Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who is hunting whom? [Siobhan]

~Myrkr - Miri Farm Headquarters~

Deep beneath the surface of the planet, the research facility's location was all but hidden from orbital view. On its surface was nothing more than an ancient and derelict base that time had forgotten and nature had taken control of. The halls stank of new and it annoyed Mia. Everything was annoying Mia, even the scientist that fell into step next to her annoyed her. "We've been tracking a pack of Vornskr for a couple of weeks." he started handing her a datapad full of information. "They've been circling Harvest One's perimeter for some time looking for a way in, I'm not concerned that they will get in, those fences were designed to keep them out but their presence" he trailed off as he caught Mia pinching the bridge of her nose. "Are you alright Field Marshall?"

"I'm fine." she snapped, bring her hand away from her face "Get some containers ready, we'll bring the vornskr's in."

"You...what?!" the scientist stopped and Mia had walked another three steps before she realized and looked back for him, stopping her own advance. "With all due respect, why, by manda, would you want to bring them in?"

"That's none of your concern. Prepare the containers."

"Would you like me to get a team ready?"

"No, I have a friend coming, we can handle it ourselves." She left him standing in stunned silence and disappeared into her office, dropping the datapad on the desk she flopped into her chair and let out a long sigh. she'd spent her entire life hating force users and in later life, the sith. Noe she was a force user and she found herself looking in the mirror wondering if she was destined to become everything she hated. Anger bubbled continuously beneath the surface like an incurable disease she couldn't shift it.

Desperate for a distraction she activated the console before her and three images flickered to life. A voxyn, a deadly and extinct creature that had been created by the vong in another era took cente stage. The ultimate Jedi hunter, with war coming, they needed something similar and Mia had plenty of access to the Vornskr that had formed half of the voxyns existence, their image flickered on her left. On her right, was an image of a Dark Wolf, the other half to her plan. She needed specimens first, only then could she truly start to bring something together.

Her comm link chimed. "A ship is requesting permission to land. Pilot says she's expected. It's @[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]."

"Grant permission, and bring her down."
@[member="Mia Monroe"]

Myrkr - a world of beasts, foreboding forests, ysalamiri that created a force-negating bubble so wide that pulled force gods down from their lofty heights on the higher planes to that of mere mortals, robbing them of the powers that placed them above the mundanes. Almost a millennia ago Grand Admiral Thrawn had come here to acquire ysalamiri, both to protect himself against Jedi and against the insane 'Jedi Master' with delusions of grandeur. In that regard the creatures had performed adequately, though obviously in the final analysis the acquisition had been useless because one of his own Noghri bodyguards had killed him.

So with that in mind why was Siobhan Kerrigan, flying 'force god' venturing to this dark, uninviting world with forests that had undoubtedly claimed many a forcer before, swallowing them up like a gaping maw after they had proved unable to adapt to to a challenge they would have to face without superpowers. Undoubtedly to an extent it was the sheer challenge, something she craved, as unhealthy an attitude as that might be.

The heavy transport vessel she was steering came down from the sky, its coming heralded by the shadow on the ground and the roar of engines. Finding the Mandalorian base had not been easy, as it was well camouflaged, but an encrypted message had sent here the coordinates, presumably she had transmitted some sort of code phrase to stop whatever anti-air defences they had from shooting her down. After all, one could never be too careful in times like these. The Sith Empire had been crushed, having collapsed like a house of cards, though splinter groups remained, such as the one who had carried out a moderately pathetic attack on Fondor.

It was...odd for a fanatical Sith hunter such as Siobhan. She still loathed the Sith, any hint of leniency towards them was bound to send her flying into a rage, but she lacked clearly visible targets to fight. Not that she was adrift. As much as the wounds of the past still hurt, as much as its daemons still haunted her, she had found fulfillment after leaving the Protectorate. Defending Kaeshana with Firemane, fighting monsters, indulging in aristocratic decadence...and above all the life she lived with her wife Tegaea, every moment they spent together, as horribly sappy and mushy as that sounded.

Not inner peace, serenity or any of that boring Jedi crap, but purpose. She even had an apprentice these days - nothing could possibly go wrong!

