Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Whiskey Lullably

Absent music, this place was nice.​
At least, nice enough to drink someone half to death in. This place wasn't a social lounge, it was a place for deadbeats, downers, and general mischief-makers to come and reflect on their piss-poor choices in life. Kaiden Rohn, was such an entity. Aimless, friendless, practically jobless, the former Medic, and Commander of Havoc Squad had fallen to ruin. After what he thought could be a chance of love was taken from him, and anyone whom he cared for perished or disappeared from his life, Kaiden was in a bad way. And so he found himself, drinking away his sorrows and his savings in such a place. The place was dirty, drains on the floor, to scrape away blood or wash away grime with relative ease.

Kaiden reminded himself that his life was a mixture of both. Blood and grime. The bar reminded him of his upbringing, battling rival swoop gangs in the underbelly of Coruscant, far from the glitz and glamor of the towering skyscrapers. Beneath the clouds, lie a world of murder, rape, thieves, and killers. He was part of it. Some parts he simply turned a blind eye to. And eventually, he joined the Republic military and escaped. But life got no easier for the aging man. For him, life may have gotten harder, in some aspects. Everything he fought for, ripped from him like a piece of cheap notebook paper being torn out to pass a note to some girl. With the galaxy going up in a big red flame, all Kaiden could do was sit back, and down drinks like he used to down Sith soldiers. Now, the Sith walked around, destroying everything. They were more akin to a toddler in a house than an empire, destroying, but not creating much in their wake.

But all that didn't matter now, because Kaiden was drunk. Or at least, halfway there. He was also armed, which probably meant that the situation wouldn't end well after the next few drinks. He leaned forward, his hands grasping his third drink. He could feel it. The weight of his body changed. Starting the relief early.
[member="Kaiden Rohn"]

Bars, Cantina's and clubs.

Vassara knew most of these places like the back of her hand and frequented them more often than she'd like to admit. Half crazed from deep space she usually flitted between them looking for odd jobs. The Gypsy Caravan over time had grown to used to really be effective and now she had stopped off here for the chance of new parts. And new jobs.

The black haired woman entered the bar, hand on the but of her slung Czerka Scattergun, eyes moving back and forth. Within seconds she had scanned the room and others noticed her too. A rodian came lunging at her, clearly drunk and determined to get a piece.

But Vassara was too quick and caught his hand, pulling him and reversing his arm into an arm bar.

"Wrong move squid man."

She slammed the elbow, severing the joint with a resounding crack. Startled patrons ran from the two as Vassara shoved him into the crowd growling. The black coat with the red trim glared in the lights as she made her way to the bar. Her comrade Silas was clad in a red jumpsuit, twin blasters at his hip.

"Here we go."

"Yeah no kiddding, nice arm bar!"

"No biggie, hey bartender, two ales!"

The bartender nodded and thats when she noticed a peculiar man. He was solid as if made of rock and very drunk. Vassaras eyes scanned him, assessing his threat and she drank deeply as the two mugs were slammed down in front of the two....
She moved like a bat out of hell, and raised more than anything from it. Kaiden didn't move, didn't even stare at her while she and her companion sat down. He knew the voice. He'd encountered her in a derelict ship, scavenging where she technically shouldn't have been. He knew the move she did- a painful way to incapacitate an opponent. But not lethal. So he could at least commend her on that.

Then, her eyes dipped on him. He wasn't that drunk yet- but he was getting there. He returned the scan, then narrowed his eyes. It was getting harder to concentrate- and soon enough, it'd be harder to feel and to remember. That's when the relief would come.


He grunted, turning back to his front.

[member="Vassara Raxis"]
[member="Kaiden Rohn"]

Vassara knew his voice too. The merc they had encountered on Carlan station was here. Of course the run in was during a routine snatch and grab mission. He hadn't resisted and they had survived the reavers which made her all the more apt to get his attention.

"Whats up mysterious guy. How you been?"

Silas simply grumbled and took another sip of his drink, lighting up a smoke. Vassaras eyes scanned Kaiden, looking for any sudden signs he might turn on them. Her hand wandered to the butt of her machine pistol, resting on the cold metallic handle.

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.
The sound of Ark's drunken fest was music to his own ears. Drink in one hand, he spouted out the punch line of some horrible story of his that seemed to only be funny when he was drunk. "So I told him, buddy, youre on dantooine, and that is NOT a sacryllium hyperdrive!" the group of other drunken patrons of all species erupted in a liquor fueled laughter.

Ark stumbled onto the man next to him, and was caught by his shoulder as the group kept laughing. Taking a last gulp of his drink, Ark stumbled back to the bar to get a refill.

"Bartender, get me some Cornelian whiskey!"

"Not this time Tallen, im cutting you off for tonight, go home"

"Awe, are you kidden me man!"

Being drunk didnt help the situation, as Ark escalated trying to bargain with the bartender, beginning to cause a scene.

@Vassara Raxis @Kaiden Rohn
[member="Ark Tallen"] was causing a ruckus- but none that required his attention. For the time being, at least. His attention turned back to [member="Vassara Raxis"] and her questions. He tapped his hands on the bar, before coming up with a slurred response.

"Terrible and sober."

He turned towards the bartender, but was getting to the point of inebriation that such concerns would be out of his control. [member="Vassara Raxis"] would maybe only have a few more sips until conversation was out of the question entirely.
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Kaiden Rohn"]

"You looking to pick up any sidejobs? I could use a hand for my next expedition. It's another space station, much like the one we found you on."

