Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private What's a little larceny among friends

Coruscant the busiest planet in the Core, at least that is what Rekha always thought. If you look out the window or stand outside for just a moment the only thing you're eyes see is the traffic, air speeders in constant motion zipping off to somewhere.

Lately though Rekha's gaze had been drawn more to the back door of her bar, and that was where she stood righ tnow. There it was again a giant red circle with a line drawn diagonally across it. Cartel - Loop still after all this time still trying.

She had lost cargo and supplies to this cartel. Payment for existing Jared often fought them off as they tried to take their booze. Eva, and Ava had taken one too many punches from the go betweens and finally went back to Bespin. "It ain't safe here Rekha you should give it up come with us. Live" Ava had tried her best to get her to go but Rekha had a problem. She had a stubborn streak and she absolutely hated that Loop seemed to be winning.

But how to get them to stop, she had tried several things including blowing them up. That thought made her smile. she had so far left her friend Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers out of it. Rekha's activities in trying to get rid of them was not exactly the kind of place that law enforcement should be. But now what to do.

"Another shipment has gone missing." Jared's deep voice rumbled behind her, "They keep taking more and more."

"They are baiting us or me."

"Whatcha gonna do Capn."

She laughed, "I have some thoughts but...what you don't know won't get you and Zoey hurt"

"k, I'm headed home"

All she could do was nod, she'd have to check what was on the shipment but in truth it didn't matter she was going to go and get it.

Rekha looked down, Jessica was stopping by after work tonight Rekha wanted to have some food and drinks ready for her. Long day did that to folks made them thirsty and hungry.
Jessica soared along the airspeeder lane in the police cruiser, after knocking off another quick shift she had been asked to do when the captain heard the news that she was back in town visiting her folks. She were a Rescue Officer within the Rimward Rescue Service now, but her reputation within the ranks preceded her and thus it was not hard to earn a few extra credits when she had the time. She felt honored the moment the captain had offered her badge and blaster back.

''Rekha! What the hell do you think you're doing?!''
Jessica blurted out in a hushed but demanding voice, before ending up by her friends side and threw an eye at the same cartel symbol that she had been looking at. ''What are you doing here?! I thought we'd agreed to let the department handle this?!'' she added, possibly sounding a bit too accusive. Truth to be told, Jessica cared for the woman she had learned to know some years ago, and she feared for her safety when her stubborness took the better of her like this.

''I stopped by The Luck Lady and Jared told me your were out here... Stars, I have to put a tracking device on you, don't I?'' she said, explaining that she had went by Rekha's establishment, just as they had agreed to, but haven't found her there.

Rekha seemed never had a chance Jared had given in just a bit to easy hadn'ht. the brunette stood with her hands on her hips , her head tilted just a bit to the side as she shrugged her shoulders, "Tracker...hmmm....probably not a good idea Jessica. And right now I'm staring at a symbol I haven't done a thing" In her mind she added yet.

"I thought you were going to wait for me at the Lucky Lady not come galivanting after me?" Two could play this game for certain. She just didn't know how good Jessica was at the game.

Rekha smiled though, "I'm letting folks handle things, I'm just looking, thinking....maybe planning." How was this conversation going to go, she had no idea. But hey she'd find out.

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
''Yeah, I thought so too! Until Jared told me you were you was!'' Jessica repeated, bemused that Rekha at least had the same plan for their meet up, but apparently had abanndoned or postponed it to her liking. ''This district is dangerous. You shouldn't be here alone.'' she continued sincerely and threw a peek around the corner to watch the door and check the surroundings, before turning back to Rekha in a much more composed manner. ''Look. I didn't mean to scold. I just... got worried, you know...''

The Keladan barkeeper was as reckless towards danger as she was a clever business woman, but Jessica didn't exactly want to put a tracker or leash on her.

''You got to explain to me how you let people handle things, and who those people are. Alright? Let's grab a bite at The Luck Lady and talk this through, shall we?'' she said, briefly looking Rekha over to see if she already had been in some trouble, but she seemed okay. Jessica nodded sideways towards the police cruiser for them to jump into.

"Oh my goodness Jessica really I'm well over the age of young kid I think I can handle a few of whatever comes after me. Good or bad." Probably more bad than good and it was a bit questionable about what she could handle and what she couldn't. Rekha smiled at her, "yes I know you worry I appreciate the worry."

