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Whats an Proposal between friends? (Republic/Imperial Remnant)

Viera sighed after the sudden end of talks with the former supreme commander she hoped things went better this time. She sighed, she hated being somewhere that made her feel vulnerable. So here she waited in some blasted waiting room with the building full of the media and everyone else trying to figure out why the Imperial Remnant. Viera awaited the wondrous representative of the Republic hoping this time they actually talked.
A few moments later an aide to the Chancellor appeared. She bowed respectfully. "Lady Kisep? The Chancellor will see you now."

Inside the large meeting room in one of the spires of the rebuilt Senate Hall waited the Chancellor. Since this Imperial had come to her she had consented to a face-to-face meeting, though it wasn't her usual strategy. Still, the visitor wasn't armed, and she had a pair of guards in the room who were.

Aurelia looked at Viera for a moment, then back to her table. She stood and offered a nod and gestured to a chair.
"Welcome to Coruscant. I hope you will forgive the lack of formalities, but the job of bringing democracy and law to the galaxy is a ceaseless one," she commented. It was a slight dig at the Imperial who was by nature a dictator. "So, to what do I owe the pleasure?" she asked.
Viera wasn't about to exchange insults with her, " Yes, I understand, it is busy to be in a position of leadership. I have come here to discuss opening up trade relations between our two factions. We wish to remain neutral in your war, though previously your Supreme Commander, Dax I want to say wanted to have an alliance, while I am not sure about that I do know that we wish to open trade with the Republic, as we can both help each other. " She smiled and hoped that she was reasonable. Viera had taken the seat and hoped that this went well.
Viera didn't often meet a group like this but she felt that it was a good step to take since the change in leadership.
Aurelia liked to think she was a fair woman, whether this was truthful or not was another matter, and she liked to think that she was one of the few sane people currently in charge of the galaxy. Now though she was faced by this 'Imperial', and Aurelia felt like the entire galaxy had gone mad except for her.
She did not sit, instead she slowly paced back and forth. "While I am sure you are welcome here, Ms Kisep, I have to wonder why. Discussions about trade relations hardly necessitate a journey across half the galaxy to here, do they? Furthermore, your reference to a war is confusing as we are not at war with anyone currently. If you refer to the Sith, then yes, it is possible that one day we will be forced to defend ourselves against their aggression, but that is a long time in the future, I hope. Peace and stability are things to be treasured, not something to be sought out and broken on a whim. However, your desire to remain neutral is noted. I suppose that is all that can be expected. I would however remind you as the 'Imperial Remnant' claim control of the entire galaxy. For us in the Republic this is not something we object to, but the Sith are much less forgiving when it comes to such perceived slights. One day they may be at your doorstep and you then remember that you elected to remain neutral when you could have united against them. So be it."
Viera wondered why this woman was so hostile towards her, she had not slighted the republic to her knowledge. " If you claim your not at war, then I apologize I didn't know you were in denial. The Sith already make moves against you and your friends. but that aside, but we do not claim to control the entire Galaxy, we claim to protect those who wish our protection. Unless the time comes for it, we would not use force upon a neutral world to make it ours. and we have relations with the sith already in the making, They are even offering an alliance, so don't threaten me with the idea. We both care for our people, but I am trying to extend my hand to the existing factions, and The republic is a powerful one. I rather be friends with you than enemies, Now the choice comes do you wish to have friendly terms with the Imperial Remnant? I wish to have friendly terms with the Republic, I tire of the fighting and death in the Galaxy, I look at reports everyday of fights and if I have to pick a side, I want to know that side is willing to side with us. If your not going to, let me know and I will leave now, and have some low level ambassadors set up trade for me. I wanted set precedent, that I the Supreme Moff, came to meet with you, not a nobody with a low rank but one of the leading members of our faction. We wanted to show we recognize you as a serious player in the Galaxy and not slight you by not sending anyone but a leader of our factin. If you refuse to even be kind than I will see myself out and let the whelplings figure out a trade agreement with you. "
Aurelia raised an eyebrow, appreciating that this woman actually had guts. It seemed a rare trait amongst most politicians. She did find the 'Supreme Moff' title rather amusing, but made no comment about this.
"Good, good. I clearly underestimated your dedication and determination. I too am sick of war and fighting, and friendly relations with the Imperial Remnant would be something I would greatly appreciate. So let me tell you what I propose, Lady Kisep. We establish formal diplomatic and trading ties, but we can also consider something else. I propose a mutual defence treaty, where if either of us are attacked specifically by the Sith, we will come to the other's assistance. It would not apply in cases where either of us were the aggressor or instigator."
She paused, waiting to see the reaction. It was a gambit which could bear fruit, considering her recent meeting with the 'Rebel Alliance' as well.
She was floored for a minute, this sudden change in demeanor. " I can agree with the Formal diplomatic and trading ties but for anything futher I will have to go speak with the emperor While I speak for the Imperial Remnant on the majority of our decisions. , I do not make decisions like these without his opinion . I must say though, I like the thought of a mutual defense treaty, it enables us to help each other in the case of an attack on either of us. I can of course bring back our answer in person or do it over communications at your convenience. Once I get his opinion we will of course get back to you right away. "
Of course Viera would make an agreement like this if she thought she could get away with it, but she thought about the Emperor and she had to tread carefully, while she held the upper hand, The people loved him, there was no denying it, she wouldn't ignore him in fear that they could splinter, and the loss of Bastion would hurt. She knew that she had to keep him happy, so she would consult with him. Of course she would probably just hear him out and then convince him that her way was better. She was good at that, it was why she was who she was. " You keep your Senate happy and I will keep our Emperor happy, and I see good relations between the both of us." But at the end of the day She ruled the Imperial Remnant and not the Emperor. She just had to figure out what faction she wanted to ally with. It was a dangerous game..

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