of the two sides of the force. Light, dark, both seemed to color themselves. One was on attachment, one of detachment. Control, and lack of control. No matter the tug one had on one side, the other would never be vanquished, it would always linger there at the back of one's being.​
As Amadeus told his tale, Lilanna stood there, motionless, listening as it reflected her own tale. Interesting. She didn't say that aloud of course, keeping it within herself. She was at listening, or at least she felt so. His voice faltered, an admission of guilt followed, then another. He had turned from the Sith just as she, though he sought some sense of redemption within his service, while she longed for a sense of peace. As his tale concluded, she merely let her shoulders drop, her hands moving to remove her helm, as the illusion around her face would fade. Her cybernetics would be on full display as she turned to face him, though her voice remained robotic due to the plate that took up much of her face. "My father was a slaver, tried to cheat the Sith, and sold me trying to save his life." She took a hand, motioned to her ruined face, and let her lifeless expression linger. "My academy did some of this, though my master is truly the one who turned me into this. I...killed, we all did. But that was how we learned, I'm sure you know." She fidgeted, thinking of how many acolytes she had killed, and brutally at that. Many of which she enjoyed. They had it coming after all, especially after they injured her so. "I have no people, not anymore, but I...only wish to be free of this burden I feel. I wish to feel...normal for once." She remarked, her hand tracing the metal plate attached to her face. "I serve the Eternal Empire out of a desire to see people such as myself vindicated, though, I know the past can not be stripped away." Her eyes sunk, looking to the ground, as she turned back to face the darkness of the cave. "Though, it is part of accepting who we are." She finished, and was nearly blinded as the crystals lite up, covering the room in splendid light. Wincing, covering her eyes, Lilanna would find that there was a path laid out before the pair, going further down into the crystalline caverns though a narrow cave.​
It seemed they had found their path forward. Though if it would lead to the springs they so desperately needed, that was another question entirely.​


Amadeus felt almost lost in his own head for a moment as his words left his lips. It was rare that he opened up, and even more rare that he did so to a stranger. There was something comforting in her presence, however. He eventually managed to pull himself out of his own head, just in time to see Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor remove her helmet. Beneath was a mix of flesh and machine, with cybernetics covering a large portion of her face. Others may have shown some sign of shock or disbelief, but Amadeus only felt empathy. So many had suffered at the hands of the Sith, and they all had scars. Few had to be reminded of those scars as often as she must have... he could only imagine what it had been like.

He ran his hand along the metal plates that adorned her face, tracing the side of it as she spoke. As she spoke of her transformation, he only offered one comment.

"They didn't turn you into 'this'. You are not a thing. You are a person who has suffered from cruelty at the hands of the Sith. In this galaxy, what can be more normal?"

It wasn't meant to be patronizing, nor was it meant to undermine how she felt about the situation. For once, in so many years, Amadeus was actually trying to be encouraging to someone.

It wasn't long after he spoke that the room lit with the blinding luminescence of the crystals. Amadeus had to shield his eyes for a moment, waiting for the glaring light to subside. As his eyes adjusted, he could see a new path revealed, leading deeper into the cave. Amadeus took the hand from her face, motioning toward the corridor ahead of them. Whether or not they would find what she had been searching for, he was willing to see it through.

"Well, shall we?"

It had been a long time since someone approached her rather than cowered away. There was something in this ones eyes that hadn't been there with others. Empathy? Was that it? It had been a long time since someone was genuine. Not since Nyxeris truthfully.​
She didn't like it.​
People had done that to her on Korriban, told her she was pretty, needed to trust them, that they could make it so much easier. How much she had suffered for daring to trust, daring to believe she could ever be anything other than a tool. There was a glimmer of fear in her eyes as he drew near, memories of her past encounters flashed in her mind, yet she found herself frozen at the touch. His words were soothing in a way, and he clearly meant them. But she didn't believe them. "Not having half of your face be synthetic." She responded coldly, her words coming from her own set of beliefs. She was no longer the pampered girl of Nar Shaddaa. She hadn't been in sometime. She was just a machine that could feel at times.​
Regardless, she did feel human for once; perhaps it was the hint of scarlet growing on the left side of her face. Who was to say. Whatever the cause, the pair now had a route to follow, and follow it they would.​
The tunnel lead through glistening caverns, shining in a rainbow of colors, so much so she had to dial back on the focus for her cybernetic eye. Eventually, they would reach a wider cavern, with a slow creek flowing through the center. Large columns of crystal were shoved through the floor, several through the stream itself. Lilanna paused as they found this, the warden eventually moving towards the stream, hopeful that she had found that which she had longed for. Yet, this water seemed to be nothing special, the force did not register within it. She reached into the water, cupping it into her hands, and inspecting it, only to find it lacking in more ways than one. Letting the water escape through her hands, set reclined back on her legs, her shoulders dropping.​
There was only one hint within this cavern however, and that remained on a pair of stones sat in the center of the steam. A single plaque was visable, written in basic and weathered with age, but still readable it said: 'True healing comes from within'. Lilanna however, was distracted with inspecting the water itself, seemingly not catching onto the plaque that was near by.​