Rekha nodded, "I'm tired of feeling like I'm waiting for another shoe to fall" The offer to go back and have their meet up was a good sign, "Ok let's go eat and have a drink, and I'll tell explain it" Course now there was a thing about how much do you explain to an officer it's like meeting with an auditor tell them what they need too much and it becomes a can of worms.

Course now the offer to ride in the cruiser was a bit disarming to her. "I've never been in a cruiser. Do I have to sit in the back?" That's all she would need someone to see her in the back of a cruiser looking like the criminal some of them thought she was.

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
''I'm not calling you a kid, Rekha! I don't want anything to happen a fine and respectable woman as yourself, that's all.'' Jessica insisted as she turned on her heel and took the lead back to the cruiser. ''If you think that's a crime, you might as well arrest me and put me in cuffs...'' she added, with a turn of her head, a bright smile and a wink towards her friend.

Jessie laughed lightly upon the question if Rekha had to sit in the back. ''No, it's a two-seater. And even if it was a transport speeder, I wouldn't want to have you anywhere else than beside me.'' she explained with a slight smile, making a pause leaning upon the roof on the drivers side as she glanced over on the other woman. ''It's good to see you again, Rekha. It really is.''

As Jessica and Rekha entered the speeder, Jessica buckled in and with accustomed moves and commands started it up and set them on their way to The Luck Lady.

Now there was a word that only a few would even consider when talking to Rekha....respectable. Now when Jess was walking away something about cuffs and putting them on her. It was an opportunity to say something and Rekha was having a very hard time controlling that sarcastic voice in her that was fighting to come out.

"You'd probably like it" the cuffs that is Rekha smiled she knew she couldn't help herself it was too big a door not to walk through.

"You might change you mind about all that once we are done talking." She walked following Jessica. Jessica was flirty tonight Rekha wasn't sure how to take it because the last time they were together Rekha had come dangerously close to stepping over the line of bartender to something else. But stopped people in Rekha's world got hurt too often. The last thing she wanted was for anyone to be hurt.

"I think you'll like what I picked out for tonight"

With a slow start they climbed into the airway and headed to the Lucky Lady. It didn't take long to get there either considering traffic. They were moving into the parking spot by Rekha's apartment over the bar. Rekha sat quiet for a minute.

"Jess...I'm really glad to see you too." She was she hated to admit it but was glad to see her.
Jessica liked the brunette barkeepers carefree and sarcastic style. She gave her a well needed and actually pretty fun resistance in life, and she were very glad that they were friends. That was partially why she had just crossed the line of scolding her for being out here all alone. Could Rekha even fight? No fights were won by just being snappy and sarcastic. You needed to have that punch behind it if things went south, which Jessica had learned in the academy and with years of experience in the CPD.

Jess chuckled audibly at the suggestion that she would like to be put in cuffs. She liked to put goons and thieves in cuffs, but she could not exactly answer how she would feel if Rekha suddenly made a move of jokes and put her in cuffs. She could not really see her succeed, if she didn't caught her off guard or something. Jessica didn't answer the woman walking behind her, but threw her a silent knowing smirk in response before they both jumped into the police striped airspeeder.

''What can I say? The Luck Lady is the best place in the precinct... And I'm lucky enough to know the owner. I brought Mathis once, you know my partner, and the rest of the shift he couldn't stop talking about that steak!'' Jessica explained as they headed for the said bar and restaurant.

''Well, I told you I was gonna be back, didn't I?'' she said unbuckling her belt and gazed over at Rekha. She had told her about her new work in the Rimward Trade League, right? At least, that was what Jessica remembered.

''So... Would you lead the way, miss Kaarde? I hope you still got some whiskey in stock...'' she said with a soft smile towards the other woman, remembering their last night together at her establishment.

"Best Bantha steaks this side of the core" Rekha hung back slightly so she and Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers could walk together. She laughed at the comment did she has whiskey.

"Jess I own a bar if I don't have whiskey I better hang it up and find a new line of work." She did that little dance she did when getting ready to spring something new on someone, "So they guy who rebuilt Dex's Diner again...he sent me something said..give it a whirl. Its a Roast Pormork said it's descent I'm thinking we will judge that. He also offered me some porg. What do you think, want to try some porg?"

Cute little creates with big eyes that chirped like birds.......and birds were edible right? So Rekha's thinking she could dress it like chicken. Anyhow they walked into Rekha's apartment tonight rather than going down into the bar. What she had to say when explaining to Jess some things well was probably best no one be listening.