Vassara took another slug of her drink, turning a wary eye across the way to where a familiar presence was making a rather large scene. It would not be long before the bouncers were called and he found himself out on the street. Or worse killed. Vassara waved to him with a black gloved hand, shouting across the room.

"Oy, you there, get your karking shebs over here!"

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.
Arks ongoing argument was ceased when he heard a familiar voice call to him from across the bar. Waving his hand at the bartender to show his contempt following with a grunt, Ark turned his head towards his caller.

"awe c'mon" he uttered.

stumbling over to his old "companion", Ark began to explain himself. "listen.... about tatooine...."

@Vassara Raxis @Kaiden Rohn
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Kaiden Rohn"]

"You don't have to explain yourself to me Mr.Tallen." Vassara winked, hooking a thumb behind her at the entrance. There were two massive droids making their way through the crowd now, with fearsome looking guns. Their photo receptors scanned faces and belts, picking up on any hostile behaviours.

"It's them you gotta worry about. I'm just trying to keep you from getting killed."

Vassara ordered another glass of whiskey and slid it across the table to the Ark.

"I see they cut you off, but I got you. You interested in a side job with some of my type?"

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.
Noticing his current problem Ark felt lucky to have been so unlucky at the current point in time.

"Darling, with complete respect, I wouldnt mind never meeting another person like you for as long as I live" Ark spoke loudly with a chuckle.

Looking back at his whiskey, and then at the guard droids pursuing the area, Ark rethought.

Clearing his throat, Ark spoke again more seriously "On second thought, what did you have in mind".

@Vassara Raxis
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Kaiden Rohn"]

"You come with me on an..... expedition of sorts."

Vassara knocked back her glass, taking another round with a wave of her hand. The woman could hold her liquor unnaturally well, and though her face was flush red, she was in control of the situation. Her hazel eyes ran up and down his frame, assessing his threat status. What weapons did he have, how did he stand?

These were all things that betrayed many a man. After a certain period of hanging silence she spoke again.

"Payout can be high, but the wager is your life... do you like to gamble?"

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.
Taking a seat and resuming his cool, Ark spoke again "Not going to lie, I am a little out of money right now, so, what the hell. Where and when."

"what the hell" was Arks tag line, doing things that made no sense in the name of adventure, and at this point, it was muscle memory. All he cared about now was if hed have the time to sober up before the job.

@Vassara Raxis
[member="Ark Tallen"] [member="Kaiden Rohn"]

Vassara chuckled. Out of money seemed to be the overall situation for a lot of folks these days. Which made recruiting a little easier for her and much more profitable. Each mission netted some worth and brought her closer to her ultimate goal. The destruction of the cursed One Sith. She opened her datapad, sliding it from her arm mount and plopping it on the table for Ark to read.

"Here's the deal man. I got word on a Medical facility that was captured by pirates in hutt space. Used to belong to ACA authorities but now the place is overrun. Thing is these pirates aren't any notable crew and they let people on the station to buy and sell whatever ill gotten goods they have."

Vassara took another drink, feeling a warm rush beginning to flush her face now.

"So we sneak on, with a few of my fellow crew and.."

She put her fingers up to her head as if simulating a gun and cocked her thumb with a flourish.

"Waste em all. Then we get whatever's on the station for loot."

She took another drink now and continued again.

"If I find you to be trustworthy I can bring you into my crew... The Underground. Pays legit."

Ark Tallen

Quartermaster of the Expeditionary fleet.
Ark left out a breath. Killing people wasn't his strong suit. doable, but not preferable. But then again, he needed the money.

"I can sneak you aboard, but id rather keep the killing on my part to a minimum."

Ark took another swig.

"And about your invitation to whatever black market your running, ill consider it. but the job comes first."

@Vassara Raxis
[member="Ark Tallen"]

Vassara chuckled again, casting a funny look into Arks eyes. He was a younger spacer, must have been fresh on the scene. Most veterans had heard of the undgeround. Even fewer that heard of it were a part of it. What many failed to realize was that the underground was the job. The only job. They employed ninety percent of spacers and smugglers in the galaxy with jobs, whether themselves or through proxies.

"We'll see about that. The Underground is literally the job youngster. So your down then?"
[member="Ark Tallen"]

"You can ride with me. The Gypsy Caravans a bit less known in these regions. Besides I don't want to put a mark on your head once they figure out which ship it is."

Vassara waved to him as he seemed to be departing and turned back to Kaiden, whom had not spoken a word during the whole conversation. Still she knew his shrewd ears must have heard most of it, as she put little effort into concealing it.

"What about you?"
"To be honest. Both of you are getting in the way of me getting drunk."

Kaiden was nearly totally drunk. Having casual or even intricate conversation was out of the question. Asking him about his life and his woes? A treasure trove waiting to be opened.

[member="Vassara Raxis"]
[member="Kaiden Rohn"]

Kaiden seemed grumpy an Vassara ever the inquisitor was determined to find what ailed him. Every time they had run, Kaiden had been grumpy, even on a station surrounded by Reavers. She slammed another round down and held up two fingers to order two more. One she slid towards Kaiden whilst the other she palmed.

With a flourish she put her black leather boot to wood and kicked out a bar stool, sitting down and clanking the glass on the solid durasteel surface of the bar. The din was chaotic, people drunk and dancing the band playing.

She squinted leaning in towards him with a coy smile.

"You aren't here getting drunk for nothing. Take a load off friend, what ails you?"

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