Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Lady Kay"]

Expansion was often the way of governments.

Even those who claimed to stand for peace expanded eventually through one means or another. Whether it was through diplomacy or war, generally it didn't matter all that much. Vrak knew this, he'd watched the galaxy tumble around for fifty years. Even in Athiss' isolation he had been able to watch dozens of governments go through the same cycles over and over again.

It was the way of things. "I see."

He replied simply.

"Then I suppose you're only limited by your own ambition." Vrak said with that same smile.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay tilted her head to the side in a slight nod of agreement, but also showing that she had something to add. "Yes, as well as by how much one person can do on their own. Loyalty, commitment and perseverance. Those are all rare qualities in this day and age."

Unless of course she was the problem. There was always that possibility too. The amount of staff had shrunk considerably since her return from captivity. But there was no need to make a sob story about it.

It was strange how the smile on [member="Vrak Nashar"] 's face never changed. It was almost as though he wasn't real. But in reality it was probably due to the fact that she was human. "So tell me, what drives your ambition?"
[member="Lady Kay"]

It was an interesting question. Many would have argued that his ambition was simply a nature of his race. Purebloods lusted after power and dominion like many other species lusted after the opposite sex. There was something right about a Pureblood holding power. Something undeniable.

He frowned for a second.

"Simple need, I would say." He told her with a shrug. "My ambitions have been with me since I was a child. They have not changed an iota."

Again he shrugged. What else was he to say? He wanted what he wanted, because he wanted it. There was no external force driving him, no one pushing him in any direction. Vrak simply wanted power for his own sake, nothing else.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
"And what is it that you want, Lord Nashar?"

It was an open question. He could answer it in so many ways. But the answer, if [member="Vrak Nashar"] gave more than just a generic one, was what she was interested in. If it was workable with her own plans, then perhaps for a time, they could work together. That is if he could forego the fact that she was human.
[member="Lady Kay"]

"In simplest terms?" He smiled.

The answer was a long one really. Vrak of course wanted specific things. He wanted Athiss, he wanted a seat on the Council, he wanted an army, respect, half a dozen other things that he could list without even a single thought. Yet that answer wouldn't interest her, not really.

"Power." He told her simply. "Above all else. I desire power."

For the first time he fully turned to her.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Power. Well that was a given. That's what most wanted, isn't it? Power gives one freedom; freedom to do whatever you wanted, freedom from worry and freedom of undue stress.

Kay had openings in her government. It was difficult to find the right people to fulfill the roles. But now it seemed, as signified by [member="Vrak Nashar"] turning to face her fully, she had his undivided attention.

"And what are your areas of expertise?"
[member="Lady Kay"]

The Twi'lek seemed to linger at his side, placing himself as though to guard the conversation from others who might wander by an overhear. Vrak didn't acknowledge him, though he would have oddly enough done the same for him. He didn't see the alien as a friend of course, but an ally.

"Thought." He told her plainly. "Finding the best way to do as I want."

Why do something twice if you could find the most effective solution with just a little more time.

"Patience is key." To all things.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded slowly in acknowledgement. Patience was key. She knew that well enough. Her plans were already in the works. People were behaving as she expected, so it made things all the easier for her. Of course some unexpected circumstances have arisen, but she had managed on her own so far. But as the list of allies and new businesses grew, plus with a few people helping her to deal with her...condition properly, she needed an extra hand.

"A strategist. I could use one to help me run my kingdom. It's expanding quickly, perhaps a little too quickly due to the state that the Galaxy is in. It seems that everyone is unsure and on guard for a threat in the shadows." Little did they know that the shadow was already there.


For the moment, Kay didn't regard the Twi'lek that so politely almost protecting their conversation.
[member="Lady Kay"]

He frowned for a moment.

Vrak wasn't interested in service of any kind. He was, by nature, meant to rule. The idea of lowering himself, of serving anyone was a distasteful thought. He had done it before on Athiss, bowed and scraped before his 'betters' for years and years. It had been a necessity then, would it be again.

He frowned for a second more, trying to assess if this offer, the idea of it could have any merit at all.

"Tell me more." He asked.

His decision would depend upon the specifics, her plans, his place in them.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
[member="Vrak Nashar"] didn't seem very pleased. But then again she didn't know him well and had yet to see him in a good mood. Politeness and happiness were two different things. Perhaps he wasn't the right person for the position, yet she decided to just roll with it anyways.