Her vessel touched down upon the landing pad of the hidden Mandalorian base and the engines were powered down. Quickly the landing ramp was lowered and she sauntered down, clad in heavy armour and...bringing plenty of firepower with her because there was no such as overkill, only open fire and reload. The sensation of being robbed of the Force was disorientating to her. It felt much like a veil had fallen over her eyes or as if she had suddenly been deafened as her power was leeched from her. But if she felt anxietx then it did not reflect in her stance or expression. It was a little known fact but she and her teacher Adril Tythorin had once been severed from the Force after a battle with the Sith Lord Shadow, who had a thing for posessing people and driving them insane, forcing them to undertake a perilious quest to find a force machine on Ossus to restore it.

Said quest had been very heavy on meta and included a cave troll, a balrog and star brat. Siobhan had totally pressed all three buttons of his red-green-blue ending! There had been drums...drums in the deep.

"Mia, good to see you again. Nice digs you got set up here. Been a while since the Hebrides - that was a fun party, wasn't it? So, you wanna go big game hunting for vornsrks and what else this beautiful forest throws at us?" Siobhan asked casually in a tone that was terribly at odds with the former Mandalore the Liberator being, well, annoyed at pretty much everything, once she had reached the section of the base where the woman was. They had worked together a few times on Rebel missions - worked together as in caused plenty of mayhem - and though they were not close Siobhan did consider her something of a friend, or at least someone she could trust to hold her back.

Of course, there was a business reason for coming here as well, namely the fact that she was getting paid. Though not the sharpest crayon in the box Siobhan was no fool. With the Sith Empire gone the coalition against it was a thing of the past. The Fels were already going down - good riddance far as Siobhan was concerned -, both the Republic and the Mandalorian Clans would come to blows because they both wanted the same piece of real estate. Empires either expanded or died, that was natural selection. Hence why the Mandalorians wanted to upgrade their anti-forcer arsenal, something Firemane had profited from.
Mia smiled as Siobhan waltzed in, her cheery manner clashing horribly with her own sour mood. Still, it abated somewhat as she rose from behind the desk, the holoimages dissolving out of existence. "Ah, the Great Annihaltor," she said with a wry grin "I'm sorry the decor isn't quite as tasteful as Hebrides, something about the idea of human skins seemed to upset people." she jested "Good to see you too. Come on, I'll brief you on the way."

She led them through the brightly lit, crisp white corridors towards a fortified door. She rested her hand upon a scanner and waited patiently for it to open revealing an armoury equipped to supply at least two hundred soldiers."We've been tracking a pack of them for a couple of weeks, they've started sniffing at the farms perimeters but I don't want to kill them." she said moving through the racks of weapons. "I want to catch them. Most of them anyway, there's bound to be some fallout. So we're going to play bait and see how many we can stun."

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Mia Monroe"]

"I've totally anointed you as my Chaos Champion. You have delivered ample skulls and caused carnage impressive enough to count as tribute to satisfy me," Siobhan responded very dryly before following Mia through the brightly lit, clean white corridor until she came to a room containing...guns, lots of guns, along with other weapons. If there was one way to Siobhan's heart then it was an ample collection of death dealing toys. Well, that and kinky sex and getting worshipped and adored by pretty girls, ironically enough much like the decadent aristo she used to hate.

"Go deep into the dark forests and capture a pack of vicious beasties hungry for force blood while playing bait and in a force negation field. Get paid plenty for it. Sounds fun. What do you want to do with them? I'll hazard a guess and assume you're not in need of vornsrks to serve as guard dogs on Dromund Kaas against Sith zombies and Super Mutants," Siobhan joked. Fallout: Dromund Kaas was a popular video game in which the Lone Wanderer had to traverse a post-apocalyptic Sith homeworld haunted by ancient spirits, zombies and mutants.
Mia laughed and shook her head and stopped before a rack of Czerka HeadBangers. Lifting one from the rack she handed it to the telekinetic goddess, "No, but your pretty close. Vornskr's on their own will make a nice addition to our ranks seeing as half our enemies are foruce users and users with in our ranks are few and far between we could do with a few hounds for hunting sith...and jedi." No point denying that war was coming. "But that's not the only reason." Grabbing a few ammo packs she clipped them to her belt and while Siobhan got hers, she pulled a small holo projector free and activated it.