"Tonight though I got some Menkooro whiskey to go with dinner"
''Well, I thought since some of your goods seems to get stolen by simple thieves....'' Jessica said, teasing the brunette about her lost shipments. She liked how glad and energized her friend was, despite her current position as a barkeeper in need.

''Are you treating everyone of your friends like this, Rekha?'' Jessie asked as she detached her utility vest and belt, putting it down in the corner of the sofa with a relieved sigh. All that extra weight of a police officer reminded itself at the end of the shift. Making a short stop at Rekha's was a pure relief. A tasty dinner and good company were hard to beat, really.

Jessica crashed into the sofa, unbuttoned her black leather uniform jacket somewhat and made herself at home. Rekhas appartment was just something she could dream of, with much more space and luxurious details than a simple cop apartment.

''Roast pormork and porg? Well, yeah... I'll take whatever the hostess has to offer. It sounds good!'' she said with a soft and slightly tierd smile, anticipating the evenings dinner which always were delicious coming from Rekha's kitchen.

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Rekha's face squished she tilted her head to Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers , "simple thieves? That's like saying Jabba the hutt was cuddly for Crime Lord" Rekha walked a bit more as Jess continued with her trying to draw Rekha out.

"Do I treat all my friends like this? Hmm let me many come to town in a week, how many." She shook her head, "right now only two people get this treatment. The guy who gets me the deal for the whiskey and you. So tonight we can toast old Edasich Vel, the ugliest Yuzzum out there, but clearly the sneakiest."

Rekha looked back to see Jess stretched out relaxed good. "Well let me poor some of this whiskey and warm the pormork up with some starchy bulbs of something that we can season with salt this meltable yellow oil that I hear is not too bad"

Rekha poured the drinks and headed to the couch, "Here you go, so...want to tell me about your day?" She smiled.
''Jabba the Hutt was a slimey crime lord that got what was coming for him!'' Jessica uttered with a chuckle, thinking back of the stories she had heard about the old and infamous crime lord of Tatooine. Some said he was one of the biggest crime lords in the Outer Rim. A classic but tragic example how justice and democracy could fail so miserably, putting a people already in need in an even worse situation. At least, Coruscant still had men and women willing to fight for what was good. The raging wars and disputes

''Oh, me and one other? Is that so, huh?'' Jessica asked rhetorically and nodded silently with a fake I don't really believe you-face, before turning to Rekha again making herself comfortable beside her. ''I feel honored to be one of the few lucky people that gets such a premium treatment.'' she added, leaning with the elbow on the backrest and her fist supporting her head, smiling softly as Rekha handed her a whiskey.

''Oh, it was good... You know how it is... Checking in, doing your duty getting a bit dirty along the way, and then checking out. Hopefully all in one piece. Even though it's just some extra credits right nowadays. Once a cop, always a cop.'' she explained and took a swig of the amber liquor. As always with Rekha, it tasted like a premium brand. ''I told you about my new work with the Rimward Trade League, right?'' Jess continued and looked casually and relaxed at the hostess. The fantastic woman really knew how to bring her into the comfort bubble.

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"Oh so you clearly have an opinion about Jabba the Hutt. The slimey Crime lord." Course Rekha was contemplating point out that hutts weren't slimey but that kind of literal comment might not go over well at the moment.

"Yep, that's a fact you and the other one..." She nodded and smiled yep...shaking her head ever so slightly, "tough sometimes you know." She settled onto the couch, "I'm glad you decided to be a friend, friends are hard to keep and find around the galaxy anymore" They were..hard ot keep hard to protect and Rekha...well..well she wouldn't think about that right now.

Rimworld Trade League, "Yes you told me a bit, but honestly I haven't had time to check out the RTL. They good folks Jess?" Rekha hoped Jess knew what she meant by good cause there were certainly a number of folks being counted among the brotherhood...some thought they were good. No Rekha wanted to know where they stood, in the light or in the dark.

"But I guess what's more important is do you like it? Cause if you don't like it really is a job and at times a chore." Rekha counted herself lucky she enjoyed everything she did. There was no such thing as work in her vocabulary right now it was all a good time

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
''I got an opinion about all crooks.'' Jessica replied with assertion. Of course she had. With more than a few years in the department, one could not keep yourself from tinged by the profession and the experiences you gathered along the way. It was the same for everybody, although Jessica had no understanding for those who went beyond that. Corrupt cops. Dirty cops. She were glad that she and her former partner Mathis had not fallen into that category, and she were glad that she could say that to and be open with Rekha.

