Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Wings of Possession

As Kahlil kept her possessed self distracted with his biting words, Katherine was pacing back and forth a little thinking. Part of my mind was still stuck onto the fact the runic array refused to finalise. There was something about it, potentially unattached to Moirai, that was causing some interference.

Either way, its incomplete state meant she couldn’t just form the barrier to sever the connection with the Sith possessing her body.

Think Katherine, you’re connected with her. What can you sense?

She thought back to during the ritual, the kinds of emotion she could feel coming from the Sith.

Power. Hunger. Anger. Death. Vanity. Desperation. Katherine’s eyes snapped open as a revelation hit her.

Moirai was bluffing.

She needed her body because her current one was dying. And her body just so happened to fit her needs. But Moirai was far too vain to ever inhabit a body that she deemed ‘flawed’.

I have an idea,” Katherine said, turning to look at Serenity. Knowing she was effectively addressing her Master too. “Trust me.

Back in reality, the possessed Padawan opened her mouth to speak, only for the words to die at her lips. Her right arm suddenly shot towards her left, gripping the lightsaber hilt and redirecting it. The blade ignited in the process, but it completely missed.

What?! How-” “You.

There was a brief moment as ‘Katherine’s’ eyes widened with surprise and fear, hearing the real Katherine speak. “You want this body so much, mother? Then you can have it damaged.

With the red blade ignited, the Padawan began wrestling against the Sith’s own control. Katherine hadn’t been able to complete the runes, sure. But Moirai hadn’t been able to finish her ritual either.

Closer and closer, Katherine brought the lightsaber towards her eyes. The air grew more tense as the risky act continued. Was she truly willing to blind herself to be rid of Moirai? Or would she be right in her bet that the Sith wouldn’t want to ‘waste’ her.

All of a sudden Katherine’s arms flew to her sides, the red-ish aura that had been veiling her burst out from her body. A painful and frustrated scream filled the air, as Moirai forced herself out of the Padawan’s body.

With the last of the aura gone, and seemingly Moirai with it, silence followed. The redhead’s arms fell weakly to her side, the lightsaber clattered to the floor. Katherine, the real Katherine let out a breath before she collapsed to the ground.



Kahlil's expression didn't change, but he very much tensed as he saw what Katherine was planning. To scar her body, ruin the Sith's desire for it. It wasn't a bad idea, but.. He didn't like watching it. But he knew, trusted her more than anything. It was a gamble he knew she'd be able to win. Thankfully, she did. The red spirit raged out and Kahlil didn't hesitate to let loose the Light for it as it fled to keep it away as he surged forward to catch Katherine.

And keep the light away from her.

Serenity popped out to stand beside them both as the Jedi master lifted her up from the ground. Smiled ever so faintly. "You did good. Let's go home, Katherine."

Katherine Holt Katherine Holt
Is…is it over?” Katherine muttered weakly, looking up at Kahlil, her gaze unfocused and very evidently slipping into an unconscious state.

But during those in between moments, caught between reality and within her own mind, Katherine watched as the walls around her crumbled. Her previous prison cell surroundings faded away, replaced with that of a beach. She was standing along the shoreline, the waves of a low tide lightly crashing against her legs

See you on the other side, Serenity.” The Padawan smiled, watching as the small fox-like entity disappeared from her mind.

Katherine knew she wasn’t going to wake up, not quite yet at least. Her mind had effectively been awake ever since her ‘sleepwalking’ had led her off Coruscant. It was only natural that sleep was going to follow right after the Sith had been expunged.

So the Padawan simply closed her eyes, listened to the gentle crashing of waves, as she stood along the shallow shoreline of her consciousness.

Until her eyes snapped back open as her senses became alert. Katherine turned around, just in time to see a redheaded figure hovering above the water. She noticed the chain shooting her way, seconds before the weight at the end of it smacked her in the forehead. Katherine was out like a light, her body crumpling towards the sand.

The floating figure threw the chain out once more, this time wrapping around the Padawan before she hit the ground. Katherine was pulled up into the air and then dragged down into the water.

Deep into the depths of her mind.

Back in Kahlil’s arms, the redheaded Padawan would finally lose consciousness. Her eyes fluttered to a close, but not before the colour of them seemed to dim beyond their usual light blue shade.

This was far from over…


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