The blue tinted image depicted an eight legged reptilian creature with a face fresh out of a nightmare. The voxyn was as hideous as it was deadly, but it was not something you could replicate. Still it was good inspiration, a starting point. "Know what this is?" she asked.

@[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
@[member="Mia Monroe"]

Siobhan listened to Mia elaborate without commenting. Presumably this hunting trip took place before the Coruscant standoff, especially since the 'negotiations' there are theoretically still ongoing, though the result seems clear. However, it had been clear to her for some time that the Mandalorian Clans and the Republic were set on collision course and that war would come soon. Not that Siobhan had any special insight into this, but the only thing keeping the anti-Sith Coalition together had been the struggle against the Empire.

"Getting ready to march on Coruscant, are you? Or rather Cato Neimoidia?" she asked rhetorically, not really expecting an answer. "I'm not surprised." With the Empire shattered - give or take Sith cults springing up like the sect she had fought in the Fondorian orbit, or the Sith still in Fringe and doubtlessly also in CIS ranks - they were free to come to blows about who would control all the real estate that had just opened up. Siobhan was not happy about it, mostly because, being the paranoid and perhaps extremely single-minded sort, she saw it as a good chance for the Sith to build up their strength again. But equally she did not particularly care that much.

"Looks like something that wouldn't have been out of place as an attack dog for the Bando Gora Primarch," she commented as she the image of the beast before her. "What is it?"
"Its a voxyn." The hologram dispersed and Mia returned the projector to her belt. "When the Vong first came to this galaxy they created it to hunt Jedi. Its a cross between a vornskr and a fero xyn, some acid spitting thing of the Vongs. It couldn't breed naturally, so they cloned it, which ultimately lead to its demise." She sighed and regarded Kerrigan carefully. "I want to give my people everything I can to ensure their survival. The republic is not my end goal, its just what our Mand'alor wants. So i'll help him get it. Personally? I want to wipe every sith off the map, so does my brother, but we need all the help we can get."

She smiled. "What's a hunter without a pack of hounds to track its prey?" She led the way back out of the armoury, boots echoing off the pristine walls. A rodina in a lab coat fell into step with them. "Containers are on the transports, ready to go when you are." Mia nodded. "We'll await your signal." He walked with them to the turbo lift that would carry them back up to the planets surface. He saluted as they stepped inside. "K'oyacyi."

Mia smiled. "Ratiin." she replied softly. The turbolift took a mintute to reach the surface. "You come face to face with a vornksr before?"
[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]

"I'd be happy to see every Sith dead, ideally by my hand. Only good Sith is a dead Sith, no matter what nonsense the Jedi say about 'redemption'. But the thing with purging them is, they have a habit of always returning, like an incurable disease. Usually born again out of Jedi ranks. Doesn't change the fact that they should burn. It was easier when they had an empire as a visible target to smash and weren't 'in the shadows'," Siobhan said softly as she looked at the former Mandalore the Liberator. If she believed in that mystical mumbo jumbo about the Force having a will she might be inclined to think it wanted the Sith around because it was a sick, malevolent deity that delighted in seeing misery.

She understood her loathing for Sith all too well. It was the same virulent, uncompromising hatred that drove her, even now that her life had become so much better, she had finally made it to the top. Yet she again and again felt compelled to go out and do battle against their sort. At the same time she was a tremendously cynical person. Moreover, she had other obligations now, chief of all to her wife - dimly Siobhan knew how selfish she was being by always charging into a skirmish, yet at the same time it seemed like the fight was in her blood.