''Of course! You're an easy person to like, Rekha.'' Jess assured with a soft and friendly smile at the friend in front of her. ''Especially when you get treated with premium whiskey and delicious food, like everytime one bumps in to you!'' she added, before a moment of silence between the two would appear.

Jess got something sly yet amusing over her face when Rekha asked about the RTL.

''Well...'' she begun, glancing down into the whiskey before looking up at Rekha again. ''I think very few of them got a spotless past, if that's what you're asking. At first, I kinda felt... out of place sometimes, but we're all depending on each other to get home alive after a mission. Pretty similar to the police work. There's no room for one-man-shows. Nobody wants die, right?'' she explained and took another sip of the strong booze. ''There's all sorts of people there, so it's pretty easy to find out who you work with and who you don't. The leadership is great. Vera, our captain, knows how to run the business.'' Jess added in defence of the organisation and her situation.

''So, this other one... That a boyfriend, or something?'' Jessica asked curiously while swirling the whiskey, anxious to know if Rekha had committed and if so, with whom.

ooo Jessica's comment about criminals was a bit hard on the soul that tone that made Rekha think oh our conversation tonight is going to be...interesting.

"I am easy to like, food, drink...terrible jokes....I own the bar." She laughed everyone wanted to be a friend of the barkeep, but that was for the free food and drinks. She didn't mind sharing with those that worked so hard and their only bit of reprieve was to come in for a drink or two. They all tugged at her soul.

Oh now maybe there was hope as Jessica explained about the RTL, "So some folks with a bit of a shady past or present can have redeeming qualities you're saying, or at least I'm hearing that." Man she hoped that was the point.

Then the conversation changed again..." definitely not. Have you see what a Yuzzum looks like? I'd be better off with the slimely crime lord." Rekha's face contorted as images just came to mind of yuzzum and the crime neither one FETH NO.

"Relationships and me....not always a good mix Jess. Love hurts" Rekha stopped. On this was a bad topic, "What about you, got someone tucked away in the RTL?" Yep she was trying to change the subject.

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers
Jessica could not hold herself from a chuckle and a gentle shake to her head, when Rekha mentioned the most obvious likeable trait she possessed. Her fantastic establishments here on Coruscant. Rekha had more than just her bars. Her whole carefree style and headstrong personality were very appealing, at least to Jessica. She were more than a successful businesswoman. One that needed help right now, and Jessica were to get to the bottom with who ever stole from and made business hard for her friend.

''Well, believe it or not... I'm not here just because of The Luck Lady...'' she reassured, looking upon her friend as if she were just too funny. ''Sure, you get plus points for that, but aah...'' Jess thought how she would put her next sentence. ''You got so much more qualities than that... Even if I think you put yourself in danger all to often.'' she explained and took another sip of the whisky.

''Someone tucked away?!'' Jessica laughed at the question. ''What exactly do you think I do with my partners? I'm not that mean I keep them tucked away when I don't need them!'' she said and smiled widely at her friend. ''Besides, the supply are pretty slim as you might already have guessed... Would have been a sight, huh? A cop dating a former inmate?''

Rekha got up from the couch already she could feel the discomfort creeping into her spine, she smiled though and turned to Jess. Sometimes a little distance is a good thing.

"I appreciate that you don't mind being around me. And yeah it's good to have a place or two where folks want to have fun feel....comfortable." She looked at the floor then. Yeah she needed some help sorta. She had a feeling the kind of help she envisioned was not what Jess envisioned.

Then she got this evil grin, "I don't know Jess what do you do to your partners? Inmates have a view into a world you might not, better contacts for one." Yep criminals knew many did Rekha know...oh yeah...

"I'm sure that pormock and tubers is almost ready." She wandered toward the kitchen, "It took a little bit to get here though. Hard Work. Saving every credit I could. Transporting things across the galaxy." She didn't say smuggling, she said transporting and some of it was legal, and some of it was not. You know breaking a blockade to get medical supplies to an imperial world that everyone had been told not to go to well that' was breaking the law with good intent, right?

She opened the heating unit, "Yep I think this is warm" It had a funky weird. She pulled it out sliding it to the counter. "But this stuff with the Red Circle...I think that's driven by a few other things"

It was...she knew it was. She began portioning the pormock onto a plate with the tubers..."We may regret the pormock" She laughed then, nerves for certain.

Jessica Bowers Jessica Bowers

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