Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What's lost may yet be found...(Mya)

Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
It was a strange request to make a person with specific memories AND a loyal devoted personality. The supply of blood had been returned to the large man as only a drop it needed for one clone while the other Item containing the combined memories of the subject and two others was still in place during the final part of the process. Kai-Sin was a master at this craft despite his failed experiment with the vong clones. he watched and turned to the large man.

"She will be ready soon. The accelerated aging will stop after her first few weeks but in the mean time she will be very hungry and take in information at an alarming rate." The Kaminoan said.

"Of Course" the large armored figure responded. "Just see the process is complete."

[member="Mya Munro"]
The form floated in the cloning tank, tubes feeding her, sustaining her. Her eyes flickered beneath closed eyelids as memories were slowly fed into her system, disgested and stored. She was everything like Mia Monroe in appearance, only she was pure. There were no scars, no mechanical replacements of limbs. Her skin was soft and supple her mind clear of grudges.

Even now, even at this stage she could feel the force, she could feel her brother, the Dark Lord. Her master.

Eyes snapped open, a hand reached for the glass surrounding her.


Not Ordo

Just under the upper hand.
[member="Mya Munro"]

The kaminoan stood to his full immense height and looked at the young woman in the cloning tank. She was ready it was time. He slowly finished the memory download and let the woman process for a few minutes before beginning to drain the tank.

"She is all yours." Kai-sin told the big man, "When the tank is drained she will be weak but healthy you may remove her then."
[member="Mya Munro"]

Ordo stepped forward. His armor not there today as he was trying to avoid recognition. Instead he wore plain blue plant fiber "jeans" and a black short sleeve shirt. In his hand he held a large bag for his sister, clothes and armor that he had picked out while on Mandalore. He set the bag down as she placed a hand on the container and placed his hand in front of hers against the glass.

"I'm here." He said in his same deep voice, "I promised I would be."

He watched as the tank drained and she slowly moved toward the bottom. He was impatient to get her covered and fed, call it a brothers instinct but he knew she would need time and care. As the door opened he quickly reached in and scooped her up in his arms and grabbed a robe to wrap her with. His guilt for the death of Mia was intense but this brought some closure...for now. Ordo sat her on a chair and kept a hand on her shoulder to make sure she was steady as a droid brought in food and drink.

"Good Morning, My'ika." he said as knelt in front of her and smiled.
Memories flickered through her mind, yes darting rapidly round the room. Everything sounded so crisp, so clear where all had been muffled before. Her head snapped round as the droid entered, its footsteps ricocheting off the walls of the white room. She brought her hands to her ears to shield them from the noise for a moment. So loud, so clear. All of it was so vivid, as vivid as the memories in her mind.

She lowered her hands as he knelt before her, emotion stirred in her chest. She reached forward, supple hands, not yet broken by the time of war, caressed his face. rough and pockmarked beneath her fingers "Ord'ika," She jumped slightly at her own voice, smiling slightly. She wasn't who he expected. She was not Mia Monroe, not the stubborn sith beaten girl she saw in his memories. But she could be so much greater than that.

"You have put so much in me. Why?"

[member="Mya Munro"]

Ordo reached up a battered callused hand and rested on hers. It was hard to explain but he would try.

"Soon...Very Soon people will come for me, they will find me, and I will fall, if not at first then eventually." He cleared his throat and softened his voice, "The cloner has enhanced the synapses you won't struggle with the memories and information as much as Mia did, but I needed you to know what I know, so you can understand and carry on when I'm gone."

He pulled over a chair and sat close to her so he could speak quietly and help her if need be.

"You have many questions, and now's the best time to answer them, after we'll begin your training and get you oriented to the galaxy. The Clan will need you, the vode, the galaxy, even now they rally together as I knew they would. They need a common enemy to find unity, let's hope they don't toss it away when I'm gone like they did last time." He looked away sadly remembering watching Mia fall and failing her, "You should eat while we talk."
She nodded, drawing her hands from him and pulling the tray towards her, a frown forming on her face. For a moment she looked at the food, trying to recall how to eat. Memories flickered and she picked up the cutlery and began spooning food in clumsily. That was frustrating, like her body wasn't responding the way she wanted it too. She scowled ta her hand, and the spoon food dribbling down her chin.