She shook herself out of these musings as she followed Mia and they took the turbolift down. "Well, nice hellhound you want. Nasty thing should come in handy. Haven't faced a vornksr before I think. One of the few creatures I haven't. Anything I should know about those nice hounds?" she spoke as she loaded the Czerka headbanger she had been given. The stun blast emitted by that gun was tough enough to put a Wookiee out of commission and aside from that she carried a Gorgon web rifle and stun grenades.
Mia smiled inwardly. Siobhan was well travelled, she sought the fight rather than waiting for it to come to her. It was a trait they shared. She was sure there was something, or someone that kept Kerrigan grounded. There had to be, people like them needed anchors, something to come back to, else they'd just stomp across the galaxy killing anything that pissed them off, regardless of the mortality rate. Mia had her anchor's. One in the form of an adopted brother, with whom she shared her unyielding hate for the sith. The other?

The other was out of her reach, deep behind future enemy lines. So much so she could not reach out to him when she needed to, that in the darkest moments of her days, when all was quiet and she had nothing left to think about, she wondered if he was still hers. The clunk of a magazine finding its ways into a gun snapped Mia from her own mind, and she followed suit. "Watch out for their tails. Won't kill you if they get you, designed to stun a ysalamari, but it will fething hurt. If you take it off, it'll take away their mojo, so to speak and they'll back off, but I'd like them as intact as possible." she looked up from the riot gun and smiled "So don't take them off, unless you absolutely have to."

As they reached the surface the sensation that most force users dreaded descended on them. It was like your ears were popping, deafening you slightly. Losing the force was like losing a sense, but to Mia, it was a blessing. She'd spent her life fighting without using the force, only becoming aware that she was sensitive when Velok used her like a flash drive. To switch it off, took her back to a time when she had nothing to concern herself with besides getting the next pay cheque. The turbo lift door hissed open and the smell of damp forest tickled Mia's nose. She'd fallen in love with Myrkr, spent more time here now than she ever did on Manda'yaim, she drew in a deep breath and sighed, whatever anger that had been left leaving her body.

"Alright," she began, her boots carrying her across cracked duracrete, festooned with what some might call weeds. But this wasn't a garden, and Mia was quite content with where they were. "We'll find a good fighting point. Need something at our backs to stop us getting surrounded, but we also need to make sure we're not cornered either, something we can scale or get away from easily if we have any problems. Once we find it, we'll knock out the nearby ysalamari and invite the vornskr to a meal they can't refuse." Harvest One was around three klicks from the base entrance, if the reports had been right, they neededn't travel far to find their prey.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]

Siobhan had an anchor in form of her wife. As cheesy and terribly sappy as it sounded, she had become her stability over the years, despite the fact that Siobhan was the exact opposite of ideal materiel to settle down with. So often drawn to battle, perhaps closer to the darkness she fought than she would like to admit. Sometimes when she looked in the mirror a malignant sulfuric yellow stared back at her from her remaining flesh eye. Yet for all her faults Siobhan was devoted to Tegaea, fiercely so.

She nodded as Mia spoke and instructed her about the beasts they sought to hunt, making a mental note, though her mind was elsewhere as she felt the sensation of the Force being robbed from her. Now Siobhan was not such a stranger to that feeling due to some rather, ahem, interesting backroom activities she and her wife indulged, which involved Siobhan being deprived of the Force a lot with force nullifier. Chains and hot wax got used a lot as well. However, that did not make it any less disorientating as she suddenly felt as if she were being violently deprived of a sense or being rendered deaf, her powers being leeched from her. Abruptly she was pulled down from her lofty heights as a force god down to the level of a mere mortal. It was in moments like this that she felt just how much she relied on the Force, even for basic things.

Siobhan had come comparatively early to the Force and her powers had given her a sense of self-worth, something she had lacked before, haunted by her past sins. With them she felt powerful, indomitable even, like she could take on anything the Galaxy threw at her, an attitude that often had led to the loss of limbs. That said, she and her master Adril had once been deprived of the Force way back due to an encounter with a body-hopping Sith lord that left their connection severed, forcing them to undergo a perilious quest to regain it. Siobhan was not the young woman she had been then, her body scarred by over a decade of battering ramming and fighting, so she was rather reliant on her powers.

