Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved Location Whisperstorm

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Name: The Whisperstorm

Image Source: Here

Intent: Netherworld Event

Classification: Meteorological Anomaly

Location: Chaos, the Whisperstorm can form almost anywhere with enough emotional turbulence. Most often the storms seem attracted to sites of ruin or devastation.

Size: Variable, dependent on intensity of the Whisperstorm, begins as size medium, but in the correct circumstances it can grow to Massive proportions.

Population: Begins with at least one, the Whisperstorm grows in energy around an emotional source.

Demographics: N/A (transient location)

Points of Interest: Appears as a near silent turbulent mass of dark, thrashing clouds.

Description: A roiling mass of storm clouds; Blue-black, monstrously dark and highlighted with piercing blue-white streaks of lightning. The clouds seem to hug the ground isolating those who are within and cutting visibility significantly. Despite the excessive motion of the cloud there is no wind found within the storm. Yet you can hear it blowing.

The longer an individual stands within the Whisperstorm the louder it appears to become, and as the volume apparently rises the witness begins to hear voices in the storm. The words are familiar but never quite audible enough to be understood, they whispers overlap in endless layers of sound. The tone and mood of the whispers seems to be of one theme emotionally. That theme is different depending on where the storm originated.

Eventually the storm becomes loud enough to deafen out all other sound and the voices whispering seems frantic, frenetic, scratching at the edges of your mind. Witnesses at this point of the Whisperstorm report seeing the shape of ghosts or spirits flying in the roiling clouds at the edges of their vision.

Earplugs are no defense from the sound of the storm, and even those who are considered deaf have are able to hear the storm, which is frightening in itself.

The storm seems to move of its own volition, drifting slowly, sometimes growing or shrinking.

History: Whisperstorms tend to first form over an source of an extreme emotional response, although seemingly non-sentient they do appear to be drawn to similar areas of emotional resonance, growing in intensity in their presence.

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