Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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What will they learn from it?

When Master Corvus mentioned the Dagger, Mark couldn't help himself.
"The legendary Mortis Dagger? That hasn't been seen or heard of for centuries! Such a legendary item would be my honor to locate. But, I guess we do need to find the book first."
Master Raaf then motioned for him to follow.
"Of course Master Raaf." he replied.
Then, they began on their way to meet the other jedi she spoke of.
[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus wonder how Shmi was. She'd been left by herself and although Corvus hadn't noticed any disturbance in the Force, you could take nothing for granted in this place.

So Corvus led Mark back along the corridor to the room in question.

Inside was a distressing sight. There, along with Shmi, were Jedi. The looks on their faces suggested that they were in a constant state of terror. Paranoia was writ on their features and they were contstantly muttering, whispering - but no words could be made out.

"I found someone," Corvus said to her fellow Master. "Shmi, this is Mark, Mark this is Shmi."

Then she faced the Jedi in front of them. "But the important question is...who are they?"

[member="Mark Sage"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"]
She turned at the sound of the door opening, she could feel the presence of another; the force wasn't needed however, she just figured it was Corvus. She was surprised to see another with her however, she took a step forward and almost simultaneously she nodded her head at the introduction of her friend Corvus.

"A pleasure Mark."

She smiled to go even further with her introduction, but yet turned back to the situation at hand. She took a couple of steps towards the two other Jedi. "These are fellow lore-keepers from the temple. They were apart of the first task force...I've been sitting here with them but they don't seem to realize who I am or who they are...I've found blood on their hands however, and there still isn't a sign of the second Jedi Knight dispatched. This worries me. Have you found anything?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Mark Sage"]
"Pleased to make your aquantance." Mark replied with a quick nod.
Master Labooda was a lore as Mark remembered. He'd heard her name a few times on Yavin and Ossus. He looked back to Master Raaf before answering for himself.
"I'm not sure if Master Raaf has made any progress, but I've found nothing since my arrival. It's strange. This place seems like it was abandoned yesterday."
He once again looked to Master Raaf to confirm this.

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Shmi Labooda"]
(Sorry for such a long wait. Things got a bit hectic, but I'm ready to start where we left off if you guys are still up for it. Thanks for the patience! ;-)
Corvus looked between all those gathered. "Time will reveal all there is to know. That I'm sure of. For now? We follow our original locate the book. If the lore-keepers are safe from harm, we can leave them here and resume our search. Once complete, we can ensure they are picked up and cared for before we leave ourselves."

"But given we do not know what caused this, or who else might be here, I suggest we avoid brining others to the station for the time being. Does that make sense?"

[member="Mark Sage"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"]
She nodded, seemed to be the more logical choice. It was in their best interest to retrieve what they came for and leave as soon as they could. Whatever they were dealing with, wasn't something they could see, let alone fight; at least thats the conclusion that she came to at the time.

"Alright, lets leave the others here and continue on. The text must be around here somewhere.." she said stepping out towards the hallway now, she placed her index finger on her chin and looked left and right. Perhaps she needed to expand her senses...

[member="Corvus Raaf"] | [member="Mark Sage"]
"What do you think?" Marked asked to no one in particular. "Where should we start?"

Mark thought back to any history holobooks he'd read from this station's time era, anything that could be of any help, but came out with nothing. If he could just get a map of the station...

"Is there any way to get a map of the station? If we could see one, maybe we could have a better idea of where to look?"
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Shmi Labooda"]
Corvus was no technical expert. Her research had produced no maps - and accessing the ship's database was something she would have left to a droid - or someone who knew their way around systems.

"We could look for an access port? Is anyone good at searching systems? They could be archaic."

She glanced at her companions. "Or we simply search room by room."

[member="Mark Sage"] | [member="Shmi Labooda"]
She turned towards Corvus as she made her suggestion, it was an answer to Marks. While she wasn't very tech savvy herself, she wasn't the one to initially step forward and offer her assistance, rather she stood there hoping another would speak up. But if they were to find a terminal onboard she was sure they would all be able to assist.

"Well, we may have past up an access port when we boarded. However, I wouldn't advertise myself as someone who would be able to work her way around such an ancient system." she said, placing her index finger on the tip of her chin.

She knew she could use her psychometric abilities to tap into the Force, but there was no guarantee what she saw would bring any knowledge, but it was a try.