Still, unlike many a Jedi she knew not to use solely the Force and her lightsabre - she did love bolters and heavy armour after all. So after a few moments of feeling wobbly and disorientated by the drain she shook it off and pressed, Czerka headbanger at the ready as she moved out of the turbolift and into the foreboding forest that greeted them, deeper into the force negation field that the ysalamiri created. She gave Mia a curt nod as she spoke. Plan was sensible and this was her show, Siobhan was the paid muscle who cracked bad jokes!

"Sounds appetising. Lured a terentatek with my tasty blood once. Was fun. Got beaten up a bit, jumped on it and stabbed a lot. Tegs tossed a grenade in its mouth," Siobhan said conversationally, though her tone was quiet. One did not want to get swarmed by making too much noise after all. Trees upon trees, birds chirping happily, as if making a mockery of the dangers that lurked in the forest, but then that was what the firepower was there for.
"A terentatek, huh?" She said as she led them into the forest keen eyes panning across the undergrowth, listening carefully for anything our of place. Birds sung happily above their heads, and insects chirped without incident. The kay was to listen for alarm calls, for a sudden shift on the noise of the forest.

" I wonder how hard it would be to catch a terentak alive." She mused aloud. They were formidable hunters, it was possible she could use it in the creation of this beast. The ultimate force user killing machine. She fell silent for a time, lost in the workings of her own mind as they treked. Occsionally, Mia would pull her beskad from her bavk and hack away at undergrowth that blocked their path.

Before long she found what she was after. A ridge rose to ten metera above them, rocks and roots jutting out its side, slick with green moss, stretching as far as the eye could see in either direction. Slinging the rifle over her shoulder she tested the climb. The moss made it slippy but it would do for now.

Dropping back to the floor she looked at Siobhan. "What do you think?"

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]

"Heavy risks...but the prize. Seems doable to me. Kerrigan and Monroe: Big Game Hunters Extraordinaire," Siobhan quipped cornily. She would not mind having a voxyn as a pet, but it would probably end up eating Grrbyrr, her absolutely adorable Jester, if she brought it to her villa on Kaeshana - or perhaps break a vase or something. It seemed like a good mascot for the Firemane base on Dahomey though. That planet was still wild and untamed, with plenty of dangerous predators and prey alike. She would have to ask Mia for one once the hunt was done.

Assuming they did not get eaten, of course! There was always the risk of that. Siobhan walked with a bit of a limp, much to her annoyance. Usually it bothered her less but that was because she unconsciously used the Force to strengthen her muscles and stifle pain, the act coming natural and automatic to her. Now she was deprived of the Force and as such was leaning quite strongly on her bionic leg. She tried not to let it show though. Pain was just weakness leaving the body. Nonetheless it made her wonder whether she should perhaps just have a surgeon replace the weakened organic leg with a mechanical one as well once she got back home.

Ears peeled she advanced alongside the most photogenic Mandalore as they moved up to the ridge, birds and insect chirping happily as if they wanted to parodise the hunt. Here and there her machete had hacked undergrowth out of the way that sought to block her path. She experimentally tested the climb after Mia did. A slippy due to the moss but it would suffice.

She gave Mia a curt nod. "Looks good to me," she checked her Czerka headbanger and made sure the flechette pistol loaded with tranquiliser darts was strapped tight enough to her thigh, likewise the stun grenades in her pouch before ascending, seeking a good vantage point. Rocks and roots littered it, the moss was a bit slippery but did not impede her much. The bushes and rocks at the top of it provided cover as she soon found.

Through the scope of her flechette pistol she spied a ysalamiri clawed to an oblio tree. It was difficult to remove these creatures from their natural habitats without killing them, though apparently there was a method that Talon Karrde's smugglers had known. Unfortunately, the exact description had occured off-screen, at least in the Thrawn novel, so this writer does not know it works! "Ysalamiri over there," she commented, though Mia had probably already noticed it. In all likelihood before her. This was Mia planet after all. Siobhan would be ready to knock it out once the Liberator was set.
Mia chose a spot to Siobhan's left a way, and about a meter below her. A hand moved to the comm link in her ear. "Field Marshall Monroe, reporting in." she spoke softly, there was a breif moment of static before a response came back to her. "Reading you loud and clear, Field Marshall. Locating you now."

