Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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When a Mask is shown....

Taking my time I wore my three piece suit. (in sig) The mask covering most of my face. Even with the red tint in the visor I could still see clearly. Smirking as I walked past a bar with a man who was just thrown out. He crumpled up to his side as a man came over and kicked him. As the man's foot came in for another hit to the stomach I grabbed his arm and flipped it around his back and pulling up so fast that is shoulder wrist and elbow all popped in unison. He tried to scream out in pain, only my black gloved hand had covered his mouth to silence his scream.

A few hours earlier I saw this man beat up a different person out side a different bar. He walked away from that with not a scratch on him. His blond scraggly hair and grey stubble of a beard marked him as my target. Even though I was just starting out here on courscant slums as a vigilante known as only Dark rose, The man on the ground who looked to be just 18 looked up at me in surprised and thanks. I nodded to him saying one word in a hushed but hoarse tone. "Go." The young man blabbered a thanks and ran away. With my target in my hands I smiled as I brought my lips near his ever perfect ears and spoke only in a whisper.

"What is it with you beating up people? Does it make you feel better?" I removed my hand from his mouth to answer, but all he did was purse his lips shut. Smiling I pushed up harder and I could hear a groaning sound from the bones rubbing on each other in his arm. He screamed out only a pep when I covered his mouth shut. "Talk?" I asked him in a simple word. I could smell the stench of piss and sweat when I looked down to see that I had scared him so much that he soiled himself. he nodded his head very fast like. Taking my hand off his mouth he began to speak. "I'm sorry, I just..... No I.... Please let me go!"

I smiled and shook his body side to side to show that I was not letting him go. "Answer me first scum." He allowed himself to speak once more. "Because I like to see people hurt! Does that answer you?" I smiled with a huff, even in his ears he could hear me as I said so. I threw him onto the ground and pulled out a E-5 blaster rifle seemingly out of nowhere. and pointed at the man's chest. "How about I leave you the way you leave them." It was said with no remorse and no emotion.

A blaster shot could be heard as the bolt it the man's knee with a sickening sound.
@[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa sprinted with the Force down the street. The Sith was in hot pursuit. She twisted and turned, street after street. Finally, the Sith came close enough to her. The Sith raised her hands and let a strong thrust of Force escape her open palms. Lexa was thrown into a building, rocketing through the door and colliding with a wall. Momentarily, Lexa blacked out. When she regained her sense, she found herself in a cantina, the Sith baring down upon her. "I gave you a choice," The woman cooed with a twisted grin, "To follow and obey, or to die this way." Lexa spit blood from her lips and rose to her feet. The woman Sith used the Force to grasp Lexa's throat and lift her into the air. Waging her finger, the woman clicked her tongue. "Now now, little one, let's not get overzealous. After all, we both know who's going to die. Why prolong the inevitable?" Lexa wheezed, clawing at the air for a moment. Then, she closed her eyes. Seconds later, she ignited her hands, brought them together in front of her, and shot a large ball of fire at the woman. The Sith was blown backward to the ground, the front part of her black robes blackened further. Lexa landed on her hands and knees, gasping for breath. Finally, she glared at the Sith with cold, dead ferocity. "Someone's going to burn. And it won't be me." She stood, and ignited her golden lightsaber. The Sith woman stood as well, her blade crimson. There was a very good chance that the battle could destroy the bar.......
@[member="Zack Danheir"]
Leaving the man where he was, I decided that my job for the day was over. I had already tracked the guy for a while, and he was my 25 person today. I was tired and ready for some shut eye. However, I felt the need to walk to a bar. Even in there I ordered a drink of simple beer. Everyone stared at me as though I were a ghost revealing itself. I took a drink when I heard two pairs of running footsteps. Quickly I jumped over the end of the bar as someone was thrown through the door and slammed into the spot that I had been at.