Amadeus gave a simple nod in response to her comment. He knew deep down that words alone wouldn't be enough to heal the scars, whether they be physical or mental. After all, he was still battling his own demons. He offered a smile with the nod, in both reassurance and understanding.

"Of course. I can't claim to understand the full extent of your pain. In the end, no one can but yourself."

What he could understand was her desire for the healing pool that supposedly resided within this cold, crystalline cave. He was also, admittedly, curious as to what it could do to help him. Perhaps there would be an answer for him down the cavern path.

As they entered the room, Amadeus found himself in awe of the beauty of their surroundings. The water reflected the myriad of colors from the crystals, giving it an almost magical look. And yet, he didn't sense anything. Despite all of the apparent splendor of the cave, the water itself didn't seem to have any indication that it was anything more than a simple stream. Finding himself unsatisfied, Amadeus continued to inspect the cave as Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor took a closer look at the stream.

Eventually, he found the plaque, taking a moment to read the inscription. He wasn't sure if it was a proper clue, or some feeble attempt at Jedi wisdom. Knowing the Jedi, either could be true. It was enough to make him want to throw his hands up in frustration, although he didn't. Instead, he motioned toward her as he continued trying to decipher the plaque's meaning.

"What do you make of this?"

He began inspecting the stones themselves, wondering if they would hold the key to this new Jedi riddle. Was it curiosity, or perhaps the pull he felt to help Lilanna? Amadeus couldn't say, but either way, he really, genuinely wanted to be here. He couldn't remember the last time he had actually felt this dedicated to something that didn't have to do with killing, whether it be Jedi, or Sith.

Amadeus kept looking around the stones, trying his best to offer a possible solution. In the end, he only found himself more frustrated with the cryptic nature of the Jedi.

"Perhaps these stones hold a piece of the answer. Perhaps not. Damn these Jedi and their riddles."

He stopped himself, taking in a deep breath to maintain his calm demeanor. The years of service to the Sith had left him with his fair share of anger, both at him self and those that had turned him into a killing machine. He had done his best to grow past it, but some days were more difficult than others. Amadeus usually took it out on his enemies, but trauma has a funny way of creeping up when one least expects. He was just glad that Lilanna was there. Something about her presence made it easier for him to remain calm. Perhaps it was their parallel paths in life, or perhaps because he actually felt comfortable around another person, for the first time in what seemed like an eternity.

She was unable to find words to match what he had spoken, the former Sith merely standing there, quiet and conflicted on how she should feel about his words. No one could understand her pain, at times, not even she realized the extent it had taken on her. Several times, she nearly said something, almost formed the semblance of a statement, but it was quickly stamped out in her mind. No need to waste words, not since she was feeling rather vulnerable at current.​
She pressed on, only pausing to admire the beauty of the caves, and little else. While the sites were indeed awe inspiring, she had come to be healed, and the pretty crystals and lights did little to add her in this as she searched for her path to restoration. Kneeling the waters, she searched through the stream, ignoring the stinging cold that managed to slip in past her gloves. It couldn't have all been for nothing. She had spent so long, so much time researching this. It couldn't just be another dead end.​
She felt a tad panicked for a moment, nearly turning into a trembling ball of fury, before Amadeus' words caught her attention. She realized her hands were shaking, and took in a deep and long breath. She slowly rose to her feet. This man had been rather patient with her, inspite of her rush and desire to simply move on, he was trying to reach out to her she felt.​
But why?​
She walked slowly towards the stones, scowling as she read over the words, touching them with her still damp hands. She merely sighed, before looking to her companion. "I believe we must meditate, and look upon one another. Only then, will these waters be charged with our force presence."
Of course, she was merely taking a shot in the dark here.​
She had no idea that by doing this, they were about to forge a bond between themselves. For the truth was, the waters here did nothing. The healing itself, came from acceptance of the flaws of ones being. Sometning the former Sith would soon learn. "Amadeus, if you could be so kind." She requested, her tone softer than before, an almost plea was to her words, as she looked at him with a glint of desperation in her eyes.​
She just wanted to feel whole once again.​


Amadeus felt just a tad frustrated when the idea of the stones was presented. He wasn't frustrated Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor , but rather himself for not seeing it. He had always been a perceptive individual, but for some reason he felt... off. Perhaps it was due to the large presence of light energy within the cavern, or perhaps it was the fact that he too was feeling vulnerable. Fighting was always his method of focus. Even after leaving the Sith, it was what kept him grounded. But here, in the glistening caves of the Jedi, he was struggling with it. He had to ask himself if all of the fighting was actually a method of pushing his own frustrations deep down. Perhaps meditating would help him confront some of it.