Mia waited checking the headbanger while she waited fro the techs to get a lock on her and Siobhansd position. It was all well and good them sitting her with a nice pile of vornskr, but their prize needed to be airlifted out, and Mia would rather the pilots were on hand to do just that, instead of trying to organise everything last minute. After a moments silence the comm crackled again. "Transports can be with you in under two minutes."

"Good, wait for my call. Monroe out."

She grinned Siobhan's way, before levelling her rifle at the ysalamari and stunning it. she grunted slightly as the force returned to her. Rifle shifted again, finding another one on the edge of their area. "Reckon you can give us a clearing, Sio? That ought to grab their attention and it means the transports can get to us too."

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]

And so the thread returned with a bang! Well, a stun blast from a Czerka headbanger. Presumably this all took place before the Liberator got subjected to horrific torment by a Sith torture queen...out of which she emerged on the brink of death, though still a Mandalorian. Oh, and before that the New Order would attack Dromund Kaas and get thrashed. The One Sith would also be so naughty to interfere with the Mandalorian-Republic War that everyone on the board wanted before it even began.

Needless to say that merited punishment.

Anyhow, our two lovely heroines were still deep in the forest of Myrkr, here on a noble venture to go big game hunting and capture a couple beasts to create the most fearsome predator ever that would devour Jedi and Sith for breakfast. Probably for lunch and dinner as well since there were so many of them these days and it had quite an appetite. The ysalamiri gave up the ghost and in a rush the Force returned to Siobhan, once more flowing through her. Such was its potency that the experience pretty much felt like a spice rush and it took her a moment to centre herself, once more concentrating.

She gave Mia a curt nod after she had spoken to her, the Liberator having contacted their pickup. Having a fast taxi service on the spot was always good. "Sounds good to me," Siobhan responded simply as she focused. Power rippled through her being, some beads of sweat dripping down her face and back, then an overpressurised telekinetic blast of energy was let loose, sweeping towards a bunch of trees at tremendous speed, a thermal detonator, propelled by her with a strong toss, following. There was a big bang, trees shook and bent in the wind before falling, blowing a pathway open.
That was hot. There was no other way to explain it, that did it justification. Maybe if Mia Monroe had swung the other way, and wasn't committed to another, she might have given Tegs a run for her money and taken Kerrigan there and then, for just that. She grinned Siobhan's way, "Nice move." she commented "Maybe you can teach me one day." A howl went up in the north and Mia's grin widened. "Two klicks out at my gue--" she was cut off by another to the west this one much closer.

"Huh." she brought the headbanger up to her shoulder panning across the undergrowth. Several more howls called out, all coming form the west. "Less than half a klick. Get ready." Mia felt her sense extend a little further as one of the incoming pack rid them of another ysalamir. She could sense them now, each beating heart pounding with adrenaline. She counted at least ten before they crashed through the undergrowth and into the clearing, eyes wildly scanning for their prey. Mia opened fire, taking out two before the pack reacted, darting forward to try and gain purchase on the cliff below them.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]

If Mia had swung that way, Sio would have been totally down for being taken and ravished right on the spot. Siobhan did have certain...tastes after all. Unfortunately for her the Mandalorian was straight and so any fantasies that might be coursing through the mind of the 'Great Annihilator' would have to remain, well, fantasies.

Well, that and the stuff of holonet fanfic. Perhaps there was a site out there somewhere!

"Sure, just name a time and place," Siobhan said brightly. She liked teaching people she liked how to cause mayhem through overpowered use of the Force after all! Partly because she got to show off then. However, there was no time for merriment when suddenly a howl, like that of the dread wolf Fenris, was heard in the forest, soon joined by many more, with Siobhan spinning and quickly bringing up her headbanger as she them from the west. A scream was heard as a ysalamiri was torn apart and she felt a surge through her as her senses expanded.

