Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Nar Shaddaa; Slums

Aristocra Prusde'Zoti'Lore, a leader of the Chiss Ascendancy. Nobility. Her voice spoke for the Chiss People to foreign powers all to keep her people safe. Her choices carried a weight. Consequences. Despite all this she came to Nar Shaddaa alone, risking the leadership of the Chiss, to meet with a Chiss she had known. [member="Keva"] 'Sol'Loro. A couple of missions side by side had fostered some form of friendship. While not buddies or even hanging out outside of the few missions, Dezoti knew her.

So when she left to join the CIS who had just razed Copero, it raised numerous questions. So she sat at one of the seedier bars, dressed in a thick cloak over her Commando armor and waited to see if Keva would even show up.
Blueberry flavored Sith
There were no such weights on Keva's conscious, she had her personal mission and little else truly weighing down her soul. The old convictions drilled into her skull since she was a mere child discarded along with the vast majority of her gear when she had decided that mission was not going to be achieved by the Chiss nor the CEDF. And without these chains or strings she had little issue slipping away to the vastness of Nar Shadda. Truly the only trouble was finding suitable attire for the meeting, places to hide weapons, a distress beacon, and whatever other whatnots if the Ascendancy had come to remove a loose end.

Bumbling her way through fractured Basic a ship was acquired that ferried her off to the seedy cousin of Coruscant. Traversing was not hard, it took one look at her scars to make many of the cowardly trash that called this place home to back away, a thankful thing considering just how utterly disgusting the meeting place was. No one would look, if one positive could be given to the sorry excuse of a Cantina.

Heading through the doors the rather unassuming Chiss woman entered, even though things had changed to some extent: older, longer hair, basic little traits that could be expected from such an absence from the Ascendancy too much immediately marked her as the same foolhardy solider from before: a confident stride to her step, unmistakable scars given by the Vagaari raiders, and watchful eyes that always seemed to be planning, plotting, observing.

She took her spot next to the Commando, or at least, that was what Keva remembered the woman as. Truthfully she was just happy to finally be able to speak her native tongue once again, so much easier.

"I'm not going to kill you."

Basic reassurance never hurt anymore.



"I appreciate that." Dezoti spoke in their native tongue, her helm visage turning to look at [member="Keva"] . The mask folded open, receding back so the Aristocra's face would be easily seen. She offered her friend a kind smile as she waved over the bartender, ordering herself a simple cup of caf for the time being. No need to get drunk when you weren't sure who's side your companion was on.

"How have you been?"
Blueberry flavored Sith
Keva wore no such helmet or anything to really hide her face, there was little fear in her heart: if someone wished to attack her so be it, the wrath of the Confederacy could be invoked to have them totally crushed under that Iron March she was quickly getting to enjoy.

She took no drink, seems the reckless little officer had become a prude: or at least, she didn't trust any of the drinks served at this poor excuse for a cantina.

"Life flows as usual, I find myself in command once again."

She still kept a level of wariness about this whole meeting regardless of the old friendship or the shows of kindness.



"So I've heard." Dezoti studied [member="Keva"] for a moment longer, her expression devoid of most emotion. A prude indeed. Then again, wasn't that what Dezoti herself was slowly becoming? She let out a deep sigh at that thought, turning her attention to her drink. "The CIS of all people. I have to know. Why? You know what they did on Copero. Countless innocent died in their crusade to insult the Jen'ari. I just need to know what drew you to them."
Blueberry flavored Sith
"Yes, not quite hard to know the name of the mere handful of defectors within the last decade or so."

She remained rather casual about the whole thing, she held no guilt about her defection. She was merely an ambitious woman, and the Chiss and CEDF would not see her aspirations formed in a short enough time frame. Of course, ambition had grown into a ruthlessness over time. She should've been a politician.

"I was well into Academy by the time the Battle on Copero happened, a regrettable fact. But sitting around droids, disgusting of things as they are, you learn something about efficiency: cold as that may be. It was the efficient annihilation of morale to dislodge another fledgling tumor on the Galaxy. But that is not what you asked. You must look at the Galaxy, where would I go to see my goals realized? A bumbling Republic that lacks any of the ability to truly reach out and annihilate the filth? Empires ruled by despoiling despots that would effortlessly have me removed if my goals no longer aligned? Some army of Force users? The Confederacy was merely the best choice, they offer me enough freedom to operate as I deem fit, and there is enough of a gap present for me to acquire the power I so need."

Amusing, how she became so much more wordy when no longer confined by Basic.


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