Her cheeks felt hot, and she looked away from Ordo. What was this? She ran through the memories. Shame, embarrassment. Feth it all. She dropped the spoon back onto the plate, her scowl deepening. "There are three people in my head. Three people that are not me, though one you want me to be?"

[member="Mya Munro"]

"Take your time." He said picking up the spoon and scooping up some for her, "Section off the memories. picture yourself isolating them into a corner that you can go to as needed. Don't try to do it all at once."

Ordo wiped her chin and held the spoon for her to eat.

"That's what I had to do." He said meeting her eyes, "Focus on the energy you can feel, the force, it comes from the Manda and it can help keep the memories in control. I want you to have access to the information, but don't let it dominate your thoughts. you need focus right now, My'ika and food."
Mya blinked, then closed her eyes, slowly boxing them. Section by section, piece by piece, person by person. It was crude, but it stopped the rushing images. Opening her eyes she looked at Ordo, before leaning forward to take the food from the spoon. She didn't dribble this time.

"Your hands, you voice, the eye and the structure. There is vision, control required.." she tailed off eyes moving round the room. It was so very white. What was she trying to ask? Why weren't the sentences coming to her like they should? Focus was required, yet there was so much to focus on. She looked at Ordo, focused on him, on his memories, picking at them.

"The people that follow you, are devoted. That is what you want me to be. You don't want me to be Mia, you want me to be like them?"

[member="Mya Munro"]

Ordo looked away setting the spoon down for a moment.

"Not exactly, You will be more than just a devoted servant Mya." He said scooping at the food and scraping it off too hold it up cleanly, "Devotion isn't mindless, you will experience things, many things that will make you question what you are, but I'll be here for a while yet, and I'll help you reach you're full potential in this life or my next."

He held up the spoon until she ate again and looked at her to help aid in the bond that would be needed.

"I want you to be who you become, Mia the woman you have in your head, she was my sister and I loved her as a sister." Ordo fought back his feelings and guilt again, "You look like her and have her memories, but you will be more than she or I ever could be, she and I are too scarred and broken. You have a chance for something greater. Do I want you to trust me and be loyal to me? Yes, I do, but I hope you will understand it's because I loved Mia for who she was, and I will love you for who you are not who you were made from. Sith are Sith, Jedi are Jedi, we are more than that, you and I."

Ordo couldn't hide the tears in his grey green eyes as he looked at the poor naked girl who had barely had a moment before being asked to process so much.

"I have had 4 daughters, I guess I want you to be my fifth my'ika." he set the spoon down and leaned to open the duffle bag he'd brought, "But lets get you dress and out of this place, You deserve better than a white robe and this hospital food."

Ordo pulled out some of Mia's old cargo pants and a tank top and jacket then set them down and took out a pair of sturdy shoes he had found.

"Do you need help or can you get dressed yourself?" He asked with genuine concern. He really believed what he said and he really cared about the life of this young woman that had been made from the blood of his sister. He would do whatever was needed to help her become his heir, and help shield her from the scars he and Mia had lived with.
Mya's face filled with concern at the sadness in [member="Ordo"]'s eyes. She hadn't meant to upset him, she just wanted to understand. Her hand wrapped around his as he spoke, but he moved away from her before she could offer anything up in response. Frowning she looked down at the floor, wanting to understand, trying to take it all in. Something caught in her throat, she swallowed but it remained, spreading to her chest. This was sorrow, but there was more behind it.

She looked up at him, her own eyes glittering with tears, but a determination set on her face. Placing her hands upon the arms of the chair, she pushed herself to unsteady feet, hand grabbing his arm for support as she stepped toward him, before wrapping her arms about his neck and hugging him tightly.

"I promise you buir, I will not let you down."

Stepping away, she turned towards the clothes, picking the cargo pants up between in her hands she looked at them for a moment. "I think, I will be ok." Slowly, but surely, she managed to work her way into the clothes provided, though the laces on her shoes seemed to be giving her some issues. She gave a sigh of frustration. She knew how to do it, her hands simpley didn't work the way she wanted them too.
[member="Mya Munro"]

Ordo embraced the woman warmly and leaned his head against hers.