Now she could feel the beasts, their primal hunger open to her senses, before they tore through the undergrowth and towards them, in search of the feast they sought to gain. Without a further word she quickly took aim with her headbanger and squeezed the trigger, ejecting a stun blast. She had not used this gun before, but her aim was good, two going down, but the pack still charged them with reckless abandon. She brought up her gun again, while in the same motion a stun grenade was raised from her belt and tossed down, telekinetically propelled as she aimed to drop it right down on them.
Four down in the first few shots, then Siobhan dropped a stun grenade in their midst taking out another three. The remaining three retreated back into the bush, howling as they went. Mia lowered her gun and frowned as quiet descended, she reached for her comm link and paused. The other pack had only been two clicks out, she wasn't sure just how much ground they could cover in such little time.

Hairs raised on the back of her neck and she turned her gaze up the small cliff face as snarling jaws dropped down towards her. "Frak!" she shouted, swinging the gun round in time to put a stun blast in between its eyes. The body still slammed into her taking her back down the small cliff face. Her gun skittered away from her. She could feel more of them now, too many to try and count and she was not in a good place.

With a great heave, she shoved the body off. "Siobhan!" she called putting her back to the wall and drawing her beskad. "Tell me you're good to cover me up there!?"

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]

The initial pack had been taken out but soon there were beasts everywhere, too many to count. The deaths of the ysalamiri had given her a rush of power, but nonetheless her senses were diminished and unleashing a shockwave of force energy to blow a clearing had cost more energy than it normally would have.

Siobhan had been reloading her gun when suddenly a vornsrk pounced at Mia and though she shot it right between the eyes she went down the small cliff face. Needless to say that made her a rather tempting target for the beasts. Truth be told Siobhan could not fault them for having good taste! Ahem, right, on with the actual plot and stuff. "I am, I'll blow you a path free," Siobhan said and quickly fired, aiming for a vornskr who was charging at Mia with an animalistic howl. Much to Siobhan's annoyance the beast proved too fast and so the shot missed.

Ah, well, she had plenty of grenades and the Force had come back to her. Within the radius of the ysalamiri that were now dead, so as a pack of beasts swarmed she concentrated intently, having to expend more effort than usually as she drew upon the energies of the Force. Soon the air currents began to shift strongly as a gust of wind blew through and blossomed into a whirlwind. Not only that but several stun grenades were suddenly pulled into the air as they were gathered by the powerful wind that swept them towards the charging pack.

Pins were pulled in mid-flight, then they were dropped, being spread in an aim to engulf beasties. Bang, bang, bang! Unfortunately given her intense focus Siobhan did not notice a beast suddenly charging her and crashing into her. Its teeth found her armoured arm rather unappetisising but she fell over the cliff nonetheless through the impact. Driven into a rage she reached out with the Force to seize the beast and throw it with her, not caring about stunning it as she threw it onto the ground.
Whatever strategy Mia had originally had in place went out the window as her beskad flashed down, left and right carving deep into flesh and bone. This was no longer about collecting samples, but about survival. The stun grenades removed another chunk of the pack from he fight and as Siobhan lost her advantage Mia found a brief reprieve in the onslaught. Fury balled in her chest at the way things had gone, drawing in a deep breath she released in with a bellow.


The blast ripped through the clearing, shattering ear drums, ripping up soil and blasting the hounds aside. Like any sensible animal would, the vornskr began to retreat, fearing a bigger beast and taking into consideration the number of them that were down. Mia bent over, hands on her knees sucking in deep breaths of air as she tried to reclaim the oxygen she'd lost. She began to laugh, coming to stand at her full height again.

[member="Siobhan Kerrigan"]
[member="Mia Monroe"]

The vornsrk who had been so impolite to throw Siobhan off a clif had tried and failed at recovering from getting significant bones and limbs broken from her force crush, and then got its ears shattered by Mia's outburst. That would show it for being so naughty!

Siobhan's ears were ringing and blood had seeped out of them when she got up to her feet with a groan, approaching Mia. "You are...sooo hot right now. If I wasn't certain you're straight I'd jump you right here and now," she said, completely serious, as she took a deep, sucking breath to reclaim lost oxygen, laughing.

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