"Ah, of course."

He stepped over to the stone, sitting down in a cross-legged, meditative position. He didn't meditate as often as he should. The feeling always felt strangely jarring to him. Every time he attempted meditation, the frustration would creep back in, causing him to stop the process. He was willing to try though, in hopes that he would be able to help Lilanna, and possibly himself.

"Well then, lets see what these Jedi have to offer."

Amadeus began taking in deep breaths, slowly inhaling and exhaling, attempting to reach a more centered mental space. It was difficult for him to maintain focus, but he was determined to make this work. Another breath in... and out...

After what was likely entirely too much time, Amadeus finally found his breathing even, and his mind clear. Now all that was left was for Lilanna to do the same.

She watched him as he mused aloud to himself, seeing there was an almost nervous energy to him. He was unfocused, as was she. They were not at their best right now, but why that was, she couldn't be sure. Perhaps their little 'talk', had made them unbalanced. The fact he didn't annoy her said values, which for her was....odd. There were very few people she would tolerate speaking to her, let alone of her past, though she felt no ire towards him. Maybe because she could relate to him, which was far more than what she could say for others.​
She had lost herself, gazing upon him, not until he had spoken to her did she realize she had been standing idly. "Right." She muttered, moving to sit in a cross legged position, and began to go into her meditative trance.​
Taking in a deep breath, she pushed her senses outwards, emptying her mind, and clearing her thoughts. In time, she would reach out towards Amadeus, her mind touching his, though she hadn't a clue of what to do next. 'Okay, now what?'
Perhaps this was why the jedi order was nearly wiped out time and again. Their guidance was vague and confusing.​
She kept herself in this trance for a moment, not realizing that her mind was now open for Amadeus, with little to protect her thoughts from being shifted through. Concerns, worries, fears, and snippets of memories would steadily trickle into his mind, something that Lilanna seemed unaware of.​
He would witness her father selling her into slavery, the beatings she suffered at the hands of her first master, the mutilations that had turned her into the metal faced woman, and how she had narrowly escaped from the clutches of death as she defected from the Sith Empire. He witnessed one more thing, something the warden had thought buried deep down, the fact she was hopelessly alone, trying to fix what was left of herself.​


Amadeus could feel her moving to the rock across from him, working to attune herself to his own mental energies. And attune she did, placing her thoughts in sync with his as they sat upon the stones. It was jarring, at first. Amadeus wasn't used to letting people in, let alone to such an extent. It was almost enough to break his concentration. As Amadeus struggled to maintain his meditative focus, he heard the voice of Lilanna Kelamvor Lilanna Kelamvor calling to him through the void. Though she didn't speak, it felt as if she were reaching out to his very mind. And he let her in.

First came the visions of her past. Images of betrayal, slavery, abuse... all flooded into his mind, almost as if he were experiencing them himself. Such visions may have overwhelmed others, but Amadeus found a strange sense of calm within the visions. Perhaps it was because of his own past.

In turn, his own mind opened to Lilanna. She would see visions of his own history with the Sith. His master snatching him as a child, his life of being transformed into a killing machine... all would be revealed. The beatings and abuse from his master would be littered throughout memories of struggling to be good enough for the name of the Sith. The visions would shift between his master's cruelty, and scenes of violence conducted by Amadeus' own hand. His years serving as an assassin for the Sith would show the lengths he went to, just to appease his master and avoid the abuse. Finally, the singular memory that changed his life... the mission to kill the innocent Galidraani... his people. The mission where he betrayed the Sith, killing several other assassins to protect those he had been sent to kill.

There was more, however... Amadeus had done much to bury his own yearning to belong. His struggle to be accepted by a people that he had betrayed; a people that disowned the Dark Side as if it were a blight on his soul, would come shining through. His own loneliness and solitude would be open for her to see, as would his fear of never finding peace again.

Amadeus wouldn't notice within his deep trance, but a single tear left his eye, trailing down the side of his cheek... something that hadn't happened since his master beat the so-called "weakness" out of him. For the first time in years...

Amadeus felt human again.

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