"Mark, you think you'll be able to search and pull up a map if we found a port?" she spoke out, "Though, I could try and tap into the residual energy left over to possibly get an idea of where we need to go?"

Though, that route would consume energy in itself and part of there time.

[member="Mark Sage"] | [member="Corvus Raaf"]
Mark thought for a moment. He wasn't the worst with old computers, but maybe not the best. Then, he got it.
"Of course!" He exclaimed, giving himself a bop on the head. "I am an idiot! I can go boot up M9!"
R2-M9 was Mark's personally built astro droid, who was currently sitting in the droid slot of his starfighter in the hanger.
"I shut him down on the way here so that he didn't get any interference in that maze of black holes outside. He should be fine now that we're in the station, and he's one of the best hackers I know. I built him to know nearly every system out there, even the old ones. If you two can find a port, I can boot him up and bring him to it. He should at least be able to pull up a map of the station, if not do better."
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Shmi Labooda"]
Corvus listened and nodded. Between them they'd solve the puzzle. She turned to face Mark.

"OK. You go and get your droid. Shmi, see what you can detect with the Force. I'll keep guard and make sure we don't get any unexpected visitors."

[member="Shmi Labooda"] | [member="Mark Sage"]
"Will do Master."
A curt nod and he quickly walked from the room. As he headed back down the hall toward the hangar, he looked around for any ports M9 could access on the way back, but found none, which was odd for what he remembered of stations like this one. Ports were usually all over the place. A minute or two later and he was back in the hangar. He spotted R2 sticking out of the top of Actis Class fighter which sat dormant near the center of the spacious room.
Mark hopped on top of the starfighter and booted M9 back up. A quiet chirp and then a joyful whistle sounded from the little green and grey droid as it powered on and popped out of its slot. Mark gave M9 an affectionate pat on the head and got a happy little whistle in return.
"Ok R2. I've got a job for you. I need you to come with me to a port and find a map of this space station. It looks like a few other people got here before we did, but their on our side, so it's all right. Just follow me and we'll get you to a port as soon as we find one."
A confident series of chirps came in reply.
"Good. Then let's head out."
[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Shmi Labooda"]
She nodded, and walked further down the hall in the opposite direction [member="Mark Sage"] went. Slowly walking a few feet away where darkness and light touched she came to a stop. Normally she would pick up an object, but this place had been vacant for years, not much remained. She kneeled down towards the ground. She slowly ran her hand across the cool surface of the flooring.

She took a slow deep breath and pressed her hand up against the surface, spreading her fingers out. She reached out with her mind, scrying for any bit of residual energy left behind from years ago. Her head tilted, and her body jumped as if she gotten the chills. She had found what was left in this area. Her eyes opened and they were a palish, icy blue color; post-cognition.

From her point of view she saw the station in a state of life than from what she had just become use to. Her visions appeared blurry, but thats because its wasn't her actual vision, it was her minds eye passing through time and looking at an exact moment in time.

She saw a vivid glimpse of Praxeum students from centuries ago, under the care of two Jedi Knights, she saw the narrow passage ways which were evenly lit. However amongst those she could feel through the Force she felt one slowly withdrawing from it; there was a tugging feeling. She reached out to analyze it, a young Ben Skywalker? A boy pushing and resisting the life destined for him by separating himself from others and the Force. His room a safe haven...

"His room..." she said, as she stood up. "The living quarters, that manual is likely there, or at least the next clue is."

[member="Corvus Raaf"]
Corvus did what she was good at. She was known as the Shield for a reason. She stood guard and made sure nothing untoward happened whilst they waited.

So she sensed the area and focused on the other two as they moved about the ship - making sure that if anything happened, she'd be the first to know.

But thankfully nothing did - so she was pleased when Shmi finally gave an indication of where they should head to. Abandoned or not, there was value in moving in these matters.

"OK, lead on," she offered, expecting Mark to join them any moment now.

[member="Shmi Labooda"] | [member="Mark Sage"]
He met the two Masters headed down the hallway in his direction. R2 had kept up reasonably well for Mark's faster walking pace, and rolled smoothly around the corner behind him.
"Master Raaf, Master Labooda," He nodded, "this is R2-M9. He should be able to help us figure out where we're going."
With that, M9 gave a happy little whistle to the two jedi in front of him.
"So, have we figured out any possible locations or terminals?"

[member="Corvus Raaf"] [member="Shmi Labooda"]

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