I looked up to see a woman enter the bar and hold the second girl up. I could see that the lady in black robes was clearly a sith. and the other was looking like a smuggler of some kind. I had already drawn my E-5 rifle once more ready to pounce on the sith when the lady that was being chased was also a force user. Blasting what looked to be like a fire ball at the woman's chest. sending her feet back from her. Even with all of this I kept my calm. I was surprised that both of them had lightsabers and decided to fight in open ground. I smirked as I set the rifle down, and pulled my twin pistols from my back. The second that the red blade had came alive, I popped up.

Aiming my pistols at the sith I fired my slugthrowers each twice, then vaulted over the bar to stand toe to toe with the orange lightsaber welding woman. "And I thought that I would not fight another Sith so soon."
@[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa took the moment of distraction by a man from the bar. She lunged in the Sith's direction, angling her body so that she wouldn't hit the man. The two woman collided, thudding to the ground. Lexa wrestled the red lightsaber away from the Sith woman. It rolled behind the bar. The Sith savagely berated Lexa's body with powerful blows, but that only made Lexa more angry. Finally, Lexa managed to pin the woman's shoulder's down with her knees, and wrap her hands around the woman's throat. As the Sith began to struggle for air, Lexa's eyes began glowing a white-yellow. Her breaths were coming out in huffs as the Sith wheezed beneath her.
@[member="Zack Danheir"]
Before I could even react the two women had lunged at eachother. Wrestling on the ground. I watched it with some slight fascination as nothing beats two girls wrestling. Even as I watched the saber that the Sith had dropped rolled over to the bar. With my foot I stopped it from running all the way under there. As quiet as a mouse I picked it up and took it. I mean, its not like you see a force user drop their prized weapon all the time. Clipping it to my belt I looked up to see that the one with it seemed as fire for her hair choking the daylights out of the other woman.

Running over quickly as My pistols were put up in their holsters, I placed my hands on the firey woman's shoulders and yanked her off. "Hey, Get off of her." As I yanked her off I set my elbow on the Sith's chest and looked straight at her. "Move and I leave her to you." Looking back at the woman who acted like a feral cat What the Kark is going on?
@[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa wiped the blood from her mouth and glared down at the Sith. "Why don't you ask her?" She hissed. Lexa put her hands on her knees, leaning down a little closer to the woman. "Ask the feir'fek why she thinks I'd ever join the Dark side when it makes you SO WEAK..." She said, smirking darkly down at the Sith. The Sith glared right back at Lexa. "I will KILL YOU, pathetic whelp!"
@[member="Zack Danheir"]
Smiling I nodded my head. Pulling one of my pistols out as the Sith tried to squirm out of my grip. I placed it at the base of her skull and shook my head. "I wouldnt if I were you." Facing back to the Fiery woman I smiled at her. Nobody trusts a sith. SO again tell me what happened.
@[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa shrugged. "She found me. Guess she thought that since I'm a Fire Shaper, she could convince me to become a Sith. Unfortunately, she didn't quite understand the word 'no'..." She crossed her arms. The woman chuckled darkly. "Such a waste of power in you, little one. I feel sad for you, being so ignorant."
@[member="Zack Danheir"]
I Smiled as she told me about what was happening. I nodded as I turned to face the Sith. "Run along now, and If I see you again, I'll get the Fire shaper and set her loose." I let the woman go and the instant that it happened She scramed. "Don't chase her, She knows she can't get away now." As if on cue Police showed up and grabbed her with a troop of 12 men.
@[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa crossed her arms. "That's not gonna help...." She said, shaking her head. Moments later, the police force was blown backward in every direction by a wave of Force energy. The Sit woman made a mad dash down the street, and a few policemen stood up and ran after her. Lexa turned to the man. "You should've just let me kill her. It's not like they'll be able to catch her now, anyway. She would've done the same to me. I should've returned the favor..." She said, looking at the door where she had escaped and glaring at it.
@[member="Zack Danheir"]
I only shook my head as the Sith escaped. "You really think she escaped?" Looking up to the other woman I smiled at her. "She has per pride and weapon gone, first she will have to find or make a new one, then she will have to explain why she didn't come back with you alive in tow. No she has not escaped anything." I pulled out the saber that was on my belt as the woman made her way out of sight. "She is missing something, and she won't get it back. because she knows that right now you are with me. If she comes anywhere near you, She would get her ass beaten a second time. And I wont be so lineant."

