Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Faction When a World is Under Fire (ZINO and Allies)

The world of Belazura was once one of the jewels of the Galactic Republic. The sad thing was it currently was a shadow of its history. With many corporations leading the way to carve their own chunks out of the world. Companies coming in, trying to capitalize on the last few square kilometers, or protected preserves… Still others were out, causing damage to the world.

And that was what was bringing Jared Starchaser, Jedi Wayseeker, sort of Jensaarai, and all around Hedge user of the Force. Some Jedi, some Witch, some Jensaarai but all… relative do gooder. Hearing the plight of the world, several others were coming to Belazura to see what could be done. The galaxy was always in turmoil, but for some? The smaller disasters and calls for help were more important.

Many others had heard the call to come to Belazura, those who answered, that would be up to them. The warrior stepped from his starship onto the field. The alerts they had were specific. A small village, and that was most definitely what it was, in Jared's opinion, requesting help. Mining droids from Pacifier Circulation Corp or PaciCo, were finding their way to the outskirts of the village, and were starting to break into the mountains nearby.

The Wayseeking Adventurer had landed his navy blue corvette on the planet. A few traveling with him, from Sullustan to Chiss soldiers, and several vagrant Force users that had been coming with him. Stepping out, more armored than a typical Jedi, but not to the level of a Jensaarai, Jared was in leathers produced from several kills in Wild Space, able to keep him light weight and lightsaber resistant.

"Our mission is simple, we are here to stop the mining and see what we can do for the people of the local village. Belazura is a bit of a different world. Once beautiful, now apparently under the direction of corporations. PaciCo is working to take their own piece of this pie. We are going to be lucky that if we get exposed, they will think a local operation is doing it. But… that's not plan A.

"Any questions?"

OOC: Think Magnificent Seven, a company that is green-washed, stating that they are helping restore part of the world of Belazura by harvesting sulfur, phosphorus, and magnesium to transplant elsewhere on the world. What PaciCo truly creates are chemical cleansers for war efforts, and for eliminating species from various planets.

Thread is open to those who want to have a bit of do-gooding action. Start going in with a covert feel, and see where it goes.
For many on Belazura, it was just a typical day. A day of struggling to make ends meet, a day of finding the beauty in the disaster. But for others, including the Muun Suldi Cot, today was a day to check on the ventures of PaciCo. It was a money making venture that did what it could to make sure the majority of the beings that saw their logos associated them with a bit of environmental protection. Of course, PaciCo did a few things, carbon recycling, and replanting of areas that had been devastated by another company.

It was small creds to pay out for a bit of good press. But here on Belazura? Well, the droids were marked with other logos of shell companies. And it wasn't like anyone was here to care. Someone else had done a fair share on Belazura, so PaciCo coming in as not-the-first company was fine.

A few screens in the PaciCo control room were starting to flicker for a mere second. The Muun turned to one of his human underlings. "Are there any scheduled events in the area? Can you run a diagnostic of the computer and see if that little group… what are they called ZINE? Are they operating out this way?"

He really didn't want to deal with that.

Zenitha Chuma Zenitha Chuma

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