"I know you won't Mya." He said his deep voice taking a soft tone.

He turned around as she dressed out of respect for her privacy and when she was done he bent down and helped with her shoes.

"I have some training tools on the ship to help with your motor skills." He said as he laced and tied the shoes as he would for a small child, "Don't get frustrated you've only been out of the tank a short time. Give yourself a chance."

He scooped her up in another hug before setting her down and offering his arm to walk her toward the ship. He had come in his YT-2000 since only a few ever remembered the black ship.

"You're just how you should be at this stage."
Taking his arm, Mya walked with unsteady steps with her buir. Her head leaning on his arm as she ran quietly through the memories of Mia Monroe. She was confident in her understanding, that Mia had loved Ordo like a brother, was closer to him then she was anyone else. But there was more love in those memories, love of her people, of their way of life. Love of the battle. There was something to be admired in her stubbornness, and commitment to her duty.

She banked the memories and picked up those of the man who was leading her, focusing on the most recent ones, those of Mia's fight with Mierin. "Buir," she said softly as they reached the landing ramp of his ship. "If you loved her, why did you let Mierin kill her?"

[member="Mya Munro"]

Ordo miss stepped a moment, his heart rising slowly to fill his throat as he thought of what may have been his greatest failure. Tears slowly filled his eyes and with now where left to go they streamed from his grey green eyes. She was his sister, he loved her, fought for her, beside her, and had wanted nothing more than to see her happy. He bit his lip as he thought of how she looked in the light of the fire when she told him her secret.

"We all have our reasons." he had said.

That his eyes were rivers so he could fill the galaxy with his tears! How he wanted her to see the truth! How he had done it for her, for his family that some day they wouldn't have to live life in a bitter galaxy full of hate and pain. How he wanted her to feel as he did, how he wanted her to know it was because he loved them all so deeply that he had decided to act. How could he explain? How could he describe to someone who had only just begun to live how deep his pain went over that one small failure to move fast enough. All his power, all his strength and knowledge and it had been as if he was a prisoner in his own body. He was simply locked in place as she tried to come for him. His mind had screamed and his mouth had hung open silently.

"I....I don't know." he said finally unable to find the words to share his pain. Tears continued to pour and his breathing became harder to control as he put his arm around Mya and began to bite his lip to hold back the sobbing he desired more than life to let out. "If I could....I would take her place" he sniffed his voice rising in pitch as he thought of the few times he had seen her smile, "There was a time...she was all I had and I simply failed."

He covered his mouth with his hand and walked toward the ship in silence for as long as he could.

"I'm sorry, Mya." He said finally to her, "That is a question I ask myself everyday."
Mya could only watch as her words cut through him, panic flared. She hadn't meant to hurt him, she'd only meant to understand. Her hands reached up to his face trying to wipe away his tears. "No, Buir, don't cry!" she said her own face reflecting his emotions. So much sadness and so soon! "I am sorry, I won't ask about her again."

She hugged him, refusing to let go until she was certain he'd stopped. He'd given her life, given her purpose, she would not see him hurt. She replayed the moment in her mind, focusing on Mierin. It was her fault that he was hurting, but equally, had Mia not died, she would not be here. It was a matter she couldn't linger on. If she was to be all the [member="Ordo"] wanted her to be, she had to let him deal with his own demons.

Drawing away from the hug, she smiled up at him. "I am here, buir. Do not be sad."

[member="Mya Munro"]

Ordo hugged Mya back as the poor child wiped tears from his face and held him. Her small arms nearly un able to get all the way around him.

"No, it's not your fault." he said, "You can ask anything you like, I was just caught off guard. I should have been ready for just how wonderful your mind would be."

Ordo put an arm around her and began to walk again.

"You are here," he said giving her a smile as his tears dried for her sake, "and I couldn't be happier to have you."

He opened the boarding ramp and helped her into the ship. He stopped on the way to the galley to show her the quarters he had prepared before taking her to the makeshift lounge in which the galley rested. He sat her on the booth style seat and went to begin making her some real food. He had shatual roast he just needed to heat it back up. When It was done he brought her some shiig and roast with veggies. A proper meal for a future heir to his legacy.

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