I put the saber back on my belt and stood up turning towards the firey woman "May I ask your name?"
@[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa looked at him evenly, cautiously hiding any emotion. "I'm Lexa. And you don't need to do that. This is my fight, so if she comes back, I'll kill her. You don't need to kill her for me." She said flatly.
@[member="Zack Danheir"]
The Red Rose had never lost a target, and this day wouldn't change that. As she chased down the culprit, she smirked when he stumbled over some boxes. She was almost there.... Beep. Groaning, she checked her watch. There was a more important target to catch. A... Sith? Well then. Nodding in the direction of the signal, she ran off in that direction. It was a big city, but she eventually saw the fleeing suspect. Behind her was Zack with another girl. Another girl? She would ask him about that later. Paging him that she was on the trail, she chased after the woman.

@[member="Zack Danheir"] @[member="Lexa Kimene"]
I smiled when she thought I was going to get into the fight. I shook my head. "No, I mean that I won't stop you like I did just now." Letting my hand out towards her I offered a handshake. "Lexa, I'm Black Rose." Once she ether took my hand and shook it or rejected it I could care less. Walking over to the bar I stuck out my hand to the bartender and gingerly did he place the E-5 rifle in my hand. "Now if you don't mind I have work to do."

Almost as if on cue did "Red Rose land infront of us. Smiling I ran out to meet her just as She paged me that she was on the Sith's lead. Hoping that to all the fracking gods in the world and the galaxy that the other woman didn't follow them.
@[member="Lexa Kimene"], @[member="Scarlet Faith"]
Lexa watched the man leave. She saw a familiar red-clothed girl waiting for him a ways away. Scarlet? So he must've been the boy she was talking about. Lexa smiled. They looked alright together. She exited the bar and began making her way down the street, away from the couple. She was going to find that Sith. If there was one thing Lexa hated, it was when someone started something that they couldn't finish. Well, Lexa would just have to be the nicer person and finish this for her, now wouldn't she?
@[member="Scarlet Faith"]
@[member="Zack Danheir"]
When Red Rose received a conformation from her partner, she picked up speed. They would take this Sith down together. Speaking into her headset, she spoke to Zack. "Black Rose, i'm in pursuit, what's your six?"

@[member="Zack Danheir"] @[member="Lexa Kimene"]
I could only smile as "Red Rose" was using military terms. Running along the street I looked behind me to see the woman Lexa, run out and try to look for herself. I only smiled and shook my head at the thought of the poor sith that would encounter a girl with a giant scythe, a guy that can snap necks with one hand, and another girl that seemed to burst into flames. Poor poor sith.

"Along the ground, Checking if left by foot." With the rifle in my hands others that I ran by moved out of my way fast as they saw a man in a white mask running in a black suit with a rifle. Not a good mix of items that you want to see on your way to work. "Get above and see if you can find her from there."
@[member="Scarlet Faith"], @[member="Lexa Kimene"]
"Got it." With a single motion, Scarlet's scythe unfurled, and she shot the ground. Leaving a massive crack in the permacrete, the girl rocketed into the air at blazing speed, landing on a nearby rooftop. Continuing her sprint without hesitation, she made it to the edge, where she saw the Sith. "I've got her, heading west toward the taxis."

@[member="Zack Danheir"] @[member="Lexa Kimene"]
Lexa was hot on the Sith's trail. Her Force signature might as well have been a trail of bread crumbs, Lexa thought as she worked her way down the street. That woman wasn't getting away a second time. Lexa walked to the Force signature until it stopped in front of an entrance to the sewer. What a convenient place to hide, for a rat. Lexa cautiously entered the sewer's dark interior.
@[member="Zack Danheir"]
@[member="Scarlet Faith"]

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