Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Who Are You?



The man walked the empty road, in a city filled with scavengers that usually avoided him, his staff served as a memory of the past, he slowly walked until he reached a building, he did not go in though, he just stood in the center of the road. The old world's memories in his head, his sins on his shoulders.

He dropped to his knees.

"I will repay my debt....a debt I have acquired many years ago." He got up, then stabbed his staff through a pile of rubble

"Until I repay it, I will leave this here."

Revelations got up and continued to walk.

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
"You again," said the fallen Padawan "I thought I left you behind."

Ceska walked out from an alleyway behind Jaykob and crosssed her arms.

"Debts. What do you know about debts."

It was not a question in her flat, stony voice. She glared at him and shook her head.

"Besides, why feel guilt over past actions. What's done is done, let it go."



Revelations turned his head, not bothering to turn around.

He then took a picture out of his duster and threw in onto the broken pavement.

"Debts...I know a lot....for our history defines us, how hard is it to see, the history is written all over me." The man turned around.

"Why would I let go of history, for like I said it defines us...who we are, and who we will be..."

"The locals here...or the crazed men take to calling me is just a me whatever you wish."

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
Ceska narrowed her eyes, uncrossing her arms leaning leaning forward unconciously as she spoke.

"I don't care what crazy men call you, I am here for me," she extended a hand and thrust out a finger whilst her voice rose in intensity "My history doesn't define me, I DO!"

She shook her head and spoke more rapidly, eyes blazing.

"Me. I make my future and no one holds me back from what is MINE!"

Thrusting a hand towards the picture, she reached out through the Force and it floated into her left hand.

"What is this?"



He could only shake his head as the woman spoke loudly and furiously.

Jaykob sighed.

"Most cannot handle this city makes them appears that it already spead to you." He spoke with a light laugh...perhaps it was a lie, she was most likley already crazy.

The picture showed the city in it's former glory, in the picture it showed the former city in all it's glory in the front was a young Jaykob and [member="Razz Michaels"].

"This is a picture of this city in all it's glory....."

"Those mad men are the new population of the city....they hunt people like you...."

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
Ceska sent the picture back to Jaykob, extending her left hand to do so and blinked in surprise.

"The Dark side and the Sith, that's what you're referring to," she said in a calmer voice.

She thought a moment, knowing that despite her recent actions, the Sith were to be avoided as much as the Jedi. Perhaps it was her old training telling her that, but she felt it in her gut too.

"If that's what you mean, this is no place for either of us."



The man grabbed the old world picture and put it back into his duster.

he then nodded and smiled.

"There is a place for people like us....we may not find it, but our history is bound to it even if we have not been there yet." The man paused.

"Like I am bound to this old world."

"I have a camp not too far north of here." He said as he walked

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
Ceska shrugged, normally she would trust a stranger as far as she could physically throw them...without the Force. Under these circumstances, it was best to move away from any Sith and the threat they might pose. A few Acolytes, she could deal with, but the Sith lackies rarely traveled without a chaperone. It was that chaperone, probably a Lord, that she was more worried about. You did not advance among the One Sith by being weak in any way. A weak Acolyte died long before reaching the next step.

As she followed him, she said "Alright, anywhere further away from the Sith is fine with me. Try anything wil not live to regret it."



"If my path has come to an end....then so be it." Was his only response.

Jaykob walked, while he walked, he gazed at the old world glory, old buildings, old memories, old pains....they would continue to walk for a few more miles before reaching his camp.

It was a few slabs from a building collapsed onto another building, the man walked under the shelter, and began the process of starting a fire.

When the fire was up he smiled.

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
Ceska frowned at the man's back as she followed along. He didn't seem the slightest bit concerned with having her close enough to run him through in a blink. This one's crazy, or close enough.

As they reached his 'camp', she folded her arms and observed the surrounding buildings. They seemed sturdy enough and a quick probe through the Force revealed no immediate danger. The particular buildings he had set up under looked wedged together tightly enough that she doubted she could even push them over with the Force. She stood just outside as she watched him start the fire quickly and skillfully. Obviously, he had done this many times before.

"So why are you really here, and don't give me any of that poodoo you've been spouting."



The man sat across the fire motioning for her to sit too.

He pulled out a cigar and held the tip to the fire allowing it to light.

"Why I am here? I wander this city....waiting for the old world fires to burn me...." tye man said, the city's fires have been burning for years.....

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
Starshield took a seat across from him and shook her head.

"You wanna burn so bad, go find a Sith."

On a whim, she decided to be honest. Worst case, she could always kill him and dump him as she did the Rodian.

"Ever since I left my old home, I have been drifting. This place, I don't know why, but I felt it pulling me. I knew it felt wrong, like a deadness."



Revelations puffed the cigar then took it out of his mouth.

"The sith do not intimidate me....I'd prefer to burn by fire of the old world." He paused before puffing his cigar again.

The woman sounded less hostile when she said the second part.

"They say the old souls of the ones that died hear call people.....draw them in, then take them...but what do I probably think I am crazy....when in fact I am the most sane person you've probably met."

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
"What you call 'souls', I call the Force," replied Starshield "As far as you being sane, that's up for debate."

She tilted her head back and sighed. Really, Ceska had no reason to feel disappointed in finding only ruins here. This was the path of destruction the Sith left behind. More and more, she had begun to believe it was the Sith Lords themselves and not the Dark Side that was 'evil'. However, things were 'good' and 'evil' if you deemed them so, something her old Master had taught her. Very un-Jedi of him, and yet, he had been a model of what a Jedi Guardian should be.

Only a Sith delt in absolutes, Obi-wan Kenobi had once said, but how very hypocritical of him to say it. The Jedi Code itself, the very laws that governed them were absolute. They were...inhuman in their desire to deny passion. Every being felt emotion but they seemed to believe in purging yourself of those 'malignancies'.



"The force....souls....same same, all within, spirits. ?." The man grinned

He then puffed his cigar, he looked to a box and put his cigar down. Opening the box he pulled out some meat.

"YYou want something to eat? A smoke perhaps?"

[member="Ceska Starshield"]
Ceska eyed him and shrugged, accepting the offer of food. Dried meat added variety to the steady diet of ration bars. The bars themselves contained all essential nutrition but tasted like not much of anything. Stopping to chew, she pondered for a moment.

"What you said, it makes me think," she paused to gather her thoughts "I was taught that the Light was pure and good, the Dark was corrupt and evil. Yet, it's all the same, only one greater Force."

Popping another piece of meat into her mouth, she used it as a pretext for more silent contemplation.

"Night is not any more evil than day, but some species think so. However, the nocturnal beings they believe the night is good. Does this make them bad?"

She shook her head.

"The Jedi are hypocrites. They teach you, no, force you to suppress yourself. They view expressing passionate feeling as wrong, and yet, what makes us human and not droids. The individual is blasphemy to them, they think like a colony of insects!"

"I think that what the Sith have done here, without greater purpose, is wrong. However, these are the actions of individual beings and not the Dark Side. My Master, he died on a training mission with a Republic member world, in order to help others. That's what selflessness earns you, death. Then you are forgotten by ungrateful, useless worms!"

Her ire was well and truly raised now. She could feel her anger flaring, the Dark energy around her fanning the flames.

"Well I will not die for some ungrateful, weak fools," she said unconsciously rising to her feet "I won't die following a Code that makes me a shell to carry out the will of a galaxy that doesn't fething care!"


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