"I don't have someone to work with me as my right hand, someone to safeguard Commenor and it's interests while I am away on diplomatic missions. Due to the fact that new governments are banding together around us, I'd need someone that could use our military assets to the best of their ability to protect our neutrality and sovereignty. I am not at liberty to go into full detail, nor am I looking for someone that would agree with me all the time. A different point of view is a valuable commodity. "
[member="Lady Kay"]

He mused.

Athiss kept him far too busy to attend yet another world, but there was a solution for every problem. He had half a dozen retainers who could act in his stead, not to mention that the ships he'd built were more than fast enough to bridge any gap that would be formed. He mused on the idea for a few moments, looking Lady Kay up and down before slowly nodding his head.

"Let us adjourn to somewhere more...private." He glanced around. "These things should not be discussed in places like this."

Not in proper detail.

"I believe we can come to an agreement." How interesting this would be.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded to [member="Vrak Nashar"] and gestured for him to lead the way. Afterall he knew this place far better than she did. "After you, Lord Nashar. I'm sure that you know of a place where we can speak more freely."

She wasn't an idiot, however. Putting a complete stranger into a powerful position wasn't exactly the wisest of moves. Yet she didn't trust a lot of people anyways. And of course she always had backup plans should things go sour.
[member="Lady Kay"]

Oddly enough Vrak had no home on Muunilist, not since his little...incident with Seraphina. The stunt that he had pulled with his Twi'lek Assassin had landed him in unfavorable waters here for a time, and even though they invited him back the government had not been to keen on him actually owning anything here anymore.

Understandable really considering he had committed an act of terrorism.

Of course this hardly mattered given how much money he'd put into the hands of the bankers here, and thus if he needed a room, like he did now, he could simply use one of a hundred different locations that were open to him. He motioned Lady Kay to follow, quickly moving out of the great hall of the party and towards a set of stairs in the distant corner. "Here."

He told her as an attendant opened a pair of double doors for them.

Beyond they would find a luxurious apartment, the living room already laid out with a comfortable sofa and a table.


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay followed [member="Vrak Nashar"] , not speaking a word. She paused as the door was opened for them, almost as if she was expecting something to jump out. But nothing did. Not this time.

She stepped inside, taking note of the room, how it was decorated and where everything was. The sofa looked inviting to sit on, but she wasn't quite ready to do so yet.

Her attention was turned to Lord Nashar. "What agreement do you have in mind?" She wanted to hear what he had to say before she could start to negotiate.
[member="Lady Kay"]

Straight to business he supposed.

Humans always had such a...rushed sense about them. Like everything needed to be completely right then and there or everything would fall apart. It was one of the reasons that Vrka had such a distaste for them, they always seemed to be scurrying about, like rodents.

"A mutually beneficial arrangement." He told her simply.

Those were usually the most agreeable.

"I will advise you in the matters you require." He told her simply. "And in exchange all I need is information."


Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay always got straight to the point. Unless she was uncomfortable. [member="Vrak Nashar"] didn't seem to be the type that liked to beat around the bush.

She raised a brow as he asked for information. "What kind of information are you looking for?" He had left it pretty vague, an open ended request that could mean just about anything.
[member="Lady Kay"]

"Everything." He told her. There was no need to be pedantic, he was being entirely serious. "Information is the key to everything."

Vrak had already ensured he'd had several sources across the galaxy. Several syndicates, allies, listening posts, all serving him.

"The more I know the better I can do what I need to do." Knowledge was power, and Vrak intended to be powerful. For that he needed as many sources as he could possibly have. Giving some advice in exchange for that?



Sphaera Tea Company Owner
Kay nodded a little. Information was valuable. She knew that well and kept quite a few things to herself. Some have tried to use information against her, so she was quite selective over who she opened up to. There was far too much at stake.

Until she knew that [member="Vrak Nashar"] could be trusted, she was going to be quite selective over what information he was given. It was nothing personal. Kay would do the same to anyone else.

"When would you like to start? I'm perfectly fine with you finishing your other affairs first."
[member="Lady Kay"]


Another source of information, not to mention influence. "I have things to tend to here."

Just one or two matters that he would have to complete, simple things.

"I will join you in a few days time?" The question was half rhetorical. "I will only require the coordinates."

He had his own ship after all.

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